Man pages for eriqande/fullsniplings
Full sibling reconstruction from SNP data

alle_freqscounts alleles from a geno_counts matrix
ave_err_commission_and_ommissioncomputes the average number of non-sibs in inferred sibships
C_full_sibling_pair_gfreqscompute the genotype probs of a pair of full siblings with...
count_genoscounts up genotypes from a snp_indicators array
find_high_logl_sib_pairsfor each individual, find the other individuals with a...
full_sibling_pair_gfreqsreturns genotype probabilities of a pair of full siblings
full_sib_mcmc_initializeinitilize all the variables to do a full sibling analysis...
fullsniplingsFull-sibling inference from biallelic markers (like SNPs)
geno_post_ccompute the posterior of Inds genotype given the genotype...
geno_posteriorgiven some genotype likelihoods and a prior, compute the...
geno_qty_arrayS3 class for arrays holding probabilities and likelihoods of...
genos_to_indicatorsTake an L x N matrix of SNP genos and return a 3 x L x N...
get_indiv_geno_likgiven genotyping error and observed genotypes, return an...
get_snp_genostakes a data frame of SNP alleles and converts them to a...
gfreqs_from_afreqscreates a vector of genotypes likelihoods from the allele...
gibbs_update_one_indiv_in_placedoes a gibbs update of the full sibling group of individual...
gqa_naturalreturn a geno_qty_array in its natural representation with...
greedy_partitionUses the estimated posteriors for each sibgroup to come up...
hashable_sibshipsReturns a vector of strings naming the current sibships
high_logl_pairsreturn the high-sib-pair-logl indivs for each indiv
initialize_sib_list_to_singletonsinitialize the list of full siblings to a bunch of singletons
kid_prongs_times_ind_likelihoodsComputes the posterior predictive likelihoods that an...
lik_array_from_simple_geno_errmakes L 3x3 tables of genotype likelihoods
make_IFS_from_FSLcreate the "individuals full sibships" vector from the...
make_KidProngs_from_FSL_and_PMMFScreate a KidProngs matrix (matrix of posterior predictives...
make_LMMFS_from_FSL_and_LMMIcreate the "Likelihood Matrix of Marriages given Full...
make_PMMFS_from_FSL_and_LMMFScreate a "Posterior Matrix of Marriages given Full Siblings"...
multi_kid_marriage_likelihoodscompute the marriage node likelihoods given offspring...
NamizeSibsadds the names of the members of the sibset if available
ordered_fslOrders the Full Sibling List (FSL) by size and orders the...
per_kid_marriage_likelihoodsCompute the likelihood of the genotypes of a marriage given...
possible_sibgroupsreturn a vector of indices of sibships that include at least...
prep_all_variablesa function to prep all the variables up through the marriage...
print.geno_qty_arraya method for printing objects inheriting from class...
pseudo_priorcompute the pseudo-prior for individual and individual pulled...
run_mcmcRun the MCMC for full sibling inference
sib_result_plotplot posterior bars and compare to correct or incorrect
simulate_sib_pair_loglssimulate pairs of full sibs and pairs of unrelateds and...
SlurpSibshipsSlurps a colony inferred sibship file into a list
sort_visited_sibgroupssorts the visited sibgroups on the basis of posterior and...
table_sibsizesthis function tables the sibship sizes
trans_probsreturns a matrix of the 27 transmission probs between a pair...
unrelated_pair_gfreqscreates a matrix of genotype probabilities for two unrelated...
update_marriage_likelihoods_in_placeUpdate one row of a marriage likelihood matrix IN PLACE!
update_marriage_node_kid_prongs_in_placeupdate marriage node kid prongs IN PLACE
update_marriage_posteriors_in_placeCalculate/update one row of a marriage Posterior matrix IN...
eriqande/fullsniplings documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:45 a.m.