
Defines functions print.RCX print.CyTableColumnAspect print.CySubNetworksAspect print.CyNetworkRelationsAspect print.CyHiddenAttributesAspect print.CyVisualPropertiesAspect print.CyVisualProperty print.CyVisualPropertyMappings print.CyVisualPropertyDependencies print.CyVisualPropertyProperties print.CyGroupsAspect print.CartesianLayoutAspect print.NetworkAttributesAspect print.EdgeAttributesAspect print.NodeAttributesAspect print.EdgesAspect print.NodesAspect print.MetaDataAspect

Documented in print.CartesianLayoutAspect print.CyGroupsAspect print.CyHiddenAttributesAspect print.CyNetworkRelationsAspect print.CySubNetworksAspect print.CyTableColumnAspect print.CyVisualPropertiesAspect print.CyVisualProperty print.CyVisualPropertyDependencies print.CyVisualPropertyMappings print.CyVisualPropertyProperties print.EdgeAttributesAspect print.EdgesAspect print.MetaDataAspect print.NetworkAttributesAspect print.NodeAttributesAspect print.NodesAspect print.RCX

## Authors:
##   Florian Auer [florian.auer@informatik.uni-augsburg.de]
## Description:
##    Base functions to create, parse, modify CX networks from/to JSON data

#' Print functions for RCX and aspect classes
#' These functions attempt to print [RCX][RCX-object] and aspect objects in a more readable form.
#' @param x aspect or [RCX][RCX-object] object
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. See [base::print()]
#' @return prints the object and returns it invisibly ([invisible](x))
#' @seealso [summary]
#' @name custom-print
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' rcx = createRCX(createNodes())
#' print(rcx)
print.MetaDataAspect = function(x, ...){
    .removeClass(x) = .CLS$metaData
    if("properties" %in% colnames(x)){
        x$properties = lapply(x$properties, function(p){
            result = ""
            if(length(p)!=0) result = paste0(names(p),"=",p, collapse = ",")
    print(x, ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @export
print.NodesAspect = function(x, ...){
    .removeClass(x) = .CLS$nodes
    print(x, ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @export
print.EdgesAspect = function(x, ...){
    .removeClass(x) = .CLS$edges
    print(x, ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @export
print.NodeAttributesAspect = function(x, ...){
    cat("Node attributes:\n")
    .removeClass(x) = .CLS$nodeAttributes
    print(x, ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @export
print.EdgeAttributesAspect = function(x, ...){
    cat("Edge attributes:\n")
    .removeClass(x) = .CLS$edgeAttributes
    print(x, ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @export
print.NetworkAttributesAspect = function(x, ...){
    cat("Network attributes:\n")
    .removeClass(x) = .CLS$networkAttributes
    print(x, ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @export
print.CartesianLayoutAspect = function(x, ...){
    cat("Cartesian layout:\n")
    .removeClass(x) = "CartesianLayoutAspect"
    print(x, ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @export
print.CyGroupsAspect = function(x, ...){
    cat("Cytoscape Groups:\n")
    .removeClass(x) = "CyGroupsAspect"
    print(x, ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @export
print.CyVisualPropertyProperties = function(x, ...){
    .removeClass(x) = "CyVisualPropertyProperties"
    print(x, ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @export
print.CyVisualPropertyDependencies = function(x, ...){
    .removeClass(x) = "CyVisualPropertyDependencies"
    print(x, ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @export
print.CyVisualPropertyMappings = function(x, ...){
    .removeClass(x) = "CyVisualPropertyMappings"
    print(x, ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @export
print.CyVisualProperty = function(x, fields=c("all"), ...){
    if((!fields=="all") && !.elementsInDict(fields, "VPpropertyFields")) .stop("paramWrongValue", c("fields", .DICT$VPpropertyFields))
    first = ifelse(length(x$appliesTo)!=1,TRUE,FALSE)
    for(i in seq_len(length(x$appliesTo))){
        # if(is.na(x$appliesTo[i]) && is.na(x$view[i])) {
        #     cat("<DEFAULT>\n")
        # }else if((!is.na(x$appliesTo[i])) && (!is.na(x$view[i]))){
        #     cat(paste0("<APPLIES TO: ",x$appliesTo[i],", VIEW: ",x$view[i],">\n"))
        # }else{
        #     if(!is.na(x$appliesTo[i])) cat(paste0("<APPLIES TO: ",x$appliesTo[i],">\n"))
        #     if(!is.na(x$view[i])) cat(paste0("<VIEW: ",x$view[i],">\n"))
        # }
        cat(paste0("<APPLIES TO: ",x$appliesTo[i],", VIEW: ",x$view[i],">\n"))
        if(((fields=="all") || ("properties" %in% fields)) && .paramClass(x$properties[[i]],.CLSvp$properties)) print(x$properties[[i]], ...)
        if(((fields=="all") || ("dependencies" %in% fields)) && .paramClass(x$dependencies[[i]],.CLSvp$dependencies)) print(x$dependencies[[i]], ...)
        if(((fields=="all") || ("mappings" %in% fields)) && .paramClass(x$mappings[[i]],.CLSvp$mappings)) print(x$mappings[[i]], ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @param propertyOf character; Which properties should be shown, one of `r .pasteC(.DICT$VPpropertiesOf)` or `all`
#' @param fields character; Which fields should be shown, one of `r .pasteC(.DICT$VPpropertyFields)` or `all`
#' @export
print.CyVisualPropertiesAspect = function(x, propertyOf="all", fields="all", ...){
    if((!propertyOf=="all") && !.elementsInDict(propertyOf, "VPpropertiesOf")) .stop("paramWrongValue", c("fields", .DICT$VPpropertiesOf))
    if((!fields=="all") && !.elementsInDict(fields, "VPpropertyFields")) .stop("paramWrongValue", c("fields", .DICT$VPpropertyFields))

    if((propertyOf!="all") && (propertyOf %in% names(x))){
        elements = propertyOf
        elements = names(.DICT$VPpropertiesOf)[names(.DICT$VPpropertiesOf) %in% names(x)]
    cat("Cytoscape visual properties:\n")
    for(n in elements){
        cat(paste0("[[cyVisualProperties]][[",n,"]] = Cytoscape visual property:\n"))
        print(x[[n]], fields, ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @export
print.CyHiddenAttributesAspect = function(x, ...){
    cat("Cytoscape hidden attributes:\n")
    .removeClass(x) = .CLS$cyHiddenAttributes
    print(x, ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @export
print.CyNetworkRelationsAspect = function(x, ...){
    cat("Cytoscape network relations:\n")
    .removeClass(x) = .CLS$cyNetworkRelations
    print(x, ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @export
print.CySubNetworksAspect = function(x, ...){
    cat("Cytoscape subnetworks:\n")
    .removeClass(x) = .CLS$cySubNetworks
    print(x, ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @export
print.CyTableColumnAspect = function(x, ...){
    cat("Cytoscape table column lables and types:\n")
    .removeClass(x) = .CLS$cyTableColumn
    print(x, ...)

#' @rdname custom-print
#' @param inofficial logical; if `FALSE` only the official aspects are printed
#' @export
print.RCX = function(x, inofficial=TRUE, ...){
    aspects = names(x)
    #firstly print all official aspects in the order given by .CLS
    ordered = names(.CLS)
    ordered = ordered[ordered %in% aspects]
    remaining = aspects[!aspects %in% ordered]
    first = TRUE
    for(n in ordered){
        if(!first) cat("\n")
        cat(paste0("[[",n,"]] = "))
        print(x[[n]], ...)
        first = FALSE
    ## then print all remaining (self defined)
        for(n in remaining){
            if(!first) cat("\n")
            cat(paste0("[[",n,"]] = "))
            print(x[[n]], ...)
            first = FALSE
frankkramer-lab/RCX documentation built on Feb. 4, 2023, 5:12 p.m.