
#' Extract GPS and attitude information for each image position.
#' @param time_diff The difference in time between camera and GPS
#' @param img_path The location image to be tagged
#' @param log_file The full path of the associated dataflash log
#' @param proj_name A name for this project (appended to output .csv)
#' @param csv_out Output folder for .csv file
#' @param leap_secs Number leapseconds in GPS time since the epoch. default
#' is 18
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @author James P. Duffy
#' @export

extract_attitude <-
  # arguments
  function(time_diff=0, img_path, log_file, proj_name, csv_out,
           leap_secs= seq(10:50)) {

    #function to prompt user for location of exiftool
    where_tool <- function() {
      x <- readline("What is the path of your exiftool install? (end with a '/')")

    #if it's Windows, ask for the location of the tool
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {

      exif_loc <- paste0(where_tool(),"exiftool.exe")

      #else for linux and mac, the tool is in the path and can be blank
    } else {

      exif_loc <- "exiftool"

    #leapsecs to default at 18 (as of December 2016)
    if(missing(leap_secs)){leap_secs = 18}

    ##Part 1: Obtain exif times##

    exif_times <- as.data.frame(system(paste0(exif_loc, " -T -filename -createdate ",
                                              img_path), inter=TRUE))

    colnames(exif_times) <- "name_date_time"
    #tidy the data into separate columns
    exif_times <- tidyr::separate(exif_times, name_date_time,
                                  into =  c("name", "date_time"), sep ="\t") %>%
      tidyr::separate(.,date_time, into =  c("date", "time"), sep =" ") %>%

    ##Part 2: Match up photo times with log data##

    #number of seconds in a week
    secs_week <- 604800
    #GPS epoch date
    epoch_date <- "1980-01-06 00:00:00"
    #read in bin log that has been converted to .log file
    log_data <- read.delim(log_file, h=F, sep= ",",stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

    #log data in old format (less than 19 columns doesn't have attitude microseconds column). Can't process it.
      stop("Cannot extract attitude information from this log as the information has not been logged.")
    #filter out ATT data
    att_data <- dplyr::filter(log_data, V1=="ATT") %>%
      #filter out relevant columns
      dplyr::select(., c(2,3,5,7))
    #add column names (ms_time is microseconds which is also found in GPS data)
    colnames(att_data) <- c("log_time","roll","pitch","yaw")

    #filter out GPS data
    gps_data <- dplyr::filter(log_data, V1=="GPS") %>%
    #filter out relevant columns
      dplyr::select(., c(2,3:5,8:10))
    #add column names
    colnames(gps_data) <- c("log_time","status","timeMS","weeks","lat","lon","alt")

    #select attitude data that most closely matches GPS data (based on microseconds)
    #log_time is used to match readings from both the GPS and the ATT parts of the log.
    #find closest match in att.data for log_time in gps.data
    match_index <- sapply(gps_data$log_time, function(x){which.min(abs(att_data$log_time - x))})
    att_data_sub <- att_data[match_index,]

    #add roll pitch and yaw back into GPS data
    gps_data <- cbind(gps_data,att_data_sub[,2:4]) %>%
      #convert 'weeks' data into numeric values
      dplyr::mutate(., weeks = as.numeric(as.character(weeks)))

    #create a list of GPS 'epoch' dates on which to add GPS times to
    epoch <- data.frame(time=c(rep(epoch_date,dim(gps_data)[1])))
    #format them correctly so 'seconds' can be added
    epoch$time <- strptime(epoch$time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    #add seconds calculated from the data to the 'epoch' times + timediff
    epoch$time <- epoch$time + (gps_data$weeks*secs_week) + (as.numeric(gps_data$timeMS)/1000) - leap_secs
    #add the time offset from particular dataset (defined at top of script)
    epoch$newtime <- epoch$time + time_diff
    #split date and time into 2 (both old and new)
    epoch <- data.frame(do.call('rbind', strsplit(as.character(epoch$time),' ',fixed=TRUE)),do.call('rbind', strsplit(as.character(epoch$newtime),' ',fixed=TRUE)))
    #drop the extra date column (duplicate)
    epoch <- dplyr::select(epoch, -3)
    colnames(epoch) <- c("date","oldtime","time")
    #reshuffle data to get relevant information for merging with exif data
    gps_data <- data.frame(epoch$date,epoch$oldtime,epoch$time,gps_data$lon,gps_data$lat,gps_data$alt,gps_data$roll,gps_data$pitch,gps_data$yaw)
    colnames(gps_data) <- c("date","oldtime","time","lon","lat","alt","roll","pitch","yaw")
    #remove duplicates, just taking the first reading for each second
    gps_data <- subset(gps_data, !duplicated(gps_data$oldtime))
    #remove whitespace
    gps_data[c('lon', 'lat', 'alt', 'time', 'roll', 'pitch', 'yaw')] <- lapply(gps_data[c('lon', 'lat', 'alt', 'time', 'roll', 'pitch', 'yaw')], gsub, pattern=" ",replacement="")
    #tidy up dates and times to make them match
    gps_data$date <- gsub(":", "-", gps_data$date)
    exif_times$date <- gsub(":", "-", exif_times$date)

    #join image data to position data
    combo <- dplyr::left_join(exif_times, gps_data, by = c("date", "time")) %>%
      #apply NESW labels for exif tagging
      dplyr::mutate(., hor = dplyr::case_when(
        as.numeric(lon) < 0 ~ "W",
        as.numeric(lon) >= 0 ~ "E")) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(., ver = dplyr::case_when(
        as.numeric(lat) < 0 ~ "S",
        as.numeric(lat) >= 0 ~ "N")) %>%

    #combine useful info into a .csv
    min_output <- data.frame(combo$name,combo$time,combo$lon,combo$lat,combo$alt,combo$hor,combo$ver,combo$roll,combo$pitch,combo$yaw)
    colnames(min_output) <- c("name","time","lon","lat","alt","hor","ver","roll","pitch","yaw")
    #write the .csv
    write.csv(min_output, paste0(csv_out,"/", proj_name, "_gps_attitude.csv"), row.names=F, quote=FALSE)

everydayduffy/DroneLabToolkit documentation built on Dec. 10, 2019, 1:04 p.m.