
context("Interaction models: dge and gsea")

if (!exists("FDS")) FDS <- FacileData::exampleFacileDataSet()

anova.all <- samples(FDS) |>
  with_sample_covariates(c("indication", "sample_type", "sex")) |>
  mutate(group = paste(indication, sample_type, sep = "_")) |>
  flm_def("group", batch = "sex") |>
tvn.blca <- samples(anova.all) |>
  flm_def("group", "BLCA_tumor", "BLCA_normal", batch = "sex") |>
  fdge(features = features(anova.all))
tvn.crc <- samples(anova.all) |>
  flm_def("group", "CRC_tumor", "CRC_normal", batch = "sex") |>
  fdge(features = features(anova.all))
tvn.compare <- compare(tvn.blca, tvn.crc)
istats <- tidy(tvn.compare)

# Differential Expression ------------------------------------------------------
test_that("ttest compare() over same covariate/numer/denom, disjoint samples", {
  y.all <- anova.all |>
    samples() |>
    biocbox("DGEList", features = features(anova.all))
  y.all <- suppressWarnings(edgeR::calcNormFactors(y.all))

  des <- model.matrix(~ 0 + group + sex, y.all$samples)
  colnames(des) <- sub("group", "", colnames(des))

  ctr <- limma::makeContrasts(
    blca = BLCA_tumor - BLCA_normal,
    crc = CRC_tumor - CRC_normal,
    interaction = (BLCA_tumor - BLCA_normal) - (CRC_tumor - CRC_normal),
    levels = des)
  vm <- limma::voom(y.all, des)
  fit <- limma::lmFit(vm, vm$des) |>
    limma::contrasts.fit(ctr) |>

  lres <- fit |>
    limma::topTable("interaction", n = Inf, sort.by = "none") |>
    select(feature_id, logFC, t, pval = P.Value, padj = adj.P.Val)
  expect_set_equal(istats$feature_id, lres$feature_id)
  lres <- lres[istats$feature_id,]

  expect_equal(istats$logFC, lres$logFC)
  expect_equal(istats$t, lres$t)
  expect_equal(istats$pval, lres$pval)

test_that("interaction logFC is correct when full tests are not run", {
  approx <- compare(tvn.blca, tvn.crc, .run_interaction = FALSE)
  astats <- tidy(approx)

  expect_equal(istats$feature_id, astats$feature_id)
  expect_equal(istats$logFC.x, astats$logFC.x)
  expect_equal(istats$logFC.y, astats$logFC.y)
  expect_equal(istats$pval.x, astats$pval.x)
  expect_equal(istats$pval.y, astats$pval.y)

  expect_equal(istats$logFC, astats$logFC)

if (FALSE) {
test_that("ttest compare() over same covariate, different numer/denom", {
  # subset to cancer type, (stage I vs stage II) vs (stage III vs stage IV)
  crc.samples <- filter_samples(FDS, indication == "CRC")
  stage.2v1 <- crc.samples |>
    flm_def("stage", "II", "I") |>
  stage.4v3 <- crc.samples |>
    flm_def("stage", "IV", "III") |>
  cmp.stage <- compare(stage.2v1, stage.4v3)

# GSEA -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!exists("gdb.h")) {
  gdb.h <- sparrow::getMSigGeneSetDb("h", "human", id.type = "entrez")

if (!exists("gdb.go")) {
  # Do you ever wonder if you are making your life more complicated than it
  # needs to be?
  if (!exists("gdb.go.bp")) {
    gdb.go.bp <- sparrow::getMSigGeneSetDb("c5", "human", id.type = "entrez")
    gdb.go.bp <- gdb.go.bp[sparrow::geneSets(gdb.go.bp)$subcategory == "GO:BP"]
  .pselected <- 0.05
  .gk <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), length(gdb.go.bp), replace = TRUE,
                prob = c(.pselected, 1 - .pselected))
  .some.gs <- c(

  .gk <- .gk | sparrow::geneSets(gdb.go.bp)$name %in% .some.gs
  gdb.go <- gdb.go.bp[.gk]

if (FALSE) {
  cviz <- viz(tvn.compare)

test_that("ffsea on interaction stats works like a normal ttest ffsea", {
  max.padj <- 0.10
  min.logFC <- 1
  res.gsea.h <- ffsea(tvn.compare, gdb.h, methods = c("cameraPR", "ora"),
                      # tweak a default parameter
                      rank_by = "t",
                      # these are default values for params, but being explicit
                      max_padj = max.padj, min_logFC = min.logFC,
                      group_by = "direction")
  exp.gsea.h <- tidy(tvn.compare) |>
    mutate(direction = ifelse(logFC > 0, "up", "down"),
           significant = abs(logFC) >= min.logFC & padj <= max.padj) |>
    ffsea(param(res.gsea.h, "fsets"),
          methods = param(res.gsea.h, "methods"),
          rank_by = param(res.gsea.h, "rank_by"),
          rank_order = "descending",
          select_by = "significant",
          group_by = param(res.gsea.h, "group_by"))
  res.names <- c("cameraPR", "ora", "ora.up", "ora.down")
  for (rname in res.names) {
    res.stats <- tidy(res.gsea.h, rname)
    exp.stats <- tidy(exp.gsea.h, rname)
    expect_equal(res.stats, exp.stats, info = rname)

test_that("quadrant analysis runs ora over each quadrant", {
  quad.res <- ffsea(tvn.compare, gdb.go, type = "quadrants")
  expect_setequal(names(quad.res$quadrants), c("both", "x", "y"))
facilebio/FacileAnalysis documentation built on May 11, 2024, 12:02 a.m.