
# function to calculate the dimension index by a given time string
# x: scidbst object
# time: POSIXlt or string in POSIXlt format
# returns temporal index
.calcTDimIndex = function (x, time) {
  if (is.character(time)) {
    time = as.POSIXlt(.getDateTime(time,tunit(x)))
  } else {
    #is this called?
    time = as.POSIXlt(time) #assuming valid POSIX string

  if (time >= tmin(x) && time <= tmax(x)) {
    t0 = t0(x)
    dt = tres(x)
    unit = tunit(x)
    index  = floor(as.numeric(difftime(time,t0,units=unit))/dt)

  } else {
    stop("time statement is out of bounds")

# Tries to match the temporal resolution string against some regexpressions in order to find
# the correct POSIX time resolution for functions like 'difftime'
# res: temporal resolution string like P16D
.findTUnit = function(res) {
  days = "P(\\d)+D"
  months = "P(\\d)+M"
  years = "P(\\d)+Y"
  weeks = "P(\\d)+W"
  hours = "P(\\d)+h"
  minutes = "P(\\d)+m"
  seconds = "P(\\d)+s"

  if (grepl(days,res)) {
  if (grepl(months,res)) {
  if (grepl(years,res)) {
  if (grepl(weeks,res)) {
  if (grepl(hours,res)) {
  if (grepl(minutes,res)) {
  if (grepl(seconds,res)) {

# transforms a string by a given temporal unit into a valid POSIX string
# currently limited to days... TODO extend
.getDateTime = function (str, unit) {
  if (unit == "days") {
    tmp = strptime(str, "%Y-%m-%d") #day in month of year
    if (is.na(tmp)) {
      tmp = strptime(str, "%Y-%j") #day of year
  stop("Cannot extract start time of the time series")

#checks if all entries in a matrix are NA
.isMatrixEmpty = function (m) {
  return(all(is.na(m)) == 1 )

# creates a affine transformation matrix from a string that is received for example as part of the response of 'eo_getsrs'
.createAffineTransformation = function(srs) {
  .res_matrix = matrix(ncol=3,nrow=2)

  .vec = as.numeric(as.matrix(as.data.frame(strsplit(strsplit(srs$A,"\\s")[[1]],"="))[2,]))
  .res_matrix[,1] = .vec[1:2]
  .res_matrix[,2] = .vec[c(3,5)]
  .res_matrix[,3] = .vec[c(6,4)]


# Transforms coordinates given in dimension indices to worldly coordinates
# trans: affine transformation matrix
# x: x coordinate (West-East)
# y: y coordinate (North-South)
.transformToWorld = function(trans,x,y) {
  return(trans %*% c(1,x,y))

# Calculates dimension indices from spatial real world coordinates given by an extent
# object: scidbst object
# extent: extent object
# returns extent object
.calculateDimIndices = function(object, extent) {
  ll = c(xmin(extent),ymin(extent))
  ur = c(xmax(extent),ymax(extent))

  origin = affine(object)[,1]
  sub = affine(object)[,2:3]

  img1 = (solve(sub) %*% (ll - origin))
  img2 = (solve(sub) %*% (ur - origin))

  indices = extent(c(range(img1[1],img2[1]),range(img1[2],img2[2])))
  xmin(indices) = floor(xmin(indices))
  ymin(indices) = floor(ymin(indices))
  xmax(indices) = ceiling(xmax(indices))
  ymax(indices) = ceiling(ymax(indices))

# Returns the lengths of each individual dimension
# obj: scidbst object
# returns: numeric vector with dimension names and lengths
.getLengths = function(obj) {
  .dimnames = dimensions(obj)
  .dimbounds = scidb_coordinate_bounds(obj)
  v = as.numeric(.dimbounds$length)
  names(v) = .dimnames


# Calculates POSIX time from an temporal index
# x: scidbst object
# n: (numeric) the temporal index
.calculatePOSIXfromIndex = function(x,n) {
  baseTime = 0

  if (tunit(x) == "weeks") {
    baseTime = 7*24*60*60
  } else if (tunit(x)  == "days") {
    baseTime = 24*60*60
  } else if (tunit(x)  == "hours") {
    baseTime = 60 * 60
  } else if (tunit(x)  == "mins") {
    baseTime = 60
  } else if (tunit(x)  == "secs") {
    baseTime = 1
  } else {
    stop("currently no other temporal unit supported")

  val = as.POSIXlt(as.character(t0(x) + n * tres(x) * baseTime))

#' List all spacetime SciDB arrays
#' This function will list all SciDB arrays that have a spatial or temporal reference. It will also list the type of
#' array: 's' for spatial, 't' for temporal, 'st' for the combination of both. Depending on provided arguments, extent
#' and spatial / temporal reference information is returned in additional columns.
#' @param  extent boolean, whether or not the spacetime extent is returned as additional columns
#' @param srs boolean, whether or not spatial reference metadata is returned as additional columns
#' @param trs boolean, whether or not temporal reference metadata is returned as additional columns
#' @return data.frame with columns "name" and "setting" and
#' @seealso \code{\link{scidb::scidbls}}
#' @export

scidbst.ls <- function(extent=FALSE, srs=FALSE, trs=FALSE)
  result = iquery("eo_arrays()", return = TRUE)[,c("name","setting")]
  if (extent) {
    result.eoextent = iquery("eo_extent()", return = TRUE)[,c("arrayname","xmin","xmax","ymin","ymax","tmin","tmax")]
    result = merge(x = result, y = result.eoextent, by.x = "name", by.y = "arrayname", all.x = TRUE)
  if (srs) {
    result.eogetsrs = iquery("eo_getsrs()", return = TRUE)[,c("name","xdim","ydim","auth_name","auth_srid","A")]
    result = merge(x = result, y = result.eogetsrs, by = "name", all.x = TRUE)
  if (trs) {
    result.eogettrs = iquery("eo_gettrs()", return = TRUE)[,c("name","tdim","t0","dt")]
    result = merge(x = result, y = result.eogettrs, by = "name", all.x = TRUE)

#' Transform all spatial indices to spatial coordinates
#' @param obj The scidbst object
#' @param df A data.frame derived from an scidbst object with indices as dimension values
#' @return data.frame with spatial coordinates
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  x = scidbst(arrayname)
#'  df = as(x,"data.frame") # executes iquery and returns a data.frame with dimension indices and attribute values
#'  coordinates = transformAllSpatialIndices(x,df) # returns only the spatial coordinates of scidbst object
#' }
#' @export
transformAllSpatialIndices = function(obj,df) {
  .data = df
  from = obj

  coords = rbind(rep(1,nrow(.data)),.data[,xdim(from)],.data[,ydim(from)])
  res = t(affine(from) %*% coords) #(x,y)
  .data[,xdim(from)] = res[,1]
  .data[,ydim(from)] = res[,2]


#' Transforms a given data.frame with temporal dimension into dates by a given scidbst object
#' This function transforms the temporal indices of a data.frame that was derived from a scidbst object into the actual
#' dates.
#' @param obj The scidbst object
#' @param df A data.frame derived from an scidbst object
#' @return data.frame with temporal coordinates
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  x = scidbst(arrayname)
#'  df = as(x,"data.frame") # executes iquery and returns a data.frame with dimension indices and attribute values
#'  times = transformAllTemporalIndices(x,df) # returns only the unique temporal coordinates of scidbst object
#' }
#' @export
transformAllTemporalIndices = function(obj,df) {

  tdim = tdim(from)
  tindex = unique(.data[,tdim])
  dates = lapply(tindex,function(x,y) {
  time = .data[,tdim]

  for (i in tindex) {
    pos = which(tindex==i)
    time[time==i] = dates[[pos]]
  time = as.Date(time,origin="1970-01-01")

  .data[,tdim] = time

.check.file.size.constraint = function(size) {
  threshold = 200
  if (size > threshold) {
    warning(sprintf("Estimated file size (%f MB) is higher than %i MB. Do you wish to continue?",size,threshold),immediate. = TRUE)
    input = readline(prompt="yes / no: \t")

    if (! toupper(input) %in% c("Y","YES") ) {
      stop("Aborting download.")

.downloadData = function(object) {

  cat("Downloading data...\n")
  .data = iquery(object@proxy@name,return=T) #query scidb for data

# Calculates the amount of values that can be expected if the attribute data is downloaded
#x: scidbst object
.countValues = function(x) {
  attr.statement = paste("count(",scidb_attributes(x),")",sep="",collapse=",")
  agg.cmd = paste("aggregate(",scidb_op(x),", ",attr.statement,")",sep="")
  values = as.double(iquery(agg.cmd,return=TRUE))
  values = values[-1]
  names(values) = scidb_attributes(x)


# x: scidbst object
.memorySize = function(x,unit="MB") {
  unit = toupper(unit)
  if (!unit %in% c("KB","MB","GB")) stop("Unrecognized data storage unit.")

  # number of dimension x 64 Bit (stored as int64) ~ do use R positive 52-bit integer values as rough equivalent
  size = length(dimensions(x))*52
  attr.count = .countValues(x)
  types = scidb_types(as(x,"scidb"))
  types[types == "double"] = 53
  types[types == "unit8" | types == "int8" | types == "int16" | types == "uint16"] = 32
  types = as.numeric(types)
  avg.count = mean(attr.count)

  dim.space = avg.count * size
  attr.space = sum(types * attr.count)
  total=dim.space + attr.space # in Bit

  if (unit == "KB") {
  if (unit == "MB") {
  if (unit == "GB") {


setGeneric("estimateFileSize", function(x, ...) {

#' Estimates the file size for a scidbst array
#' This function uses the meta information on a scidbst array to estimate the potential file size.
#' @param x scidbst array
#' @param unit (optional) one of c("KB","MB","GB") to specify the digital storage unit. Default is MB
#' @return numeric the estimated file size in the unit specified
#' @export
setMethod("estimateFileSize",signature(x="scidbst"), function(x, unit="MB") {
  return(.memorySize(x, unit))

# recalculates the temporal resolution in seconds
.tres2seconds = function(A) {
  if (!A@isTemporal) {
    stop("Array has no time dimension")
  unit = tunit(A)
  res = tres(A)
  allUnits = c("secs", "mins", "hours", "days", "weeks")
  factors = c(1, 60, 60*60, 60*60*24, 60*60*24*7)
  if (!unit %in% allUnits) {
    stop("Cannot convert time resolution into seconds. Temporal Unit is not supported")
  } else {
    res = res * factors[allUnits == unit]

    #note: might be a  problem with daylight saving times -> will be off about 1 hour if it changes


# returns a vector of names for potential temporary arrays
# x: scidbst, n: number of names to be created
.getTempNames = function(x,n) {
  if (!is.null(x@temps)) {
    usedIDs = as.integer(regmatches(x@temps,regexpr("(\\d)+$",x@temps)))
    ids = sample.int(2147483647,n,replace=FALSE)

    # rule out that there are any double ids
    loglist = any(ids %in% usedIDs)
    startExpr = loglist
    while(startExpr) {
      doublets = ids[startExpr]
      amount = length(doublets)
      newIds = sample.int(2147483647,amount,replace=FALSE)
      ids[startExpr] = newIds
      startExpr = any(ids %in% usedIDs)
  } else {
    ids = sample.int(2147483647,n,replace=FALSE)

  names = paste("__temp_",x@title,"_",ids,sep="")
flahn/scidbst documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:15 p.m.