#' Reshapes list of chromatograms from wide to long format
#' @name reshape_chroms
#' @param x A list of chromatographic matrices in wide format.
#' @param idx Indices of chromatograms to convert
#' @param sample_var String with name of new column containing sample IDs.
#' @param lambdas Wavelength(s) to include.
#' @param data_format Whether to return data in \code{wide} or \code{long} format.
#' @param combine Whether to combine chromatograms into a single \code{data.frame}
#' (applicable only if \code{data_format} is TRUE).
#' @param ... Additional arguments to \code{reshape_chrom}.
#' @return A list of chromatographic matrices in long format.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @noRd
reshape_chroms <- function(x, idx, sample_var = "sample", lambdas = NULL,
data_format, combine = TRUE, ...){
if (missing(data_format)){
data_format <- switch(attr(x[[1]], "data_format"),
long = "wide", wide = "long")
if (missing(idx)){
idx <- seq_along(x)
dat <- lapply(idx, function(i){
xx <- reshape_chrom(x[[i]], lambdas = lambdas, data_format = data_format,
if (data_format == "long"){
xx[, sample_var] <- names(x)[[i]]
if (combine & data_format == "long"){
dat <- do.call(rbind,dat)
} else {
names(dat) <- names(x)
#' @noRd
reshape_chrom <- function(x, data_format, ...){
fn <- switch(data_format,
long = reshape_chrom_long,
wide = reshape_chrom_wide)
fn(x, ...)
#' Reshapes a single chromatogram from wide to long format
#' @name reshape_chrom
#' @importFrom stats reshape
#' @param x A chromatographic matrix in wide format.
#' @param lambdas Wavelength(s) to include.
#' @param names_to Argument to \code{\link[tidyr]{pivot_longer}}
#' @return A chromatographic matrix in long format.
#' @author Ethan Bass
#' @noRd
reshape_chrom_long <- function(x, lambdas = NULL, format_out = NULL,
names_to = "lambda"){
if (!is.null(attr(x, "data_format")) && attr(x, "data_format") == "long"){
warning("The data already appear to be in long format!", immediate. = TRUE)
if (is.null(format_out)){
format_out <- class(x)[1]
format_out <- check_format_out(format_out)
xx <- as.data.frame(x)
if (ncol(x) == 1){
data <- data.frame(rt = as.numeric(rownames(xx)), intensity = xx[,1],
row.names = NULL)
} else {
if (!is.null(lambdas)){
xx <- xx[, lambdas, drop = FALSE]
data <- data.frame(tidyr::pivot_longer(data.frame(rt = rownames(xx), xx,
check.names = FALSE),
cols = -c("rt"), names_to = names_to,
values_to = "intensity"))
data <- apply(data, 2, as.numeric)
if (format_out == "matrix"){
data <- as.matrix(data)
data <- transfer_metadata(data, x)
attr(data, "data_format") <- "long"
#' Reshapes a single chromatogram from long to wide format
#' @noRd
reshape_chrom_wide <- function(x, lambdas = NULL, lambda_var = "lambda",
time_var = "rt", value_var = "intensity", drop = NULL){
if (!is.null(attr(x, "data_format")) && attr(x, "data_format") == "wide"){
warning("The data already appear to be in wide format!", immediate. = TRUE)
if (is.null(drop)){
drop <- colnames(x)[which(sapply(x, is.character))]
if (!is.null(lambdas)){
x <- x[which(x[[lambda_var]] %in% lambdas),]
x <- as.data.frame(x)
data <- data.frame(tidyr::pivot_wider(x, id_cols = !!time_var,
names_from = !!lambda_var,
values_from = !!value_var),
row.names = time_var)
colnames(data) <- gsub("X", "", colnames(data))
data <- transfer_metadata(data, x)
attr(data, "data_format") <- "wide"
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