#' Peform a differential expression analysis.
#' Use [flm_def()] to define the design matrix and contrast to test and
#' pass the `FacileLinearModelDefinition` object returned from that to `fdge()`
#' to run the desired differential testing framework (dictated by the `method`
#' parameter) over the data. `flm_def` accepts a
#' @section Differential Expression Testing Methods:
#' The appropriate statistical framework to use for differential expression
#' testing is defined by the type of data that is recorded in the assay
#' `assay_name`, ie. `assay_info(x, assay_name)$assay_type`.
#' The `fdge_methods()` function returns a tibble of appropriate
#' `assay_type -> dge_method` associations. The first entry for each
#' `dge_method` is the default `method` used if one isn't provided by the
#' caller.
#' The available methods are:
#' * `"voom"`: For count data, uses [limma::voomWithQualityWeights()] when
#' `with_sample_weights = TRUE`.
#' * `"edgeR-qlf"`: The edgeR quasi-likelihood method, for count data.
#' * `"limma-trend"`: Usable for log-transformed data that "looks like" it came
#' from count data, or where there is a "trend" of the variance with the
#' mean, uses [limma::arrayWeights()] when `with_sample_weights = TRUE`.
#' * `"limma"`: Straightup limma, this expects log2-normal like data, with
#' (largely) no trend of the variance to the mean worth modeling. Uses
#' [limma::arrayWeights()] when `with_sample_weights = TRUE`
#' @section Feature Filtering Strategy:
#' You will almost always want to filter out lowly abundant features before
#' performing differential expression analysis. You can either do this by
#' explicitly requesting which features to test via the `features` parameter,
#' or by setting `filter = "default`.
#' When `filter == "default"`, the filtering strategy is largely based on the
#' logic found in [edgeR::filterByExpr()].
#' When `fdge` analysis is performed on count data, the filtering is precisely
#' executed using this function, using `design(x)` as the design parameter to
#' `filterByExpr`. You can modify the filtering behavior by passing some named
#' parameters found in the [edgeR::filterByExpr()] function down to it via
#' `fdge`'s `...` parameter, with the exception of the `design` paremeter,
#' because this is already defined. Use:
#' * `filter_min_count` for the `edgeR::filterByExpr(min.count)` parameter
#' * `filter_min_total_count` for `edgeR::filterByExpr(min.total.count)`
#' * `filter_large_n` for `edgeR::filterByExpr(large.n)`; and
#' * `filter_min_prop` for `edgeR::filterByExpr(min.prop)`.
#' There are times when you want to tweak this behavior in ways that aren't
#' exactly supported by `filterByExpr`. You can pass in a "feature descriptor"
#' (a character vector of feature ids, or a data.frame with a "feature_id"
#' column) into the following parameters:
#' * `filter_universe`: The features enumerated in this parameter will restrict
#' the universe of features that can potentially be included in the downstream
#' analysis. The `filterByExpr()` logic will happen downstream of this
#' universe. The default value is `NULL`, which specifies the universe of
#' features to be all of the ones measured using this assay.
#' * `filter_require`: The `filterByExpr` logic happens first on the universe
#' of features as parameterized. All features enumerated here will be forcibly
#' included in the analysis, irrespective of whether they would have passed
#' the perscribed filter criteria or not. The defalut value for this argument
#' is `NULL`, which means no genes are forcibly included in the analysis when
#' they do not pass muster given the filtering criteria.
#' @export
#' @param x a data source
#' @param assay_name the name of the assay that holds the measurements for test.
#' Defaults to `default_assay(x)`.
#' @param method The differential testing framework to use over the data. The
#' valid choices are defined by the type of assay `assay_name`is. Refer to the
#' *Differential Expression Testing Methods* section for more details.
#' @param features Explicitly request the features to test. If this is provided,
#' then the `filter` criteria (to remove low abundance features, for instance)
#' is skipped. By default this is `NULL`
#' @param filter,with_sample_weights Passed into [biocbox()] to determine which
#' features (genes) are removed from the dataset for testing, as well as if
#' to use [limma::arrayWeights()] or [limma::voomWithQualityWeights()]
#' (where appropriate) when testing (default is not to).
#' @param weights a `sample_id,feature_id,weight` table of observation weights
#' to use when `method == "limma"`.
#' @param treat_lfc If this is numeric, this activates limma's "treat"
#' functionality and tests for differential expression against this specified
#' log2 fold change threshold.
#' @examples
#' efds <- FacileData::exampleFacileDataSet()
#' samples <- efds |>
#' FacileData::filter_samples(indication == "BLCA") |>
#' dplyr::mutate(something = sample(c("a", "b"), n(), replace = TRUE))
#' mdef <- flm_def(samples, covariate = "sample_type",
#' numer = "tumor", denom = "normal",
#' batch = "sex")
#' dge <- fdge(mdef, method = "voom")
#' if (interactive()) {
#' viz(dge)
#' viz(dge, "146909")
#' shine(dge)
#' }
#' dge.stats <- tidy(dge)
#' dge.sig <- signature(dge)
#' stage.anova <- samples |>
#' flm_def(covariate = "stage", batch = "sex") |>
#' fdge(method = "voom")
#' anova.sig <- signature(stage.anova)
fdge <- function(x, assay_name = NULL, method = NULL, features = NULL,
filter = "default", with_sample_weights = FALSE,
treat_lfc = NULL, ...,
verbose = FALSE) {
UseMethod("fdge", x)
#' @noRd
#' @export
fdge.FacileFailedModelDefinition <- function(x, assay_name = NULL,
method = NULL, features = NULL,
filter = "default",
with_sample_weights = FALSE, ...,
verbose = FALSE) {
stop("There are erros in this model:\n", paste(x$errors, collapse = "\n"))
#' @export
#' @rdname fdge
fdge.FacileAnovaModelDefinition <- function(x, assay_name = NULL, method = NULL,
features = NULL, filter = "default",
with_sample_weights = FALSE, ...,
verbose = FALSE) {
res <- NextMethod(coef = x[["coef"]])
# rename .intercept. to mean.level
covariate <- param(x, "covariate")
vals <- samples(x)[[covariate]]
if (is.factor(vals)) {
intercept <- levels(vals)[1L]
} else {
intercept <- sort(unique(vals))[1L]
intercept <- paste0("mean.", intercept)
data.table::setnames(res$result, ".intercept.", intercept)
#' @export
#' @rdname fdge
fdge.FacileTtestDGEModelDefinition <- function(x, assay_name = NULL,
method = NULL, features = NULL,
filter = "default",
with_sample_weights = FALSE,
treat_lfc = NULL,
verbose = FALSE) {
res <- NextMethod(contrast = x[["contrast"]])
#' @export
#' @rdname fdge
#' @param ... passed down into inner methods, such as `biocbox` to tweak
#' filtering criteria, for instance
fdge.FacileLinearModelDefinition <- function(x, assay_name = NULL,
method = NULL, features = NULL,
filter = "default",
with_sample_weights = FALSE,
treat_lfc = NULL,
weights = NULL, with_box = FALSE,
biocbox = NULL,
trend.eBayes = FALSE,
robust.eBayes = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE) {
messages <- character()
warnings <- character()
errors <- character()
.fds <- assert_facile_data_store(fds(x))
if (is.null(assay_name)) assay_name <- default_assay(.fds)
ainfo <- try(assay_info(.fds, assay_name), silent = TRUE)
bad_assay <- is(ainfo, "try-error")
if (bad_assay) {
msg <- glue("assay_name `{assay_name}` not present in FacileDataStore")
errors <- c(errors, msg)
assay_type <- "ERROR"
} else {
assay_type <- ainfo$assay_type
if (bad_assay) {
dge_methods <- filter(fdge_methods(), FALSE)
dropped <- distinct(samples(x), dataset, sample_id, .keep_all = TRUE)
assay_samples <- filter(dropped, FALSE)
} else {
dge_methods <- fdge_methods(assay_type)
assay_samples <- filter_by_assay_support(samples(x), assay_name)
dropped <- samples(assay_samples, dropped = TRUE)
if (nrow(dge_methods) == 0L) {
msg <- glue("Differential expression method `{method}` for assay_type ",
"`{assay_type}` not found")
errors <- c(errors, msg)
ndropped <- nrow(dropped)
if (ndropped > 0) {
xo <- x
msg <- paste(
ndropped, "samples have no", assay_name, "data. These samples will ",
"be removed for downstream analysis.")
# Re-estimate the linear model
# NOTE: This should be moved to biocbox.FacileLinearModelDefinition
if (length(errors) == 0L) {
msg <- paste(
"re-estimating linear model from reduced sample space",
"from", nrow(samples(xo)), "->", nrow(assay_samples))
x <- redo(x, samples = assay_samples)
errors <- c(errors, errors(x))
warnings <- c(warnings, warnings(x))
messages <- c(msg, messages(x))
if (length(errors) == 0L) {
if (!is.null(biocbox)) {
# We are doing this so we don't have to recalculate things like
# edgeR::estimateDisp, or limma::voom
ftrace("reusing a cached biocbox")
messages <- c(messages, "using a cached biobox needs more testing")
if (is.null(method)) {
stop("Using a cached biocbox requires you to explicitly set `method` ",
bb <- biocbox
fbits <- attr(bb, "facile")
if (method != fbits[["params"]][["method"]]) {
msg <- paste0(
"The previously used `method` ('",
"'), does not match the one currently being run ('", method, "')")
warnings <- c(warnings, msg)
fbits[["params"]][["method"]] <- method
if (!is.null(weights)) {
bb <- .add_observation_weights(bb, weights)
messages <- c(messages, fbits[["messages"]])
warnings <- c(warnings, fbits[["warnings"]])
errors <- c(errors, fbits[["errors"]])
} else {
ftrace("... retrieving expression data")
bb <- biocbox(x, assay_name, method, features, filter,
with_sample_weights = with_sample_weights,
weights = weights, ...)
fbits <- attr(bb, "facile")
messages <- c(messages, fbits[["messages"]])
warnings <- c(warnings, fbits[["warnings"]])
errors <- c(errors, fbits[["errors"]])
method <- fbits[["params"]][["method"]]
des <- design(x)
if (!setequal(rownames(des), colnames(bb))) {
errors <- c(errors, "rownames of design(x) does not match biocbox")
# return(out)
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(rownames(des), colnames(bb)))) {
bb <- bb[,rownames(des)]
if (!is.null(treat_lfc)) {
if (!test_number(treat_lfc, lower = 0) || !is_ttest(x)) {
warnings <- c(
"Illegal parameter passed to `treat_lfc`. It is being ignored")
treat_lfc <- 0
} else {
treat_lfc <- 0
use.treat <- treat_lfc > 0
if (verbose) {
message("... running differential expression analysis")
# TODO: Add more params to send to calculateIndividualLogFC based on
# dge method, for instance when for:
# * method == "limma-trend", send trend.eBayes = TRUE
if (method == "limma-trend") {
trend.eBayes <- TRUE
block <- param(x, "block")
dup.corr <- NULL
if (!is.null(block)) {
# this needs to be a EList for now
assert_class(bb, "EList")
block <- bb[["targets"]][[block]]
assert_categorical(block, len = ncol(bb), any.missing = FALSE)
dup.corr <- bb$block.corr
if (is_ttest(x)) {
testme <- x[["contrast"]]
clazz <- "FacileTtestAnalysisResult"
} else {
testme <- x[["coef"]]
clazz <- "FacileAnovaAnalysisResult"
result <- sparrow::calculateIndividualLogFC(
bb, des, contrast = testme,
treat.lfc = treat_lfc,
trend.eBayes = trend.eBayes,
robust.eBayes = robust.eBayes,
# with.fit = TRUE,
block = block, correlation = dup.corr)
# sparrow::calculateIndividualLogFC returns the stats table ordered by
# featureId, let's put the features back in the order they are in y
rownames(result) <- result[["feature_id"]]
result <- result[rownames(bb),]
axe.cols <- c("featureId", "x.idx")
if (is(bb, "DGEList")) {
axe.cols <- c(axe.cols, "t")
for (col in axe.cols) {
if (col %in% names(result)) result[[col]] <- NULL
result <- as_tibble(result)
} else {
result <- NULL
# Hack here to support call from a bioc-container that we haven't turned
# into a facile data store yet
if (!is.null(result) && !"feature_type" %in% colnames(result)) {
feature_type <- FacileData::infer_feature_type(
result[["feature_id"]], summarize = TRUE)
result[["feature_type"]] <- feature_type[["feature_type"]]
result <- select(result, feature_type, everything())
# We'll stick on the lib.size and norm.factors on these samples so that
# downstream queries over this result will use the same normalization factors
# when retrieving data as well.
if (is(bb, "DGEList") || is(bb, "EList")) {
samples. <- samples(x)
sinfo <- if (is(bb, "DGEList")) bb[["samples"]] else bb[["targets"]]
for (cname in c("lib.size", "norm.factors")) {
if (cname %in% colnames(sinfo) && is.numeric(sinfo[[cname]])) {
samples.[[cname]] <- sinfo[[cname]]
x[["covariates"]] <- samples. # `samples(x) <- samples.` would be nice!
out <- list(
biocbox = bb,
result = result,
params = list(
assay_name = assay_name,
method = method,
model_def = x,
treat_lfc = if (use.treat) treat_lfc else NULL,
with_sample_weights = with_sample_weights,
weights = weights),
# Standard FacileAnalysisResult things
fds = .fds,
messages = messages,
warnings = warnings,
errors = errors)
if (with_box) {
out[["biocbox"]] <- bb
class(out) <- c(clazz, "FacileDgeAnalysisResult", "FacileAnalysisResult")
# Methods and Accessors ========================================================
#' @noRd
#' @export
result.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, name = "result", ...) {
tidy(x, name, ...)
#' @param features you can provide a set of features to reduce the analysis
#' to. This will readjust the `padj` values to the features used.
#' @param padjust The method used to readjust pvalues. Passed to `method`
#' parameter in [stats::p.adjust()].
#' @noRd
#' @export
tidy.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, name = "result", features = NULL,
padjust = "BH", ...) {
out <- x[["result"]]
if (!is.null(features)) {
features <- extract_feature_id(features, as_tibble = TRUE)
out <- left_join(features, out, by = "feature_id")
if (nrow(out) == 0L) {
stop("None of the requested features were found in the resut.")
missed <- anti_join(features, out, by = "feature_id")
nmiss <- nrow(missed)
if (nmiss) {
warning(length(nmiss), " features not found in result")
out[["padj"]] <- stats::p.adjust(out[["pval"]], padjust)
#' @noRd
#' @export
features.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
stat.table <- tidy(x)
take <- c("feature_id", "feature_type", "symbol", "assay", "assay_type")
take <- intersect(take, colnames(stat.table))
select(stat.table, {{take}}, everything())
#' @noRd
#' @export
model.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
param(x, "model_def")
#' @noRd
#' @export
design.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
design(model(x, ...), ...)
#' @noRd
#' @export
contrast.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
contrast(param(x, "model_def"), ...)
#' @noRd
#' @export
name.FacileTtestAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
m <- model(x)
covname <- param(m, "covariate")
batch <- param(m, "batch")
contrast <- gsub(" ", "", m[["contrast_string"]])
contrast <- gsub("/", ".divby.", contrast, fixed = TRUE)
out <- sprintf("%s_%s", covname, contrast)
if (length(batch)) {
out <- sprintf("%s_controlfor_%s", out, paste(batch, collapse = ","))
#' @noRd
#' @export
label.FacileTtestAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
m <- model(x)
covname <- param(m, "covariate")
batch <- param(m, "batch")
contrast <- m[["contrast_string"]]
out <- sprintf("%s: %s", covname, contrast)
if (length(batch)) {
out <- sprintf("%s (control for %s)", out, paste(batch, collapse = ","))
#' @noRd
#' @export
name.FacileAnovaAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
m <- model(x)
covname <- param(m, "covariate")
clevels <- unique(samples(m)[[covname]])
batch <- param(m, "batch")
out <- sprintf("%s_%s", covname, paste(clevels, collapse = ","))
if (length(batch)) {
out <- sprintf("%s_controlfor_%s", out, paste(batch, collapse = ","))
#' @noRd
#' @export
label.FacileAnovaAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
m <- model(x)
covname <- param(m, "covariate")
clevels <- unique(samples(m)[[covname]])
batch <- param(m, "batch")
out <- sprintf("%s [%s]", covname, paste(clevels, collapse = ","))
if (length(batch)) {
out <- sprintf("%s (control for %s)", out, paste(batch, collapse = ","))
# Ttest Ranks and Signatures ===================================================
#' @export
#' @noRd
ranks.FacileTtestAnalysisResult <- function(x, signed = TRUE, rank_by = "logFC",
...) {
ranks. <- tidy(x, ...)
rank_by <- assert_choice(rank_by, colnames(ranks.))
ofn <- if (rank_by %in% c("pval", "padj")) identity else dplyr::desc
if (signed) {
ranks. <- arrange(ranks., ofn(ranks.[[rank_by]]))
} else {
ranks. <- arrange(ranks., ofn(abs(ranks.[[rank_by]])))
out <- list(
result = ranks.,
params = list(signed = signed),
ranking_columns = "logFC",
ranking_order = "descending",
fds = fds(x))
# FacileTtestFeatureRanksSigned
clazz <- "Facile%sFeatureRanks%s"
s <- if (signed) "Signed" else "Unsigned"
classes <- sprintf(clazz, c("Ttest", "Ttest", "", ""), c(s, "", s, ""))
class(out) <- c(classes, "FacileFeatureRanks")
#' @export
#' @noRd
signature.FacileTtestAnalysisResult <- function(x, min_logFC = x[["treat_lfc"]],
max_padj = 0.10, ntop = 20,
name = NULL,
collection_name = NULL,
...) {
signature(ranks(x, ...), min_logFC = min_logFC, max_padj = max_padj,
ntop = ntop, name = name, collection_name = collection_name, ...)
#' @export
#' @noRd
signature.FacileTtestFeatureRanks <- function(x, min_logFC = x[["treat_lfc"]],
max_padj = 0.10,
ntop = 20,
name = NULL,
collection_name = NULL,
...) {
if (is.null(name)) name <- "Ttest signature"
name. <- assert_string(name)
if (is.null(collection_name)) collection_name <- class(x)[1L]
if (is.null(min_logFC)) min_logFC <- 0
min_logFC <- abs(min_logFC)
res <- tidy(x) |>
mutate(direction = ifelse(logFC > 0, "up", "down"))
if (signed(x)) {
up <- res |>
filter(padj <= max_padj, logFC > min_logFC) |>
down <- res |>
filter(padj <= max_padj, logFC < -min_logFC) |>
sig <- bind_rows(up, down)
} else {
sig <- res |>
filter(padj <= max_padj) |>
sig <- sig |>
mutate(collection = collection_name, name = paste(name., direction)) |>
select(collection, name, feature_id, symbol, direction,
logFC, pval, padj, everything())
out <- list(
result = sig,
params = list(max_padj = max_padj, min_logFC = min_logFC, ntop = ntop))
class(out) <- sub("Ranks", "Signature", class(x))
# ANOVA Ranks and Signatures ===================================================
#' @noRd
#' @export
ranks.FacileAnovaAnalysisResult <- function(x, signed = FALSE, ...) {
if (signed) {
warning("ANOVA results can only provide unsigned ranks ",
"based on p-value, which is the same as desc(Fstatistic)",
immediate. = TRUE)
signed <- FALSE
ranks. <- arrange(result(x, ...), desc(.data[["F"]]))
out <- list(
result = ranks.,
params = list(signed = signed),
ranking_columns = "F",
ranking_order = "descending")
# FacileAnovaFeatureRanksSigned
clazz <- "Facile%sFeatureRanks%s"
s <- if (signed) "Signed" else "Unsigned"
classes <- sprintf(clazz, c("Anova", "Anova", "", ""), c(s, "", s, ""))
class(out) <- c(classes, "FacileFeatureRanks")
#' @export
#' @noRd
signature.FacileAnovaAnalysisResult <- function(x, max_padj = 0.10, ntop = 20,
name = NULL, collection_name = NULL,
...) {
signature(ranks(x, ...), max_padj = max_padj, ntop = ntop, name = name,
collectoin_name = collection_name, ...)
#' @export
#' @noRd
signature.FacileAnovaFeatureRanks <- function(x, max_padj = 0.10,
ntop = 20, name = NULL,
collection_name = NULL,
...) {
if (is.null(name)) name <- "Anova signature"
name. <- assert_string(name)
if (is.null(collection_name)) collection_name <- class(x)[1L]
sig <- result(x) |>
filter(padj <= max_padj) |>
mutate(collection = collection_name, name = name.,
direction = "udefined") |>
head(ntop) |>
select(collection, name, feature_id, symbol, direction, F, pval, padj,
out <- list(
result = sig,
params = list(ntop = ntop, max_padj = max_padj))
class(out) <- sub("Ranks$", "Signature", class(x))
# Facile API ===================================================================
#' @noRd
#' @export
samples.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
samples(model(x), ...)
#' @section FacileDgeAnalysisResult:
#' Given a FacileDgeAnalysisResult, we can re-materialize the Bioconductor assay
#' container used within the differential testing pipeline used from [fdge()].
#' Currently we have limited our analysis framework to either work over DGEList
#' (edgeR) or EList (limma) containers.
#' @export
#' @rdname biocbox
biocbox.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, cached = TRUE, ...) {
if (cached) {
out <- x[["biocbox"]]
} else {
# I originally had this method signature as (x, ...) and then explicitly
# passed down assay_name = param(x, "assay_name"), but if we don't catch
# this arguments in the function and the user calls the function with them,
# we get an error of duplicate parameters in the function call when we
# delegate down to biocbox.FacileLinearModelDefinition
assay_name <- assert_string(param(x, "assay_name"))
method <- assert_string(param(x, "method"))
# meta.cols <- c("lib.size", "norm.factors", "sizeFactor")
# meta.cols <- intersect(meta.cols, )
out <- biocbox(model(x), assay_name = assay_name, method = method,
features = features(x),
with_sample_weights = param(x, "with_sample_weights"),
weights = param(x, "weights"), ...)
#' @noRd
#' @export
print.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
cat(format(x, ...), "\n")
#' @noRd
format.FacileDgeAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
test_type <- if (is_ttest(x)) "ttest" else "ANOVA"
mdef <- model(x)
des <- design(mdef)
formula <- mdef[["design_formula"]]
if (test_type == "ttest") {
test <- mdef[["contrast_string"]]
des.cols <- names(mdef$contrast[mdef$contrast != 0])
} else {
test <- sprintf("%s (%s)", param(mdef, "covariate"),
paste(colnames(des)[mdef[["coef"]]], collapse = "|"))
des.cols <- c(1, mdef$coef)
# nsamples <- sum(colSums(des[, des.cols, drop = FALSE]) != 0)
nsamples <- sum(rowSums(des[,des.cols,drop = FALSE]) > 0)
res <- result(x)
ntested <- nrow(res)
nsig <- sum(!is.na(res[["padj"]]) & res[["padj"]] < 0.10)
nsig2 <- sum(!is.na(res[["padj"]]) & res[["padj"]] < 0.10 & abs(res[["logFC"]]) > 1)
out <- paste(
sprintf("FacileDgeAnalysisResult (%s)\n", test_type),
"Significant Results (FDR < 0.1): ",
"{nsig} / {ntested} [{nsig2} > 2fold]", .trim = FALSE), "\n",
"Formula: ", formula, "\n",
"Tested: ", test, "\n",
"Number of samples: ", nsamples, "\n",
sep = "")
# Helpers ======================================================================
#' Defines a voomLmFit method that can accept dots (and toss them)
#' This can't work in the current framework because these methods need to
#' return an EList (biocbox), not a fit object
#' importFrom edgeR voomLmFit
#' @noRd
.voomLmFit <- function(counts, design = NULL, block = NULL,
prior.weights = NULL, sample.weights = FALSE, ...) {
args <- list(...)
vm.args <- formals(edgeR::voomLmFit)
take.args <- intersect(names(vm.args), names(args))
call.args <- list(counts = counts, design = design, block = block,
prior.weights = prior.weights,
sample.weights = sample.weights)
if (length(take.args)) call.args <- c(call.args, args[take.args])
do.call(edgeR::voomLmFit, call.args)
#' Defines a voom method that can accept dots (and toss them)
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom limma voom duplicateCorrelation
.voom <- function(counts, design = NULL, block = NULL, save.plot = TRUE, ...) {
args <- list(...)
vm.args <- formals(limma::voom)
take.args <- intersect(names(vm.args), names(args))
call.args <- list(counts = counts, design = design, save.plot = save.plot)
if (length(take.args)) call.args <- c(call.args, args[take.args])
vm <- do.call(limma::voom, call.args)
# Follow the two-step dupcor approach outlined in Section 18.1.9 of the
# limmaUserGuide
if (!is.null(block)) {
dcor <- duplicateCorrelation(vm, vm$design, block = vm$targets[[block]])
call.args[["correlation"]] <- dcor$consensus.correlation
call.args[["block"]] <- vm$targets[[block]]
vm <- do.call(limma::voom, call.args)
dcor <- duplicateCorrelation(vm, vm$design, block = vm$targets[[block]])
vm$block.corr <- dcor$consensus.correlation
#' This is necessary because limma::voomWithQualityWeights calls voom with
#' voom(...), but it doesn't accept ...
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom limma voomWithQualityWeights duplicateCorrelation
.voomWithQualityWeights <- function(counts, design = NULL, block = block, ...) {
args <- list(...)
vm.args <- formals(limma::voom)
vmw.args <- formals(limma::voomWithQualityWeights)
all.formals <- c(vm.args, vmw.args)
take.args <- intersect(names(args), names(all.formals))
call.args <- list(counts = counts, design = design)
if (length(take.args)) call.args <- c(call.args, args[take.args])
vm <- do.call(limma::voomWithQualityWeights, call.args)
# Follow the two-step dupcor approach outlined in Section 18.1.9 of the
# limmaUserGuide
if (!is.null(block)) {
dcor <- duplicateCorrelation(vm, vm$design, block = vm$targets[[block]])
call.args[["correlation"]] <- dcor$consensus
call.args[["block"]] <- vm$targets[[block]]
vm <- do.call(limma::voom, call.args)
dcor <- duplicateCorrelation(vm, vm$design, block = vm$targets[[block]])
vm$block.corr <- dcor$consensus
#' A table of assay_type,dge_method combination parameters
#' This table is used to match the assay_type,dge_method combination with
#' the appropriate bioc container class `bioc_class`, and default edgeR/limma
#' model fitting params.
#' @export
#' @param assay_type An optional string specifying the valid dge methods for
#' a given assay type.
#' @return A tibble of assay_type -> method and parameter associtiations. If
#' `assay_type`is not `NULL`, this will be filtered to the associations
#' valid only for that `assay_type`. If none are found, this will be a
#' 0-row tibble.
fdge_methods <- function(assay_type = NULL,
on_missing = c("error", "warning")) {
on_missing <- match.arg(on_missing)
# assay_type values : rnaseq, umi, affymrna, affymirna, log2
# This is a table of assay_type : dge_method possibilites. The first row
# for each assay_type is the default analysis method
assay_methods <- read.csv(
system.file("extdata", "analysis-params", "fdge", "assay-methods.csv",
package = "FacileAnalysis"),
strip.white = TRUE)
method_params <- read.csv(
system.file("extdata", "analysis-params", "fdge", "method-params.csv",
package = "FacileAnalysis"),
strip.white = TRUE)
info <- left_join(assay_methods, method_params, by = "dge_method")
if (!is.null(assay_type)) {
if (on_missing == "error") {
assert_choice(assay_type, info[["assay_type"]])
info <- filter(info, .data$assay_type == .env$assay_type)
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