
BASS.generalized <-
  function (sales, shock = c("exp", "rett", "mixed", "harmonic"),
            nshock, prelimestimates, alpha = 0.05, ous=100,  display = T, max.iter=100)
    cl <- match.call()
    nomiinter <- c("Exponential", "Rectangular", "Mixed", "harmonic")
    nomimezzi <- c("exp", "rett", "mixed", "harmonic")
    a <- b <- c <- a1 <- b1 <- c1 <- a2 <- b2 <- c2 <- a3 <- b3 <- c3 <- x <- NULL
    t <- seq(1, length(sales), by = 1)
    s <- sales
    c <- cumsum(sales)
    if (nshock == 1) {
      if (shock == "exp") {
        intx <- function(t, a1, b1, c1) {
          (t + c1 * (1/b1) * (exp(b1 * (t - a1)) - 1) *
             (t >= a1))
        #cat("################## Exponential shock ################## \n")
        xt <- function(t, a1, b1, c1) {
          1 + (c1 * exp(b1 * (t - a1))) * (t >= a1)
      else if (shock == "rett") {
        intx <- function(t, a1, b1, c1) {
          (t + c1 * (t - a1) * (a1 <= t) * (t <= b1) +
             c1 * (b1 - a1) * (b1 < t))
        #cat("################## Rectangular shock  ################## \n")
        xt <- function(t, a1, b1, c1) {
          1 + c1 * (t >= a1) * (t <= b1)
      else if (shock == "mixed") {
        intx <- function(t, a1, b1, c1) {
          t + c1 * (1/b1) * (exp(b1 * (t - a1)) - 1) *
            (t >= a1)
        ##cat("################## Mixed shock ################## \n")
        xt <- function(t, a1, b1, c1) {
          1 + (c1 * exp(b1 * (t - a1))) * (t >= a1)
      else if (shock == "harmonic") {
        intx <- function(t, a1, b1, c1) {
          t + c1 * ((b1 - a1)/(2 * pi)) * cos(2 * pi *
                                                ((t - a1)/(b1 - a1))) * (t >= a1) * (b <= b1)
        #cat("################## harmonic shock  ################## \n")
        xt <- function(t, a1, b1, c1) {
          1 + c1 * cos(2 * pi * ((t - a1)/(b1 - a1))) *
            (t >= a1) * (b <= b1)
      ff <- function(t, m, p, q, a1, b1, c1) {
        m * (1 - exp(-(p + q) * intx(t, a1, b1, c1)))/(1 +
                                                         (q/p) * exp(-(p + q) * intx(t, a1, b1, c1)))
      ff1 <- function(t, par) {
        c - ff(t, par[1], par[2], par[3], par[4], par[5],
      ff2 <- function(t, par) {
        ff(t, par[1], par[2], par[3], par[4], par[5], par[6])
      zprimo <- function(t, m, p, q, a1, b1, c1) {
        m * (p + q * (ff(t, m, p, q, a1, b1, c1)/m)) * (1 - (ff(t, m, p, q, a1, b1, c1)/m)) * xt(t, a1, b1,c1)
      zprimo.return <- function(t,par) {
        m <- par[1]
        p<- par[2]
        q<- par[3]
        a1<- par[4]
        b1 <- par[5]
        c1<- par[6]
        m * (p + q * (ff(t, m, p, q, a1, b1, c1)/m)) * (1 - (ff(t, m, p, q, a1, b1, c1)/m)) * xt(t, a1, b1,c1)
      stime <- nls.lm(par = prelimestimates, fn = ff1, t = t, control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = max.iter))$par
      aa <- data.frame(summary(nls.lm(par = prelimestimates,
                                      fn = ff1, t = t, control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = max.iter)))$coefficients[, c(1, 2)], 0, 0,
      names(aa) <- c("Estimate", "Std.Error", "Lower", "Upper",
      row.names(aa) <- c("m  ", "p  ", "q  ", "a1  ", "b1  ",
                         "c1  ")
      for (i in 1:NROW(aa)) {
        aa[i, c(3, 4)] <- aa[i, 1] + c(-1, 1) * qnorm(1 -
                                                        alpha/2) * aa[i, 2]
      sssss <- signif(summary(nls.lm(par = prelimestimates,
                                     fn = ff1, t = t, control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = max.iter)))$coefficients, digits = 3)
      aa[, 5] <- sssss[, 4]
      resid <- nls.lm(par = prelimestimates, fn = ff1, t = t, control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = max.iter))$fvec
      if (display == TRUE){
        par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
        plot(t, c, xlim = c(0, length(t) + 200), ylim = c(0,
                                                          sum(s) + sum(s) * 0.4), main = "",
             ylab = "Cumulative")
        curve(ff2(x, stime), add = T, col = 2)
        plot(t, sales, main = "", xlim = c(0,
                                                        length(t) + 200), ylab = "Instantaneous")
        curve(zprimo(x, stime[1], stime[2], stime[3], stime[4],
                     stime[5], stime[6]), col = 2, add = T)
        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
      s.hat <- ff2(t, stime)
      tss <- sum((c - mean(c))^2)
      rss <- sum((c - s.hat)^2)
      r.squared <- 1 - rss/tss
      r.squared.adj <- 1 - ((1 - r.squared) * (length(s) -
                                                 1))/(length(s) - 1 - NROW(aa))

      tipo <- paste("Generalized Bass model with 1 ",nomiinter[which(nomimezzi==shock)]," shock")
      coefi <- aa$Estimate
      names(coefi) <- rownames(aa)
      s.hat <- make.instantaneous(s.hat)
      ao <- list(model=zprimo.return,type=tipo,Estimate = aa, Rsquared = r.squared, RsquaredAdj = r.squared.adj,
           RSS = rss, residuals = resid, fitted=s.hat,coefficients=coefi,data=sales,call=cl)
      class(ao) <- "Dimora"
    else if (nshock == 2) {
      if (shock == "exp") {
        intx1 <- function(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2) {
          t + c1 * (1/b1) * (exp(b1 * (t - a1)) - 1) *
            (t >= a1) + c2 * (1/b2) * (exp(b2 * (t - a2)) -
                                         1) * (t >= a2)
        ##cat("################## Exponential shock ################## \n")
        xt1 <- function(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2) {
          1 + (c1 * exp(b1 * (t - a1))) * (t >= a1) + (c2 *
                                                         exp(b2 * (t - a2))) * (t >= a2)
      else if (shock == "rett") {
        intx1 <- function(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2) {
          t + c1 * (t - a1) * (a1 <= t) * (t <= b1) + c1 *
            (b1 - a1) * (b1 < t) + c2 * (t - a2) * (a2 <=
                                                      t) * (t <= b2) + c2 * (b2 - a2) * (b2 < t)
        #cat("################## Rectangular shock  ################## \n")
        xt1 <- function(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2) {
          1 + c1 * (t >= a1) * (t <= b1) + c2 * (t >= a2) *
            (t <= b2)
      else if (shock == "mixed") {
        intx1 <- function(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2) {
          t + (c1/b1) * (exp(b1 * (t - a1)) - 1) * (a1 <=
                                                      t) + c2 * (t - a2) * (a2 <= t) * (t <= b2) +
            c2 * (b2 - a2) * (b2 < t)
        #cat("################## Mixed shock ################## \n")
        xt1 <- function(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2) {
          1 + (c1 * exp(b1 * (t - a1))) * (t >= a1) + c2 *
            (t >= a2) * (t <= b2)
      else if (shock == "harmonic") {
        xt1 <- function(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2) {
          1 + c1 * cos(2 * pi * ((t - a1)/(b1 - a1))) *
            (t >= a1) * (b <= b1) + c2 * cos(2 * pi * ((t -
                                                          a2)/(b2 - a2))) * (t >= a2) * (b <= b2)
        intx1 <- function(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2) {
          t + c1 * ((b1 - a1)/(2 * pi)) * cos(2 * pi *
                                                ((t - a1)/(b1 - a1))) * (t >= a1) * (b <= b1) +
            c2 * ((b2 - a2)/(2 * pi)) * cos(2 * pi * ((t -
                                                         a2)/(b2 - a2))) * (t >= a2) * (b <= b2)
        #cat("################## harmonic shock  ################## \n")
      ff0 <- function(t, m, p, q, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2) {
        m * (1 - exp(-(p + q) * intx1(t, a1, b1, c1, a2,
                                      b2, c2)))/(1 + (q/p) * exp(-(p + q) * intx1(t,
                                                                                  a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2)))
      ff1 <- function(t, par) {
        c - ff0(t, par[1], par[2], par[3], par[4], par[5],
                par[6], par[7], par[8], par[9])
      ff2 <- function(t, par) {
        ff0(t, par[1], par[2], par[3], par[4], par[5], par[6],
            par[7], par[8], par[9])
      zprimo1 <- function(t, m, p, q, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2) {
        m * (p + q * (ff0(t, m, p, q, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2,
                          c2)/m)) * (1 - (ff0(t, m, p, q, a1, b1, c1, a2,
                                              b2, c2)/m)) * xt1(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2)
      zprimo1.return <- function(t, par) {
        m <- par[1]
        p <- par[2]
        q <- par[3]
        a1 <- par[4]
        b1 <- par[5]
        c1 <- par[6]
        a2 <- par[7]
        b2 <- par[8]
        c2 <- par[9]
        m * (p + q * (ff0(t, m, p, q, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2,
                          c2)/m)) * (1 - (ff0(t, m, p, q, a1, b1, c1, a2,
                                              b2, c2)/m)) * xt1(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2)
      stime <- nls.lm(par = prelimestimates, fn = ff1, t = t, control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = max.iter))$par
      aa <- data.frame(summary(nls.lm(par = prelimestimates,
                                      fn = ff1, t = t, control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = max.iter)))$coefficients[, c(1, 2)], 0, 0,
      names(aa) <- c("Estimate", "Std.Error", "Lower", "Upper",
      row.names(aa) <- c("m  ", "p  ", "q  ", "a1  ", "b1  ",
                         "c1  ", "a2  ", "b2  ", "c2  ")
      for (i in 1:NROW(aa)) {
        aa[i, c(3, 4)] <- aa[i, 1] + c(-1, 1) * qnorm(1 -
                                                        alpha/2) * aa[i, 2]
      sssss <- signif(summary(nls.lm(par = prelimestimates,
                                     fn = ff1, t = t, control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = max.iter)))$coefficients, digits = 3)
      aa[, 5] <- sssss[, 4]
      resid <- nls.lm(par = prelimestimates, fn = ff1, t = t, control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = max.iter))$fvec
      if(display == TRUE){
        par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
        plot(t, c, xlim = c(0, length(t) + 100), ylim = c(0,
                                                          max(s) + 5000), main = "")
        curve(ff2(x, stime), type = "l", add = T, col = 2)
        plot(t, sales, main = "")
        curve(zprimo1(x, stime[1], stime[2], stime[3], stime[4],
                      stime[5], stime[6], stime[7], stime[8], stime[9]),
              col = 2, add = T)
        par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
      s.hat <- ff2(t, stime)
      tss <- sum((c - mean(c))^2)
      rss <- sum((c - s.hat)^2)
      r.squared <- 1 - rss/tss
      r.squared.adj <- 1 - ((1 - r.squared) * (length(s) -
                                                 1))/(length(s) - 1 - NROW(aa))
      tipo <- paste("Generalized Bass model with 2 ",nomiinter[which(nomimezzi==shock)]," shock")
      coefi <- aa$Estimate
      names(coefi) <- rownames(aa)
      s.hat <- make.instantaneous(s.hat)
      ao <- list(model=zprimo1.return,type=tipo,Estimate = aa, Rsquared = r.squared, RsquaredAdj = r.squared.adj,
           RSS = rss, residuals = resid, fitted=s.hat,coefficients=coefi,data=sales,call=cl)
      class(ao) <- "Dimora"
    else if (nshock == 3) {
      if (shock == "exp" | shock == "rett" | shock == "harmonic") {
        if (shock == "exp") {
          intx2 <- function(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2,
                            a3, b3, c3) {
            t + c1 * (1/b1) * (exp(b1 * (t - a1)) - 1) *
              (t >= a1) + c2 * (1/b2) * (exp(b2 * (t -
                                                     a2)) - 1) * (t >= a2) + c3 * (1/b3) * (exp(b3 *
                                                                                                  (t - a3)) - 1) * (t >= a3)
          #cat("################## Esponential shock ################## \n")
          xt2 <- function(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, a3,
                          b3, c3) {
            1 + (c1 * exp(b1 * (t - a1))) * (t >= a1) +
              (c2 * exp(b2 * (t - a2))) * (t >= a2) + (c3 *
                                                         exp(b3 * (t - a3))) * (t >= a3)
        else if (shock == "rett") {
          intx2 <- function(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2,
                            a3, b3, c3) {
            (t + c1 * (t - a1) * (a1 <= t) * (t <= b1) +
               c1 * (b1 - a1) * (b1 < t) + c2 * (t - a2) *
               (a2 <= t) * (t <= b2) + c2 * (b2 - a2) *
               (b2 < t) + c3 * (t - a3) * (a3 <= t) * (t <=
                                                         b3) + c3 * (b3 - a3) * (b3 < t))
          #cat("################## Rectangular shock  ################## \n")
          xt2 <- function(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, a3,
                          b3, c3) {
            1 + c1 * (t >= a1) * (t <= b1) + c2 * (t >=
                                                     a2) * (t <= b2) + c3 * (t >= a3) * (t <=
        else if (shock == "harmonic") {
          xt2 <- function(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, a3,
                          b3, c3) {
            1 + c1 * cos(2 * pi * ((t - a1)/(b1 - a1))) *
              (t >= a1) * (b <= b1) + c2 * cos(2 * pi *
                                                 ((t - a2)/(b2 - a2))) * (t >= a2) * (b <=
                                                                                        b2) + c3 * cos(2 * pi * ((t - a3)/(b3 - a3))) *
              (t >= a3) * (b <= b3)
          intx2 <- function(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2,
                            a3, b3, c3) {
            t + c1 * ((b1 - a1)/(2 * pi)) * cos(2 * pi *
                                                  ((t - a1)/(b1 - a1))) * (t >= a1) * (b <=
                                                                                         b1) + c2 * ((b2 - a2)/(2 * pi)) * cos(2 *
                                                                                                                                 pi * ((t - a2)/(b2 - a2))) * (t >= a2) *
              (b <= b2) + c3 * ((b3 - a3)/(2 * pi)) * cos(2 *
                                                            pi * ((t - a3)/(b3 - a3))) * (t >= a3) *
              (b <= b3)
          #cat("################## harmonic shock  ################## \n")
        ff00 <- function(t, m, p, q, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2,
                         c2, a3, b3, c3) {
          m * (1 - exp(-(p + q) * intx2(t, a1, b1, c1,
                                        a2, b2, c2, a3, b3, c3)))/(1 + (q/p) * exp(-(p +
                                                                                       q) * intx2(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, a3, b3,
        ff1 <- function(t, par) {
          c - ff00(t, par[1], par[2], par[3], par[4], par[5],
                   par[6], par[7], par[8], par[9], par[10], par[11],
        ff2 <- function(t, par) {
          ff00(t, par[1], par[2], par[3], par[4], par[5],
               par[6], par[7], par[8], par[9], par[10], par[11],
        zprimo2 <- function(t, m, p, q, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2,
                            c2, a3, b3, c3) {
          m * (p + q * (ff00(t, m, p, q, a1, b1, c1, a2,
                             b2, c2, a3, b3, c3)/m)) * (1 - (ff00(t, m,
                                                                  p, q, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, a3, b3, c3)/m)) *
            xt2(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, a3, b3, c3)
        zprimo2.return <- function(t,par) {
          m  <- par[1]
          p  <- par[2]
          q <- par[3]
          a1 <- par[4]
          b1 <- par[5]
          c1 <- par[6]
          a2 <- par[7]
          b2 <- par[8]
          c2 <- par[9]
          a3 <- par[10]
          b3 <- par[11]
          c3 <- par[12]
          m * (p + q * (ff00(t, m, p, q, a1, b1, c1, a2,
                             b2, c2, a3, b3, c3)/m)) * (1 - (ff00(t, m,
                                                                  p, q, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, a3, b3, c3)/m)) *
            xt2(t, a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, a3, b3, c3)
        stime <- nls.lm(par = prelimestimates, fn = ff1,
                        t = t, control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = max.iter))$par
        aa <- data.frame(summary(nls.lm(par = prelimestimates,
                                        fn = ff1, t = t, control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = max.iter)))$coefficients[, c(1, 2)], 0,
                         0, 0)
        names(aa) <- c("Estimate", "Std.Error", "Lower",
                       "Upper", "p-value")
        row.names(aa) <- c("m  ", "p  ", "q  ", "a1  ", "b1  ",
                           "c1  ", "a2  ", "b2  ", "c2  ", "a3  ", "b3  ",
                           "c3  ")
        for (i in 1:NROW(aa)) {
          aa[i, c(3, 4)] <- aa[i, 1] + c(-1, 1) * qnorm(1 -
                                                          alpha/2) * aa[i, 2]
        sssss <- signif(summary(nls.lm(par = prelimestimates,
                                       fn = ff1, t = t, control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = max.iter)))$coefficients, digits = 3)
        aa[, 5] <- sssss[, 4]
        resid <- nls.lm(par = prelimestimates, fn = ff1,
                        t = t, control = nls.lm.control(maxiter = max.iter))$fvec
        if (display == TRUE){
          par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
          plot(t, c, xlim = c(0, length(t) + 100), ylim = c(0,
                                                            max(s) + 5000), main = "")
          curve(ff2(x, stime), type = "l", add = T, col = 2)
          plot(t, sales, main = "")
          curve(zprimo2(x, stime[1], stime[2], stime[3], stime[4],
                        stime[5], stime[6], stime[7], stime[8], stime[9],
                        stime[10], stime[11], stime[12]), col = 2, add = T)
          par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
        s.hat <- ff2(t, stime)
        tss <- sum((c - mean(c))^2)
        rss <- sum((c - s.hat)^2)
        r.squared <- (tss - rss)/tss
        r.squared.adj <- 1 - ((1 - r.squared) * (length(s) -
                                                   1))/(length(s) - 1 - NROW(aa))
        tipo <- paste("Generalized Bass model with 3 ",nomiinter[which(nomimezzi==shock)]," shock")
        coefi <- aa$Estimate
        names(coefi) <- rownames(aa)
        s.hat <- make.instantaneous(s.hat)
        ao <- list(model=zprimo2.return,type=tipo,Estimate = aa, Rsquared = r.squared, RsquaredAdj = r.squared.adj,
             RSS = rss, residuals = resid, fitted=s.hat,coefficients=coefi,data=sales,call=cl)
        class(ao) <- "Dimora"
      else if (shock == "mixed") {
        cat("--- Sorry you don't have 3 shocks in this case ---")
    else {
      cat("I'm sorry but we don't have implemented yet a model with more than 3 shocks.")
federicozanghi/DIMORA documentation built on Nov. 6, 2021, 2:32 a.m.