
### For testing prediction, we perform a cross-validation excercise ###


# Sample individuals and generate a secondary response
# with removed observations
Nobs <- nrow(as.data.frame(m1))
sel.idx <- sample(as.data.frame(m1)$self, Nobs/6)

m1$Data$y <- m1$Data$phe_X
m1$Data$y[sel.idx] <- NA
dat <- as.data.frame(m1)

# Fit with no missings
res.full <- try(
    remlf90(fixed   = phe_X ~ sex, 
            genetic = list(model = 'add_animal', 
                           pedigree = get_pedigree(m1),
                           id = 'self'), 
            spatial = list(model = 'AR', 
                           coord = coordinates(m1),
                           rho = c(.9, .9)), 
            data = dat,
            method = 'ai')

# Fit with missings
res.pred <- try(
    remlf90(fixed   = y ~ sex, 
            genetic = list(model = 'add_animal', 
                           pedigree = get_pedigree(m1),
                           id = 'self'), 
            spatial = list(model = 'AR', 
                           coord = coordinates(m1),
                           rho = c(.9, .9)), 
            data = dat,
            method = 'ai')

#### Context: Prediction and cross-validation ####

# For a cross-validation, the results will not be exactly equal
# but similar up to a given tolerance
tol = 2e-01

# Variance components
test_that("Estimated variance components are similar", {
  expect_equal(res.full$var, res.pred$var, tolerance = tol)

# Prediction of the spatial effect
# qplot(ranef(res.full)$spatial,
#       ranef(res.pred)$spatial) +
#   geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1)
test_that("Predicted spatial effects are similar everywhere", {
               tolerance = tol, check.attributes = FALSE)

# Prediction of the genetic effect
# plotdat <- data.frame(fullBV = ranef(res.full)$genetic,
#                       predBV = ranef(res.pred)$genetic,
#                       miss   = factor(0, levels = 0:1))
# plotdat$miss[sel.idx] <- 1L
# qplot(fullBV, predBV, data = plotdat, color = miss) + 
#   geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, col ='darkgray')
test_that("Predicted Breeding Values are similar in observed individuals", {
            tolerance = tol)

test_that("Predicted Breeding Values of missings are still similar 
          up to one additional order of magnitude", {
               tolerance = 10*tol)

# Estimation of fixed effects: can change up to one additional order of magnitude
test_that("Fixed effects are similar", {
  expect_equal(fixef(res.full), fixef(res.pred), tolerance = 10*tol)

test_that('(ai)remlf90() predict correctly when missing code is not 0', {
  ## dataset with positive and negative values
  dat <- breedR.sample.phenotype(fixed = c(mu = 0), N = 1e3)
  dat$group <- factor(rep(letters[1:4], each = 1e3/4))
  dat$phenotype <- dat$phenotype + as.numeric(dat$group)
  dat$phenotype[1] <- NA
    res <- remlf90(phenotype ~ group, data = dat),
  expect_equal(fitted(res)[1], fixef(res)$group[1], 
               check.attributes = FALSE)
famuvie/breedR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 9:10 p.m.