
#' Internal function: converts granges to dataframe
#' Takes a Grange input and converts it into a dataframe
#' Not for use by package user
#' @param grange Grange
#' @return dataframe
#' Dataframe1 <- grangestodataframe(Grange1)

grangestodataframe <- function(grange) {
  chr <- seqnames(grange)
  dataframe <- data.frame(chr)
  dataframe <- data.frame(lapply(dataframe, as.character),
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  dataframe$start <- start(grange)
  dataframe$stop <- end(grange)
  # create the beginning of the dataframe
  # (chr, start, stop, etc...)
  if (length(mcols(grange)) != 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(mcols(grange))) {
      dataframe[, 3 + i] <- lapply(mcols(grange)[i],
                                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # if the additional columns of the grange
  # are not 0, do this....
  colnames(dataframe) <- c("chr",
  # name columns off grange

#' Internal function: annotates peaks as promoters or enhancers
#' Takes a Grange input
#' Not for use by package user
#' @param grange GRanges object
#' @param TSS GRanges of Transcription Start Site Locations
#' @param distancefromTSS distancefromTSS
#' @return GRanges object

tssannotgrange <- function(grange, TSS, distancefromTSS) {
  # read in TSS, make column header, change to
  # Granges Find distance to transcription
  # start site
  distancetoTSS <- distanceToNearest(grange, TSS)
  # make dataframe from grange
  newdataframe <- grangestodataframe(grange)
  newdataframe$distance <- mcols(distancetoTSS)$distance
  newdataframe <- within(newdataframe, {
    region <- ifelse(distance <= distancefromTSS,
  # annotate anything <=1500 bp away as
  # promoter, otherwise enhancer
  chr <- c()
  annotatedgrange <- with(newdataframe,
                                  IRanges(start, stop),
                                  meta = newdataframe[, 5]))
  # create a grange
  colnames(mcols(annotatedgrange)) <- c("region")


#' Internal function: creates a stat matrix for combined and annotated peaks
#' Takes a data frame of GRanges
#' Not for use by package user
#' @param tableofinfo tableinfo
#' @param input input
#' @param row1 row1
#' @param row2 row2
#' @return matrix

statscombineannotate <- function(tableofinfo,
                                 input, row1, row2) {
  inputdata <- input
  inputdata$size <- inputdata$stop - inputdata$start
  tableofinfo[row1, 2] <- round(mean(inputdata[inputdata[, 4] ==
                                                 "enhancer", ]$size),
                                digits = 0)
  tableofinfo[row2, 2] <- round(mean(inputdata[inputdata[, 4] ==
                                                 "promoter", ]$size),
                                digits = 0)
  tableofinfo[row1, 1] <- nrow(inputdata[inputdata[, 4] == "enhancer", ])
  tableofinfo[row2, 1] <- nrow(inputdata[inputdata[, 4] == "promoter", ])

#' Internal function: runs enrichment analysis
#' Not for use by package user
#' @param set set
#' @param background background
#' @param log2FoldChange log2FoldChange
#' @param ontoltype ontoltype
#' @param pvalfilt pvalfilt
#' @param genes genes
#' @param offspring offspring
#' @return dataframe

rundose <- function(set,
                    offspring) {

  TSSgranges <- getTSS()
  en2eg <- as.list(org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.egENSEMBL2EG)
  en2egfunc <- function(num) {  en2eg[[num]] }

  setgranges <- GRanges(set$chr,
                        IRanges(set$start, set$stop),
                        meta = set$log2FoldChange)
  setwithgene <- TSSgranges[nearest(setgranges, TSSgranges)]
  # colnames(mcols(setwithgene))=c('genename')
  # mcols(setwithgene)[2]=mcols(setgranges)[1]
  # colnames(mcols(setwithgene))=c('gene',
  # 'log2foldchange')
  # setwithgenelist=unique(unlist(as.list(mcols(setwithgene)[1])))
  # setentrezlist=lapply(setwithgenelist,en2egfunc)
  # names(setentrezlist)=setwithgenelist
  # setentrezlist=unlist(setentrezlist)
  setentrezlist <- unique(unlist(as.list(mcols(setwithgene)["gene_id"])))

  bggranges <- GRanges(background$chr,
                       IRanges(background$start, background$stop),
                       meta = background$log2FoldChange)
  bgwithgene <- TSSgranges[nearest(bggranges, TSSgranges)]
  # colnames(mcols(bgwithgene))=c('genename')
  # bgwithgenelist=unique(unlist(as.list(mcols(bgwithgene)[1])))
  # bgentrezlist=lapply(bgwithgenelist,en2egfunc)
  # names(bgentrezlist)=bgwithgenelist
  # bgentrezlist=unlist(bgentrezlist)
  bgentrezlist <- unique(unlist(as.list(mcols(bgwithgene)["gene_id"])))

  result <- clusterProfiler::enrichGO(setentrezlist, OrgDb = "org.Hs.eg.db",
                     pvalueCutoff = 1, keytype = "ENSEMBL",
                     qvalueCutoff = 1, pAdjustMethod = "fdr",
                     universe = bgentrezlist, ont = ontoltype)

  newresult <- summary(result)
  newresult <- newresult[order(newresult$p.adjust,
                               decreasing = TRUE), ]
  newresultpval <- newresult[newresult$p.adjust <
                               pvalfilt, ]

  if (nrow(newresultpval) == 0) {
    return(as.data.frame(c("No significant pathways")))
  } else {
    GOtocheck <- newresultpval$ID

    #### Gene Filtering###########
    GenesforGOterms <- function(Node) {
      GOgenes <- as.list(org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.egGO2EG)
      genenum <- length(GOgenes[[Node]])

    genenum <- lapply(GOtocheck, GenesforGOterms)
    compare <- cbind(as.matrix(newresultpval$ID),
    filternum <- which(compare[, 3] > genes)
    newresultpval2 <- newresultpval[filternum, ]
    GOtocheck <- newresultpval2$ID

    #### Offspring Filtering########
    GOfindtermsatlevel <- function(Node, subont) {
      subontlist <- as.list(subont)
      result <- subontlist[[Node]]
      if (length(result) == 1) {
        if (is.na(result) == TRUE) {
          result <- NULL

    if (ontoltype == "MF") {
      offspringnum <- lapply(GOtocheck,
                             subont = GO.db::GOMFOFFSPRING)
    if (ontoltype == "BP") {
      offspringnum <- lapply(GOtocheck,
                             subont = GO.db::GOBPOFFSPRING)
    if (ontoltype == "CC") {
      offspringnum <- lapply(GOtocheck,
                             subont = GO.db::GOCCOFFSPRING)

    compare <- cbind(as.matrix(newresultpval2$ID),
    filternum <- which(compare[, 3] < offspring)
    genefilt <- newresultpval2[filternum,



#' Internal function: merges peaks within user input distance of each other
#' Takes a data frame of GRanges and distance as input
#' Not for use by package user
#' @param grange data frame of GRanges
#' @param mergedist numeric
#' @param peaklist peaklist
#' @param distancefromTSS distancefromTSS
#' @param TSS TSS
#' @return GRanges object

mergeclosepeaks <- function(peaklist, grange,
                            mergedist, TSS, distancefromTSS) {
  chr <- region <- c()
  halfdistance <- mergedist/2

  # how to deal with odd distances entered by
  # users
  if (halfdistance%%1 != 0) {
    halfdistup <- halfdistance + 0.5
    halfdistdown <- halfdistance - 0.5
  if (halfdistance%%1 == 0) {
    halfdistup <- halfdistance
    halfdistdown <- halfdistance

  # determine the size of each of the regions
  grange$sizeofregionbeforemerge <- grange$stop - grange$start

  # add (approximately +/- 0.5) the same
  # amount to both the beginning and end of
  # each region these will be subtracted later
  # so it doesn't really matter what they are
  # INDIVIDUALLY It only matters what number
  # they are TOGETHER ('merged distance')
  grange$start <- grange$start - halfdistup
  grange$stop <- grange$stop + halfdistdown

  # reduce the merged regions
  beforemerge <- GRanges(grange$chr,
                         meta = region)
  aftermerge <- reduce(beforemerge)

  # annotate with transcription start site
  # (again)
  aftermerge <- tssannotgrange(aftermerge,

  # get the names of the input files and place
  # them in a vector
  namesvector <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(peaklist)) {
    newgranges <- peaklist[[i]]
    name <- as.character(unique(mcols(newgranges)[1])[1, 1])
    namesvector <- c(namesvector, name)

  # this will annotate the regions with
  # type-specificity
  for (i in 1:length(peaklist)) {
    typespecific <- findOverlaps(aftermerge, peaklist[[i]])
    newdataframe <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = length(aftermerge)))
                 1] <- namesvector[i]
    values(aftermerge) <- cbind(values(aftermerge), newdataframe)
    colnames(mcols(aftermerge))[i + 1] <- c(namesvector[i])

  aftermergedata <- grangestodataframe(aftermerge)
  aftermergedata$start <- aftermergedata$start + halfdistup
  aftermergedata$stop <- aftermergedata$stop - halfdistdown
  # remove the extra length added to each
  # region for merging purposes
  lengthdata <- ncol(aftermergedata)

  # convert back to grange
  aftermerge <- GRanges(aftermergedata$chr,
                        IRanges(aftermergedata$start, aftermergedata$stop),
                        meta = aftermergedata[, c(4:lengthdata)])

  colnames(mcols(aftermerge)) <- c("region",  namesvector)

}  # end merging function
ewymathe/testALTREinstall documentation built on May 16, 2019, 9:42 a.m.