#' @export
compare <- function(x,y,...,
x.name= NULL,
y.name = NULL,
show.desc = T, show.var = T,
p.sig = 0.05, p.sig.small = 0.01, p.sig.very.small = 0.001,
digits = 2,
guess.factor = TRUE,
show.title = TRUE,
markdown.title.prefix = "##",
stop.on.error = TRUE,
if (missing(y)) stop("falta variable y")
#--------------------------------- GET FULL ARGUMENTS LIST--------------------
final.args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
if (!missing(x)) final.args$x <- x
if (!missing(y)) final.args$y <- y
if (is.null(x.name)) final.args$x.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(x)))
if (is.null(y.name)) final.args$y.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(y)))
if (guess.factor) {
final.args$x <- guess.factor(x, DEBUG = DEBUG)
final.args$y <- guess.factor(y, DEBUG = DEBUG)
result <- do.call(feR:::.compare,final.args)
if (length(result) == 1) {
if (is.na(result)) return(NULL)
attr(result,"x.name") <- x.name
attr(result,"y.name") <- y.name
attr(result, "show.title") <- show.title
attr(result, "markdown.title.prefix") <- markdown.title.prefix
attr(result, "digits") <- digits
.compare <- function(x,y,...,
show.markdown.division = TRUE,
markdown.division.prefix = "##",
stop.on.error = TRUE){
.compare.factor <- function(x,y, ...,
x.name= NULL,
y.name = NULL,
show.desc = T,
p.sig = 0.05, p.sig.small = 0.01, p.sig.very.small = 0.001,
digits = 2,
guess.factor = TRUE,
show.markdown.division = TRUE,
markdown.division.prefix = "##",
stop.on.error = TRUE,
#--------------------------------- GET FULL ARGUMENTS LIST--------------------
fun.args <- formals(chi_test)
fun.args$... <- NULL
passed.args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
final.chi.args <- as.list(modifyList(fun.args, passed.args))
final.chi.args <- final.chi.args[names(final.chi.args) %in% names(fun.args)]
if (!missing(x)) final.chi.args$x <- x
if (!missing(y)) final.chi.args$y <- y
if (is.null(x.name)) final.chi.args$x.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(x)))
if (is.null(y.name)) final.chi.args$y.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(y)))
chi.t <- do.call(feR::chi_test,final.chi.args)
chi.t.expected <- attr(chi.t,"EXPECTED")
if (sum(chi.t.expected < 5) > 0) {
#.... fisher args
fun.formal <- formals(fisher_test)
fun.args$... <- NULL
final.fisher.args <- as.list(modifyList(fun.args, passed.args))
final.fisher.args <- final.fisher.args[names(final.fisher.args) %in% names(fun.args)]
if (!missing(x)) final.fisher.args$x <- x
if (!missing(y)) final.fisher.args$y <- y
if (is.null(x.name)) final.fisher.args$x.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(x)))
if (is.null(y.name)) final.fisher.args$y.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(y)))
final.test <- do.call(feR::fisher_test,final.fisher.args)
} else final.test = chi.t
# class(final.test) <- c("feR_comp_prop", class(final.test))
if (show.desc) {
#--------------------------------- GET FULL ARGUMENTS LIST--------------------
fun.args <- formals(describe)
fun.args$... <- NULL
final.args <- as.list(modifyList(fun.args, passed.args))
final.args <- final.args[names(final.args) %in% names(fun.args)]
if(!missing(x)) final.chi.args$x <- x
if(!missing(y)) final.chi.args$y <- y
if (is.null(x.name)) final.chi.args$x.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(x)))
if (is.null(y.name)) final.chi.args$y.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(y)))
attr(final.test,"DESC") = describe(x,y)
attr(final.test, "SHOW.DESCRIPTIVES") <- show.desc
# attr(final.test, "DESCRIPTIVES") <- do.call(feR::describe, args)
attr(final.test, "show.markdown.division") <- show.markdown.division
attr(final.test, "markdown.division.prefix") <- markdown.division.prefix
attr(final.test, "digits") <- digits
.compare.numeric <- function(x,y,...,
x.name = NULL,
y.name = NULL,
p.sig = 0.05, DEBUG = F, show.desc = T, show.var = T,
digits = 2,
show.markdown.division = TRUE,
guess.factor = TRUE,
stop.on.error = T,
markdown.division.prefix = "##"){
if (class(y) != "factor") y <- factor(y)
#--------------------------------- GET FULL ARGUMENTS LIST--------------------
fun.args <- formals(describe)
fun.args$... <- NULL
passed.args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
final.args <- as.list(modifyList(fun.args, passed.args))
final.args <- final.args[names(final.args) %in% names(fun.args)]
if (!missing(x)) final.args$x <- x
if (!missing(y)) final.args$y <- y
if (is.null(x.name)) final.args$x.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(x)))
if (is.null(y.name)) final.args$y.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(y)))
total.cat <- length(levels(factor(y)))
if (total.cat < 2) {
error.text <- paste0("\n[.compare.numeric] Factor ",y.name," does not have enough categories (or observations in the categories) to be compared \n")
if (stop.on.error ) stop(error.text)
else {
desc <- do.call(feR::describe, final.args)
# is.normal = (sum(desc$p.norm.exact < p.sig) == 0) #.. if any p.norm.exact is below p.sig we need non.parametric tests
is.normal = feR::is.normal(x,y)
#--------------------------------- GET FULL ARGUMENTS LIST--------------------
fun.args <- formals(test.equal.var)
fun.args$... <- NULL
final.args <- as.list(modifyList(fun.args, passed.args))
final.args <- final.args[names(final.args) %in% names(fun.args)]
if (!missing(x)) final.args$x <- x
if (!missing(y)) final.args$y <- y
if (is.null(x.name)) final.args$x.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(x)))
if (is.null(y.name)) final.args$y.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(y)))
# print(desc)
# print(is.normal)
#--- test homocedasticity
# bart <- bartlett.test(x ~ y)
if (DEBUG) cat("[.compare.numeric] Normality ->",is.normal,"\n")
bart <- do.call(feR::test.equal.var,final.args)
if (length(bart) == 1 ) if (is.na(bart)) return(NA)
is.var.equal <- are.var.equal(x,y, stop.on.error = stop.on.error)
if (total.cat == 2) {
#-------------------------------- two samples
if (is.normal) {
if (DEBUG) cat("[.compare.numeric] Homocedasticity ->",is.var.equal,"\n")
#--------------------------------- GET FULL ARGUMENTS LIST--------------------
fun.args <- formals(t_test)
fun.args$... <- NULL
final.args <- as.list(modifyList(fun.args, passed.args))
final.args <- final.args[names(final.args) %in% names(fun.args)]
if (!missing(x)) final.args$x <- x
if (!missing(y)) final.args$y <- y
if (is.null(x.name)) final.args$x.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(x)))
if (is.null(y.name)) final.args$y.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(y)))
if (is.var.equal) result <- do.call(feR:::t_test, final.args)
else result <- do.call(feR:::welch_test, final.args)
} else {
#--------------------------------- GET FULL ARGUMENTS LIST--------------------
fun.args <- formals(wilcoxon_test)
fun.args$... <- NULL
final.args <- as.list(modifyList(fun.args, passed.args))
final.args <- final.args[names(final.args) %in% names(fun.args)]
if (!missing(x)) final.args$x <- x
if (!missing(y)) final.args$y <- y
if (is.null(x.name)) final.args$x.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(x)))
if (is.null(y.name)) final.args$y.name = feR:::.var.name(deparse(substitute(y)))
result <- do.call(feR:::wilcoxon_test, final.args)
} else {
#-------------------------------- OVER two samples
if (is.normal & is.var.equal) {
result <- feR:::ANOVA(x, y)
} else {
result <- feR:::KW(x, y)
if (exists("result")) {
if (show.desc) {
attr(result,"SHOW.DESCRIPTIVES") <- TRUE
attr(result, "DESCRIPTIVES") <- desc
} else {
if(show.var) {
attr(result,"SHOW.VARIANCE") <- TRUE
attr(result, "VARIANCE") <- bart
} else {
attr(result,"SHOW.VARIANCE") <- FALSE
attr(result,"digits") <- digits
attr(result, "show.markdown.division") <- show.markdown.division
attr(result, "markdown.division.prefix") <- markdown.division.prefix
attr(result, "digits") <- digits
#' @export
is.feR_compare <- function(x) {
comp <- c("feR_comp_prop","feR.comp_means")
return(any(class(x) %in% comp))
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