
Defines functions fdge_methods .voomWithQualityWeights .voom .voomLmFit format.FacileDgeAnalysisResult print.FacileDgeAnalysisResult biocbox.FacileDgeAnalysisResult samples.FacileDgeAnalysisResult signature.FacileAnovaFeatureRanks signature.FacileAnovaAnalysisResult ranks.FacileAnovaAnalysisResult signature.FacileTtestFeatureRanks signature.FacileTtestAnalysisResult ranks.FacileTtestAnalysisResult label.FacileAnovaAnalysisResult name.FacileAnovaAnalysisResult label.FacileTtestAnalysisResult name.FacileTtestAnalysisResult contrast.FacileDgeAnalysisResult design.FacileDgeAnalysisResult model.FacileDgeAnalysisResult features.FacileDgeAnalysisResult tidy.FacileDgeAnalysisResult result.FacileDgeAnalysisResult fdge.FacileLinearModelDefinition fdge.FacileTtestDGEModelDefinition fdge.FacileAnovaModelDefinition fdge.FacileFailedModelDefinition fdge

Documented in biocbox.FacileDgeAnalysisResult fdge fdge.FacileAnovaModelDefinition fdge.FacileLinearModelDefinition fdge.FacileTtestDGEModelDefinition fdge_methods

#' Peform a differential expression analysis.
#' Use [flm_def()] to define the design matrix and contrast to test and
#' pass the `FacileLinearModelDefinition` object returned from that to `fdge()`
#' to run the desired differential testing framework (dictated by the `method`
#' parameter) over the data. `flm_def` accepts a
#' @section Differential Expression Testing Methods:
#' The appropriate statistical framework to use for differential expression
#' testing is defined by the type of data that is recorded in the assay
#' `assay_name`, ie. `assay_info(x, assay_name)$assay_type`.
#' The `fdge_methods()` function returns a tibble of appropriate
#' `assay_type -> dge_method` associations. The first entry for each
#' `dge_method` is the default `method` used if one isn't provided by the
#' caller.
#' The available methods are:
#' * `"voom"`: For count data, uses [limma::voomWithQualityWeights()] when
#'   `with_sample_weights = TRUE`.
#' * `"edgeR-qlf"`: The edgeR quasi-likelihood method, for count data.
#' * `"limma-trend"`: Usable for log-transformed data that "looks like" it came
#'    from count data, or where there is a "trend" of the variance with the
#'    mean, uses  [limma::arrayWeights()] when `with_sample_weights = TRUE`.
#' * `"limma"`: Straightup limma, this expects log2-normal like data, with
#'    (largely) no trend of the variance to the mean worth modeling. Uses
#'    [limma::arrayWeights()] when `with_sample_weights = TRUE`
#' @section Feature Filtering Strategy:
#' You will almost always want to filter out lowly abundant features before
#' performing differential expression analysis. You can either do this by
#' explicitly requesting which features to test via the `features` parameter,
#' or by setting `filter = "default`.
#' When `filter == "default"`, the filtering strategy is largely based on the
#' logic found in [edgeR::filterByExpr()].
#' When `fdge` analysis is performed on count data, the filtering is precisely
#' executed using this function, using `design(x)` as the design parameter to
#' `filterByExpr`. You can modify the filtering behavior by passing some named
#' parameters found in the [edgeR::filterByExpr()] function down to it via
#' `fdge`'s `...` parameter, with the exception of the `design` paremeter,
#' because this is already defined. Use: 
#' * `filter_min_count` for the `edgeR::filterByExpr(min.count)` parameter
#' * `filter_min_total_count` for `edgeR::filterByExpr(min.total.count)`
#' * `filter_large_n` for `edgeR::filterByExpr(large.n)`; and 
#' * `filter_min_prop` for `edgeR::filterByExpr(min.prop)`.
#' There are times when you want to tweak this behavior in ways that aren't
#' exactly supported by `filterByExpr`. You can pass in a "feature descriptor"
#' (a character vector of feature ids, or a data.frame with a "feature_id"
#' column) into the following parameters:
#' * `filter_universe`: The features enumerated in this parameter will restrict
#'   the universe of features that can potentially be included in the downstream
#'   analysis. The `filterByExpr()` logic will happen downstream of this
#'   universe. The default value is `NULL`, which specifies the universe of
#'   features to be all of the ones measured using this assay.
#' * `filter_require`: The `filterByExpr` logic happens first on the universe
#'   of features as parameterized. All features enumerated here will be forcibly
#'   included in the analysis, irrespective of whether they would have passed
#'   the perscribed filter criteria or not. The defalut value for this argument
#'   is `NULL`, which means no genes are forcibly included in the analysis when
#'   they do not pass muster given the filtering criteria.
#' @export
#' @param x a data source
#' @param assay_name the name of the assay that holds the measurements for test.
#'   Defaults to `default_assay(x)`.
#' @param method The differential testing framework to use over the data. The
#'   valid choices are defined by the type of assay `assay_name`is. Refer to the
#'   *Differential Expression Testing Methods* section for more details.
#' @param features Explicitly request the features to test. If this is provided,
#'   then the `filter` criteria (to remove low abundance features, for instance)
#'   is skipped. By default this is `NULL`
#' @param filter,with_sample_weights Passed into [biocbox()] to determine which
#'   features (genes) are removed from the dataset for testing, as well as if
#'   to use [limma::arrayWeights()] or [limma::voomWithQualityWeights()]
#'   (where appropriate) when testing (default is not to).
#' @param weights a `sample_id,feature_id,weight` table of observation weights
#'   to use when `method == "limma"`.
#' @param treat_lfc If this is numeric, this activates limma's "treat"
#'   functionality and tests for differential expression against this specified 
#'   log2 fold change threshold.
#' @examples
#' efds <- FacileData::exampleFacileDataSet()
#' samples <- efds |>
#'   FacileData::filter_samples(indication == "BLCA") |>
#'   dplyr::mutate(something = sample(c("a", "b"), n(), replace = TRUE))
#' mdef <- flm_def(samples, covariate = "sample_type",
#'                 numer = "tumor", denom = "normal",
#'                 batch = "sex")
#' dge <- fdge(mdef, method = "voom")
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   viz(dge)
#'   viz(dge, "146909")
#'   shine(dge)
#' }
#' dge.stats <- tidy(dge)
#' dge.sig <- signature(dge)
#' stage.anova <- samples |>
#'   flm_def(covariate = "stage", batch = "sex") |>
#'   fdge(method = "voom")
#' anova.sig <- signature(stage.anova)
fdge <- function(x, assay_name = NULL, method = NULL, features = NULL,
                 filter = "default", with_sample_weights = FALSE,
                 treat_lfc = NULL, ...,
                 verbose = FALSE) {
  UseMethod("fdge", x)

#' @noRd
#' @export
fdge.FacileFailedModelDefinition <- function(x, assay_name = NULL,
                                             method = NULL, features = NULL,
                                             filter = "default",
                                             with_sample_weights = FALSE, ...,
                                             verbose = FALSE) {
  stop("There are erros in this model:\n", paste(x$errors, collapse = "\n"))

#' @export
#' @rdname fdge
fdge.FacileAnovaModelDefinition <- function(x, assay_name = NULL, method = NULL,
                                            features = NULL, filter = "default",
                                            with_sample_weights = FALSE, ...,
                                            verbose = FALSE) {
  res <- NextMethod(coef = x[["coef"]])
  # rename .intercept. to mean.level
  covariate <- param(x, "covariate")
  vals <- samples(x)[[covariate]]
  if (is.factor(vals)) {
    intercept <- levels(vals)[1L]
  } else {
    intercept <- sort(unique(vals))[1L]
  intercept <- paste0("mean.", intercept)
  data.table::setnames(res$result, ".intercept.", intercept)

#' @export
#' @rdname fdge
fdge.FacileTtestDGEModelDefinition <- function(x, assay_name = NULL,
                                               method = NULL, features = NULL,
                                               filter = "default",
                                               with_sample_weights = FALSE,
                                               treat_lfc = NULL,
                                               verbose = FALSE) {
  res <- NextMethod(contrast = x[["contrast"]])

#' @export
#' @rdname fdge
#' @param ... passed down into inner methods, such as `biocbox` to tweak
#'   filtering criteria, for instance
fdge.FacileLinearModelDefinition <- function(x, assay_name = NULL,
                                             method = NULL, features = NULL,
                                             filter = "default",
                                             with_sample_weights = FALSE,
                                             treat_lfc = NULL,
                                             weights = NULL, with_box = FALSE,
                                             biocbox = NULL,
                                             trend.eBayes = FALSE,
                                             robust.eBayes = FALSE,
                                             verbose = FALSE) {
  messages <- character()
  warnings <- character()
  errors <- character()
  .fds <- assert_facile_data_store(fds(x))

  if (is.null(assay_name)) assay_name <- default_assay(.fds)
  ainfo <- try(assay_info(.fds, assay_name), silent = TRUE)
  bad_assay <- is(ainfo, "try-error")

  if (bad_assay) {
    msg <- glue("assay_name `{assay_name}` not present in FacileDataStore")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)
    assay_type <- "ERROR"
  } else {
    assay_type <- ainfo$assay_type
  if (bad_assay) {
    dge_methods <- filter(fdge_methods(), FALSE)
    dropped <- distinct(samples(x), dataset, sample_id, .keep_all = TRUE)
    assay_samples <- filter(dropped, FALSE)
  } else {
    dge_methods <- fdge_methods(assay_type)
    assay_samples <- filter_by_assay_support(samples(x), assay_name)
    dropped <- samples(assay_samples, dropped = TRUE)
  if (nrow(dge_methods) == 0L) {
    msg <- glue("Differential expression method `{method}` for assay_type ",
                "`{assay_type}` not found")
    errors <- c(errors, msg)
  ndropped <- nrow(dropped)
  if (ndropped > 0) {
    xo <- x
    msg <- paste(
      ndropped, "samples have no", assay_name, "data. These samples will ",
      "be removed for downstream analysis.")
    # Re-estimate the linear model
    # NOTE: This should be moved to biocbox.FacileLinearModelDefinition
    if (length(errors) == 0L) {
      msg <- paste(
        "re-estimating linear model from reduced sample space",
        "from", nrow(samples(xo)), "->", nrow(assay_samples))
      x <- redo(x, samples = assay_samples)
      errors <- c(errors, errors(x))
      warnings <- c(warnings, warnings(x))
      messages <- c(msg, messages(x))
  if (length(errors) == 0L) {
    if (!is.null(biocbox)) {
      # We are doing this so we don't have to recalculate things like
      # edgeR::estimateDisp, or limma::voom
      ftrace("reusing a cached biocbox")
      messages <- c(messages, "using a cached biobox needs more testing")
      if (is.null(method)) {
        stop("Using a cached biocbox requires you to explicitly set `method` ",
      bb <- biocbox
      fbits <- attr(bb, "facile")

      if (method != fbits[["params"]][["method"]]) {
        msg <- paste0(
          "The previously used `method` ('",
          "'), does not match the one currently being run ('", method, "')")
        warnings <- c(warnings, msg)
        fbits[["params"]][["method"]] <- method
      if (!is.null(weights)) {
        bb <- .add_observation_weights(bb, weights)
      messages <- c(messages, fbits[["messages"]])
      warnings <- c(warnings, fbits[["warnings"]])
      errors <- c(errors, fbits[["errors"]])
    } else {
      ftrace("... retrieving expression data")
      bb <- biocbox(x, assay_name, method, features, filter,
                    with_sample_weights = with_sample_weights,
                    weights = weights, ...)
      fbits <- attr(bb, "facile")
      messages <- c(messages, fbits[["messages"]])
      warnings <- c(warnings, fbits[["warnings"]])
      errors <- c(errors, fbits[["errors"]])

    method <- fbits[["params"]][["method"]]

    des <- design(x)
    if (!setequal(rownames(des), colnames(bb))) {
      errors <- c(errors, "rownames of design(x) does not match biocbox")
      # return(out)

    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(rownames(des), colnames(bb)))) {
      bb <- bb[,rownames(des)]

    if (!is.null(treat_lfc)) {
      if (!test_number(treat_lfc, lower = 0) || !is_ttest(x)) {
        warnings <- c(
          "Illegal parameter passed to `treat_lfc`. It is being ignored")
        treat_lfc <- 0
    } else {
      treat_lfc <- 0
    use.treat <- treat_lfc > 0

    if (verbose) {
      message("... running differential expression analysis")

    # TODO: Add more params to send to calculateIndividualLogFC based on
    # dge method, for instance when for:
    # * method == "limma-trend", send trend.eBayes = TRUE
    if (method == "limma-trend") {
      trend.eBayes <- TRUE

    block <- param(x, "block")
    dup.corr <- NULL
    if (!is.null(block)) {
      # this needs to be a EList for now
      assert_class(bb, "EList")
      block <- bb[["targets"]][[block]]
      assert_categorical(block, len = ncol(bb), any.missing = FALSE)
      dup.corr <- bb$block.corr

    if (is_ttest(x)) {
      testme <- x[["contrast"]]
      clazz <- "FacileTtestAnalysisResult"
    } else {
      testme <- x[["coef"]]
      clazz <- "FacileAnovaAnalysisResult"
    result <- sparrow::calculateIndividualLogFC(
      bb, des, contrast = testme,
      treat.lfc = treat_lfc,
      trend.eBayes = trend.eBayes,
      robust.eBayes = robust.eBayes,
      # with.fit = TRUE,
      block = block, correlation = dup.corr)

    # sparrow::calculateIndividualLogFC returns the stats table ordered by
    # featureId, let's put the features back in the order they are in y
    rownames(result) <- result[["feature_id"]]
    result <- result[rownames(bb),]

    axe.cols <- c("featureId", "x.idx")
    if (is(bb, "DGEList")) {
      axe.cols <- c(axe.cols, "t")
    for (col in axe.cols) {
      if (col %in% names(result)) result[[col]] <- NULL
    result <- as_tibble(result)
  } else {
    result <- NULL

  # Hack here to support call from a bioc-container that we haven't turned
  # into a facile data store yet
  if (!is.null(result) && !"feature_type" %in% colnames(result)) {
    feature_type <- FacileData::infer_feature_type(
      result[["feature_id"]], summarize = TRUE)
    result[["feature_type"]] <- feature_type[["feature_type"]]
    result <- select(result, feature_type, everything())

  # We'll stick on the lib.size and norm.factors on these samples so that
  # downstream queries over this result will use the same normalization factors
  # when retrieving data as well.
  if (is(bb, "DGEList") || is(bb, "EList")) {
    samples. <- samples(x)
    sinfo <- if (is(bb, "DGEList")) bb[["samples"]] else bb[["targets"]]
    for (cname in c("lib.size", "norm.factors")) {
      if (cname %in% colnames(sinfo) && is.numeric(sinfo[[cname]])) {
        samples.[[cname]] <- sinfo[[cname]]
    x[["covariates"]] <- samples. # `samples(x) <- samples.` would be nice!

  out <- list(
    biocbox = bb,
    result = result,
    params = list(
      assay_name = assay_name,
      method = method,
      model_def = x,
      treat_lfc = if (use.treat) treat_lfc else NULL,
      with_sample_weights = with_sample_weights,
      weights = weights),
    # Standard FacileAnalysisResult things
    fds = .fds,
    messages = messages,
    warnings = warnings,
    errors = errors)

  if (with_box) {
    out[["biocbox"]] <- bb
  class(out) <- c(clazz, "FacileDgeAnalysisResult", "FacileAnalysisResult")

# Methods and Accessors ========================================================

#' @noRd
#' @export
result.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, name = "result", ...) {
  tidy(x, name, ...)

#' @param features you can provide a set of features to reduce the analysis
#'   to. This will readjust the `padj` values to the features used.
#' @param padjust The method used to readjust pvalues. Passed to `method`
#'   parameter in [stats::p.adjust()].
#' @noRd
#' @export
tidy.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, name = "result", features = NULL,
                                         padjust = "BH", ...) {
  out <- x[["result"]]
  if (!is.null(features)) {
    features <- extract_feature_id(features, as_tibble = TRUE)
    out <- left_join(features, out, by = "feature_id")
    if (nrow(out) == 0L) {
      stop("None of the requested features were found in the resut.")
    missed <- anti_join(features, out, by = "feature_id")
    nmiss <- nrow(missed)
    if (nmiss) {
      warning(length(nmiss), " features not found in result")
    out[["padj"]] <- stats::p.adjust(out[["pval"]], padjust)

#' @noRd
#' @export
features.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
  stat.table <- tidy(x)
  take <- c("feature_id", "feature_type", "symbol", "assay", "assay_type")
  take <- intersect(take, colnames(stat.table))
  select(stat.table, {{take}}, everything())

#' @noRd
#' @export
model.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
  param(x, "model_def")

#' @noRd
#' @export
design.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
  design(model(x, ...), ...)

#' @noRd
#' @export
contrast.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
  contrast(param(x, "model_def"), ...)

#' @noRd
#' @export
name.FacileTtestAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
  m <- model(x)
  covname <- param(m, "covariate")
  batch <- param(m, "batch")
  contrast <- gsub(" ", "", m[["contrast_string"]])
  contrast <- gsub("/", ".divby.", contrast, fixed = TRUE)
  out <- sprintf("%s_%s", covname, contrast)
  if (length(batch)) {
    out <- sprintf("%s_controlfor_%s", out, paste(batch, collapse = ","))

#' @noRd
#' @export
label.FacileTtestAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
  m <- model(x)
  covname <- param(m, "covariate")
  batch <- param(m, "batch")
  contrast <- m[["contrast_string"]]
  out <- sprintf("%s: %s", covname, contrast)
  if (length(batch)) {
    out <- sprintf("%s (control for %s)", out, paste(batch, collapse = ","))

#' @noRd
#' @export
name.FacileAnovaAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
  m <- model(x)
  covname <- param(m, "covariate")
  clevels <- unique(samples(m)[[covname]])
  batch <- param(m, "batch")
  out <- sprintf("%s_%s", covname, paste(clevels, collapse = ","))
  if (length(batch)) {
    out <- sprintf("%s_controlfor_%s", out, paste(batch, collapse = ","))

#' @noRd
#' @export
label.FacileAnovaAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
  m <- model(x)
  covname <- param(m, "covariate")
  clevels <- unique(samples(m)[[covname]])
  batch <- param(m, "batch")
  out <- sprintf("%s [%s]", covname, paste(clevels, collapse = ","))
  if (length(batch)) {
    out <- sprintf("%s (control for %s)", out, paste(batch, collapse = ","))

# Ttest Ranks and Signatures ===================================================

#' @export
#' @noRd
ranks.FacileTtestAnalysisResult <- function(x, signed = TRUE, rank_by = "logFC",
                                            ...) {
  ranks. <- tidy(x, ...)
  rank_by <- assert_choice(rank_by, colnames(ranks.))
  ofn <- if (rank_by %in% c("pval", "padj")) identity else dplyr::desc
  if (signed) {
    ranks. <- arrange(ranks., ofn(ranks.[[rank_by]]))
  } else {
    ranks. <- arrange(ranks., ofn(abs(ranks.[[rank_by]])))

  out <- list(
    result = ranks.,
    params = list(signed = signed),
    ranking_columns = "logFC",
    ranking_order = "descending",
    fds = fds(x))

  # FacileTtestFeatureRanksSigned
  clazz <- "Facile%sFeatureRanks%s"
  s <- if (signed) "Signed" else "Unsigned"
  classes <- sprintf(clazz, c("Ttest", "Ttest",  "", ""), c(s, "", s, ""))
  class(out) <- c(classes, "FacileFeatureRanks")

#' @export
#' @noRd
signature.FacileTtestAnalysisResult <- function(x, min_logFC = x[["treat_lfc"]],
                                                max_padj = 0.10, ntop = 20,
                                                name = NULL,
                                                collection_name = NULL,
                                                ...) {
  signature(ranks(x, ...), min_logFC = min_logFC, max_padj = max_padj,
            ntop = ntop, name = name, collection_name = collection_name, ...)

#' @export
#' @noRd
signature.FacileTtestFeatureRanks <- function(x, min_logFC = x[["treat_lfc"]],
                                              max_padj = 0.10,
                                              ntop = 20,
                                              name = NULL,
                                              collection_name = NULL,
                                              ...) {
  if (is.null(name)) name <- "Ttest signature"
  name. <- assert_string(name)

  if (is.null(collection_name)) collection_name <- class(x)[1L]

  if (is.null(min_logFC)) min_logFC <- 0
  min_logFC <- abs(min_logFC)

  res <- tidy(x) |>
    mutate(direction = ifelse(logFC > 0, "up", "down"))

  if (signed(x)) {
    up <- res |>
      filter(padj <= max_padj, logFC > min_logFC) |>
    down <- res |>
      filter(padj <= max_padj, logFC < -min_logFC) |>
    sig <- bind_rows(up, down)
  } else {
    sig <- res |>
      filter(padj <= max_padj) |>

  sig <- sig |>
    mutate(collection = collection_name, name = paste(name., direction)) |>
    select(collection, name, feature_id, symbol, direction,
           logFC, pval, padj, everything())

  out <- list(
    result = sig,
    params = list(max_padj = max_padj, min_logFC = min_logFC, ntop = ntop))
  class(out) <- sub("Ranks", "Signature", class(x))

# ANOVA Ranks and Signatures ===================================================

#' @noRd
#' @export
ranks.FacileAnovaAnalysisResult <- function(x, signed = FALSE, ...) {
  if (signed) {
    warning("ANOVA results can only provide unsigned ranks ",
            "based on p-value, which is the same as desc(Fstatistic)",
            immediate. = TRUE)
    signed <- FALSE
  ranks. <- arrange(result(x, ...), desc(.data[["F"]]))

  out <- list(
    result = ranks.,
    params = list(signed = signed),
    ranking_columns = "F",
    ranking_order = "descending")
  # FacileAnovaFeatureRanksSigned
  clazz <- "Facile%sFeatureRanks%s"
  s <- if (signed) "Signed" else "Unsigned"
  classes <- sprintf(clazz, c("Anova", "Anova",  "", ""), c(s, "", s, ""))
  class(out) <- c(classes, "FacileFeatureRanks")

#' @export
#' @noRd
signature.FacileAnovaAnalysisResult <- function(x, max_padj = 0.10, ntop = 20,
                                           name = NULL, collection_name = NULL,
                                           ...) {
  signature(ranks(x, ...), max_padj = max_padj, ntop = ntop, name = name,
            collectoin_name = collection_name, ...)

#' @export
#' @noRd
signature.FacileAnovaFeatureRanks <- function(x, max_padj = 0.10,
                                              ntop = 20, name = NULL,
                                              collection_name = NULL,
                                              ...) {
  if (is.null(name)) name <- "Anova signature"
  name. <- assert_string(name)

  if (is.null(collection_name)) collection_name <- class(x)[1L]

  sig <- result(x) |>
    filter(padj <= max_padj) |>
    mutate(collection = collection_name, name = name.,
           direction = "udefined") |>
    head(ntop) |>
    select(collection, name, feature_id, symbol, direction, F, pval, padj,

  out <- list(
    result = sig,
    params = list(ntop = ntop, max_padj = max_padj))
  class(out) <- sub("Ranks$", "Signature", class(x))

# Facile API ===================================================================

#' @noRd
#' @export
samples.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
  samples(model(x), ...)

#' @section FacileDgeAnalysisResult:
#' Given a FacileDgeAnalysisResult, we can re-materialize the Bioconductor assay
#' container used within the differential testing pipeline used from [fdge()].
#' Currently we have limited our analysis framework to either work over DGEList
#' (edgeR) or EList (limma) containers.
#' @export
#' @rdname biocbox
biocbox.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, cached = TRUE, ...) {
  if (cached) {
    out <- x[["biocbox"]]
  } else {
    # I originally had this method signature as (x, ...) and then explicitly
    # passed down assay_name = param(x, "assay_name"), but if we don't catch
    # this arguments in the function and the user calls the function with them,
    # we get an error of duplicate parameters in the function call when we
    # delegate down to biocbox.FacileLinearModelDefinition
    assay_name <- assert_string(param(x, "assay_name"))
    method <- assert_string(param(x, "method"))

    # meta.cols <- c("lib.size", "norm.factors", "sizeFactor")
    # meta.cols <- intersect(meta.cols, )
    out <- biocbox(model(x), assay_name = assay_name, method = method,
                   features = features(x),
                   with_sample_weights = param(x, "with_sample_weights"),
                   weights = param(x, "weights"), ...)

#' @noRd
#' @export
print.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(format(x, ...), "\n")

#' @noRd
format.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
  test_type <- if (is_ttest(x)) "ttest" else "ANOVA"
  mdef <- model(x)
  des <- design(mdef)
  formula <- mdef[["design_formula"]]

  if (test_type == "ttest") {
    test <- mdef[["contrast_string"]]
    des.cols <- names(mdef$contrast[mdef$contrast != 0])
  } else {
    test <- sprintf("%s (%s)", param(mdef, "covariate"),
                    paste(colnames(des)[mdef[["coef"]]], collapse = "|"))
    des.cols <- c(1, mdef$coef)

  # nsamples <- sum(colSums(des[, des.cols, drop = FALSE]) != 0)
  nsamples <- sum(rowSums(des[,des.cols,drop = FALSE]) > 0)

  res <- result(x)
  ntested <- nrow(res)
  nsig <- sum(!is.na(res[["padj"]]) & res[["padj"]] < 0.10)
  nsig2 <- sum(!is.na(res[["padj"]]) & res[["padj"]] < 0.10 & abs(res[["logFC"]]) > 1)

  out <- paste(
    sprintf("FacileDgeAnalysisResult (%s)\n", test_type),
      "Significant Results (FDR < 0.1): ",
      "{nsig} / {ntested} [{nsig2} > 2fold]", .trim = FALSE), "\n",
      "Formula: ", formula, "\n",
      "Tested: ", test, "\n",
      "Number of samples: ", nsamples, "\n",
    sep = "")

# Helpers ======================================================================

#' Defines a voomLmFit method that can accept dots (and toss them)
#' This can't work in the current framework because these methods need to
#' return an EList (biocbox), not a fit object
#' importFrom edgeR voomLmFit
#' @noRd
.voomLmFit <- function(counts, design = NULL, block = NULL,
                       prior.weights = NULL, sample.weights = FALSE, ...) {
  args <- list(...)
  vm.args <- formals(edgeR::voomLmFit)
  take.args <- intersect(names(vm.args), names(args))

  call.args <- list(counts = counts, design = design, block = block,
                    prior.weights = prior.weights,
                    sample.weights = sample.weights)
  if (length(take.args)) call.args <- c(call.args, args[take.args])

  do.call(edgeR::voomLmFit, call.args)

#' Defines a voom method that can accept dots (and toss them)
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom limma voom duplicateCorrelation
.voom <- function(counts, design = NULL, block = NULL, save.plot = TRUE, ...) {
  args <- list(...)
  vm.args <- formals(limma::voom)
  take.args <- intersect(names(vm.args), names(args))

  call.args <- list(counts = counts, design = design, save.plot = save.plot)
  if (length(take.args)) call.args <- c(call.args, args[take.args])

  vm <- do.call(limma::voom, call.args)

  # Follow the two-step dupcor approach outlined in Section 18.1.9 of the
  # limmaUserGuide
  if (!is.null(block)) {
    dcor <- duplicateCorrelation(vm, vm$design, block = vm$targets[[block]])

    call.args[["correlation"]] <- dcor$consensus.correlation
    call.args[["block"]] <- vm$targets[[block]]

    vm <- do.call(limma::voom, call.args)
    dcor <- duplicateCorrelation(vm, vm$design, block = vm$targets[[block]])
    vm$block.corr <- dcor$consensus.correlation


#' This is necessary because limma::voomWithQualityWeights calls voom with
#' voom(...), but it doesn't accept ...
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom limma voomWithQualityWeights duplicateCorrelation
.voomWithQualityWeights <- function(counts, design = NULL, block = block, ...) {
  args <- list(...)
  vm.args <- formals(limma::voom)
  vmw.args <- formals(limma::voomWithQualityWeights)
  all.formals <- c(vm.args, vmw.args)
  take.args <- intersect(names(args), names(all.formals))

  call.args <- list(counts = counts, design = design)
  if (length(take.args)) call.args <- c(call.args, args[take.args])

  vm <- do.call(limma::voomWithQualityWeights, call.args)

  # Follow the two-step dupcor approach outlined in Section 18.1.9 of the
  # limmaUserGuide
  if (!is.null(block)) {
    dcor <- duplicateCorrelation(vm, vm$design, block = vm$targets[[block]])

    call.args[["correlation"]] <- dcor$consensus
    call.args[["block"]] <- vm$targets[[block]]

    vm <- do.call(limma::voom, call.args)
    dcor <- duplicateCorrelation(vm, vm$design, block = vm$targets[[block]])
    vm$block.corr <- dcor$consensus


#' A table of assay_type,dge_method combination parameters
#' This table is used to match the assay_type,dge_method combination with
#' the appropriate bioc container class `bioc_class`, and default edgeR/limma
#' model fitting params.
#' @export
#' @param assay_type An optional string specifying the valid dge methods for
#'   a given assay type.
#' @return A tibble of assay_type -> method and parameter associtiations. If
#'   `assay_type`is not `NULL`, this will be filtered to the associations
#'   valid only for that `assay_type`. If none are found, this will be a
#'   0-row tibble.
fdge_methods <- function(assay_type = NULL,
                         on_missing = c("error", "warning")) {
  on_missing <- match.arg(on_missing)
  # assay_type values : rnaseq, umi, affymrna, affymirna, log2

  # This is a table of assay_type : dge_method possibilites. The first row
  # for each assay_type is the default analysis method
  assay_methods <- read.csv(
    system.file("extdata", "analysis-params", "fdge", "assay-methods.csv",
                package = "FacileAnalysis"),
    strip.white = TRUE)

  method_params <- read.csv(
    system.file("extdata", "analysis-params", "fdge", "method-params.csv",
                package = "FacileAnalysis"),
    strip.white = TRUE)

  info <- left_join(assay_methods, method_params, by = "dge_method")

  if (!is.null(assay_type)) {
    if (on_missing == "error") {
      assert_choice(assay_type, info[["assay_type"]])
    info <- filter(info, .data$assay_type == .env$assay_type)

facileverse/FacileAnalysis documentation built on Nov. 23, 2024, 1:53 p.m.