
### Test the management of binary dependencies ###

context("Binary dependencies")

# breedR.os.type() returns the current platform (broadly)
test_that(paste('breedR.os.type()', breedR.os.type(), 'identifies the platform', .Platform$OS.type), {
  check <- switch(.Platform$OS.type,
                  windows = identical(breedR.os.type(), 'windows'),
                  unix = breedR.os.type() %in% c('linux', 'mac'))

# Install binaries somewhere, and check their installation
test_that('Installation of binaries and checking runs smoothly', {
  # If not online and test is performed in development machine
  # then set environment variable to test from local repo
  if (breedR_online() || Sys.getenv("USER") == "facu") {
    if (!breedR_online()){
      Sys.setenv(PROGSF90_URL = paste0("file://",
    expect_pf90_installs <- function(os, arch) {
      tdir <- tempdir()
      path <- file.path(tdir, os)
      if (os == 'linux') {
        ## further specify arch for installation on linux
        path <- file.path(path, paste0(arch, 'bit'))
      eval(bquote(expect_true(install_progsf90(dest = .(path),
                                               platform = .(os),
                                               arch = .(arch)))))
      if (os == 'windows') {
        ## further specify arch for checking on windows
        path <- file.path(path, paste0(arch, 'bit'))
                                             platform = .(os), 
                                             quiet = TRUE))))
    expect_pf90_installs('linux', '32')
    expect_pf90_installs('linux', '64')
    expect_pf90_installs('windows', '64')
    expect_pf90_installs('mac', '64')

# checking somewhere else should fail
empty.dir <- tempfile()

test_that('breedR.check.bin() fails in the wrong directory', {
  expect_false(check_progsf90(empty.dir, quiet = TRUE))

# calling reml or aireml checks the installation
test_that('(ai)remlf90 checks the installation of binaries', {
  breedR.setOption('breedR.bin', empty.dir)
  run_dummy <- function()
    remlf90(fixed = phe_X ~ 1, data = globulus, debug = TRUE)
  expect_error(run_dummy(), 'Binary dependencies missing')
  breedR.setOption('breedR.bin', NULL)
famuvie/breedR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 9:10 p.m.