#' Shimadzu LCD parser
#' Read 3D PDA or 2D chromatogram streams from 'Shimadzu' LCD files.
#' A parser to read data from 'Shimadzu' \code{.lcd} files. LCD files are
#' encoded as 'Microsoft' OLE documents. The parser relies on the
#' [olefile](https://pypi.org/project/olefile/) package in Python to unpack the
#' files. The PDA data is encoded in a stream called \code{PDA 3D Raw Data:3D Raw Data}.
#' The PDA data stream contains a segment for each retention time, beginning
#' with a 24-byte header.
#' The 24 byte header consists of the following fields:
#' * 4 bytes: segment label (\code{17234}).
#' * 4 bytes: Little-endian integer specifying the sampling rate along the time
#' axis for 2D streams or along the spectral axis (?) for PDA streams.
#' * 4 bytes: Little-endian integer specifying the number of values in the file
#' (for 2D data) or the number of wavelength values in each segment (for 3D data).
#' * 4 bytes: Little-endian integer specifying the total number of bytes in the segment.
#' * 8 bytes of \code{00}.
#' For 3D data, Each time point is divided into two sub-segments, which begin and
#' end with an integer specifying the length of the sub-segment in bytes. 2D data
#' are structured similarly but with more segments. All known values
#' in this the LCD data streams are little-endian and the data are delta-encoded.
#' The first hexadecimal digit of each value is a sign digit specifying the
#' number of bytes in the delta and whether the value is positive
#' or negative. The sign digit represents the number of hexadecimal digits used
#' to encode each value. Even numbered sign digits correspond to positive deltas,
#' whereas odd numbers indicate negative deltas. Positive values are encoded as
#' little-endian integers, while negative values are encoded as two's
#' complements. The value at each position is derived by subtracting the delta
#' at each position from the previous value.
#' @param path Path to LCD file.
#' @param what What stream to get: current options are \code{pda}, chromatograms
#' (\code{chroms}), \code{tic}, or peak lists (\code{peak_table}). If a stream
#' is not specified, the function will default to \code{pda} if the PDA stream
#' is present.
#' @param format_out Matrix or data.frame.
#' @param data_format Either \code{wide} (default) or \code{long}.
#' @param read_metadata Logical. Whether to attach metadata.
#' @param metadata_format Format to output metadata. Either \code{chromconverter}
#' or \code{raw}.
#' @param scale Whether to scale the data by the value factor. Defaults to
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @param collapse Logical. Whether to collapse lists that only contain a single
#' element.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @return A chromatogram or list of chromatograms in the format specified by
#' \code{data_format} and \code{format_out}. If \code{data_format} is \code{wide},
#' the chromatogram(s) will be returned with retention times as rows and a
#' single column for the intensity. If \code{long} format is requested, two
#' columns will be returned: one for the retention time and one for the intensity.
#' The \code{format_out} argument determines whether chromatograms are returned
#' as a \code{matrix}, \code{data.frame}, or \code{data.table}. Metadata can be
#' attached to the chromatogram as \code{\link{attributes}} if
#' \code{read_metadata} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @note My parsing of the date-time format seems to be a little off, since
#' the acquisition times diverge slightly from the ASCII file.
#' @export
read_shimadzu_lcd <- function(path, what, format_out = c("matrix", "data.frame",
data_format = c("wide", "long"),
read_metadata = TRUE,
metadata_format = c("chromconverter", "raw"),
scale = TRUE, collapse = TRUE){
format_out <- check_format_out(format_out)
data_format <- match.arg(data_format, c("wide", "long"))
metadata_format <- match.arg(tolower(metadata_format),
c("chromconverter", "raw"))
metadata_format <- switch(metadata_format,
chromconverter = "shimadzu_lcd", raw = "raw")
if (missing(what)){
what <- ifelse(check_streams(path, "pda", boolean = TRUE),
"pda", "chroms")
if (any(what == "chromatogram")){
warning("The `chromatogram` argument to `what` is deprecated. Please use `chroms` instead.")
what[which(what == "chromatogram")] <- "chroms"
what <- match.arg(tolower(what), c("pda", "chroms", "tic", "peak_table"),
several.ok = TRUE)
olefile_installed <- reticulate::py_module_available("olefile")
if (!olefile_installed){
configure_python_environment(parser = "olefile")
if (any(what == "chroms")){
chroms <- read_sz_lcd_2d(path, format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format,
scale = scale)
if (any(what == "pda")){
pda <- read_sz_lcd_3d(path, format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format,
scale = scale)
if (any(what == "tic")){
tic <- read_sz_tic(path, format_out = format_out,
data_format = data_format,
read_metadata = read_metadata,
metadata_format = metadata_format)
if (any(what == "peak_table")){
peak_table <- read_sz_tables(path, format_out = format_out)
dat <- mget(what, ifnotfound = NA)
null <- sapply(dat, is.null)
if (any(null)) dat <- dat[-which(sapply(dat, is.null))]
if (collapse) dat <- collapse_list(dat)
#' Shimadzu LCD 3D parser
#' Read 3D PDA data stream from 'Shimadzu' LCD files.
#' A parser to read PDA data from 'Shimadzu' \code{.lcd} files. LCD files are
#' encoded as 'Microsoft' OLE documents. The parser relies on the
#' [olefile](https://pypi.org/project/olefile/) package in Python to unpack the
#' files. The PDA data is encoded in a stream called \code{PDA 3D Raw Data:3D Raw Data}.
#' The PDA data stream contains a segment for each retention time, beginning
#' with a 24-byte header.
#' The 24 byte header consists of the following fields:
#' * 4 bytes: segment label (\code{17234}).
#' * 4 bytes: Little-endian integer specifying the wavelength bandwidth (?).
#' * 4 bytes: Little-endian integer specifying the number of wavelength values
#' in the segment.
#' * 4 bytes: Little-endian integer specifying the total number of bytes in the segment.
#' * 8 bytes of \code{00}s
#' Each segment is divided into two sub-segments, which begin and end with an
#' integer specifying the length of the sub-segment in bytes. All known values
#' in this data stream are little-endian and the data are delta-encoded. The
#' first hexadecimal digit of each value is a sign digit
#' specifying the number of bytes in the delta and whether the value is positive
#' or negative. The sign digit represents the number of hexadecimal digits used
#' to encode each value. Even numbered sign digits correspond to positive deltas,
#' whereas odd numbers indicate negative deltas. Positive values are encoded as
#' little-endian integers, while negative values are encoded as two's
#' complements. The value at each position is derived by subtracting the delta
#' at each position from the previous value.
#' @param path Path to LCD file.
#' @param format_out Matrix or data.frame.
#' @param data_format Either \code{wide} (default) or \code{long}.
#' @param read_metadata Logical. Whether to attach metadata.
#' @param metadata_format Format to output metadata. Either \code{chromconverter}
#' or \code{raw}.
#' @param scale Whether to scale the data by the value factor.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @return A 3D chromatogram from the PDA stream in \code{matrix} or
#' \code{data.frame} format, according to the value of \code{format_out}.
#' The chromatograms will be returned in \code{wide} or \code{long} format
#' according to the value of \code{data_format}.
#' @export
read_sz_lcd_3d <- function(path, format_out = "matrix",
data_format = "wide",
read_metadata = TRUE,
metadata_format = "shimadzu_lcd",
scale = TRUE){
check_streams(path, what = "pda")
# read wavelengths from "Wavelength Table" stream
lambdas <- read_sz_wavelengths(path)
n_lambdas <- length(lambdas)
# read data from "3D Raw Data" stream
dat <- read_sz_pda(path, n_lambdas = n_lambdas)
colnames(dat) <- lambdas
data_item_exists <- check_stream(path, c('PDA 3D Raw Data', '3D Data Item'))
if (data_item_exists){
DI <- read_sz_3DDI(path)
times <- seq(DI$DLT, DI$AT, by = DI$Rate)
if (length(times) != nrow(dat)){
times <- seq(DI$DLT, DI$AT, length.out = nrow(dat))
warning("Length of the inferred time axis does not match the number of rows
in the data.")
if (inherits(times, "numeric")){
rownames(dat) <- times
} else{
DI <- data.frame(DETN=NA, DSCN=NA, ADN=NA, detector.unit=NA)
if (data_format == "long"){
dat <- reshape_chrom(dat, data_format = "wide")
dat <- convert_chrom_format(dat, format_out = format_out)
if (read_metadata){
meta <- read_sz_file_properties(path)
meta <- c(meta, DI)
dat <- attach_metadata(dat, meta, format_in = metadata_format,
source_file = path, data_format = data_format,
format_out = format_out,
source_file_format = "shimadzu_lcd")
#' Shimadzu LCD 2D parser
#' Read 2D PDA data stream from 'Shimadzu' LCD files.
#' A parser to read chromatogram data streams from 'Shimadzu' \code{.lcd} files.
#' LCD files are encoded as 'Microsoft' OLE documents. The parser relies on the
#' [olefile](https://pypi.org/project/olefile/) package in Python to unpack the
#' files. The chromatogram data is encoded in streams titled
#' \code{LSS Raw Data:Chromatogram Ch<#>}. The chromatogram data streams begin
#' with a 24-byte header.
#' The 24 byte header consists of the following fields:
#' * 4 bytes: segment label (\code{17234}).
#' * 4 bytes: Little-endian integer specifying the sampling rate (in milliseconds).
#' * 4 bytes: Little-endian integer specifying the number of values
#' in the file.
#' * 4 bytes: Little-endian integer specifying the total number of bytes
#' in the file.
#' * 8 bytes of \code{00}s
#' Each segment is divided into multiple sub-segments, which begin and end with an
#' integer specifying the length of the sub-segment in bytes. All known values
#' in this data stream are little-endian and the data are delta-encoded. The
#' first hexadecimal digit of each value is a sign digit
#' specifying the number of bytes in the delta and whether the value is positive
#' or negative. The sign digit represents the number of hexadecimal digits used
#' to encode each value. Even numbered sign digits correspond to positive deltas,
#' whereas odd numbers indicate negative deltas. Positive values are encoded as
#' little-endian integers, while negative values are encoded as two's
#' complements. The value at each position is derived by subtracting the delta
#' at each position from the previous value.
#' @param path Path to LCD file.
#' @param format_out Matrix or data.frame.
#' @param data_format Either \code{wide} (default) or \code{long}.
#' @param read_metadata Logical. Whether to attach metadata.
#' @param metadata_format Format to output metadata. Either \code{chromconverter}
#' or \code{raw}.
#' @param scale Whether to scale the data by the value factor.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @return One or more 2D chromatograms from the chromatogram streams in
#' \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame} format, according to the value of
#' \code{format_out}. If multiple chromatograms are found, they will be returned
#' as a list of matrices or data.frames. The chromatograms will be returned in
#' \code{wide} or \code{long} format according to the value of \code{data_format}.
#' @export
read_sz_lcd_2d <- function(path, format_out = "data.frame",
data_format = "wide",
read_metadata = TRUE,
metadata_format = "shimadzu_lcd",
scale = TRUE){
if (data_format == "long" && format_out == "matrix"){
format_out <- "data.frame"
existing_streams <- check_streams(path, what = "chroms")
if (length(existing_streams) == 0){
stop("Chromatogram streams not detected.")
if (read_metadata){
meta <- read_sz_file_properties(path)
dat <- lapply(existing_streams, function(stream){
dat <- read_sz_chrom(path, stream = stream)
idx <- ifelse(stream[2] == "Max Plot", "PDA",
as.numeric(gsub("\\D", "", stream[2])))
data_item_exists <- check_stream(path,c('LSS Data Processing', '2D Data Item'))
if (data_item_exists){
DI <- read_sz_2DDI(path, idx = idx)
times <- seq(DI$DLT, DI$AT, length.out = nrow(dat))
rownames(dat) <- times
if (scale){
dat <- dat*DI$detector.vf
} else{
DI <- data.frame(DETN = sapply(existing_streams,"[",2),
DSCN = NA, ADN = NA, detector.unit = NA)
times <- rownames(dat)
if (data_format == "long"){
dat <- data.frame(rt = times, intensity = dat$int, detector = DI$DETN,
channel = DI$DSCN, lambda = DI$ADN,
unit = DI$detector.unit)
dat <- convert_chrom_format(dat, format_out = format_out)
if (read_metadata){
dat <- attach_metadata(dat, c(meta, DI), format_in = metadata_format,
source_file = path, data_format = data_format,
format_out = format_out, scale = scale,
source_file_format = "shimadzu_lcd")
if (!is.null(attr(dat[[1]],"detector")) |
!is.null(attr(dat[[1]], "wavelength"))){
names(dat) <- sapply(dat, function(x){
det <- gsub("Detector ", "", attr(x, "detector"))
wv <- attr(x, "wavelength")
ifelse(wv == "", det, paste(det, wv, sep = ", "))
} else{
names(dat) <- sapply(existing_streams, "[", 2)
if (data_format == "long"){
dat <- do.call(rbind, c(dat, make.row.names = FALSE))
if (length(dat) == 1){
dat <- dat[[1]]
#' A parser to read total ion chromatogram data streams from 'Shimadzu'
#' \code{.lcd} files. LCD files are encoded as 'Microsoft' OLE documents. The
#' parser relies on the [olefile](https://pypi.org/project/olefile/) package in
#' Python to unpack the files. The TIC data is encoded in a stream called
#' \code{Centroid SumTIC}.
#' The TIC data stream contains a segment for each retention time, beginning
#' with a 8-byte header. After the header, the file consists of a series of
#' 4-byte little-endian integers in blocks of 3 (16-bytes per block), followed by
#' a 4-byte spacer (\code{00000000}) The first integer is the retention time
#' (scaled by 1000), the second integer is the scan number, and the third integer
#' is the intensity.
#' @param path Path to LCD file.
#' @param format_out Matrix or data.frame.
#' @param data_format Either \code{wide} (default) or \code{long}.
#' @param read_metadata Logical. Whether to attach metadata.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @return A 2D chromatogram from the SumTIC stream in \code{matrix} or
#' \code{data.frame} format, according to the value of \code{format_out}.
#' The chromatograms will be returned in \code{wide} or \code{long} format
#' according to the value of \code{data_format}.
#' @note This parser is experimental and may still need some work. It is not
#' yet able to interpret much metadata from the files.
#' @noRd
read_sz_tic <- function(path, format_out = "data.frame",
data_format = c("wide", "long"), read_metadata = TRUE,
metadata_format = "shimadzu_lcd"){
path_tic <- check_streams(path, what = "tic")
if (length(path_tic) == 0){
f <- file(path_tic, "rb")
dat <- decode_sz_tic(f)
if (data_format == "wide"){
row.names(dat) <- dat[, "rt"]
dat <- dat[, "intensity", drop = FALSE]
dat <- convert_chrom_format(dat, format_out = format_out)
#' Decode 'Shimadzu' total ion chromatogram
#' @noRd
decode_sz_tic <- function(f){
seek(f, where = 0, origin = "end")
bytes <- seek(f, where = 0, origin = "end")
nval <- (bytes-8)/16
seek(f, 0, "start")
seek(f, 0, "start")
mat <- matrix(nrow = nval, ncol = 3)
count <- 1
readBin(f, what = "integer", size = 4, n = 2) # skip 2
while(count < nval){
mat[count,] <- readBin(f, what = "integer", size = 4, n = 3)
readBin(f, what = "integer", size = 4, n = 1) # skip 1
count <- count + 1
mat[,1] <- mat[,1]/1000
colnames(mat) <- c("rt", "index", "intensity")
#' Read Shimadzu chromatogram
#' @noRd
read_sz_chrom <- function(path, stream){
path_raw <- export_stream(path, stream = stream)
f <- file(path_raw, "rb")
dat <- data.frame(intensity = decode_sz_block(f))
seek(f, 4)
seek(f, 4)
interval <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 4, endian = "little")
times <- seq(from = 0, by = interval, length.out = nrow(dat))/60000
rownames(dat) <- times
#' Read 'Shimadzu' "Method" stream
#' This function is called internally by \code{read_shimadzu_lcd}.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @noRd
read_sz_method <- function(path, stream = c("GUMM_Information", "ShimadzuPDA.1",
method_path <- export_stream(path, stream = stream,
remove_null_bytes = TRUE)
if (is.na(method_path)){
warning("Method stream could not be found -- unable to infer retention times.")
} else{
method_stream <- xml2::read_xml(method_path)
sz_extract_upd_elements <- function(method_stream, xpath,
data_format = c("list", "data.frame")){
data_format <- match.arg(data_format, c("list", "data.frame"))
upd_elements <- xml2::xml_find_all(method_stream, xpath)
vals <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(xml2::xml_text(
xml2::xml_find_first(upd_elements, ".//Val"))))
data <- as.list(vals)
names(data) <- xml2::xml_attr(upd_elements, "ID")
if (data_format == "data.frame"){
data <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, data))
colnames(data) <- "Val"
sz_extract_upd_elements(method_stream, xpath = "/GUD/UP/UPD")
#' Infer times from 'Shimadzu' Method stream
#' This function is called internally by \code{read_shimadzu_lcd}.
#' @note This function is no longer needed because the times can be inferred
#' (more reliably?) from the 2D Data Item.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @noRd
get_sz_times <- function(sz_method, what = c("pda", "chromatogram"), nval){
what <- match.arg(what, c("pda", "chromatogram"))
fields <- switch(what, "pda" = c("StTm", "EdTm"),
"chromatogram" = c("ACQ$StartTm#1", "ACQ$EndTm#1"))
start_time <- try(get_metadata_field(sz_method, fields[1])/60000, silent = TRUE)
end_time <- try(get_metadata_field(sz_method, fields[2])/60000, silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(start_time, "numeric") & inherits(end_time, "numeric")){
seq(from = start_time, to = end_time, length.out = nval)
} else NA
#' Get number of rows and interval from 'PDA 3D Raw Data/Max Plot'
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @noRd
get_shimadzu_axis <- function(path){
maxplot_path <- export_stream(path, stream = c("PDA 3D Raw Data", "Max Plot"))
if (is.na(maxplot_path)){
warning("Unable to infer number of rows in stream.")
} else {
f <- file(maxplot_path, "rb")
interval <- readBin(f, what = "integer", n = 1, size = 4, endian = "little")
nrows <- readBin(f, what = "integer", n = 1, size = 4, endian = "little")
list(interval=interval, nrows=nrows)
# get_shimadzu_rows <- function(path){
# metadata_path <- export_stream(path, stream = c("PDA 3D Raw Data", "3D Data Item"))
# if (is.na(metadata_path)){
# maxplot_path <- export_stream(path, stream = c("PDA 3D Raw Data", "Max Plot"))
# if (is.na(maxplot_path)){
# warning("Unable to infer number of rows in stream.")
# return(NA)
# } else {
# f <- file(maxplot_path, "rb")
# on.exit(close(f))
# seek(f,4)
# interval <- readBin(f, what = "integer", n = 1, size = 4, endian = "little")
# n_rows <- readBin(f, what = "integer", n = 1, size = 4, endian = "little")
# list(interval=interval, nrows=nrows)
# }
# } else {
# meta <- xml2::read_xml(metadata_path)
# cn_node <- xml2::xml_find_first(meta, "//CN")
# as.numeric(xml2::xml_text(cn_node))
# }
# }
#' Read 'Shimadzu' LCD 3D Raw Data
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @noRd
read_sz_pda <- function(path, n_lambdas = NULL){
path_raw <- export_stream(path, stream = c("PDA 3D Raw Data", "3D Raw Data"),
verbose = TRUE)
f <- file(path_raw, "rb")
seek(f, 0, 'end')
fsize <- seek(f, NA, "current")
# Read data
seek(f, 0, "start")
seek(f, 0, "start")
axis <- get_shimadzu_axis(path)
nrows <- ifelse(is.na(axis$nrows), fsize/(n_lambdas * 1.5), axis$nrows)
mat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrows, ncol = n_lambdas)
i <- 1
while (seek(f, NA, "current") < fsize) {
mat[i,] <- decode_sz_block(f)
i <- i + 1
if (any(is.na(mat[,1]))){
mat <- mat[-which(is.na(mat[,1])),]
times <- seq(from = 0, by = axis$interval, length.out = nrow(mat))/60000
rownames(mat) <- times
#' Extract wavelengths from Shimadzu LCD
#' This function is called internally by \code{read_shimadzu_lcd}.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @noRd
read_sz_wavelengths <- function(path){
path_wavtab <- export_stream(path, stream = c("PDA 3D Raw Data",
"Wavelength Table"))
f <- file(path_wavtab, "rb")
n_lambda <- readBin(f, what = "integer", size = 4)
count <- 1
lambdas <- sapply(seq_len(n_lambda), function(i){
readBin(f, what = "integer", size = 4)/100
#' Read 'Shimadzu' LCD data block
#' This function is called internally by \code{read_shimadzu_lcd}.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @noRd
decode_sz_block <- function(f) {
block_start <- seek(f, NA, "current")
readBin(f, what = "integer", n = 6, size = 1) #skip
readBin(f, what = "integer", n = 1, size = 2)
n_lambda <- readBin(f, what = "integer", n = 1,
size = 2, endian = "little")
readBin(f, what = "integer", n = 1, size = 2)
block_length <- readBin(f, what = "integer", n = 1, size = 2)
readBin(f, what = "integer", n = 5, size = 2)
signal <- numeric(n_lambda)
count <- 1
buffer <- list(0,0,0,0)
while (count < length(signal)){
n_bytes <- readBin(f, "integer", n = 1, size = 2)
start <- seek(f, NA, "current")
if (length(n_bytes) == 0) break
while(seek(f, NA, "current") < start + n_bytes){
buffer[[3]] <- readBin(f, "raw", n = 1, size = 1)
hex1 <- as.numeric(substr(buffer[[3]], start = 1, stop = 1))
if (buffer[[3]] == "82"){
} else if (buffer[[3]] == "00"){
buffer[[2]] <- 0
} else if (hex1 == 0){
buffer[[2]] <- as.integer(buffer[[3]])
} else if (hex1 == 1){
buffer[[2]] <- decode_sz_val(buffer[[3]])
} else if (hex1 > 1){
buffer[[4]] <- readBin(f, "raw", n = (hex1 %/% 2), size = 1)
buffer[[2]] <- decode_sz_val(c(buffer[[3]], buffer[[4]]))
buffer[[1]] <- buffer[[1]] + buffer[[2]]
signal[count] <- buffer[[1]]
count <- count + 1
end <- readBin(f, "integer", n = 1, size = 2)
n_bytes == end
buffer[[1]] <- 0
#' Return twos complement from binary string
#' This function is called internally by \code{read_shimadzu_lcd}.
#' @noRd
twos_complement <- function(bin, exp){
if (missing(exp)){
exp <- nchar(bin)
strtoi(bin, 2) - 2^exp
#' Convert integer to binary
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @note This function is borrowed from the threadr package
#' \url{https://github.com/skgrange/threadr/} where it's licensed under GPL3.
#' @noRd
as_binary <- function(x, n = 32) {
# Check type
if (!is.integer(x)) stop("Input must be an integer.", call. = FALSE)
# Do
x <- sapply(x, function(x) integer_to_binary(x, n))
# Return
#' Convert integer to binary
#' @author Stuart K. Grange
#' @note This function is borrowed from the threadr package
#' \url{https://github.com/skgrange/threadr/} where it's licensed under GPL3.
#' @noRd
integer_to_binary <- function(x, n) {
# Convert to a vector of integers
x <- intToBits(x)
# Drop leading zeros
x <- as.integer(x)
# Filter to a certain number of bits
x <- x[1:n]
# Reverse order of vector
x <- rev(x)
# Collapse vector into string
x <- stringr::str_c(x, collapse = "")
# Return
#' Convert hexadecimal string to raw format
#' @param x A hexadecimal string
#' @noRd
char_to_raw <- function(x){
hex <- strsplit(x, "")[[1]]
hex <- paste(hex[c(TRUE, FALSE)], hex[c(FALSE, TRUE)], sep = "")
as.raw(strtoi(hex, 16L))
#' Read float from 'Shimadzu' metadata
#' @noRd
sz_float <- function(x, size = 8, endian = "little"){
readBin(char_to_raw(x), "double", n = 1, size = size, endian = endian)
#' Decode 'Shimadzu' metadata 'FtoX' floats
#' @noRd
sz_decode_fto <- Vectorize(
x <- gsub("@FtoX@", "", x)
if (x == "1"){
} else{
return(sz_float(x, size = 4, endian = "big"))
#' Decode 'Shimadzu' metadata 'StoX' strings
#' @noRd
sz_decode_sto <- Vectorize(
x <- gsub("@StoX@", "", x)
tryCatch({raw_bytes <- as.raw(strtoi(substring(x, seq(1, nchar(x), 2),
seq(2, nchar(x), 2)), 16L))
}, error = function(err) NA)
#' Read 'Shimadzu' LCD file properties
#' @noRd
read_sz_file_properties <- function(path){
path_prop <- export_stream(path, "File Property")
header <- readBin(path_prop, "raw", n = 9)
if (readBin(header[5:9],"character") == "<?xml"){
meta <- read_sz_file_properties_xml(path_prop)
} else{
meta <- read_sz_file_properties_raw(path_prop)
#' Read Shimadzu File Properties RAW
#' @noRd
read_sz_file_properties_raw <- function(path){
f <- file(path, "rb")
offsets <- c(SampleInfo.operator_name = 20,
DataFileProperty.szVersion = 150,
SampleInfo.smpl_vial = 196,
SampleInfo.smpl_type = 210,
SampleInfo.smpl_name = 242,
SampleInfo.smpl_id = 306,
SampleInfoFile.methodfile = 908,
SampleInfoFile.batchfile = 1677)
meta <- as.list(sapply(offsets, function(pos){
seek(f, pos)
readBin(f, "character")
seek(f, 548)
acquired1 <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 4, endian = "little")
acquired2 <- readBin(f, "integer", size = 4, endian = "little")
meta$time_acq <- sztime_to_unixtime(acquired1, acquired2)
#' Read Shimadzu File Properties XML
#' @noRd
read_sz_file_properties_xml <- function(path){
raw_xml <- readLines(path, skipNul = TRUE, warn = FALSE)
raw_xml <- sub("^\037\004|^o\004", "", raw_xml)
xml_headers <- grep("xml version", raw_xml)
# Combine lines and parse
props <- lapply(seq_along(xml_headers[-1]), function(i){
xml_content <- paste(raw_xml[xml_headers[[i]]:(xml_headers[[i+1]] - 1)],
collapse = "\n")
xml_doc <- xml2::read_xml(xml_content)
names(props) <- sapply(props, xml2::xml_name)
meta <- suppressWarnings(unlist(lapply(props, sz_decode_props),
recursive = FALSE))
meta$time_gen <- sztime_to_unixtime(meta$FileProperty.dwLowGeneratedDateTime,
tz = meta$FileProperty.szLocGMTDiffGenDateTime)
meta$time_mod <- sztime_to_unixtime(meta$FileProperty.dwLowModifiedDateTime,
meta$time_acq <- sztime_to_unixtime(meta$SampleInfo.dwLowDateTime,
tz = meta$FileProperty.szLocGMTDiffGenDateTime)
#' Decode 'Shimadzu' file properties
#' @noRd
sz_decode_props <- function(x){
nodes <- xml2::xml_children(x)
meta <- xml2::xml_text(nodes)
names(meta) <- xml2::xml_name(nodes)
fto.idx <- grep("@FtoX@", meta)
meta[fto.idx] <- sz_decode_fto(meta[fto.idx])
sto.idx <- grep("@StoX@", meta)
meta[sto.idx] <- sz_decode_sto(meta[sto.idx])
#' Read 'Shimadzu' 3D Data Item
#' @noRd
read_sz_3DDI <- function(path){
path_meta <- export_stream(path, c('PDA 3D Raw Data', '3D Data Item'))
doc <- xml2::read_xml(path_meta)
nodes <- xml2::xml_children(doc)
rm <- which(xml2::xml_name(nodes) %in% c("ELE", "GUD", "DataItem", "SPR"))
meta <- as.list(xml2::xml_text(nodes[-rm]))
names(meta) <- xml2::xml_name(nodes[-rm])
meta[c("WVB", "WVE", "WLS")] <-
lapply(meta[c("WVB", "WVE", "WLS")], function(x){
meta <- c(meta, read_sz_2DDI(xml2::xml_find_all(doc,
read_file = FALSE))
#' Read 'Shimadzu' 2D Data Item
#' @noRd
read_sz_2DDI <- function(path, read_file = TRUE, idx = 1){
path_meta <- export_stream(path, c('LSS Data Processing', '2D Data Item'))
doc <- xml2::read_xml(path_meta)
} else{
doc <- path
if (idx == "PDA"){
det <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(doc, "//DN"))
idx <- which(det == "PDA")
nodes <- xml2::xml_child(doc, search = idx) |> xml2::xml_children()
ddi_idx <- which(xml2::xml_name(nodes) == "DDI")
meta <- xml2::xml_text(nodes[-ddi_idx])
names(meta) <- xml2::xml_name(nodes[-ddi_idx])
meta[c("CF", "GF", "AT", "DLT")] <-
lapply(meta[c("CF", "GF", "AT", "DLT")], function(x) sz_float(x))
meta <- c(meta, extract_axis_metadata(nodes))
meta$time.vf <- ifelse(is.na(meta$time.vf), 60000, meta$time.vf)
meta$detector.vf <- 1/meta$detector.vf
meta[c("AT", "DLT", "Rate")] <-
lapply(meta[c("AT", "DLT", "Rate")], function(x) as.numeric(x)/meta$time.vf)
#' Extract axis metadata
#' @noRd
extract_axis_metadata <- function(x){
idx <- c(0, 1)
ax <- lapply(idx, function(i){
ax <- xml2::xml_find_all(x, paste0(".//Axis[@ID='", i, "']"))
dus <- as.numeric(xml2::xml_attr(ax, "DUS"))
if (dus != 0){
xml2::xml_find_all(ax, "US")[[dus]]
} else NA
names(ax) <- c("detector", "time")
unlist(lapply(ax, function(x){
if (inherits(x, "xml_node")){
list(vf = xml2::xml_find_all(x, "VF") |> xml2::xml_text() |> sz_float(),
unit = xml2::xml_find_all(x, "Unit") |> xml2::xml_text()
} else list(vf = NA, unit = NA)
}), recursive = FALSE)
#' Decode 'Shimadzu' values
#' @noRd
decode_sz_val <- function(hex) {
# Convert raw vector to integer
total_bits <- 8*length(hex)
x <- 0
for (i in seq_along(hex)) {
x <- bitwOr(bitwShiftL(x, n = 8), as.integer(hex[i]))
# Calculate the number of value bits
value_bits <- total_bits - 4
# Extract the sign (leftmost 4 bits)
sign <- bitwAnd(bitwShiftR(x, n = value_bits), b = 0xF)
# Extract the value part
value_mask <- bitwShiftL(1, value_bits) - 1
value <- bitwAnd(x, b = value_mask)
if (sign %% 2 == 1) {
return(-(bitwShiftL(1, value_bits) - value))
} else {
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