rm(list = ls())
# library(ggplot2)
StatDensityTern2 <-
compute_group = function(
self, data, scales, na.rm = FALSE, n = 100, h = NULL,
bdl = 0, bdl.val = NA, contour = TRUE, base = "ilr", expand = 0.5,
weight = NULL, bins = NULL, binwidth = NULL, breaks = NULL
) {
if (!c(base) %in% c("identity", "ilr"))
stop("base must be either identity or ilr", call. = FALSE)
raes = self$required_aes
data[raes] = suppressWarnings(compositions::acomp(data[raes]))
data[raes][data[raes] <= bdl] = bdl.val[1]
data = remove_missing(data, vars = self$required_aes, na.rm = na.rm,
name = "StatDensityTern", finite = TRUE)
if (ggplot2:::empty(data))
coord = coord_tern()
f = get(base, mode = "function")
fInv = get(sprintf("%sInv", base), mode = "function")
if (base == "identity")
data = tlr2xy(data, coord, inverse = FALSE, scale = TRUE)
h = h %||% ggtern:::estimateBandwidth(base, data[which(colnames(data) %in%
if (length(h) != 2)
h = rep(h[1], 2)
if (base != "identity" && diff(h) != 0)
warning("bandwidth 'h' has different x and y bandwiths for 'ilr', this may (probably will) introduce permutational artifacts depending on the ordering",
call. = FALSE)
data[raes[1:2]] = suppressWarnings(f(as.matrix(data[which(colnames(data) %in%
expand = if (length(expand) != 2)
rep(expand[1], 2)
else expand
rngxy = range(c(data$x, data$y))
rngx = scales:::expand_range(switch(base, identity = coord$limits$x,
rngxy), expand[1])
rngy = scales:::expand_range(switch(base, identity = coord$limits$y,
rngxy), expand[2])
dens = ggtern:::kde2d.weighted(data$x, data$y, h = h, n = n, lims = c(rngx,
rngy), w = data$weight)
# Here be relevant changes ------------------------------------------------
df = data.frame(expand.grid(x = dens$x, y = dens$y),
z = as.vector(dens$z) * nrow(data),
group = data$group[1])
# Here end relevant changes -----------------------------------------------
if (contour) {
df = StatContour$compute_panel(df, scales, bins = bins,
binwidth = binwidth, breaks = breaks)
else {
names(df) <- c("x", "y", "density", "group")
df$level <- 1
df$piece <- 1
if (base == "identity")
df = tlr2xy(df, coord, inverse = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
df[raes] = suppressWarnings(fInv(as.matrix(df[which(colnames(df) %in%
approveupdate <- c(ggtern:::.approvedstat, "density_tern2" = "StatDensityTern2")
assignInNamespace(".approvedstat", approveupdate, pos = "package:ggtern")
rc <- brick(file.path(".","maps", "soilgrid.grd"),expand = TRUE)
top.sand.mean <- raster::aggregate(rc[[c(2)]],
1 / res(rc)[1] * 0.5,
1 / res(rc)[2] * 0.5,fun = mean)
map.sand <- top.sand.mean
map.clay <- rc[[2]]
df.clay <- data.frame(clay = as.vector(map.clay),
sand = as.vector( rc[[1]]))
df.clay.all <- bind_rows(list(data.frame(clay = as.vector( raster::aggregate(rc[[c(2)]],
1 / res(rc)[1] * 0.5,
1 / res(rc)[2] * 0.5,
fun = mean)),
sand = as.vector( raster::aggregate(rc[[c(1)]],
1 / res(rc)[1] * 0.5,
1 / res(rc)[2] * 0.5,
fun = mean))) %>% mutate(type = 'mean'),
data.frame(clay = as.vector( aggregates(rc[[c(2)]],
1 / res(rc)[1] * 0.5,
1 / res(rc)[2] * 0.5,
probs = 0.01)),
sand = as.vector( aggregates(rc[[c(2)]],
1 / res(rc)[1] * 0.5,
1 / res(rc)[2] * 0.5,
probs = 0.01))) %>% mutate(type = 'min'),
data.frame(clay = as.vector( aggregates(rc[[c(2)]],
1 / res(rc)[1] * 0.5,
1 / res(rc)[2] * 0.5,
probs = 0.99)),
sand = as.vector( aggregates(rc[[c(2)]],
1 / res(rc)[1] * 0.5,
1 / res(rc)[2] * 0.5,
probs = 0.99))) %>% mutate(type = 'max')))
soil_data <- data.frame(
soil= c("a", "b", "c", "d"),
sand = c(15, 18, 57, 32),
silt = c(52, 70, 8, 26),
clay = c(33, 12, 35, 42),
om = c(1, 3, 4, 11),
bd = c(1.33, 1.38, 1.76, 1.15)
USDA_text <- USDA %>% group_by(Label) %>%
summarise_if(is.numeric, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
detach("package:ggtern", unload=TRUE)
detach("package:ggplot2", unload=TRUE)
ggplot(data = USDA, aes(y = Clay,
x = Sand,
z = Silt)) +
alpha = 0.0,
size = 0.5,
color = "black") +
# coord_tern(L = "x", T = "y", R = "z") +
geom_text(data = USDA_text,
aes(label = Label),
color = 'black',
size = 2) +
stat_density_tern(data = df.clay.all,
x = sand * 100,
y = clay * 100,
z = (1 - sand - clay) * 100,
alpha = ..level.., fill = type
geom = 'polygon',
bins = 10,
color = "red") +
theme_showarrows() +
theme_clockwise() +
theme(text = element_text(family = "Helvetica")) +
guides(fill = FALSE, color = FALSE)
df <- data.frame(X = c(runif(150, 0.7, 1),runif(50, 0, 0.3)),
Y = c(runif(150, 0, 0.3),runif(50, 0, 0.3)),
Z = c(runif(150, 0, 0.5),runif(50, 0.5, 1)),
D = c(rep("A", 150), rep("B", 50)))
df.clay.all <- df.clay.all %>% group_by(type) %>% mutate(N = 1:length(sand))
sea.mask <- df.clay.all %>% filter(type == "mean",
clay == 0, sand == 0) %>% pull(N)
ggtern(data = df.clay.all %>% filter(!(N %in% sea.mask)),
x = sand * 100,
y = clay * 100,
z = (1 - sand - clay) * 100
)) +
coord_tern(L = "x", T = "y", R = "z") +
geom_polygon(data = USDA, aes(x = Sand,
y = Clay,
z = Silt),
alpha = 0.0,
size = 0.5,
color = "black") +
geom_text(data = USDA_text,
aes(x = Sand,
y = Clay,
z = Silt,
label = Label),
color = 'black',
size = 2) +
aes(fill = type),
stat = "DensityTern2",
breaks = seq(100, 1000000, by = 10000),
color = NA,
alpha = 0.4
) +
labs(x = "Sand (%)",y = "Clay (%)", z = "Silt (%)") +
# facet_wrap(~ type) +
# geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("tomato3", "turquoise4")) +
theme_showarrows() +
theme_clockwise() +
theme(text = element_text(family = "Helvetica",
size = 20)) +
guides(alpha = FALSE, fill = FALSE)
pal <- wes_palette("Darjeeling1", 3, type = c("discrete"))
ggplot(data = USDA, aes(y = Clay,
x = Sand,
z = Silt)) +
coord_tern(L = "x", T = "y", R = "z") +
geom_polygon(data = df.clay.all %>% filter(!(N %in% sea.mask)),
mapping = aes(
x = sand * 100,
y = clay * 100,
z = (1 - sand - clay) * 100,
fill = type),
stat = "DensityTern2",
breaks = seq(0, 1000000, by = 10000),
color = NA,
alpha = 0.6
) +
geom_text(data = USDA_text,
aes(x = Sand,
y = Clay,
z = Silt,
label = Label),
color = 'black',
size = 3) +
geom_polygon(aes(fill = Label),
alpha = 0.0,
size = 0.5,
color = "black") +
labs(x = "Sand (%)",y = "Clay (%)", z = "Silt (%)") +
# facet_wrap(~ type) +
# geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
# scale_colour_manual(values = c("tomato3", "turquoise4")) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c(rep("#000000",4),pal,rep("#000000",8))) +
theme_showarrows() +
theme_clockwise() +
theme(text = element_text(family = "Helvetica",
size = 20)) +
guides(alpha = FALSE, fill = FALSE)
ggsave(filename = "./Figures/Triangle.Soil.png",
plot = last_plot(),width = 20,height = 20, unit = "cm",
dpi = 300)
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