# Autors: Christian Trachsel / Christian Panse / Witold Wolski
#generate test data set ----
.test_data_single <- function(){
extract.name <- "Sample_1"
extract.id <- 1
extract.Condition <- "Control"
data.frame(extract.name, extract.id, extract.Condition, containerid = 7320)
.test_data_medium <- function(){
extract.name <- c(paste("Sample", 1:20, sep = "_"))
extract.id <- 1:20
extract.Condition <- c(rep("Control", 4), rep("Ampicillin", 4), rep("Kanamycin", 4), rep("Less", 3), rep("More", 5))
data.frame(extract.name, extract.id, extract.Condition, containerid = rep(7320,20))
.test_data_medium_random <- function(){
extract.name <- c(paste("Sample", 1:20, sep = "_"))
extract.id <- 1:20
condition <- c(rep("Control", 4), rep("Ampicillin", 4), rep("Kanamycin", 4), rep("Less", 3), rep("More", 5))
extract.Condition <- condition[sample(1:20)]
data.frame(extract.name, extract.id, extract.Condition,containerid = rep(7320,20))
.test_data_large <- function(){
extract.name <- c(paste("Sample", 1:80, sep = "_"))
extract.id <- 1:80
extract.Condition <- c(rep("Control", 16), rep("Ampicillin", 16), rep("Kanamycin", 16), rep("Less", 12), rep("More", 20))
data.frame(extract.name, extract.id, extract.Condition,containerid = rep(7320,20))
.test_data_order <- function(){
res <- data.frame(
extract.name = c(paste("Sample", 1:10, sep = "_"),paste("XYZ", 1:10, sep = "_") ),
extract.id = c(1:10,41:50),
extract.Condition = c(rep("Control", 16), rep("Ampicillin", 16), rep("Kanamycin", 16), rep("Less", 12), rep("More", 20)),
containerid = c(rep(7239,10), rep(3111,10)))
.getInstrument <- function(){
QEXACTIVE_2 = 'Xcalibur',
QEXACTIVEHF_2 = 'Xcalibur',
QEXACTIVEHF_4 = 'Xcalibur',
# QEXACTIVEHFX_1 = 'Xcalibur',
# FUSION_1 = 'Xcalibur',
FUSION_2 = 'Xcalibur',
EXPLORIS_1 = 'Xcalibur',
EXPLORIS_2 = 'Xcalibur',
LUMOS_1 = 'Xcalibur',
LUMOS_2 = 'Xcalibur'
# file Extensions -----
.getInstrumentSuffix <- function(){
VELOS_1 = 'RAW',
VELOS_2 = 'RAW',
G2HD_1 = 'wiff',
QTRAP_1 = 'wiff',
TSQ_1 = 'RAW',
TSQ_2 = 'RAW',
QEXACTIVE_1 = 'raw',
QEXACTIVE_2 = 'raw',
QEXACTIVE_3 = 'raw',
FUSION_1 = 'raw',
FUSION_2 = 'raw',
QEXACTIVEHF_1 = 'raw',
QEXACTIVEHF_2 = 'raw',
QEXACTIVEHF_4 = 'raw',
LUMOS_1 = 'raw',
LUMOS_2 = 'raw',
EXPLORIS_1 = 'raw',
EXPLORIS_2 = 'raw',
IMSTOF_1 = 'h5'
# Tray creation ----
#' @importFrom tidyr unite
#' @examples
#' get_tray()
#' @noRd
get_tray_2_48_plates <- function(start.row = 1
, start.col = 'A'
, start.plate = 1){
makeid = paste(start.plate, start.col, start.row, sep = "~" )
plate <- data.frame(
cols = rep(LETTERS[1:6], each = 8),
rows = rep(c(1:8), times = 6))
plate1 <- plate
plate2 <- plate
plate1$plate <- 1
plate2$plate <- 2
tray <- rbind(plate1[1:45,], plate2[1:45,])
tray <- tidyr::unite(tray, id, c("plate", "cols", "rows"), sep="~" , remove=FALSE)
start <- which(makeid == tray$id)
tray <- tray[start:nrow(tray),]
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' bfabricShiny:::get_tray_2_48_plates_nextpos(12)
get_tray_2_48_plates_nextpos <- function(n, startpos = list(row = 1, col = "A", plate = 1)){
positions <- get_tray_2_48_plates(start.row = startpos$row, start.col = startpos$col, start.plate = startpos$plate)
end.pos <- positions[n+1,]
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' all.equal(get_tray_waters(),bfabricShiny:::.waters())
#' bfabricShiny:::get_tray_waters(3, 'A', 1)
get_tray_waters <- function(start.row = 1
, start.col = 'A'
, start.plate = 1){
tray <- get_tray_2_48_plates(
start.row = start.row
, start.col = start.col
, start.plate = start.plate)
tray <- dplyr::mutate(tray,pos = sprintf("\"%01d:%s,%01d\"",
res <- c('waters', list(tray$pos), '"1:F,8"', '"1:F,7"', '"1:F,7"', '"1:F,6"' )
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom magrittr `%>%`
#' @examples
#' r <- bfabricShiny:::.waters()
#' r
#' all.equal(r[[2]][1:5] , c("\"1:A,1\"", "\"1:A,2\"", "\"1:A,3\"", "\"1:A,4\"", "\"1:A,5\""))
.waters <- function(){
tray1 <- rep(1, times = 46) %>%
paste(rep(LETTERS[1:6], each = 8), sep = ":") %>%
paste(rep(1:8, times = 6), sep = ",") %>%
paste0('"', ., '"')
tray2 <- rep(2, times = 46) %>%
paste(rep(LETTERS[1:6], each = 8), sep = ":") %>%
paste(rep(1:8, times = 6), sep = ",") %>%
paste0('"', ., '"')
pos <- c(tray1[1:45], tray2[1:45])
res <- c('waters', list(pos), '"1:F,8"', '"1:F,7"', '"1:F,7"', '"1:F,6"' )
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' bfabricShiny:::.eksigent()
.eksigent <- function(){
tray1 <- rep(2, times = 46) %>%
paste(rep(LETTERS[1:6], each = 8), sep = "") %>%
paste(rep(sprintf("%02d", c(1:8)), times = 6), sep = "")
pos <- tray1[1:45]
res <- c('eksigent', list(pos), '2F08', '2F07', '2F07','2F06')
#' method eksigent
#' @examples
#' bfabricShiny:::.easylc()
.easylc <- function(){
tray1 <- paste(rep(LETTERS[1:6], each = 8), rep(1:8, times = 6), sep = "")
pos <- tray1[1:45]
res <- c('easylc', list(pos), 'F8', 'F7', 'F7','F6' )
#' Define HPLC, autoQC01, autoQC02, autoQC4L, clean ----
#' list elements are: 1) HPLC, 2) sample positions, 3) autoQC01 position, 4) autoQC02 position, 5) autoQC4L position, 6) clean position
#' @examples
#' bfabricShiny:::getHPLCparameter()[["LUMOS_2"]]
#' bfabricShiny:::getHPLCparameter(3,"D",2)[["LUMOS_2"]]
getHPLCparameter <- function(row = 1, col ="A", plate = 1){
list(VELOS_1 = .eksigent(),
VELOS_2 = .eksigent(),
G2HD_1 = .waters(),
QTRAP_1 = .eksigent(),
TSQ_1 = .eksigent(),
TSQ_2 = .eksigent(),
QEXACTIVE_1 = get_tray_waters(row, col, plate),
QEXACTIVE_2 = get_tray_waters(row, col, plate),
QEXACTIVE_3 = .easylc(),
FUSION_1 = .easylc(),
FUSION_2 = get_tray_waters(),
QEXACTIVEHF_1 = get_tray_waters(row, col, plate),
QEXACTIVEHF_2 = get_tray_waters(row, col, plate),
QEXACTIVEHF_4 = get_tray_waters(row, col, plate),
QEXACTIVEHFX_1 = get_tray_waters(row, col, plate),
LUMOS_1 = get_tray_waters(row, col, plate),
LUMOS_2 = get_tray_waters(row, col, plate),
EXPLORIS_1 = get_tray_waters(row, col, plate),
EXPLORIS_2 = get_tray_waters(row, col, plate),
IMSTOF_1 = .eksigent())
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' bfabricShiny:::getQCsample()
getQCsample <- function(){
list(extract.name = c('autoQC01', 'autoQC02', 'autoQC4L', 'clean'),
extract.Condition = c(as.integer(NA), as.integer(NA), as.integer(NA), as.integer(NA)),
extract.Condition = c('autoQC01', 'autoQC02', 'autoQC4L', 'clean'),
position = c(3, 4, 5, 6))}
#other helper functions ----
.emptydf <- function(){
res <- data.frame(extract.name = character(),
extract.id = integer(),
extract.Condition = character(),
position = character(),
idx = numeric(),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' bfabricShiny::.tray_position(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium(), instrument="LUMOS_2")
#' bfabricShiny::.tray_position(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium(),
#' startpos = list(row = 4, col = "A", plate = 1),
#' instrument="LUMOS_2")
.tray_position <- function(queue,
startpos = list(row = 1, col = "A", plate = 1),
instrument = ""){
pos.idx <- getHPLCparameter(startpos$row, startpos$col, startpos$plate)[[instrument]][[2]]
n <- nrow(queue)
positions.needed <- ceiling(n/46)
pos <- rep(pos.idx, times = positions.needed)
pos <- pos[1:n]
queue$position <- pos
res <- queue
.equal.groups <- function(x){
empty.line <- data.frame(extract.name = "NA", extract.id = as.integer(NA))
y <- x %>%
dplyr::group_by(extract.Condition) %>%
dplyr::summarise(n()) %>%
condition.names <- data.frame(extract.Condition = unique(x$extract.Condition))
lines.needed <- max(y) - y
df <- empty.line[rep(row.names(empty.line), dplyr::n_distinct(x$extract.Condition)), ] %>%
dplyr::mutate(extract.Condition = unique(x$extract.Condition)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(extract.Condition) %>%
dplyr::mutate(IDX = 1:length(y) + 0.1) %>%
dplyr::mutate(z = lines.needed)
df <- df[rep(seq_len(nrow(df)), df$z), 1:4]
res <- x %>%
dplyr::mutate(randomidx = rnorm(nrow(x))) %>%
dplyr::arrange(extract.Condition, randomidx) %>%
dplyr::mutate(IDX = rep(1:length(y), y)) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(df) %>%
res <- res %>% dplyr::select("extract.name", "extract.id", "extract.Condition", "containerid")
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' autoQC01 = "TRUE"
#' QC01o = 4
#' QC01m = 1
#' bfabricShiny:::.autoQC01(20, "FUSION_1", QC01o, QC01m, autoQC01)
#' bfabricShiny:::.autoQC(20)
#' bfabricShiny:::.autoQC(20, autoQCName = "autoQC02", idxoffset = 0.8)
.autoQC <- function(nrow_x, instrument = "FUSION_1",
howoften = 4,
howmany = 1,
autoQCName = "autoQC01",
idxoffset = 0.6,
position = 3){
if (howoften == 0) {
res <- .emptydf()
} else {
check <- floor(nrow_x / howoften)
if (check < 1) {
qc.inserts <- 1
qc.idx <- nrow_x
}else {
qc.inserts = floor(nrow_x/howoften)
qc.idx <- howoften*(1:qc.inserts)
repetitions <- qc.inserts * howmany
df <- data.frame(extract.name = autoQCName,
extract.id = as.integer(NA),
extract.Condition = autoQCName,
position = unlist(getHPLCparameter()[[instrument]][position]),
idx = as.numeric(NA),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
res <- df[rep(1, times = repetitions), ]
res$idx <- rep(qc.idx + idxoffset, each = howmany)
#QC inserting functions ----
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' autoQC01 = "TRUE"
#' QC01o = 3
#' QC01m = 1
#' bfabricShiny:::.autoQC01(20, "FUSION_1", QC01o, QC01m, autoQC01)
.autoQC01 <- function(nrow_x, instrument, QC01o, QC01m, autoQC01){
if (autoQC01 == "FALSE") {
res <- .autoQC(nrow_x,
instrument = instrument,
howoften = QC01o,
howmany = QC01m,
autoQCName = "autoQC01",
idxoffset = 0.6,
position = 3)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' autoQC02 = "TRUE"
#' QC02o = 3
#' QC02m = 1
#' x <- bfabricShiny:::.autoQC02e(20, "FUSION_1", QC02o, QC02m, autoQC02)
#' all.equal(x, xe)
.autoQC02 <- function(nrow_x, instrument, QC02o, QC02m, autoQC02){
if (autoQC02 == "FALSE") {
res <- .autoQC(nrow_x,
instrument = instrument,
howoften = QC02o,
howmany = QC02m,
autoQCName = "autoQC02",
idxoffset = 0.8,
position = 4)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' autoQC02 = "TRUE"
#' QC02o = 3
#' QC02m = 1
#' x <- bfabricShiny:::.autoQC4L(20, "FUSION_1", QC02o, QC02m, autoQC02)
.autoQC4L <- function(nrow_x, instrument, QC4Lo, QC4Lm, autoQC4L){
if (autoQC4L == "FALSE") {
res <- .autoQC(nrow_x,
instrument = instrument,
howoften = QC4Lo,
howmany = QC4Lm,
autoQCName = "autoQC4L",
idxoffset = 0.9,
position = 4)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' autoQC02 = "TRUE"
#' QC02o = 3
#' QC02m = 1
#' x <- bfabricShiny:::.clean(20, "FUSION_1", QC02o, QC02m, autoQC02)
#' xe <- bfabricShiny:::.cleane(20, "FUSION_1", QC02o, QC02m, autoQC02)
#' all.equal(x, xe)
.clean <- function(nrow_x, instrument, cleano, cleanm, clean){
if (clean == "FALSE") {
res <- .autoQC(nrow_x,
instrument = instrument,
howoften = cleano,
howmany = cleanm,
autoQCName = "clean",
idxoffset = 0.4,
position = 6)
#' @noRd
.insert_qc_samples <- function(x, y, z, u, v){
x <- x %>%
dplyr::mutate(idx = seq_along(x$extract.name))
res <- dplyr::bind_rows(x,y,z,u,v) %>%
res[sapply(res, is.factor)] <- lapply(res[sapply(res, is.factor)], as.character)
cleanup.idx <- max(which(res$extract.name == x$extract.name[nrow(x)]))
res <- res[1:cleanup.idx,]
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' bfabricShiny:::getStartorEndLine()
getStartorEndLine <- function(instrument = "LUMOS_1", method = 1){
if (is.na(method)) {
res <- .emptydf()
res <- res[, 1:4]
} else {
res <- data.frame(extract.name = getQCsample()[[1]][method],
extract.id = getQCsample()[[2]][method],
extract.Condition = getQCsample()[[3]][method],
position = unlist(getHPLCparameter()[[instrument]][[getQCsample()[[4]][method]]]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#queue start and end ----
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' bfabricShiny:::.gen.start("LUMOS_1", start1 = 1, start2 = NA, start3 = NA)
.gen.start.end <- function(instrument, pos1, pos2, pos3){ #argument names!
S1 <- getStartorEndLine(instrument, pos1)
S2 <- getStartorEndLine(instrument, pos2)
S3 <- getStartorEndLine(instrument, pos3)
res <- dplyr::bind_rows(S1, S2, S3)
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' .gen.start("LUMOS_1", start1, start2 , start3)
#' bfabricShiny:::.gen.end("LUMOS_1", end1, end2 , end3)
.clean_queue <- function(x, instrument, start1, start2, start3, end1, end2, end3){
start <- .gen.start.end(instrument, start1, start2 , start3)
end <- .gen.start.end(instrument, end1, end2 , end3)
res <- dplyr::bind_rows(start, x, end)
#basic queue formating function ----
#' .generate_template_base
#' @param x: the sample information (data.frame)
#' @return the original dataframe (data.frame)
.generate_template_base <- function(x){
#random queue formating function ----
.generate_template_random <- function(x){
res <- x[sample(nrow(x)), ]
# blockrandom queue formating function ----
#' @noRd
#' @return a data frame.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(3)
#' bfabricShiny:::.generate_template_random_block(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium())
#' set.seed(3)
#' bfabricShiny:::.generate_template_random_block(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium_random())
.generate_template_random_block <- function(x){
## TODO:
## check if more than one condition is present. If not display a warning
## check if all extract.Conditions are equal sized if not display a warning
## tab <- as.vector(table(x$extract.Condition))
## length(unique(tab)) == 1
## max(table(x$extract.Condition)) - min(table(x$extract.Condition))
blocks <- length(unique(x$extract.Condition))
elements <- max(table(x$extract.Condition))
res <- x %>%
res <- dplyr::mutate(res, blockidx = as.vector(replicate(blocks, sprintf("%02d", c(1:elements)))))
res <- dplyr::arrange(res, blockidx)
res <- dplyr::mutate(res, randomidx = as.vector(replicate(elements, sample(1:blocks))))
res <- dplyr::arrange(res, blockidx, randomidx)
res <- dplyr::filter(res, !is.na(extract.id))
res <- dplyr::select(res, "extract.name", "extract.id", "extract.Condition", "containerid")
#method evaluation queue formating function ----
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' sampleData <- bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium()
#' que <- bfabricShiny:::.generate_template_method_testing(sampleData)
#' dim(que)
#' stopifnot(all(dim(que) == c(120,5)))
#' que %>% arrange(position)
.generate_template_method_testing <- function(x,
nr.methods = 2,
nr.replicates = 3,
startpos = list(row = 1, col = "A", plate = 1),
instrument = "QEXACTIVEHF_2")
res <- .tray_position(queue = x, startpos = startpos, instrument = instrument)
res <- res[rep(seq_len(nrow(res)), each = nr.methods), ]
nMethod <- rep("Method", times = nr.methods)
nMethodNr <- paste(nMethod, 1:nr.methods, sep = "_")
res$extract.Condition <- paste(res$extract.Condition,
nMethodNr, sep = "_")
res <- res[rep(seq_len(nrow(res)), each = nr.replicates ), ]
res <- res[order(sample(nrow(res))), ]
#PRM queue formating function ----
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' sampleData <- bfabricShiny::.test_data_large()
#' que <- bfabricShiny::.generate_template_PRM(sampleData)
#' stopifnot(all(dim(que) == c(160,4)))
.generate_template_PRM <- function(x,
lists = 2,
startpos = list(row = 1, col = "A", plate = 1),
instrument = "LUMOS_2"){
res <- x[sample(nrow(x)), ]
res <- .tray_position(res, startpos = startpos, instrument = instrument)
res <- res[rep(seq_len(nrow(res)), each = lists), ]
res$extract.Condition <- res$extract.Condition %>% #attache to extract.Condition
paste(rep("Targets", times = nrow(res)), sep = "_") %>%
paste(rep(1:lists, times = nrow(res)/lists), sep = "")
#generate queue ----
.generate_folder_name <- function(
area = "Proteomics",
instrument = "FUSION_1",
username = "bfabricusername",
n <- nrow(x)
rundate <- format(Sys.Date(), format = "%Y%m%d")
out <- paste(username, rundate, sep = "_")
if (foldername != '') {
out <- paste(out, gsub('([[:punct:]])|\\s+', '_', foldername), sep = "_")
out <- paste(area, instrument, out, sep = pathprefixsep)
out <- rep(out, times = n)
.generate_name <- function(x, startposition = 1) {
n <- nrow(x)
rundate <- format(Sys.Date(), format = "%Y%m%d") #produce the date in YYYYMMDD format
injection.index <- sprintf("%03d", (seq_len(n) - 1) + startposition) #use start queue with input value instead of 1
injection.name <- paste(rundate, injection.index, sep = "_")
injection.name <- paste(injection.name, paste("S", x$extract.id,sep = ''), sep = "_")
injection.name <- gsub("_SNA", "", injection.name)
injection.name <- paste(injection.name, x$extract.name, sep = "_") %>%
paste(x$extract.Condition, sep = "_")
#' .generate_name_order
#' @param x queue configuration
#' @return queue configuration
#' @examples
#' bfabricShiny:::.generate_name_order(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium())
.generate_name_order <- function(x, startposition = 1){
n <- nrow(x)
rundate <- format(Sys.Date(), format = "%Y%m%d") #produce the date in YYYYMMDD format
injection.index <- sprintf("%03d", (seq_len(n) - 1) + startposition) #use start queue with input value instead of 1
injection.name <- paste(rundate, paste("C", x$containerid, sep = ''), sep = "_")
injection.name <- paste(injection.name, injection.index, sep = "_")
injection.name <- paste(injection.name, paste("S", x$extract.id, sep = ''), sep = "_")
injection.name <- gsub("_SNA", "", injection.name)
injection.name <- paste(injection.name, x$extract.name, sep = "_")
injection.name <- paste(injection.name, x$extract.Condition, sep = "_")
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' generate_queue_order(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium())
#' generate_queue_order(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium())
#' generate_queue_order(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_order())
generate_queue_order <- function(x,
foldername = '',
projectid = 1000,
area = 'Proteomics',
instrument = 'LUMOS_2',
username = 'cpanse',
autoQC01 = "TRUE",
QC01o = 3,
QC01m = 1,
autoQC02 = "FALSE",
QC02o = 0,
QC02m = 1,
autoQC4L = "FALSE",
QC4Lo = 4,
QC4Lm = 1,
clean = "TRUE",
cleano = 4,
cleanm = 1,
start1 = 1,
start2 = NA,
start3 = NA,
end1 = 1,
end2 = NA,
end3 = NA,
lists = 1,
startposition = 1,
nr.methods = 2,
nr.replicates = 3,
qc.type = 1,
method = 'default',
pathprefix = "D:\\Data2San",
pathprefixsep = "\\",
acquisitionType = "DDA",
startpos = list(row = 1, col = "A", plate = 1)){
samples_list <- split(x, x$containerid)
res_queues <- list()
order <- if (length(samples_list) > 1 || is.null(projectid)) {TRUE}else{FALSE}
for (i in 1:length(samples_list)) {
res <-
foldername = foldername,
projectid = projectid,
area = area,
instrument = instrument,
username = username,
autoQC01 = autoQC01,
QC01o = QC01o,
QC01m = QC01m,
autoQC02 = autoQC02,
QC02o = QC02o,
QC02m = QC02m,
autoQC4L = autoQC4L,
QC4Lo = QC4Lo,
QC4Lm = QC4Lm,
clean = clean,
cleano = cleano,
cleanm = cleanm,
start1 = start1,
start2 = start2,
start3 = start3,
end1 = end1,
end2 = end2,
end3 = end3,
lists = lists,
startposition = startposition,
nr.methods = nr.methods,
nr.replicates = nr.replicates,
qc.type = qc.type,
method = method,
pathprefix = pathprefix,
pathprefixsep = pathprefixsep,
acquisitionType = acquisitionType,
order = order,
startpos = startpos)
startpos <- list(row = res$nextpos$rows, col = res$nextpos$cols, plate = res$nextpos$plate)
res_queues[[names(samples_list)[i]]] <- res$rv
res <- dplyr::bind_rows(res_queues)
#' FGCZ mass spec queue generator
#' @param x x
#' @param foldername forder name
#' @param projectid foldername
#' @param area Proteomics or Metabolomics
#' @param instrument LTQFT_1
#' @param username cpanse
#' @param how.often 1
#' @param how.many 1
#' @param nr.methods 1
#' @param nr.replicates 1
#' @param showcondition TODO
#' @param qc.type TODO
#' @param hplc TODO
#' @param method random
#' @param pathprefix D:Data2San
#' @param pathprefixsep '/'
#' @return a instrument configuration as \code{data.frame}.
#' @export generate_queue
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom stats na.omit rnorm
#' @examples
#' generate_queue(x <- bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium(),start2 = NA,start3 = NA)
#' generate_queue(x <- bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium(),
#' projectid = 3000,
#' area = "Proteomics",
#' instrument = "QEXACTIVE_2",
#' username = "roschi",
#' autoQC01 = "TRUE",
#' QC01o = 4,
#' QC01m = 1,
#' autoQC02 = "FALSE",
#' QC02o = 4,
#' QC02m = 1,
#' autoQC4L = "FALSE",
#' QC4Lo = 4,
#' QC4Lm = 1,
#' clean = "FALSE",
#' cleano = 4,
#' cleanm = 1,
#' start1 = 1,
#' start2 = NA,
#' start3 = NA,
#' end1 = 4,
#' end2 = 1,
#' end3 = 3,
#' lists = 1,
#' startposition = 1,
#' nr.methods = 1,
#' nr.replicates = 1,
#' qc.type = 1,
#' method = "default",
#' pathprefix = "D:Data2San")
#' generate_queue(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_single() , order=TRUE, startpos = list(row=3, col="A", plate=2))
#' generate_queue(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium() , order=FALSE)
#' generate_queue(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_single())
#' generate_queue(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_large())
#' generate_queue(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium_random())
#' generate_queue(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium_random(), method = "default")
#' generate_queue(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium_random(), method = "random")
#' \dontrun{
#' generate_queue(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium(), method = "blockrandom")
#' }
#' bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium()
#' generate_queue(bfabricShiny:::.test_data_medium())
generate_queue <- function(x,
foldername = '',
projectid = 1000,
area = 'Proteomics',
instrument = 'LUMOS_2',
username = 'cpanse',
autoQC01 = "TRUE",
QC01o = 3,
QC01m = 1,
autoQC02 = "FALSE",
QC02o = 0,
QC02m = 1,
autoQC4L = "FALSE",
QC4Lo = 4,
QC4Lm = 1,
clean = "TRUE",
cleano = 4,
cleanm = 1,
start1 = 1,
start2 = NA,
start3 = NA,
end1 = 1,
end2 = NA,
end3 = NA,
lists = 1,
startposition = 1,
nr.methods = 2,
nr.replicates = 3,
qc.type = 1,
method = 'default',
pathprefix = "D:\\Data2San",
pathprefixsep = "\\",
acquisitionType = "DDA",
order = TRUE,
startpos = list(row = 1, col = "A", plate = 1)
# generate the queue template
if (method == 'default') {
res.template <- .generate_template_base(x = x)
else if (method == 'random') {
res.template <- .generate_template_random(x = x)
} else if (method == 'blockrandom') {
res.template <- .generate_template_random_block(x = x)
} else if (method == 'PRM') {
res.template <- .generate_template_PRM(x = x, lists = lists, instrument = instrument)
} else if (method == 'testing') {
res.template <- .generate_template_method_testing(x = x,
nr.methods = nr.methods,
nr.replicates = nr.replicates,
instrument = instrument)
stop("wrong method selected :", method)
if (!method %in% c('PRM', 'testing')) {
res.position <- .tray_position(queue = res.template, startpos = startpos, instrument = instrument )
nextpos <- get_tray_2_48_plates_nextpos(nrow(res.template), startpos = startpos)
} else {
res.position <- res.template
#TODO(CP): this wont work for multi container queue !!! 2022-11-21
nextpos <- get_tray_2_48_plates_nextpos(nrow(res.template))
# insert qc samples
res.autoQC01 <- .autoQC01(nrow(res.position),
instrument = instrument,
QC01o = QC01o,
QC01m = QC01m,
autoQC01 = autoQC01)
res.autoQC02 <- .autoQC02(nrow(res.position),
instrument = instrument,
QC02o = QC02o,
QC02m = QC02m,
autoQC02 = autoQC02)
res.autoQC4L <- .autoQC4L(nrow(res.position),
instrument = instrument,
QC4Lo = QC4Lo,
QC4Lm = QC4Lm,
autoQC4L = autoQC4L)
res.clean <- .clean(nrow(res.position),
instrument = instrument,
cleano = cleano,
cleanm = cleanm,
clean = clean)
res.qc <- .insert_qc_samples(x = res.position,
y = res.autoQC01,
z = res.autoQC02,
u = res.autoQC4L,
v = res.clean)
# clean up the sample queue
res.queue <- .clean_queue(x = res.qc,
instrument = instrument,
start1 = start1,
start2 = start2,
start3 = start3,
end1 = end1,
end2 = end2,
end3 = end3)
res.queue$containerid <- unique( na.omit( res.queue$containerid ) )
# generate folder name acc. FGCZ naming convention
res.folder <- .generate_folder_name(x = res.queue,
foldername = foldername,
area = area,
instrument = instrument,
username = username,
pathprefixsep = pathprefixsep)
# generate file name
if (order) {
res.filename <- .generate_name_order(x = res.queue, startposition = startposition)
res.filename <- .generate_name(x = res.queue, startposition = startposition)
orderstring <- if (order) {'orders'}else{paste('p', projectid, sep = '')}
rv <- cbind('File Name' = res.filename,
'Path' = paste(pathprefix, orderstring , res.folder, sep = pathprefixsep),
'Position' = as.character(res.queue$position),
'Inj Vol' = rep(2, times = length(res.filename)),
'L3 Laboratory' = rep("FGCZ", times = length(res.filename)),
'Sample ID' = res.queue$extract.id,
'Sample Name' = res.queue$extract.name,
'L1 Study' = rep(projectid, times = length(res.filename))
# some naming cosmetics
rv[, 'File Name' ] <- gsub("[^-a-zA-Z0-9_]", "_", rv[, 'File Name' ])
rv[, 'File Name' ] <- gsub("_autoQC01_autoQC01", "_autoQC01", rv[, 'File Name' ])
rv[, 'File Name' ] <- gsub("_autoQC02_autoQC02", "_autoQC02", rv[, 'File Name' ])
rv[, 'File Name' ] <- gsub("_autoQC4L_autoQC4L", "_autoQC4L", rv[, 'File Name' ])
rv[, 'File Name' ] <- gsub("_clean_clean", "_clean", rv[, 'File Name' ])
rv[, 'File Name' ] <- gsub("_N_A$", "", rv[, 'File Name' ])
rv <- as.data.frame(rv)
rv$"Instrument Method" <- ""
rv$"Instrument Method"[grep("_autoQC01", rv$"File Name")] <- "C:\\Xcalibur\\methods\\__autoQC\\trap\\autoQC01"
rv$"Instrument Method"[grep("_autoQC02", rv$"File Name")] <- "C:\\Xcalibur\\methods\\__autoQC\\trap\\autoQC02"
rv$"Instrument Method"[grep("_autoQC4L", rv$"File Name")] <- "C:\\Xcalibur\\methods\\__autoQC\\trap\\autoQC4L"
## TODO(cpanse): needs to be refactored some day!
## 20231129 - replace autoQC4L by autoQC03 in 'File Name' and 'Instrument Method'
idx <- grep("_autoQC4L", rv$"File Name")
rv[idx, 'File Name' ] <- gsub("autoQC4L", paste0("autoQC03", acquisitionType), rv[idx, 'File Name' ])
rv[idx, 'Instrument Method' ] <- gsub("autoQC4L", paste0("autoQC03", acquisitionType), rv[idx, 'Instrument Method' ])
rv[idx, 'Sample Name'] <- gsub("autoQC4L", "autoQC03", rv[idx, 'Sample Name' ])
if (DEBUG) {
rv <- merge(rv, x, by.x = "Sample ID", by.y = "extract.id", all = TRUE)
rv <- rv[order(rv$`File Name`),]
return(list(rv = rv, nextpos = nextpos))
#' @import protViz
.fgcz_queue_config_xc <- function(container = NULL,
user = Sys.info()['user'],
instrument = "LUMOS_2",
queueFileName = NULL){
stopifnot(packageVersion('bfabricShiny') >= "0.11.2", packageVersion('protViz') >= "0.7")
stopifnot(exists("webservicepassword"), exists("login"), exists("posturl"))
message(sprintf("Using login = '%s' and webservicepassword = '%s...'.", login, substr(webservicepassword, 0, 8)))
message(sprintf("Querying bfabric for samples in container %d ...", container))
res.sample <- bfabricShiny::read(endpoint = 'sample',
query = list(containerid = container),
login = login,
webservicepassword = webservicepassword,
as_data_frame = TRUE,
posturl = posturl)
message(sprintf("Retrieved %d columns.", nrow(res.sample)))
qc <- res.sample |>
as.data.frame() |>
subset(select = c('_id', 'name', 'groupingvar.name'))
qc <- qc[order(as.numeric(qc[['_id']])), ] |>
x = as.character(1:12),
y = c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H')) |>
protViz::blockRandom('groupingvar.name', check=FALSE) |>
na.omit() |>
protViz::insertSamples(howoften=8, begin=FALSE, end=FALSE,
stdPosX='8', stdPosY='F', plate=1, stdName = "autoQC01",
method="C:\\Xcalibur\\methods\\__autoQC\\trap\\autoQC01") |>
protViz::insertSamples(howoften=4, begin=FALSE, end=FALSE,
stdPosX='6', stdPosY='F', plate=1, stdName = "clean",
method="C:\\Xcalibur\\methods\\__Standard_methods\\general_clean") |>
protViz::insertSamples(howoften=0, begin=FALSE, end=TRUE,
stdPosX='7', stdPosY='F', plate=1, stdName = "autoQC4L",
XC <- data.frame(id=qc[['_id']], name=qc$name, plate=qc$plate, x=qc$x, y=qc$y, volume=qc$volume, method=qc$method) |>
format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d")))
if (is.null(queueFileName)){
queueFileName <- sprintf("xcQueueConfig_C%d_%s_%s.csv", container, user, format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d-%H%M"))
cat("Bracket Type=4\r\n", file = queueFileName, append = FALSE)
file = queueFileName,
sep = ',',
row.names = FALSE,
append = TRUE,
quote = FALSE,
eol = '\r\n')
message(sprintf("queue configuration can be found in\n\n\t%s\n", queueFileName))
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