
Originally designed to map Genomic and RNA reads onto MaxDiversity (MD) regions found on contigs generated by the pAss pipeline. mapBlat will now be officially integrated into the omics, MetamapsDB ecosystem.

parser scripts


generate node and rel CSVs

links to

Contig Taxonomic annotation

| Step | Description | Output | | 1 | Diamond blastx contigs against NR-protein | DAA file | | 2 |

$ ./tools/blast2lca -i <DAA file> -f DAA -o <output file> -g2t /export2/home/uesu/simulation_fr_the_beginning/data/classifier/gi2taxid.refseq


For an example for the pipeline use see example.R in the R/ folder.

[Still under construction]

Required Files:

etheleon/mapBlat documentation built on May 16, 2019, 9:04 a.m.