
Defines functions `breedR.os.is.64bit` `breedR.os.is.32bit` `breedR.os.32or64bit` `breedR.os.type` `breedR.os`

# Functions borrowed from the R-INLA project
# www.r-inla.org

## nothing to export

#' Check host OS
#' Identifies host operating system.
#' Relies on \code{.Platform$OS.type}, but distinguishes between linux or mac.
#' @param type character. OS to be checked.
`breedR.os` = function(type = c("linux", "mac", "windows", "else"))
    if (missing(type)) {
        stop("Type of OS is required.")
    type = match.arg(type)
    if (type == "windows") {
        return (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
    } else if (type == "mac") {
      return (isTRUE(file.info("/Library")$isdir &&
    } else if (type == "linux") {
        return ((.Platform$OS.type == "unix") && !breedR.os("mac"))
    } else if (type == "else") {
        return (TRUE)
    } else {
        stop("This shouldn't happen.")
`breedR.os.type` = function()
    for (os in c("windows", "mac", "linux", "else")) {
        if (breedR.os(os)) {
            return (os)
    stop("This shouldn't happen.")

#' test 32/64 bits architecture
#' Give precedence to current R architecture
#' @return Either "32" or "64"
`breedR.os.32or64bit` = function()
  if (!nchar(r_arch <- Sys.getenv("R_ARCH"))) {
    arch <- ifelse(.Machine$sizeof.pointer == 4, "32", "64")
  } else {
    arch <- ifelse(grepl("64", r_arch), "64", "32")
  return (arch)

`breedR.os.is.32bit` = function()
    return (breedR.os.32or64bit() == "32")
`breedR.os.is.64bit` = function()
    return (breedR.os.32or64bit() == "64")
famuvie/breedR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 9:10 p.m.