
old.op <- options(warn = -1)  # suppressWarnings

### Spatial-Autoregressive model for spatially correlated traits ###

# Eucaliptus Globulus dataset
# Cappa and Cantet (2007)
cat(paste(comment(globulus), collapse='\n'))

if( !require('ggplot2') ) {
  stop('This demo requires package ggplot2. Please install.')

# Variables and structure:
  # Notice that 'Factor' variables take a discrete number of values
  # and can be used either as fixed or random effects

# A spatial 'AR' process without specification of the autoregressive parameters
# will automatically fit several models with different combinations.  <- remlf90(fixed  = phe_X ~ gg,
                   genetic = list(model = 'add_animal', 
                                  pedigree = globulus[,1:3],
                                  id = 'self'), 
                   spatial = list(model = 'AR', 
                                  coord = globulus[, c('x','y')]), 
                   data = globulus)

# You can visualize the log-likelihood of the models with 
# the tried combinations of autoregressive parameters.
qplot(rho_r, rho_c, fill = loglik, geom = 'tile', data =$rho)

# Refine the grid around the most likely values
rho.grid <- expand.grid(rho_r = seq(.7, .95, length = 4),
                        rho_c = seq(.7, .95, length = 4))  <- remlf90(fixed  = phe_X ~ gg,
                   genetic = list(model = 'add_animal', 
                                  pedigree = globulus[,1:3],
                                  id = 'self'), 
                   spatial = list(model = 'AR', 
                                  coord = globulus[, c('x','y')],
                                  rho = rho.grid), 
                   data = globulus)

# A summary shows the selected model with the most likely combination
# of the autoregressive parameters

### Predicted spatial effect in the observed locations ###
plot(, 'spatial')

### Prediction also in unobserved locations (full grid) ###
plot(, 'fullspatial')
famuvie/breedR documentation built on Sept. 6, 2021, 4:50 a.m.