
Defines functions decode_shimadzu_gcd read_shimadzu_gcd

Documented in read_shimadzu_gcd

#' Shimadzu GCD parser
#' Read chromatogram data streams from 'Shimadzu' GCD files.
#' A parser to read chromatogram data streams from 'Shimadzu' \code{.gcd} files.
#' GCD files are encoded as 'Microsoft' OLE documents. The parser relies on the
#' [olefile](https://pypi.org/project/olefile/) package in Python to unpack the
#' files. The PDA data is encoded in a stream called \code{PDA 3D Raw Data:3D Raw Data}.
#' The GCD data stream contains a segment for each retention time, beginning
#' with a 24-byte header.
#' The 24 byte header consists of the following fields:
#' * 4 bytes: segment label (\code{17234}).
#' * 4 bytes: Little-endian integer specifying the sampling interval in milliseconds.
#' * 4 bytes: Little-endian integer specifying the number of values in the file.
#' * 4 bytes: Little-endian integer specifying the total number of bytes in the file
#' (However, this seems to be off by a few bytes?).
#' * 8 bytes of \code{00}s
#' After the header, the data are simply encoded as 64-bit (little-endian)
#' floating-point numbers. The retention times can be (approximately?) derived
#' from the number of values and the sampling interval encoded in the header.
#' @param path Path to GCD file.
#' @param what What stream to get: current options are chromatograms
#' (\code{chroms}) and/or peak lists (\code{peak_table}). If a stream
#' is not specified, the function will default to \code{chroms}.
#' @param format_out Class of output. Either \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame},
#' or \code{data.table}.
#' @param data_format Either \code{wide} (default) or \code{long}.
#' @param read_metadata Logical. Whether to attach metadata.
#' @param metadata_format Format to output metadata. Either \code{chromconverter}
#' or \code{raw}.
#' @param collapse Logical. Whether to collapse lists that only contain a single
#' element.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @return A 2D chromatogram from the chromatogram stream in \code{matrix} or
#' \code{data.frame} format, according to the value of \code{format_out}.
#' The chromatograms will be returned in \code{wide} or \code{long} format
#' according to the value of \code{data_format}.
#' @note This parser is experimental and may still need some work. It is not
#' yet able to interpret much metadata from the files.
#' @export

read_shimadzu_gcd <- function(path, what = "chroms",
                              format_out = c("matrix", "data.frame",
                              data_format = c("wide", "long"),
                              read_metadata = TRUE,
                              metadata_format = c("chromconverter","raw"),
                              collapse = TRUE){
  format_out <- match.arg(format_out, c("matrix", "data.frame", "data.table"))
  data_format <- match.arg(data_format, c("wide", "long"))
  metadata_format <- match.arg(metadata_format, c("chromconverter", "raw"))
  metadata_format <- switch(metadata_format, "chromconverter" = "shimadzu_lcd",
  olefile_installed <- reticulate::py_module_available("olefile")
  if (!olefile_installed){
    configure_python_environment(parser = "olefile")

  if (read_metadata){
    meta <- read_sz_file_properties(path)
  if (any(what == "chroms")){
    existing_streams <- check_streams(path, what = "chroms")

    chroms <- lapply(existing_streams, function(stream){

      idx <- as.numeric(gsub("\\D", "", stream[2]))
      DI <- read_sz_2DDI(path, idx = idx)

      x <- decode_shimadzu_gcd(path, stream = stream)
      x <- format_2d_chromatogram(rt = x$rt, int = x$int,
                                  data_format = data_format,
                                  format_out = format_out)
      if (read_metadata){
        x <- attach_metadata(x, c(meta,DI), format_in = metadata_format,
                             source_file = path, data_format = data_format,
                             format_out = format_out)
    # infer times from "PDA.1.Method" stream:
    # method_metadata <- read_sz_method(path,
    #                                   stream = c("GUMM_Information",
                                          # "ShimadzuGC.1","GUC.1.METHOD"))
    if (length(chroms) == 1){
      chroms <- chroms[[1]]
  if (any(what == "peak_table")){
    peak_table <- read_sz_tables(path, format_out = format_out)
    if (read_metadata){
      peak_table <- attach_metadata(peak_table, meta, format_in = metadata_format,
                           source_file = path, data_format = data_format,
                           format_out = "data.frame")
  dat <- mget(what, ifnotfound = NA)
  null <- sapply(dat, is.null)
  if (any(null)) dat <- dat[-which(sapply(dat, is.null))]
  if (collapse) dat <- collapse_list(dat)

#' Decode 'Shimadzu' GCD data stream
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @noRd
decode_shimadzu_gcd <- function(path, stream){
  path_stream <- export_stream(path, stream = stream)

  f <- file(path_stream, "rb")

  block_start <- seek(f, NA, "current")

  readBin(f, what = "integer", n = 1, size = 4) #skip
  interval <- readBin(f, what = "integer",size = 4,endian = "little")
  nval <- readBin(f, what = "integer", size = 4, endian = "little")

  readBin(f, what = "double", size = 4, n = 3, endian = "little") #skip

  signal <- readBin(f, what = "double", n = nval, endian = "little")

  times <- seq(interval, nval*interval, interval)/60000
  data.frame(rt = times, int = signal)
ethanbass/chromConverter documentation built on Jan. 14, 2025, 2:11 a.m.