# This is the server logic for a Shiny MS configuration web application.
# maintainer: Christian Panse <cp@fgcz.ethz.ch>
stopifnot(packageVersion('bfabricShiny') >= "0.12.18")
# TODO(cp): replace with CRAN protViz functions
source("queuetools.R", local = FALSE)
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
autoInvalidate <- reactiveTimer(5000)
values <- reactiveValues(wuid = NULL)
Rprofile <- reactive({
f <- file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".Rprofile")
if (file.exists(f)){ return (f) }
login <- reactive({
posturl <- reactive({
webservicepassword <- reactive({
# ---- getInstruments ----
.getMetabolomicsInstrument <- function(){
ASTRAL_1 = 'Xcalibur',
EXPLORIS_3 = 'Xcalibur',
QEXACTIVEHF_2 = 'Xcalibur',
QUANTIVA_1 = 'Xcalibur',
QEXACTIVE_2 = 'Xcalibur',
QEXACTIVE_3 = 'Xcalibur'
.getProteomicsInstrument <- function(){
ASTRAL_1 = 'Xcalibur',
QEXACTIVE_2 = 'Xcalibur',
QEXACTIVEHF_2 = 'Xcalibur',
QEXACTIVEHF_4 = 'Xcalibur',
FUSION_2 = 'Xcalibur',
EXPLORIS_1 = 'Xcalibur',
EXPLORIS_2 = 'Xcalibur',
LUMOS_1 = 'Xcalibur',
LUMOS_2 = 'Xcalibur'
getInstrument <- reactive({
if (input$area == "Metabolomics") {
getInstrumentSuffix <- reactive({
#output list ----
output$instrumentControlSoftware <- renderUI(({
instrumentControlSoftware <- c("XCalibur", "HyStar")
selectInput('instrumentControlSoftware', 'instrument control software:',
multiple = FALSE,
selected = instrumentControlSoftware[1])
output$lcSystem <- renderUI(({
lcSystem <- c("nanoElute54_54", "M-CLASS48_48", "EVOSEP1x12x8")
if (!is.null(input$instrumentControlSoftware)){
if (input$instrumentControlSoftware == "XCalibur"){
lcSystem <- c("M-CLASS48_48", "Vanquish")
else if (input$instrumentControlSoftware == "HyStar"){
lcSystem <- c("nanoElute54_54", "EVOSEP1x12x8")
selectInput('lcSystem', 'LC-system:',
lcSystem ,
multiple = FALSE,
selected = lcSystem[1])
output$acquisitionType <- renderUI({
acquisitionType <- c("dda", "dia")
selectInput('acquisitionType', 'acquisition type:',
acquisitionType ,
multiple = FALSE,
selected = acquisitionType[1])
## ========== output$area
output$area <- renderUI(({
res.area <- c("Proteomics", "Metabolomics")
selectInput('area', 'Area:', res.area, multiple = FALSE, selected = res.area[1])
output$folder <- renderUI(({
textInput('folder', 'Data Folder Name:', "", width = NULL, placeholder = "enter your folder name here")
output$testmethods <- renderUI(({
res.testmethods <- 1:5
selectInput('testmethods', 'Number of methods to test:', res.testmethods, multiple = FALSE, selected = res.testmethods[1])
output$replicates <- renderUI(({
res.replicates <- 1:9
selectInput('replicates', 'Number of injections for each method:', res.replicates, multiple = FALSE, selected = res.replicates[1])
output$container <- renderUI({
if (input$containerType == 'project'){
numericInput('container', 'Container (project or order):', value = 3530, min = 1000, max = NA, width = 400)
} else{
textInput('container', 'Containers (orders):', value = "29941,30021,30041,30057", width = 1000, placeholder = 'comma separated list of order IDs')
output$instrument <- renderUI({
if(!is.null(input$containerType) && !is.null(input$instrumentControlSoftware)){
if (input$containerType == 'project') {
res.instrument <- names(getInstrument())
res.instrument <- names(list(
QEXACTIVE_1 = 'Xcalibur',
QEXACTIVE_2 = 'Xcalibur',
LUMOS_2 = "Xcalibur",
EXPLORIS_2 = "Xcalibur"
if (input$instrumentControlSoftware == "HyStar"){
res.instrument <- names(list(
TIMSTOF_1 = 'HyStar',
selectInput('instrument', 'Instrument:',
multiple = FALSE, selected = res.instrument[1])
output$method <- renderUI(({
if (is.null(input$instrumentControlSoftware)){return(NULL)}
if (input$instrumentControlSoftware == "XCalibur"){
selectInput('method', 'Queue Method:', c('default', 'random', 'blockrandom', 'PRM', 'testing'),
multiple = FALSE, selected = 'default')
selectInput('method', 'Queue Method:', c('default', 'blockrandom'), multiple = FALSE, selected = 'blockrandom')
output$showcondition <- renderUI(({
checkboxInput('showcondition', 'Insert condition into sample name:', value = FALSE)
output$start1 <- renderUI({
selectInput('start1', "Start 1", c(select = '', autoQC01 = 1, autoQC02 = 2, autoQC4L = 3, clean = 4), selected = 1,multiple = FALSE, selectize = TRUE)
output$start2 <- renderUI({
selectInput('start2', "Start 2", c(select = '', autoQC01 = 1, autoQC02 = 2, autoQC4L = 3, clean = 4), multiple = FALSE, selectize = TRUE)
output$start3 <- renderUI({
selectInput('start3', "Start 3", c(select = '', autoQC01 = 1, autoQC02 = 2, autoQC4L = 3, clean = 4), multiple = FALSE, selectize = TRUE)
output$end1 <- renderUI({
selectInput('end1', "End 1", c(select = '', autoQC01 = 1, autoQC02 = 2, autoQC4L = 3, clean = 4), selected = 4, multiple = FALSE, selectize = TRUE)
output$end2 <- renderUI({
selectInput('end2', "End 2", c(select = '', autoQC01 = 1, autoQC02 = 2, autoQC4L = 3, clean = 4), selected = 1, multiple = FALSE, selectize = TRUE)
output$end3 <- renderUI({
selectInput('end3', "End 3", c(select = '', autoQC01 = 1, autoQC02 = 2, autoQC4L = 3, clean = 4), selected = 3, multiple = FALSE, selectize = TRUE)
output$QC01m <- renderUI({
numericInput("QC01m", h4("How many?"), min = 1, max = 8, step = 1, value = 1)
output$QC01o <- renderUI({
numericInput("QC01o", h4("How often?"), min = 1, max = 5, step = 1, value = 4)
output$QC02m <- renderUI({
numericInput("QC02m", h4("How many?"), min = 1, max = 8, step = 1, value = 1)
output$QC02o <- renderUI({
numericInput("QC02o", h4("How often?"), min = 1, max = 5, step = 1, value = 4)
output$QC4Lm <- renderUI({
numericInput("QC4Lm", h4("How many?"), min = 1, max = 8, step = 1, value = 1)
output$QC4Lo <- renderUI({
numericInput("QC4Lo", h4("How often?"), min = 1, max = 5, step = 1, value = 4)
output$cleanm <- renderUI({
numericInput("cleanm", h4("How many?"), min = 1, max = 8, step = 1, value = 1)
output$cleano <- renderUI({
numericInput("cleano", h4("How often?"), min = 1, max = 5, step = 1, value = 4)
output$startposition <- renderUI({
numericInput('startposition', 'Start injection count from:', min = 1, max = 500, step = 1, value = 1)
output$targets <- renderUI({
numericInput('targets', 'Target lists:', min = 1, max = 20, step = 1, value = 1)
# -------checkbox FGCZ naming conventions -----
getLogin <- reactive({
if (is.null(input$container) || grepl(",", input$container)) {
progress <- shiny::Progress$new(session = session, min = 0, max = 1)
progress$set(message = paste("querying user of container",
input$container, "..."))
# define a callback function to be passed to the 'computational' method
updateProgress <- function(value = NULL, detail = NULL, n = NULL) {
progress$set(detail = detail)
rv <- bfabricShiny::readPages(login = login(),
webservicepassword = webservicepassword(),
posturl = posturl(),
endpoint = 'user',
query = list(containerid = input$container),
updateProgress = updateProgress) |>
lapply(FUN = function(x){x$login}) |>
getSample <- reactive({
progress <- shiny::Progress$new(session = session, min = 0, max = 1)
progress$set(message = paste("querying samples of container",
input$container, "..."))
if (input$containerType == 'project') {
if (is.null(input$container)) {
} else {
res <- bfabricShiny::.getSamples(login(),
posturl = posturl(),
containerid = input$container,
updateProgress = function(value = NULL, detail = NULL, n = NULL, ...) {
value <- value * (progress$getMax() / n)
message = "querying ...",
detail = detail,
value = value)
} else if (input$containerType == 'order') {
if (is.null(input$container) | is.numeric(input$container)) {
} else {
containerIDs <- as.numeric(strsplit(input$container,
c("[[\ ]{0,1}[,;:]{1}[\ ]{0,1}"),
perl = FALSE)[[1]])
res <- containerIDs |>
unique() |>
lapply(FUN = function(x){
progress$set(message = paste("querying container", x, "..."))
login = login(),
webservicepassword = webservicepassword(),
posturl = posturl(),
containerid = x,
updateProgress = function(value = NULL, detail = NULL, n = NULL, ...) {
value <- value * (progress$getMax() / n)
message = "querying ...",
detail = detail,
value = value)
) |>
Reduce(f = rbind)
output$sample <- renderUI({
res <- getSample()
if (is.null(res)){
selectInput('sample', 'Sample:', NULL)
#idx <- rev(order(res$samples._id))
#res <- res[idx, ]
selectInput('sample', 'Sample:',
paste0("C", res$container, "_S", res$samples._id, "-", res$samples.name),
size = 40, multiple = TRUE, selectize = FALSE)
output$login <- renderUI({
if (input$containerType == 'project'){
res <- getLogin()
if (!is.null(res)){
selectInput('login', 'Login:', as.character(res), multiple = FALSE)
selectInput('login', 'Login:', "analytic")
selectInput('login', 'Login:', "analytic", multiple = FALSE)
getResourcename <- reactive({
paste0("fgcz-queue-generator_c", input$container, "_", input$instrument, "_",
format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d"))
#------------------------getBfabricContent ----
getBfabricContent <- reactive({
message(paste("System configuration:", input$area, input$instrumentControlSoftware, input$lcSystem))
if (is.null(input$sample)) {
if (length(input$sample) == 1 && input$sample == "") {
# TODO: howto reset upload button? at the moment only one download is possible.
# values$wuid <- NULL
progress <- shiny::Progress$new(session = session, min = 0, max = 1)
progress$set(message = "composing content ...")
res <- getSample()
res[, "instrument"] <- input$instrument
idx.filter <- (paste0("C", res$container, "_S", res$samples._id, "-", res$samples.name) %in% input$sample)
res <- res[idx.filter, c("samples.name", "samples._id", "samples.condition", "containerid")]
# TODO(cp): replace extract by sample
names(res) <- c("extract.name", "extract.id", "extract.Condition", "containerid")
# TODO check if needed
if (any(is.na(res$extract.Condition))) {
res$extract.Condition[is.na(res$extract.Condition)] <- "A"
# generate the actual queue data.frame ----
containerid <- input$container
if (input$containerType == 'order') {
containerid <- NULL
if (input$instrumentControlSoftware == "XCalibur" && input$area == "Proteomics"){
rv <- bfabricShiny:::generate_queue_order(x = res,
foldername = input$folder,
projectid = containerid,
area = input$area,
instrument = input$instrument,
username = input$login,
nr.methods = as.integer(input$testmethods),
nr.replicates = as.integer(input$replicates),
method = as.character(input$method),
autoQC01 = input$autoQC01,
QC01m = input$QC01m,
QC01o = input$QC01o,
autoQC02 = input$autoQC02,
QC02m = input$QC02m,
QC02o = input$QC02o,
autoQC4L = input$autoQC4L,
QC4Lo = input$QC4Lo,
QC4Lm = input$QC4Lm,
clean = input$clean,
cleanm = input$cleanm,
cleano = input$cleano,
start1 = as.numeric(input$start1),
start2 = as.numeric(input$start2),
start3 = as.numeric(input$start3),
end1 = as.numeric(input$end1),
end2 = as.numeric(input$end2),
end3 = as.numeric(input$end3),
lists = input$targets,
startposition = input$startposition,
acquisitionType = input$acquisitionType)
# browser()
# TODO(cp): add an addidtional parameter
idx <- rv['Sample Name'] == "autoQC4L" & grepl("EXPLORIS_", rv['Path'])
rv[idx, 'Inj Vol'] <- 1
# save(res,rv, file = '/tmp/queue.RData')
# base::save(res,rv, file="/tmp/ddd.RData")
}else if (input$instrumentControlSoftware == "XCalibur" && input$area == "Metabolomics"){
note <- gsub('([[:punct:]])|\\s+', '_', input$folder)
inputSampleTable <- data.frame(containerid = res$containerid,
id = res$extract.id,
name = res$extract.name,
condition = res$extract.Condition)
# protViz::blockRandom("condition") |>
Xpath <- paste0("D:\\Data2San\\p", input$container, "\\",
input$area, "\\",
input$instrument, "\\",
input$login,"_",format(Sys.Date(), format = "%Y%m%d"), "\\")
rv <- inputSampleTable |>
protViz::assignPlatePosition() |>
protViz::insertSamples(howoften = 0, begin = TRUE, end = FALSE,
stdPosX = '6', stdPosY = 'F', plate = 1,
stdName = "clean", volume = 2) |>
}else if (input$instrumentControlSoftware == "HyStar"){
message(paste(names(input), collapse = ", "))
#save(input, file='/tmp/input.RData')
# list_of_inputs <- reactiveValuesToList(input)
# print(list_of_inputs)
note <- gsub('([[:punct:]])|\\s+', '_', input$folder)
inputSampleTable <- data.frame(container_id = res$containerid,
sample_id = res$extract.id,
sample_name = res$extract.name,
sample_condition = res$extract.Condition)
if (input$method == 'blockrandom'){
inputSampleTable <- inputSampleTable %>% .blockRandom(x = "sample_condition", check = FALSE)
## TODO method files only for clean|autoQC03|autoQC01
if (input$lcSystem == "EVOSEP1x12x8"){
rv <- inputSampleTable |>
.insertStandardsEVOSEP(stdName = "clean",
howoften = input$cleano,
howmany = input$cleanm,
volume = 4,
begin = "4" %in% c(input$start1, input$start2, input$start3),
end = "4" %in% c(input$end1,input$end2, input$end3)) |>
.insertStandardsEVOSEP(stdName = "autoQC01",
howoften = input$QC01o,
howmany = input$QC01m,
begin = "1" %in% c(input$start1, input$start2, input$start3),
end = "1" %in% c(input$end1, input$end2, input$end3)) |>
.insertStandardsEVOSEP(stdName = "autoQC02",
howoften = input$QC02o,
howmany = input$QC02m,
begin = "2" %in% c(input$start1,input$start2, input$start3),
end = "2" %in% c(input$end1,input$end2, input$end3)) |>
.insertStandardsEVOSEP(stdName = paste0("autoQC03", input$acquisitionType),
howoften = input$QC4Lo,
howmany = input$QC4Lm,
begin = "3" %in% c(input$start1,input$start2, input$start3),
end = "3" %in% c(input$end1,input$end2, input$end3), volume = 2) |>
.mapPlatePositionEVOSEP(volume = 1) |>
.formatHyStar(dataPath = paste0("D:\\Data2San\\p", input$container, "\\",
input$area, "\\",
input$instrument, "\\",
input$login,"_",format(Sys.Date(), format = "%Y%m%d"), "_", note, "\\"),
Method_Set = paste0("D:\\Methods\\autoQC\\evosepOne\\autoQC03", input$acquisitionType, ".m"),
FUN = function(x, y, plate){paste0("S", plate, "-", y, x)})
## nanoElute
rv <- inputSampleTable %>%
.mapPlatePositionNanoElute %>%
.insertStandardsNanoElute(stdName = "clean", stdPosX='52', stdPosY='1', plate = 2,
howoften = input$cleano,
howmany = input$cleanm,
volume = 4,
begin = "4" %in% c(input$start1,input$start2, input$start3),
end = "4" %in% c(input$end1,input$end2, input$end3)) %>%
.insertStandardsNanoElute(stdName = "autoQC01", stdPosX='53', stdPosY='1', plate = 2,
howoften = input$QC01o,
howmany = input$QC01m,
begin = "1" %in% c(input$start1,input$start2, input$start3),
end = "1" %in% c(input$end1,input$end2, input$end3)) %>%
.insertStandardsNanoElute(stdName = "autoQC02", stdPosX='53', stdPosY='1', plate = 2,
howoften = input$QC02o,
howmany = input$QC02m,
begin = "2" %in% c(input$start1,input$start2, input$start3),
end = "2" %in% c(input$end1,input$end2, input$end3)) %>%
.insertStandardsNanoElute(stdName = "autoQC4L", stdPosX='54', stdPosY='1', plate = 2,
howoften = input$QC4Lo,
howmany = input$QC4Lm,
begin = "3" %in% c(input$start1,input$start2, input$start3),
end = "3" %in% c(input$end1,input$end2, input$end3), volume = 2) %>%
.formatHyStar(dataPath = paste0("D:\\Data2San\\p", input$container, "\\",
input$area, "\\",
input$instrument, "\\",
input$login,"_", format(Sys.Date(), format = "%Y%m%d"), "_", note, "\\"),
Method_Set=paste0("D:\\Methods\\autoQC\\nanoElute\\autoQC03", input$acquisitionType,".m"),
FUN=function(x, y, plate){paste0( "Slot", plate,":", x)})
#rv <- .blockRandom(rv, x = "sample_condition")
#----- DT::renderDataTable ----
output$table <- DT::renderDataTable(DT::datatable({
if ((length(input$sample) >= 1)){
as.data.frame(list(output="no data - select sample first."))
}, options = list(paging = FALSE)
output$download <- renderUI({
res <- getBfabricContent()
message(paste0("debug output$download values$wuid=", values$wuid))
if (is.null(res)){
msg <- "The download is not possible yet. Please, select some samples first."
}else {
message(paste0("debug output$download values$wuid=", values$wuid))
if (isFALSE(is.null(values$wuid))){
# https://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/bfabric/userlab/show-workunit.html?id=154014
wuUrl <- paste0("window.open('https://fgcz-bfabric.uzh.ch/bfabric/userlab/show-workunit.html?id=",
values$wuid, "', '_blank')")
paste("go to B-Fabric workunit", values$wuid),
onclick = wuUrl)
actionButton('generate', 'Upload MS configuration\nto B-Fabric')
output$systemInformation <- renderUI({
info <- paste0("system information<br>",
"R.version.string: ", R.version.string, "<br>",
"Rprofile: ", Rprofile(), "<br>",
"posturl: ", posturl(), "<br>",
"login: ", login(), "<br>",
"workunitID: ", values$wuid)
#------------------- bfabricUpload --------
bfabricUpload <- observeEvent(input$generate, {
progress <- shiny::Progress$new(session = session, min = 0, max = 1)
progress$set(message = "uploading MS configuration to bfabric")
res <- getBfabricContent()
if (input$instrumentControlSoftware == "XCalibur"){
#=====write XCalibur MS configuration to bfabric=========
fn <- tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".csv")
message(paste0("Composing XCalibur MS configuration file ", fn, " ..."))
cat("Bracket Type=4\r\n", file = fn, append = FALSE)
write.table(res, file = fn,
sep = ',', row.names = FALSE,
append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, eol = '\r\n')
containerids <- strsplit(as.character(input$container), ",")[[1]]
workunitDescription <- paste0(
"The spreadsheet contains a ", input$instrument,
" queue configuration having ", nrow(res), " rows.\n",
"The parameters are:\n",
"\thow.often: ", as.integer(input$howoften), "\n",
"\thow.many: ", as.integer(input$howmany), "\n",
"\tnr.methods:", as.integer(input$testmethods), "\n",
"\tnr.replicates:", as.integer(input$replicates), "\n",
"\tshowcondition: ", input$showcondition, "\n",
"\tqc.type: ", as.integer(input$qctype), "\n",
"\tmethod: ", as.character(input$method),
"\nThe resource was generated by using the R package https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=protViz version ",
packageVersion('protViz'), ".\n")
rv <- lapply(containerids, function(containerid){
message(paste("containerid = ", containerid))
bfabricShiny::uploadResource(login(), webservicepassword(),
posturl = posturl(),
containerid = containerid,
applicationid = 212,
status = 'AVAILABLE',
description = workunitDescription,
workunitname = 'XCalibur MS configuration',
resourcename = paste0(getResourcename(), '.csv'),
file = fn)
values$wuid <- rv[[1]]$workunit[[1]]$id
} else if (input$instrumentControlSoftware == "HyStar"){
#=====write HyStar MS configuration to bfabric=========
fn <- tempfile(tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".xml")
message(paste0("Composing HyStar XML MS configuration file ", fn, " ..."))
queue <- dplyr::as_tibble(res) %>%
dplyr::rename(SampleID = 'Sample ID') %>%
dplyr::rename(SampleComment = 'Sample Comment') %>%
dplyr::rename(ACQEND_EXECUTE = 'ACQEnd Execute') %>%
dplyr::rename(SuperMethod = 'Method Set') %>%
dplyr::rename(Position = 'Vial') %>%
dplyr::rename(DataPath = 'Data Path')
xml <- xmlTree()
dump <- lapply(1:nrow(queue), FUN = function(i) xml$addTag("Sample", close=TRUE, attrs=queue[i, ]))
message(paste0("Saving XML ..."))
rvSave <- saveXML(xml$value(), file = fn, encoding = "utf-8")
workunitDescription <- paste0("\nThe resource was generated by using the R package https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=protViz version ",
packageVersion('protViz'), ".\n")
containerids <- strsplit(as.character(input$container), ",")[[1]]
rv <- lapply(containerids, function(containerid){
message(paste("containerid = ", containerid))
bfabricShiny::uploadResource(login = login(),
webservicepassword = webservicepassword(),
posturl = posturl(),
containerid = containerid,
applicationid = 289,
status = 'AVAILABLE',
description = workunitDescription,
workunitname = 'HyStar MS configuration',
resourcename = paste0(getResourcename(), '.xml'),
file = fn)
message(paste0("DEBUG: wuid=", values$wuid))
values$wuid <- rv[[1]]$workunit[[1]]$id
message(paste0("DEBUG: rv wuid=", rv[[1]]$workunit[[1]]$id))
message(paste0("DEBUG: wuid=", values$wuid))
warning("Hit else block of bfabricUpload!")
#------------------- sessionInfo --------
output$sessionInfo <- renderPrint({
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