
#' Build a blocks model
#' Given the coordinates of the observations, the *factor* identifying blocks,
#' and the logical autofill, build the incidence and covariance matrices of a
#' blocks model.
#' @param coordinates matrix(-like) of observation coordinates
#' @param id factor of the same length as observations, giving the block id for
#'   each observation.
#' @param autofill logical. If \code{TRUE} (default) it will try to fill gaps in
#'   the rows or columns. Otherwise, it will treat gaps the same way as adjacent
#'   rows or columns.
#' @param ... Not used.
breedr_blocks <- function (coordinates,
                           autofill = TRUE,
                           ...) {
  ## Checks
  if (!is.factor(id))  id <- as.factor(id)
  # Consider matrix-like coordinates
  coordinates <- as.data.frame(coordinates)
  ## Encompassing grid
  grid <- build_grid(coordinates, autofill)
  # How to "fill-in" the missing locations with the right block number?
  # Not trivial. Consider the most common level among the neighbors?
  # For the moment, don't fill anything.
  # Structure matrix for the blocks (identity)
  # (needed by vcov())
  n.blocks <- nlevels(id)
  cov.mat <- Matrix::Diagonal(n.blocks)
  ## Incidence matrix
  ## Account for individuals with missing block id
  ## need to remove those to build the incidence matrix
  ## but dimensions are based on the full length
  miss.idx <- is.na(as.numeric(id))
  inc.mat <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = which(!miss.idx),
                                  j = as.numeric(id)[!miss.idx],
                                  x = 1,
                                  dims = c(length(id),
  colnames(inc.mat) <- levels(id)
  ## Build the spatial effect, return the autoregressive parameters
  ## and further specify the blocks class
  ans <- spatial(coordinates, incidence = inc.mat, covariance = cov.mat)
  ans$param <- list(n.blocks = n.blocks)
  attr(ans, 'grid') <- grid
  class(ans) <- c('blocks', class(ans))
famuvie/breedR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 9:10 p.m.