
Defines functions getFlexioResource getFlexioResourceSchema getFlexioResourceFieldsTypes postFlexioResource getFlexioRecord putFlexioRecord patchFlexioRecord deleteFlexioRecord downloadFlexioFile castStringToNum castDATETIMEToTime castDATEToTime castTIMEToTime setFieldNames saveDatasetToFile returnValues

Documented in castDATETIMEToTime castDATEToTime castStringToNum castTIMEToTime deleteFlexioRecord downloadFlexioFile getFlexioRecord getFlexioResource getFlexioResourceFieldsTypes getFlexioResourceSchema patchFlexioRecord postFlexioResource putFlexioRecord returnValues saveDatasetToFile setFieldNames

# FlexioR

flexioPaginationLength <- 100

#' Returns a dataset containing resources records from Flexio
#' @param flexioURL URL of Flexio's API
#' @param account flexio account
#' @param resourceName name of the flexio resource
#' @param auth flexio authentification token
#' @param header additional header (you don't need to add 'range' and 'Authorization', they have been put automaticaly for you)
#' @param fields name of the fields you want to get in your dataset (leave it empty if you want all the fields)
#' @param verbose set it to TRUE to print the request details
#' @family Flexio Interaction
#' @export
getFlexioResource <- function(flexioURL, account, resourceName, auth, header=NULL, fields=c() ,verbose=FALSE) {
  requestURL <- paste(flexioURL,'/',account,'/',resourceName, sep = "", collapse = NULL)
  rangeFrom <- 0
  dataset <- NULL #Empty dataset

  dots <- c('.   ','..  ','... ')
  doti <- 1

    range <- sprintf("%i-%i", rangeFrom, rangeFrom + flexioPaginationLength-1)
    cat(sprintf("Getting records [%i %i] from Flexio  %s", rangeFrom, rangeFrom + flexioPaginationLength, dots[doti]))
    doti <- ifelse(doti == 3, 1, doti + 1)

      req <- GET(requestURL, add_headers(Authorization=auth, range=range, header), verbose())
      req <- GET(requestURL, add_headers(Authorization=auth, range=range, header))


    if(! req$status_code %in% c(200,206)){cat('\r'); print(http_status(req)$message); return(NULL)}

    resp <- fromJSON(content(req, "text"))
    new_dataset <- data.frame(resp, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE)
    dataset <- rbind(dataset, new_dataset)

    rangeFrom <- rangeFrom + flexioPaginationLength
    if(req$status_code == 200){break}

  # Delete all the columns which are not fields of the resource
  schema <- getFlexioResourceFieldsTypes(

  # Convert each column to its right type
  for(name in names(dataset)){
    if(! is.null(schema[[name]]))
        DATETIME= {dataset <- castDATETIMEToTime(dataset, name)},
        TIME=     {dataset <- castTIMEToTime(dataset, name)},
        DATE=     {dataset <- castDATEToTime(dataset, name)}
  dataset$RecordID <- dataset[,'_id']
  dataset<- subset(dataset, select=c('RecordID',names(schema)))

  if (length(fields) != 0){
    dataset <- subset(dataset, select=fields)

#' Returns the raw schema of a flexio resource
#' @param flexioURL URL of Flexio's API
#' @param account flexio account
#' @param resourceName name of the flexio resource
#' @param auth flexio authentification token
#' @param verbose set it to TRUE to print the request details
#' @family Flexio Interaction
#' @export
getFlexioResourceSchema <- function(flexioURL, account, resourceName, auth, verbose=FALSE) {
  requestURL <- paste(flexioURL,'/',account,'/',resourceName,'/schema', sep = "", collapse = NULL)
    req <- GET(requestURL, add_headers(Authorization=auth), verbose())
    req <- GET(requestURL, add_headers(Authorization=auth))
  if(! req$status_code %in% c(200)){print(http_status(req)$message); return(NULL)}


#' Returns a list containing the Flexio resource fields names and their types
#' @param flexioURL URL of Flexio's API
#' @param account flexio account
#' @param resourceName name of the flexio resource
#' @param auth flexio authentification token
#' @family Flexio Interaction
#' @export
getFlexioResourceFieldsTypes <- function(flexioURL, account, resourceName, auth) {
  schema <- getFlexioResourceSchema(

  types <- list()

  for (field in schema$properties) {
    types[field$name] <- field$'data-type'

#' Sends a resource to Flexio. Adds each entry of the given dataset to the Flexio resource, Returns the a vector with the recordIDs
#' @param flexioURL URL of Flexio's API
#' @param account flexio account
#' @param resourceName name of the flexio resource
#' @param auth flexio authentification token
#' @param data the data you want to send to Flexio
#' @param verbose set it to TRUE to print the request details
#' @family Flexio Interaction
#' @export
postFlexioResource <- function(flexioURL, account, resourceName, auth, data, verbose=FALSE) {
  requestURL <- paste(flexioURL,'/',account,'/',resourceName, sep = "", collapse = NULL)

  n <- nrow(data)

  dots <- c('.   ','..  ','... ')
  doti <- 1

  records <- c()

  for (entry in 1:n)
    if (!verbose){cat('\r')}
    jason <- toJSON(data[entry,])
    body <- substr(jason, 2, nchar(jason)-1)

    cat(sprintf("Posting record #%i of %i to Flexio  %s", entry, n + flexioPaginationLength, dots[doti]))
    doti <- ifelse(doti == 3, 1, doti + 1)

      req <- POST(requestURL, body=body, add_headers(Authorization=auth, 'Content-type'='application/json'), verbose())
      req <- POST(requestURL, body=body, add_headers(Authorization=auth, 'Content-type'='application/json'))

    records <- c(records, req$header['X-Entity-Id'])

    if(! req$status_code %in% c(201)){print(http_status(req)$message); return(FALSE)}


  return(unlist(records, use.names=FALSE))

#' Returns a 1 entry dataset containing a single resource record from Flexio
#' @param flexioURL URL of Flexio's API
#' @param account flexio account
#' @param resourceName name of the flexio resource
#' @param auth flexio authentification token
#' @param recordID : the ID of the record you want
#' @param fields name of the fields you want to get in your dataset (leave it empty if you want all the fields)
#' @param verbose set it to TRUE to print the request details
#' @family Flexio Interaction
#' @export
getFlexioRecord <- function(flexioURL, account, resourceName, auth, recordID, fields=c(), verbose=FALSE) {
  requestURL <- paste(flexioURL,'/',account,'/',resourceName,'/',recordID , sep = "", collapse = NULL)

    req <- GET(requestURL, add_headers(Authorization=auth), verbose())
    req <- GET(requestURL, add_headers(Authorization=auth))

  if(! req$status_code %in% c(200)){print(http_status(req)$message); return(NULL)}

  resp <- fromJSON(content(req, "text"))
  for (e in 1:length(resp)) {
      resp[e] <- 0
  record <- as.data.frame(resp, check.names=FALSE)
  record$RecordID <- recordID
  if (length(fields) != 0){
    record <- subset(record, select=fields)


#' Updates a resource record from Flexio (all the fields)
#' @param flexioURL URL of Flexio's API
#' @param account flexio account
#' @param resourceName name of the flexio resource
#' @param auth flexio authentification token
#' @param recordID : the ID of the record you want
#' @param data : the data you want to use
#' @param verbose set it to TRUE to print the request details
#' @family Flexio Interaction
#' @export
putFlexioRecord <- function(flexioURL, account, resourceName, auth, recordID, data, verbose=FALSE) {
  requestURL <- paste(flexioURL,'/',account,'/',resourceName,'/',recordID , sep = "", collapse = NULL)

  body <- toJSON(data)
  body <- substring(body,2,nchar(body)-1)

    req <- PUT(requestURL, add_headers(Authorization=auth, 'Content-type'='application/json'), body=body, verbose())
    req <- PUT(requestURL, add_headers(Authorization=auth, 'Content-type'='application/json'), body=body)
  if(! req$status_code %in% c(200)){print(http_status(req)$message); return(FALSE)}

#' Updates a resource record from Flexio (only the given fields)
#' @param flexioURL URL of Flexio's API
#' @param account flexio account
#' @param resourceName name of the flexio resource
#' @param auth flexio authentification token
#' @param recordID : the ID of the record you want
#' @param data : the data you want to use
#' @param fields : the fields you want to update (leave it empty to update all the fields)
#' @param verbose set it to TRUE to print the request details
#' @family Flexio Interaction
#' @export
patchFlexioRecord <- function(flexioURL, account, resourceName, auth, recordID, data, fields=c(), verbose=FALSE) {
  requestURL <- paste(flexioURL,'/',account,'/',resourceName,'/',recordID , sep = "", collapse = NULL)

  if(length(fields) > 0){
    data <- subset(data, select = fields) #FIXME PATCH doesn't work with missing fields

  body <- toJSON(data)
  body <- substring(body,2,nchar(body)-1)

    req <- PATCH(requestURL, add_headers(Authorization=auth, 'Content-type'='application/json'), body=body, verbose())
    req <- PATCH(requestURL, add_headers(Authorization=auth, 'Content-type'='application/json'), body=body)
  if(! req$status_code %in% c(200)){print(http_status(req)$message); return(FALSE)}

#' Deletes a resource record from Flexio
#' @param flexioURL URL of Flexio's API
#' @param account flexio account
#' @param resourceName name of the flexio resource
#' @param auth Flexio authentification token
#' @param recordID : the ID of the record you want
#' @param verbose set it to TRUE to print the request details
#' @family Flexio Interaction
#' @export
deleteFlexioRecord <- function(flexioURL, account, resourceName, recordID, auth, verbose=FALSE) {
  requestURL <- paste(flexioURL,'/',account,'/',resourceName,'/',recordID , sep = "", collapse = NULL)

    req <- DELETE(requestURL, add_headers(Authorization=auth), verbose())
    req <- DELETE(requestURL, add_headers(Authorization=auth))
  if(! req$status_code %in% c(204)){print(http_status(req)$message); return(FALSE)}

#' Download the file which is in the given Flexio record and stores it in the target file
#' @param targetFile local file in which you want to store the downloaded file
#' @param flexioResourceURL URL of Flexio Resources API
#' @param flexioStorageURL URL of Flexio Object Storage API
#' @param account flexio account
#' @param resourceName name of the flexio resource in which the file is stored
#' @param auth Flexio authentification token
#' @param recordID the ID of the record in which the file is stored
#' @param field field in which the file is stored
#' @family Flexio Interaction
#' @export
downloadFlexioFile <- function(targetFile, flexioResourceURL, flexioStorageURL, account, resourceName, auth, recordID, field){
  record <- getFlexioRecord(
    flexioURL = flexioResourceURL, 
    account = account,
    resourceName = resourceName,
    auth = auth, 
    recordID = recordID, 
    fields = field
  file_url <- sprintf("%s/%s",flexioStorageURL, as.character(record[1,1]))
  download.file(file_url, destfile = targetFile, method = 'curl', extra=list('-k'))

#' Convert a dataset's columns from string to numeric
#' @param dataset the dataset you want to convert
#' @param colnames the names of the columns you want to convert
#' @family Data formatting
#' @export
castStringToNum <- function(dataset, colnames) {
  for(c in colnames){
    dataset[,c] <- as.numeric(gsub(',','.',dataset[,c]))

#' Convert a dataset's columns from DATETIME string format to numeric
#' @param dataset the dataset you want to convert
#' @param colnames the names of the columns you want to convert
#' @family Data formatting
#' @export
castDATETIMEToTime <- function(dataset, colnames) {
  for(c in colnames){
    dataset[,c] <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(dataset[,c],format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))

#' Convert a dataset's columns from DATE string format to numeric
#' @param dataset the dataset you want to convert
#' @param colnames the names of the columns you want to convert
#' @family Data formatting
#' @export
castDATEToTime <- function(dataset, colnames) {
  for(c in colnames){
    dataset[,c] <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(dataset[,c],format="%Y-%m-%dT"))

#' Converts a dataset's columns from TIME string format to numeric
#' @param dataset the dataset you want to convert
#' @param colnames the names of the columns you want to convert
#' @family Data formatting
#' @export
castTIMEToTime <- function(dataset, colnames) {
  for(c in colnames){
    dataset[,c] <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(dataset[,c],format="%H:%M:%S"))

#' Replaces the fields names with the given ones
#' @param dataset the dataset you want to update names
#' @param names list of the old and new names formatted like that : list('old_name1'='new_name1', 'old_name2'='new_name2', ...)
#' @family Data formatting
#' @export
setFieldNames <- function(dataset, names){
  for (i in 1:length(names)) {
    if(names(names[i]) %in% names(dataset)){
      dataset[,names[[i]]] <- dataset[,names(names[i])]
      dataset[,names(names[i])] <- NULL

#' Saves a dataset in a .csv file
#' @param dataset the dataset you want to save
#' @param file the file you want to save the dataset in. Leave if empty to use the default file (tmp.csv)
#' @family others
#' @export
saveDatasetToFile <- function(dataset, file="tmp.csv") {
  write.csv(dataset, file=file, row.names=FALSE)

#' Writes a list as JSON to a file
#' If run inside Flexio, the data written in the file will then be used to by the connector
#' @param valueList a list of named values (eg : "list(a=42, b=c(1,2,3))")
#' @export
returnValues <- function(valueList) {
  jason <- toJSON(valueList, auto_unbox=TRUE)
  write(jason, file = 'jason.json')
flexiooss/flexioR documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:05 p.m.