
Defines functions getCov

Documented in getCov

#' @title Get model matrix
#' @name getX
#' @rdname getX-methods
#' @description Uses the user-specified formula to build a model matrix.
#' @template bothargs
#' @param df the data.frame to build the model matrix against.
#' @param newdf the data.frame to create the model matrix for.
#' @return a matrix.
#' @note \code{getX} is intended to be used internally
#' @aliases getX getX-methods
setGeneric("getX", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("getX"))
#' @rdname getX-methods
setMethod("getX", "formula", function(object, df, newdf = df) {
    opts <- options(contrasts = c(unordered = "contr.sum", ordered = "contr.poly"))
    model <- object

    # drop unused factor levels
    facs <- which(sapply(df, is.factor))
    df[facs] <- lapply(df[facs], function(x) x[drop=TRUE])

    # quick fix for problems predicting with smooths...
    # this will fail in some instances when covariates are included, 
    olddf <- df
    df <- unique(df)
    model.type <- deparse(substitute(model))
    # step 1 - separate out elements
    facs <- strsplit(as.character(model)[length(model)], "[+]")[[1]]
    facs <- gsub("(^ )|( $)", "", facs) # remove leading and trailing spaces

    # some 'model builder' functions.  Here for now, but maybe move them somewhere else later
    # note they use df through their scope - so moving might be troublesome
    # they just need to return a character version of the formula element they code for
    trawl <- function(plateau, selectivity = "fixed", ...) {
      selectivity <- match.arg(selectivity, c("fixed","variable"))
      # implement plateau and calculate appropriate degrees of freedom for age
      if (missing(plateau)) {
        ka <- ceiling(0.5 * length(unique(df $ age)))
        var <- "age"
      } else {
        ka <- ceiling(0.5 * length(unique(replace(df $ age, df $ age > plateau, plateau))))
        var <- paste("replace(age, age >", plateau, ",", plateau, ")")

      # apply a fixed or evolving selectivity pattern and get some appropriate degreed of freedom
      if (selectivity == "fixed") {
        ky <- ceiling(0.5 * length(unique(df $ year)))
        out <- paste("s(", var, ", k =", ka, ") + s(year, k =", ky, ")")
      } else {
        ky <- ceiling(0.35 * length(unique(df $ year)))
        out <- paste("te(", var, ",year, k = c(", ka, ",", ky,"))")

    # some other a4a functions that operate on inputs directly
    breakpts <- function(var, breaks, ...) {
      if (min(var, na.rm = TRUE) < min(breaks)) breaks <- c(min(var, na.rm = TRUE) - 1, breaks)
      if (max(var, na.rm = TRUE) > max(breaks)) breaks <- c(breaks, max(var, na.rm = TRUE)) 
      label <- paste0("(",breaks[-length(breaks)], ",", breaks[-1], "]")     
      cut(var, breaks = breaks, label = label)  

    # look for builder functions like trawl, and substitute with their definition
    a4as <- grepl("(^trawl[(])", facs)
    if (any(a4as)) {
      facs[a4as] <- sapply(facs[a4as], function(x) eval(parse(text = x)))
    # and split by "+" again
    model <- eval(parse(text = paste("~", paste(facs, collapse = "+"))))
    facs <- strsplit(as.character(model)[length(model)], "[+]")[[1]]
    facs <- gsub("(^ )|( $)", "", facs) # remove leading and trailing spaces

    # evaluate by argument in gam elements
    gams <- grepl("(^s[(])|(^te[(])", facs)
    if (any(gams)) {  
      tmp.sfunc <- function(..., by = NULL) eval(substitute(by), df)
      dummy.gams <- gsub("(^s[(])|(^te[(])", "tmp.sfunc(", facs[gams])
      gmf <- lapply(dummy.gams, function(x) eval(parse(text = x)))
      bygams <- !sapply(gmf, is.null) 
      if (any(bygams)) { # if there are by arguments then add them to df otherwise do nothing
        gmf <- gmf[bygams]
        gmf <- as.data.frame(gmf)
        names(gmf) <- paste("by", 1:ncol(gmf), ".", sep = "")
        if (!all(complete.cases(gmf))) stop("Some 'by' arguments in smoothers evaluate to NA: cannot proceed.")
        df <- cbind(df, gmf)
        # now replace by = ... to by = by1. etc and rebuild the formula :)
        #tmp.sfunc <- function(..., by) deparse(substitute(by))
        tmp.sfunc <- function(..., by = NULL) deparse(substitute(by))
        replace.by <-
            function(x) {
              gsub("[)]", "[)]", gsub("[(]", "[(]", eval(parse(text = x))))
        facs[gams][bygams] <-
            function(i) {
              gsub(replace.by[[i]], names(gmf)[i], facs[gams][bygams][i])
        model <- eval(parse(text = paste("~", paste(facs, collapse = "+"))))

    # keep final model after processing?  Or provide formula processing as a seprate function?
    # print(model)
    # check non gam covariates for NAs
    if (any(!gams)) {
      model.sansgam <- eval(parse(text = paste("~", paste(facs[!gams], collapse = "+"))))
      if (nrow(model.frame(model.sansgam, df)) != nrow(df)) 
        stop("something went wrong - check for NAs in covariates")

    # now run formula through model.matrix
    if (!any(gams)) {
      X <- model.matrix(model, df)
    } else {
      model <- eval(parse(text = paste("fake.obs ~", deparse(model[[length(model)]], width.cutoff = 500L))))
      #X <- model.matrix.gam(gam(model, data = cbind(fake.obs = 1, df)))
      G <- gam(model, data = cbind(fake.obs = 1, df), fit = FALSE)
      X <- G $ X
      colnames(X) <- G $ term.names 

    # a double check
    if (nrow(X) != nrow(df)) stop("something went wrong - check for NAs in covariates")
    # check model for redundant parameters
    qr.X <- qr(X)
    rank.deficient <- qr.X $ pivot[abs(diag(qr.X $ qr)) < 1e-7]
    if (length(rank.deficient)) {
      droppar <- paste(colnames(X)[rank.deficient], collapse = "\n\t")
      warning("*** ", model.type, " has ", length(rank.deficient)," too many parameter(s)!!\n    i will remove the redundant ones:\n\t", droppar, call. = FALSE)
      X <- X[,-rank.deficient]

    # reset options

    # now remap from df to olddf
    df $ id <- 1:nrow(df)
    olddf $ oldid <- 1:nrow(olddf)
    olddf <- merge(olddf, df, all = TRUE)
    olddf <- olddf[order(olddf $ oldid),]
    X[olddf $ id,,drop=FALSE]

#' @title Get covariance matrix
#' @name getCov
#' @rdname getCov-methods
#' @description Returns the covariance matrix of the specified Gaussian markov random field model.
#' @param n integer giving the size of the random feild
#' @param model chatacter giving the name of the GMRF
#' @param tau numeric giving the multiplier of the structure matrix for the model
#' @return a covariance matrix
#' @aliases getCov 
getCov <- function(n, model, tau)
  model <- match.arg(model, c("iid"))
#  model <- match.arg(model, c("iid","rw1","rw2"))
  # try and add AR1 - need extra param for that though...

#  if (model == "iid") {
    Cov <- as(Diagonal(n) * tau, "CsparseMatrix")

#  } else if (model %in% c("rw1", "rw2")) {
#    Q <- Qfunc(n, type = model) / tau
#    # make positive definate
#    Q[] <- c(Q) + rowSums(apply( eigen(Q)$vectors, 2, function(x) outer(x, x)))
#    Q <- as(Q, "CsparseMatrix")
#    Cov <- solve(Q)
#  }

flr/FLa4a documentation built on June 4, 2023, 11:05 a.m.