
Defines functions eigstrat

Documented in eigstrat

#' Perform Eigenstrat marker PCA
#' @param geno A matrix of SNP data encoded in minor-allele dosage format:
#'   2 = homozygous for minor allele
#'   1 = heterozygous
#'   0 = homozygous for major allele
#'   NA = missing data
#' @param snps Either "rows" to indicate that SNPs are in rows and individuals 
#'   are in columns, or "cols" to indicate the SNPs are in columns and
#'   individuals are in rows
#' @param nvecs Either "all" to return all eigenvectors, or an integer to return
#'   the first n eigenvectors
#' @return A list with components
#'   \item{eigvecs}{Data frame containing the eigenvectors of the input
#'   genotypic matrix. The number of output eigenvectors is specified by the
#'   nvecs argument}
#'   \item{eigvals}{Vector of eigenvalues of the input genotypic matrix}
#' @details This function performs principle component analysis on a matrix of
#'   SNP data in the method of EIGENSTRAT (Price et al, 2006; doi:10.1038/ng1847).
#'   Note that while the user can select the number of eigenvectors to return,
#'   the function always returns all the eigenvalues.
#'   The rate limiting step in this function is the calculation of a covariance
#'   matrix. This can be sped up by using the covar() function from the 'coop'
#'   package. The function will check if coop is installed, and use it if so,
#'   otherwise falling back on the base cov() function. Note that the performance
#'   of the coop package is dependent upon the BLAS library used on the system.
#'   On Linux systems, (in this example Ubuntu-flavored), OpenBlas can be installed
#'   and selected for use in a terminal:
#'   \code{sudo apt install libopenblas-dev}
#'   \code{sudo update-alternatives --config libblas.so.3}
#'   On Windows and Mac, Microsoft R Open may be used, as it includes
#'   the IntelMKL library.
#'   For large datasets, it is probably a good idea to use a higher-performance
#'   method for performing PCA, such as the SNPRelate package, or else use
#'   Eigensoft, GCTA, PLINK, etc.
#' @importFrom stats cov
#' @export
eigstrat <- function(geno, snps = "rows", nvecs = 25) {
  ## Check matrix orientation
  if (! snps %in% c("rows", "cols")) {
    stop("Please specify whether SNPs are in 'rows' or 'cols'")
  if (snps == "rows") { geno <- t(geno)}
  ## Center SNPs
  geno <- scale(geno, scale = FALSE)
  ## Normalize SNPs
  p_est <- as.vector(1 + colSums(geno, na.rm = TRUE))/(2 + 2*nrow(geno))
  geno <- geno / sqrt(p_est * (1 - p_est))
  ## Set NAs to 0; Perform Eigen decomposition on covariance matrix
  geno[is.na(geno)] <- 0
  pfind <- find.package("coop", quiet = TRUE)
  if (length(pfind) > 0) {
      eig <- eigen(coop::tcovar(geno))
  } else {
      eig <- eigen(cov(t(geno)))
  ## If nvecs is set to "all", give it a numeric val. equal to the number of
  ## eigenvectors
  if (nvecs == "all") {
    nvecs <- ncol(eig$vectors)
  ## Set nvecs to number of eigenvectors if necessary
  if (nvecs > ncol(eig$vectors)) {
    nvecs = ncol(eig$vectors)
    warning(paste("nvecs has been reduced to the number of eigenvectors:", nvecs))
  ## Create eigenvector data frame
  eigvecs <- as.data.frame(eig$vectors[, 1:nvecs])
  colnames(eigvecs) <- paste0("PC", c(1:ncol(eigvecs)))
  rownames(eigvecs) <- rownames(geno)

  return(list("eigvecs" = eigvecs, "eigvals" = eig$values))  
etnite/bwardr documentation built on Jan. 6, 2023, 7:12 a.m.