
## Blender data import and processing script
# Eric Ruud, MEI Research Ltd. eruud@meinergy.com

# mark script for NAMESPACE inclusion
blenderprocessfile <- function(data, params) {

  # Extract File
  b64_decoded_raw <- rawToChar(base64enc::base64decode(params$files$blenderfile))
  # df <- read.csv(textConnection(b64_decoded_raw))
  filename <- read.csv(textConnection(b64_decoded_raw), check.names=FALSE, nrows = 1, skip = 0, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Extract datasets
import <- data$BlenderData

## Define Functions
derivative <- function(x, data_interval, derivative_window = 8,
                       average_points = 1) {
  ## Calculate the number of data points needed to cover the desired
  ## interval time
  seconds_in_minute <- 60
  resolution <- data_interval / seconds_in_minute
  data_points <- derivative_window / resolution

  ## Create vector to sum the future points
  f <- rep(0, data_points + 1)
  ## what if average_points is large?
  f[1:average_points] <- 1
  f[(length(f) - average_points + 1) : length(f)] <- -1

  ## Filter the selected Header row using the filter vector
  ## determined above
  dVector <- stats::filter(x, f) / derivative_window
  dVector[is.na(dVector)] <- 0

# Change the date/time to POSIX format
# Assume format and time column name (CalRQ files)
import$Time <- as.POSIXct(import$Time, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
# "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"

# Remove data with BIOSFlow as a NaN since we can't use it
import <- import[complete.cases(import$BIOSFlow),]

# Calc a data interval for the derivative
data_interval <- median(diff(as.numeric(import$Time)))

# We'll try to figure out where the data intervals are now
# Take the derivative, assume values above the average of the
# derivative mean the value has switched.
biosderiv <- abs(derivative(import$BIOSFlow, data_interval, derivative_window = 2))

# Now loop over derivative output to find where the flowrate changes
counter <- 0
breaks <- 0
for (i in 1:length(biosderiv))
  # Check if deriv is above mean
  if (biosderiv[i] > mean(biosderiv))
    # if it is, add to the counter vector
    counter <- counter + 1
    # if it's not above the average, check to see if it was previously, for at least 2 points.
    if (counter > 1)
      # if so, note this breakpoint and zero the counter vector to find the next break
      breaks <- append(breaks,i-2)
      counter <- 0
# Add final value to breaks
breaks <- append(breaks,length(biosderiv))

# In case we have a negative value in breaks
breaks <- breaks[breaks>=0]

# Loop over the data with the breaks we found.
# Initalize variables
processed = as.data.frame(matrix(ncol=12, nrow=length(breaks) - 1))
names(processed) = c("BIOSF1","BIOSF2","BIOSF3","BIOSF4", "MFC1", "MFC2", "MFC3", "MFC4", "MFC1Error","MFC2Error","MFC3Error","MFC4Error")

exportdata = as.data.frame(matrix(ncol=6))
names(exportdata) = c("BIOSF","MFC1", "MFC2", "MFC3", "MFC4", "Index")

for (i in 1:(length(breaks) - 1))
  # One subset of data
  # 4 MFCs may be installed. Find out which was used for this set
  for (j in 1:4)
    # loop over all 4 mfcs, if they != null
    if (!(is.null(eval(parse(text = paste("import$MFCFlow_",j,sep = ""))))))
      # Vector exists
      # Check to see if there was flow for this break
      # We will see if the values in this section are less than 2% of full scale

      limit <- max(eval(parse(text = paste("import$MFCFlow_",j,sep = ""))))*.02
      bioslimit <- max(import$BIOSFlow)*.02

      section <- eval(parse(text = paste("import$MFCFlow_",j,"[",breaks[i],":",breaks[i+1],"]",sep = "")))
      biossection <- eval(parse(text = paste("import$BIOSFlow[",breaks[i],":",breaks[i+1],"]",sep = "")))

      # Check if this break is above that limit for this MFC
      # We don't want to analyze the MFC if it's not used for this part
      # Ignore if mode is under 2% of fullscale
      if (median(section) > limit)
        # this MFC was used for this section
        # (not used)
        # MFCName <- paste("import$MFCFlow_",j,sep = "",collapse = "")

        # Filter to values within 2% of fullscale of median
        upperlimit <- median(section) + limit
        lowerlimit <- upperlimit - 2*limit
        biosupperlimit <- median(biossection) + bioslimit
        bioslowerlimit <- biosupperlimit - 2*bioslimit

        selection <- (section < upperlimit & section > lowerlimit & biossection < biosupperlimit & biossection > bioslowerlimit)

        # attempt to detect biosmodifier
        # depending on the instrument biosf might be 1000x mfc read value
        # compare error and choose what has less error
        if (abs(mean((section-biossection)/biossection)) < abs(mean((section*1000-biossection)/biossection)))
          biosmodifier <- 1
        } else {
          biosmodifier <- 1000

        # correct bios read and assign selected vars
        biossection <- biossection[selection]/biosmodifier
        section <- section[selection]

        ## calculate some values
        # mean of MFC data
        processed[i,4+j] <- mean(section)

        # error vs. BIOS
        processed[i,8+j] <- abs(mean((section-biossection)/biossection))

        # mean of BIOSF data that passed our filter
        processed[i,j] <- mean(biossection)

        offset <- breaks[i]
        # Build out an array of the data used in calculations
        if (length(section)>0)
        exportdata[1:length(section)+offset,1] <- biossection
        exportdata[1:length(section)+offset,j+1] <- section
        exportdata[1:length(section)+offset,6] <- which(selection == TRUE) + offset

# Build a CSV for export
# export <- data.frame(tempavg = numeric(1), pressavg = numeric(1), mfc1error = numeric(1), )

# Check to see which MFCs have data then export them
export_file <- "export.tsv"

# save avg temp and pressure data once
tempavg <- mean(import$BIOSTemp, na.rm = TRUE)
pressavg <- mean(import$BIOSBP, na.rm = TRUE)
cat(c("Cal Temp (C)\tCal Pressure (mmHg)\tCal Date\tFilename\n",tempavg,"\t",pressavg,"\t",strftime(import$Time[1],"%D"),"\t","\n"), file=export_file, append=FALSE)
# basename(blender_file),

# in case other files were used
# if (length(blender_files>1))
# {
#   for (i in 2:length(blender_files))
   cat(c("\t\t\t",basename(filename[1,2]),"\n"), file=export_file, append=TRUE)
# } else
# {
#   cat(c("\n"), file=export_file, append=TRUE)
# }

# Write our data to a CSV/TSV file
for (i in 1:4)
  # Is there at least one element that is not NA?
  navalues <- !(is.na(processed[4+i]))
  # If so, process this MFC
  if (any(navalues))
    # find which values are not NA
    bios <- subset(processed[i],navalues)
    mfcflow <- subset(processed[4+i],navalues)
    error <- subset(processed[8+i],navalues)

    # set rownames to null so ordering references row nums
    rownames(bios) <- NULL
    rownames(mfcflow) <- NULL
    rownames(error) <- NULL

    # sort based on MFCFlow
    ordering <- unlist(sort(mfcflow[,1], index.return = TRUE)[2])
    bios <- bios[ordering,1]
    mfcflow <- mfcflow[ordering,1]
    error <- error[ordering,1]

    # build a character vector for CalRQ
    # 6 decmal places, format is MFC1,BIOS1,MFC2,BIOS2, etc
    for (j in 1:length(mfcflow))
      if (j==1)
        calstring <- c(sprintf(fmt = "%.6f",mfcflow[j]),sprintf(fmt = "%.6f",bios[j]))
      } else
        calstring <- append(calstring,c(sprintf(fmt = "%.6f",mfcflow[j]),sprintf(fmt = "%.6f",bios[j])))


    # Write out the averages we just calc'd with a header
    write.table(list(bios,mfcflow,error),file = export_file, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, sep = "\t", col.names = c("BIOSF",paste("MFCFlow",i,sep=""),"Error"))

    # Write out avg error and the cal string we calc'd
    cat(c("\tAvg Error (%):\t",mean(error),"\tCal String:\t",paste(calstring,collapse=","),"\t\n\n"), file=export_file, append=TRUE)

    ## For CalRQ calibration, we use a 10-point curve
    # Try to make a 10-point curve if we have more than 10 points
    if (length(mfcflow) > 10)
      targets <- seq(from=min(mfcflow), to=max(mfcflow), length.out = 10)

      # initalize vectors
      calindex <- vector(,10)
      for (k in 1:length(targets))
        calindex[k] <- which.min(abs(mfcflow-targets[k]))
      # Store the data
      calbios <- bios[calindex]
      calmfc <- mfcflow[calindex]
      calerror <- error[calindex]

      # Note that this is a subset of data
      cat(c("10-Point Calibration Subset\n"), file=export_file, append=TRUE)

      # Write out the averages we just calc'd with a header
      write.table(list(calbios,calmfc,calerror),file = export_file, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, sep = "\t", col.names = c("BIOSF",paste("MFCFlow",i,sep=""),"Error"))

      # build a character vector for CalRQ
      # 6 decmal places, format is MFC1,BIOS1,MFC2,BIOS2, etc
      for (j in 1:10)
        if (j==1)
          calstring <- c(sprintf(fmt = "%.6f",calmfc[j]),sprintf(fmt = "%.6f",calbios[j]))
        } else
          calstring <- append(calstring,c(sprintf(fmt = "%.6f",calmfc[j]),sprintf(fmt = "%.6f",calbios[j])))


      # Write out avg error and the cal string we calc'd
      cat(c("\tAvg Error (%):\t",mean(calerror),"\tCal String:\t",paste(calstring,collapse=","),"\t\n\n"), file=export_file, append=TRUE)

# Append raw data to TSV
cat(c("Data Used\n"), file=export_file, append=TRUE)
write.table(exportdata[!is.na(exportdata$BIOSF),],file = export_file, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE, sep = "\t", col.names = c("BIOSF","MFC1", "MFC2", "MFC3", "MFC4", "Index"))

# Add metadata to summary dataframes
processed$pt <- unique(import$pt)[1]
processed$id <- "placeholder"
  # system(paste0("uuid", " -v4", " -n", nrow(processed)), intern = TRUE)
processed$timestamp <- import$timestamp[1]

exportdata$pt <- unique(import$pt)[1]
exportdata$id <- "placeholder 2"
  # system(paste0("uuid", " -v4", " -n", nrow(exportdata)), intern = TRUE)
exportdata$timestamp <- import$timestamp[1]
  # format(human$start_time, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")

# Return data to PiLR
base64_rep <- base64enc::base64encode(export_file)
files <- list(blender = jsonlite::unbox(base64_rep))
dataset <- list(processed = processed, export = exportdata)
list(datasets = dataset, files = files)
eruud/eric.pilr.r documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:49 a.m.