#' Add Priors to Country-Specific VARX Models of a GVAR Model
#' Adds prior specifications to a list of country models, which was produced by
#' the function \code{\link{create_models}}.
#' @param object a named list, usually, the output of a call to \code{\link{create_models}}.
#' @param coef a named list of prior specifications for the coefficients of the country-specific
#' models. For the default specification all prior means are set to zero and the diagonal elements of
#' the inverse prior variance-covariance matrix are set to 1 for coefficients corresponding to non-deterministic
#' terms. For deterministic coefficients the prior variances are set to 10 via \code{v_i_det = 0.1}.
#' The variances need to be specified as precisions, i.e. as inverses of the variances.
#' For further specifications see 'Details'.
#' @param sigma a named list of prior specifications for the error variance-covariance matrix
#' of the country models. For the default specification of an inverse Wishart distribution
#' the prior degrees of freedom are set to the number of endogenous variables and
#' the prior variances to 1. See 'Details'.
#' @param ssvs a named list of prior specifications for the SSVS algorithm. See 'Details'.
#' @param bvs a named list of prior specifications for the BVS algorithm. See 'Details'.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @details The argument \code{coef} can contain the following elements
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{v_i}}{a numeric specifying the prior precision of the coefficients. Default is 1.}
#' \item{\code{v_i_det}}{a numeric specifying the prior precision of coefficients corresponding to deterministic terms. Default is 0.1.}
#' \item{\code{coint_var}}{a logical specifying whether the prior mean of the first own lag of an
#' endogenous variable in a VAR model should be set to 1. Default is \code{FALSE}.}
#' \item{\code{const}}{a numeric or character specifying the prior mean of coefficients, which correspond
#' to the intercept. If a numeric is provided, all prior means are set to this value.
#' If \code{const = "mean"}, the means of the series of endogenous variables are used as prior means.
#' If \code{const = "first"}, the first values of the series of endogenous variables are used as prior means.}
#' \item{\code{minnesota}}{a list of length 4 containing parameters for the calculation of
#' the Minnesota prior, where the element names are \code{kappa0}, \code{kappa1}, \code{kappa2} and \code{kappa3}.
#' For the endogenous variable \eqn{i} the prior variance of the \eqn{l}th
#' lag of regressor \eqn{j} is obtained as
#' \deqn{ \frac{\kappa_{0}}{l^2} \textrm{ for own lags of endogenous variables,}}
#' \deqn{ \frac{\kappa_{0} \kappa_{1}}{l^2} \frac{\sigma_{i}^2}{\sigma_{j}^2} \textrm{ for endogenous variables other than own lags,}}
#' \deqn{ \frac{\kappa_{0} \kappa_{2}}{(1 + l)^2} \frac{\sigma_{i}^2}{\sigma_{j}^2} \textrm{ for foreign and global exogenous variables,}}
#' \deqn{ \kappa_{0} \kappa_{3} \sigma_{i}^2 \textrm{ for deterministic terms,}}
#' where \eqn{\sigma_{i}} is the residual standard deviation of variable \eqn{i} of an unrestricted
#' LS estimate. For exogenous variables \eqn{\sigma_{i}} is the sample standard deviation.
#' If \code{kappa2 = NULL}, \eqn{\kappa_{0} \kappa_{3} \sigma_{i}^2} will be used for foreign
#' and global exogenous variables instead.}
#' \item{\code{max_var}}{a numeric specifying the maximum prior variance that is allowed for
#' non-deterministic coefficients.}
#' \item{\code{shape}}{an integer specifying the prior degrees of freedom of the error term of the state equation. Default is 3.}
#' \item{\code{rate}}{a numeric specifying the prior error variance of the state equation. Default is 0.0001.}
#' \item{\code{rate_det}}{a numeric specifying the prior error variance of the state equation corresponding to deterministic terms. Default is 0.0001.}
#' }
#' If \code{minnesota} is specified, \code{v_i} and \code{v_i_det} are ignored.
#' Argument \code{sigma} can contain the following elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{df}}{an integer or character specifying the prior degrees of freedom of the error term. Only
#' used, if the prior is inverse Wishart.
#' Default is \code{"k"}, which indicates the amount of endogenous variables in the respective model.
#' \code{"k + 3"} can be used to set the prior to the amount of endogenous variables plus 3. If an integer
#' is provided, the degrees of freedom are set to this value in all models.}
#' \item{\code{scale}}{a numeric specifying the prior error variance of endogenous variables.
#' Default is 1.}
#' \item{\code{shape}}{a numeric or character specifying the prior shape parameter of the error term. Only
#' used, if the prior is inverse gamma or if time varying volatilities are estimated.
#' For models with constant volatility the default is \code{"k"}, which indicates the amount of endogenous
#' variables in the respective country model. \code{"k + 3"} can be used to set the prior to the amount of
#' endogenous variables plus 3. If a numeric is provided, the shape parameters are set to this value in all
#' models. For models with stochastic volatility this prior refers to the error variance of the state
#' equation.}
#' \item{\code{rate}}{a numeric specifying the prior rate parameter of the error term. Only used, if the
#' prior is inverse gamma or if time varying volatilities are estimated. For models with stochastic
#' volatility this prior refers to the error variance of the state equation.}
#' \item{\code{mu}}{numeric of the prior mean of the initial state of the log-volatilities.
#' Only used for models with time varying volatility.}
#' \item{\code{v_i}}{numeric of the prior precision of the initial state of the log-volatilities.
#' Only used for models with time varying volatility.}
#' \item{\code{sigma_h}}{numeric of the initial draw for the variance of the log-volatilities.
#' Only used for models with time varying volatility.}
#' \item{\code{constant}}{numeric of the constant, which is added before taking the log of the squared errors.
#' Only used for models with time varying volatility.}
#' \item{\code{covar}}{logical indicating whether error covariances should be estimated. Only used
#' in combination with an inverse gamma prior or stochastic volatility, for which \code{shape} and
#' \code{rate} must be specified.}
#' }
#' \code{df} and \code{scale} must be specified for an inverse Wishart prior. \code{shape} and \code{rate}
#' are required for an inverse gamma prior. For structural models or models with stochastic volatility
#' only a gamma prior specification is allowed.
#' The argument \code{ssvs} can contain the following elements
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{inprior}}{a numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the prior probability
#' of a variable to be included in the model. Default is 0.5.}
#' \item{\code{tau}}{a numeric vector of two elements containing the prior standard errors
#' of restricted variables (\eqn{\tau_0}) as its first element and unrestricted variables (\eqn{\tau_1})
#' as its second. Default is \code{c(0.05, 10)}.}
#' \item{\code{semiautomatic}}{an numeric vector of two elements containing the
#' factors by which the standard errors associated with an unconstrained least squares
#' estimate of the country VARX model are multiplied to obtain the prior standard errors
#' of restricted (\eqn{\tau_0}) and unrestricted (\eqn{\tau_1}) variables. This is the
#' semiautomatic approach described in George et al. (2008).}
#' \item{\code{exclude_det}}{logical indicating whether deterministic terms should be excepted from SSVS.}
#' }
#' Either \code{tau} or \code{semiautomatic} must be specified.
#' The argument \code{bvs} can contain the following elements
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{inprior}}{a numeric between 0 and 1 specifying the prior probability
#' of a variable to be included in the model. Default is 0.5.}
#' \item{\code{minnesota}}{a numeric vector of length 4 containing parameters for the calculation of
#' Minnesota-like inclusion priors, where
#' \deqn{ \kappa_{1}{l} \textrm{ for own lags of domestic endogenous variables,}}
#' \deqn{ \frac{\kappa_{2}}{l} \textrm{ for domestic endogenous variables other than own lags,}}
#' \deqn{ \frac{\kappa_{3}}{l + 1} \textrm{ for foreign and global exogenous variables,}}
#' \deqn{ \kappa_{4} \textrm{ for deterministic terms.}}
#' The indices of \eqn{\kappa} correspond to the positions of the elements in the argument \code{kappa}.}
#' \item{\code{exclude_det}}{logical indicating whether deterministic terms should be excepted from BVS.}
#' }
#' @return A list of country models.
#' @references
#' Chan, J., Koop, G., Poirier, D. J., & Tobias J. L. (2019). \emph{Bayesian econometric methods}
#' (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
#' George, E. I., Sun, D., & Ni, S. (2008). Bayesian stochastic search for VAR model
#' restrictions. \emph{Journal of Econometrics, 142}(1), 553--580.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeconom.2007.08.017}
#' Korobilis, D. (2013). VAR forecasting using Bayesian variable selection.
#' \emph{Journal of Applied Econometrics, 28}(2), 204--230.
#' @examples
#' # Load data
#' data("gvar2019")
#' # Create regions
#' temp <- create_regions(country_data = gvar2019$country_data,
#' weight_data = gvar2019$weight_data,
#' region_weights = gvar2019$region_weights,
#' regions = list(EA = c("AT", "BE", "DE", "ES", "FI", "FR", "IT", "NL")),
#' period = 3)
#' country_data <- temp$country_data
#' weight_data <- temp$weight_data
#' global_data = gvar2019$global_data
#' # Difference series to make them stationary
#' country_data <- diff_variables(country_data, variables = c("y", "Dp", "r"), multi = 100)
#' global_data <- diff_variables(global_data, multi = 100)
#' # Create time varying weights
#' weight_data <- create_weights(weight_data, period = 3, country_data = country_data)
#' # Generate specifications
#' model_specs <- create_specifications(
#' country_data = country_data,
#' global_data = global_data,
#' countries = c("US", "JP", "CA", "NO", "GB", "EA"),
#' domestic = list(variables = c("y", "Dp", "r"), lags = 1),
#' foreign = list(variables = c("y", "Dp", "r"), lags = 1),
#' global = list(variables = c("poil"), lags = 1),
#' deterministic = list(const = TRUE, trend = FALSE, seasonal = FALSE),
#' iterations = 10,
#' burnin = 10)
#' # Note that the number of iterations and burnin draws should be much higher!
#' # Overwrite country-specific specifications
#' model_specs[["US"]][["domestic"]][["variables"]] <- c("y", "Dp", "r")
#' model_specs[["US"]][["foreign"]][["variables"]] <- c("y", "Dp")
#' # Create estimation objects
#' country_models <- create_models(country_data = country_data,
#' weight_data = weight_data,
#' global_data = global_data,
#' model_specs = model_specs)
#' # Add priors
#' models_with_priors <- add_priors(country_models,
#' coef = list(v_i = 1 / 9, v_i_det = 1 / 10),
#' sigma = list(df = 3, scale = .0001))
#' @export
add_priors.gvarsubmodels <- function(object, ...,
coef = list(v_i = 1, v_i_det = 0.1, shape = 3, rate = 0.0001, rate_det = 0.01),
sigma = list(df = "k", scale = 1, mu = 0, v_i = 0.01, hinit = 0.05, constant = 0.0001),
ssvs = NULL,
bvs = NULL){
# Checks - Coefficient priors ----
if (!is.null(coef)) {
if (!is.null(coef[["v_i"]])) {
if (coef[["v_i"]] < 0) {
stop("Argument 'v_i' must be at least 0.")
if (is.null(coef[["v_i_det"]])) {
coef[["v_i_det"]] <- coef[["v_i"]]
} else {
if (!any(c("minnesota", "ssvs") %in% names(coef))) {
stop("If 'coef$v_i' is not specified, at least 'coef$minnesota' or 'coef$ssvs' must be specified.")
if (!is.null(coef[["const"]])) {
if ("character" %in% class(coef[["const"]])) {
if (!coef[["const"]] %in% c("first", "mean")) {
stop("Invalid specificatin of coef$const.")
# Checks - Error priors ----
if (length(sigma) < 2) {
stop("Argument 'sigma' must be at least of length 2.")
} else {
error_prior <- NULL
if (any(unlist(lapply(object, function(x) {x[["model"]][["sv"]]})))) { # Check for SV
if (any(!c("mu", "v_i", "shape", "rate") %in% names(sigma))) {
stop("Missing prior specifications for stochastic volatility prior.")
if ("character" %in% class(sigma[["shape"]])) {
stop("Argument sigma$shape may not be a character when used with SV.")
error_prior <- "sv"
} else {
if (all(c("df", "scale", "shape", "rate") %in% names(sigma))) {
error_prior <- "both"
} else {
if (all(c("shape", "rate") %in% names(sigma))) {
error_prior <- "gamma"
if (all(c("df", "scale") %in% names(sigma))) {
error_prior <- "wishart"
if (is.null(error_prior)) {
stop("Invalid specification for argument 'sigma'.")
# if (error_prior == "wishart" & any(unlist(lapply(object, function(x) {x[["model"]][["structural"]]})))) {
# stop("Structural models may not use a Wishart prior. Consider specifying arguments 'sigma$shape' and 'sigma$rate' instead.")
# }
if (error_prior == "wishart" | error_prior == "both") {
if (sigma[["df"]] < 0) {
stop("Argument 'sigma$df' must be at least 0.")
if (sigma[["scale"]] <= 0) {
stop("Argument 'sigma$scale' must be larger than 0.")
if (error_prior == "gamma" | error_prior == "both") {
if (sigma[["shape"]] < 0) {
stop("Argument 'sigma$shape' must be at least 0.")
if (sigma[["rate"]] <= 0) {
stop("Argument 'sigma$rate' must be larger than 0.")
# Check Minnesota ----
minnesota <- FALSE # Minnesota prior?
if (!is.null(coef[["minnesota"]])) {
minnesota <- TRUE
if (!"list" %in% class(coef[["minnesota"]])) {
stop("Argument coeff$minnesota must be a list.")
if (!all(c("kappa0", "kappa1", "kappa3") %in% names(coef[["minnesota"]]))) {
stop("Argument coeff$minnesota must contain at least the elements 'kappa0', 'kappa1' and 'kappa3'.")
# Check coint VAR ----
coint_var <- FALSE # Cointegrated VAR?
if (!is.null(coef[["coint_var"]])) {
if (coef[["coint_var"]]) {
coint_var <- TRUE
# Check SSVS ----
use_ssvs <- FALSE
use_ssvs_error <- FALSE
use_ssvs_semi <- FALSE
if (!is.null(ssvs)) {
if (error_prior == "sv") {
stop("SSVS is not supported for stochastic volatility models. You could use BVS instead.")
if (is.null(ssvs[["inprior"]])) {
stop("Argument 'ssvs$inprior' must be specified for SSVS.")
if (is.null(ssvs[["tau"]]) & is.null(ssvs[["semiautomatic"]])) {
stop("Either argument 'ssvs$tau' or 'ssvs$semiautomatic' must be specified for SSVS.")
if (is.null(ssvs[["exclude_det"]])) {
ssvs[["exclude_det"]] <- FALSE
# In case ssvs is specified, check if the semi-automatic approch of
# George et al. (2008) should be used
if (!is.null(ssvs[["semiautomatic"]])) {
use_ssvs_semi <- TRUE
use_ssvs <- TRUE
if (minnesota) {
minnesota <- FALSE
warning("Minnesota prior specification overwritten by SSVS.")
if (!is.null(ssvs[["covar"]])) {
if (ssvs[["covar"]]) {
if (error_prior == "wishart") {
stop("If SSVS should be applied to error covariances, argument 'sigma$shape' must be specified.")
use_ssvs_error <- TRUE
if (is.null(ssvs[["tau"]])) {
stop("If SSVS should be applied to error covariances, argument 'ssvs$tau' must be specified.")
# Check BVS ----
# Prior a la Korobilis 2013
use_bvs <- FALSE
use_bvs_error <- FALSE
if (!is.null(bvs)) {
use_bvs <- TRUE
if (is.null(bvs[["inprior"]])) {
stop("If BVS should be applied, argument 'bvs$inprior' must be specified.")
if (is.null(bvs[["exclude_det"]])) {
bvs[["exclude_det"]] <- FALSE
if (!is.null(bvs[["covar"]])) {
if (bvs[["covar"]]) {
if (error_prior == "wishart") {
stop("If BVS should be applied to error covariances, argument 'sigma$shape' must be specified.")
use_bvs_error <- TRUE
if (coef[["v_i"]] == 0 | (coef[["v_i_det"]] == 0 & !bvs[["exclude_det"]])) {
warning("Using BVS with an uninformative prior is not recommended.")
if (use_ssvs & use_bvs) {
stop("SSVS and BVS cannot be applied at the same time.")
if (error_prior == "wishart" & (use_ssvs_error | use_bvs_error)) {
stop("Wishart prior not allowed when BVS or SSVS are applied to covariance matrix.")
# Generate priors for each country ----
for (i in 1:length(object)) {
# Get model specs to obtain total number of coeffs
k <- length(object[[i]][["model"]][["domestic"]][["variables"]])
p_domestic <- object[[i]][["model"]][["domestic"]][["lags"]]
if (k == 1 & (use_ssvs_error | use_bvs_error)) {
stop("BVS or SSVS cannot be applied to covarianc matrix when there is only one endogenous variable.")
m <- length(object[[i]][["model"]][["foreign"]][["variables"]])
p_foreign <- object[[i]][["model"]][["foreign"]][["lags"]]
global <- !is.null(object[[i]][["model"]][["global"]])
if (global) {
n <- length(object[[i]][["model"]][["global"]][["variables"]])
p_global <- object[[i]][["model"]][["global"]][["lags"]]
} else {
n <- 0
p_global <- 0
# Add a lag to foreign and global model for VARs to include
# contemporary variables
p_foreign <- p_foreign + 1
if (global) {
p_global <- p_global + 1
# Total # of non-deterministic coefficients
tot_par <- k * (k * p_domestic + m * p_foreign + n * p_global)
covar <- FALSE
if (!is.null(sigma[["covar"]])) {
covar <- sigma[["covar"]]
structural <- object[[i]][["model"]][["structural"]]
if (covar & structural) {
stop("Error covariances and structural coefficients cannot be estimated at the same time.")
n_struct <- 0
if (structural & k > 1) {
n_struct <- (k - 1) * k / 2
tot_par <- tot_par + n_struct
tvp <- object[[i]][["model"]][["tvp"]]
sv <- object[[i]][["model"]][["sv"]]
# Add number of non-cointegration deterministic terms
n_det <- 0
if (!is.null(object[[i]][["data"]][["deterministic"]])){
n_det <- ncol(object[[i]][["data"]][["deterministic"]]) * k
tot_par <- tot_par + n_det
# Priors ----
## Coefficients ----
if (tot_par > 0) {
#### Prior means ----
mu <- matrix(rep(0, tot_par - n_struct), k)
# Add 1 to first own lags for cointegrated VAR model
if (coint_var & p_domestic > 0) {
mu[1:k, 1:k] <- diag(1, k)
# Prior for intercept terms
if (n_det > 0) {
if (!is.null(coef[["const"]])) {
pos <- which(dimnames(object[[i]][["data"]][["Z"]])[[2]] == "const")
if (length(pos) == 1) {
if ("character" %in% class(coef[["const"]])) {
if (coef[["const"]] == "first") {
mu[, pos] <- object[[i]][["data"]][["Y"]][1, ]
if (coef[["const"]] == "mean") {
mu[, pos] <- colMeans(object[[i]][["data"]][["Y"]])
if ("numeric" %in% class(coef[["const"]])) {
mu[, pos] <- coef[["const"]]
mu <- matrix(mu)
if (structural) {
mu <- rbind(mu, matrix(0, n_struct))
object[[i]][["priors"]][["coefficients"]] <- list(mu = mu)
# Obtain OLS estimates for the calculation of the
# Minnesota prior or the semi-automatic SSVS approach
# and for use as initial values
# Get data
y <- t(object[[i]][["data"]][["Y"]])
if (tot_par > 0 & tot_par < NCOL(y)) {
z <- object[[i]][["data"]][["SUR"]]
ols <- solve(crossprod(z)) %*% crossprod(z, matrix(y))
u <- matrix(matrix(y) - z %*% ols, NROW(y))
object[[i]][["initial"]][["coefficients"]][["draw"]] <- ols
} else {
if (tot_par > 0) {
object[[i]][["initial"]][["coefficients"]][["draw"]] <- mu
u <- y - matrix(apply(y, 1, mean), nrow = NROW(y), ncol = NCOL(y))
x <- t(object[[i]][["data"]][["Z"]])
tt <- ncol(y)
ols_sigma <- y %*% (diag(1, tt) - t(x) %*% solve(tcrossprod(x)) %*% x) %*% t(y) / (tt - nrow(x))
if (minnesota) {
# Determine positions of deterministic terms for calculation of sigma
pos_det <- NULL
if (!is.null(object[[i]][["model"]][["deterministic"]])) {
pos_det <- k * p_domestic + m * p_foreign + n * p_global + 1:length(object[[i]][["model"]][["deterministic"]])
# Obtain sigmas for V_i via estimation of AR model for each endogenous variable
s_domestic <- diag(0, k)
for (j in 1:k) {
pos <- c(j + k * ((1:p_domestic) - 1), pos_det)
y_temp <- matrix(y[j, ], 1)
x_temp <- matrix(x[pos, ], length(pos))
s_domestic[j, j] <- y_temp %*% (diag(1, tt) - t(x_temp) %*% solve(tcrossprod(x_temp)) %*% x_temp) %*% t(y_temp) / (tt - length(pos))
s_domestic <- sqrt(diag(s_domestic)) # Residual standard deviations (OLS)
# Generate prior matrices ----
# Minnesota prior ----
V <- matrix(rep(NA, tot_par - n_struct), k) # Set up matrix for variances
# Endogenous variables
if (p_domestic > 0) {
for (r in 1:p_domestic) {
for (l in 1:k) {
for (j in 1:k) {
if (l == j) {
V[l, (r - 1) * k + j] <- coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa0"]] / r^2
} else {
V[l, (r - 1) * k + j] <- coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa0"]] * coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa1"]] / r^2 * s_domestic[l]^2 / s_domestic[j]^2
# Weakly exogenous variables
s_foreign <- sqrt(apply(matrix(x[k * p_domestic + 1:m, ], m), 1, stats::var))
for (r in 1:p_foreign) {
for (l in 1:k) {
for (j in 1:m) {
# Note that r starts at 1, so that this is equivalent to l + 1
if (is.null(coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa2"]])) {
V[l, p_domestic * k + (r - 1) * m + j] <- coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa0"]] * coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa3"]] * s_domestic[l]^2
} else {
V[l, p_domestic * k + (r - 1) * m + j] <- coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa0"]] * coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa2"]] / r^2 * s_domestic[l]^2 / s_foreign[j]^2
# Global variables
if (global) {
s_global <- sqrt(apply(matrix(x[k * p_domestic + m * p_foreign + 1:n, ], n), 1, stats::var))
for (r in 1:p_global) {
for (l in 1:k) {
for (j in 1:n) {
# Note that r starts at 1, so that this is equivalent to l + 1
if (is.null(coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa2"]])) {
V[l, p_domestic * k + m * p_foreign + (r - 1) * n + j] <- coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa0"]] * coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa3"]] * s_domestic[l]^2
} else {
V[l, p_domestic * k + m * p_foreign + (r - 1) * n + j] <- coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa0"]] * coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa2"]] / r^2 * s_domestic[l]^2 / s_global[j]^2
# Restrict prior variances
if (!is.null(coef[["max_var"]])) {
if (any(stats::na.omit(c(V)) > coef[["max_var"]])) {
V[which(V > coef[["max_var"]])] <- coef[["max_var"]]
# Deterministic variables
if (!is.null(object[[i]][["data"]][["deterministic"]])){
V[, -(1:(k * p_domestic + m * p_foreign + n * p_global))] <- coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa0"]] * coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa3"]] * s_domestic^2
V <- matrix(V)
# Structural parameters
if (structural) {
V_struct <- matrix(NA, k, k)
for (j in 1:(k - 1)) {
V_struct[(j + 1):k, j] <- coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa0"]] * coef[["minnesota"]][["kappa1"]] * s_domestic[(j + 1):k]^2 / s_domestic[j]^2
V_struct <- matrix(V_struct[lower.tri(V_struct)])
V <- rbind(V, V_struct)
v_i <- diag(c(1 / V))
object[[i]][["priors"]][["coefficients"]][["v_i"]] <- v_i
} # End of minnesota condition
# Inclusion priors
if (use_ssvs | use_bvs) {
inprior <- matrix(NA, k, (tot_par - n_struct) / k)
include <- matrix(1:tot_par)
if (use_ssvs) {
prob <- ssvs[["inprior"]]
kappa <- ssvs[["minnesota"]]
exclude_det <- ssvs[["exclude_det"]]
if (use_bvs) {
prob <- bvs[["inprior"]]
kappa <- bvs[["minnesota"]]
exclude_det <- bvs[["exclude_det"]]
# For Minnesota-like inclusion parameters
if (!is.null(kappa)) {
# Domestic
if (p_domestic > 0) {
for (r in 1:p_domestic) {
inprior[, (r - 1) * k + 1:k] <- kappa[2] / r
if (k > 1) {
diag(inprior[, (r - 1) * k + 1:k]) <- kappa[1] / r
} else {
inprior[, (r - 1) * k + 1] <- kappa[1] / r
# Foreign
if (m > 0) {
inprior[, p_domestic * k + 1:m] <- kappa[3]
if (p_foreign > 0) {
for (r in 1:p_foreign) {
inprior[, p_domestic * k + (r - 1) * m + 1:m] <- kappa[3] / (1 + r)
# Global
if (global) {
inprior[, p_domestic * k + p_foreign * m + 1:n] <- kappa[3]
if (p_global > 0) {
for (r in 1:p_global) {
inprior[, p_domestic * k + p_foreign * m + (r - 1) * n + 1:n] <- kappa[3] / (1 + r)
if (n_det > 0) {
inprior[, p_domestic * k + p_foreign * m + p_global * n + 1:(n_det / k)] <- kappa[4]
} else {
inprior[,] <- prob
inprior <- matrix(inprior)
if (structural & k > 1) {
inprior <- rbind(inprior, matrix(prob, n_struct))
if (n_det > 0 & exclude_det) {
pos_det <- tot_par - n_det - n_struct + 1:n_det
include <- matrix(include[-pos_det])
if (use_ssvs) {
if (use_ssvs_semi) {
# Semiautomatic approach
cov_ols <- kronecker(solve(tcrossprod(x)), ols_sigma)
se_ols <- sqrt(diag(cov_ols)) # OLS standard errors
se_ols <- matrix(se_ols)
tau0 <- se_ols * ssvs[["semiautomatic"]][1] # Prior if excluded
tau1 <- se_ols * ssvs[["semiautomatic"]][2] # Prior if included
if (structural) {
warning("Semiautomatic approach for SSVS not available for structural variables. Using values of argument 'ssvs$tau' instead.")
tau0 <- rbind(tau0, matrix(ssvs$tau[1], n_struct))
tau1 <- rbind(tau1, matrix(ssvs$tau[2], n_struct))
} else {
tau0 <- matrix(rep(ssvs[["tau"]][1], tot_par))
tau1 <- matrix(rep(ssvs[["tau"]][2], tot_par))
object[[i]][["model"]][["varselect"]] <- "SSVS"
object[[i]][["priors"]][["coefficients"]][["v_i"]] <- diag(1 / tau1[, 1]^2, tot_par)
object[[i]][["priors"]][["coefficients"]][["ssvs"]][["inprior"]] <- inprior
object[[i]][["priors"]][["coefficients"]][["ssvs"]][["include"]] <- include
object[[i]][["priors"]][["coefficients"]][["ssvs"]][["tau0"]] <- tau0
object[[i]][["priors"]][["coefficients"]][["ssvs"]][["tau1"]] <- tau1
# Regular prior ----
if (!minnesota & !use_ssvs) {
v_i <- diag(coef[["v_i"]], tot_par)
# Add priors for deterministic terms if they were specified
if (n_det > 0 & !is.null(coef[["v_i_det"]])) {
diag(v_i)[tot_par - n_struct - n_det + 1:n_det] <- coef[["v_i_det"]]
object[[i]][["priors"]][["coefficients"]][["v_i"]] <- v_i
# Prior variances of the state equations
if (tvp) {
object[[i]][["priors"]][["coefficients"]][["shape"]] <- matrix(coef[["shape"]], tot_par)
object[[i]][["priors"]][["coefficients"]][["rate"]] <- matrix(coef[["rate"]], tot_par)
if (n_det > 0 & !is.null(coef[["rate_det"]])) {
object[[i]][["priors"]][["coefficients"]][["rate"]][tot_par - n_struct - n_det + 1:n_det] <- coef[["rate_det"]]
if (use_bvs) {
object[[i]][["model"]][["varselect"]] <- "BVS"
object[[i]][["priors"]][["coefficients"]][["bvs"]][["inprior"]] <- inprior
object[[i]][["priors"]][["coefficients"]][["bvs"]][["include"]] <- include
## Covar priors ----
if (!structural & covar & k > 1) {
if (is.null(coef[["v_i"]])) {
stop("If error covariances should be estimated, argument 'coef$v_i' must be specified.")
n_covar <- k * (k - 1) / 2
object[[i]][["priors"]][["psi"]][["mu"]] <- matrix(0, n_covar)
object[[i]][["priors"]][["psi"]][["v_i"]] <- diag(coef[["v_i"]], n_covar)
if (object[[i]][["model"]][["tvp"]]) {
object[[i]][["priors"]][["psi"]][["shape"]] <- matrix(coef[["shape"]], n_covar)
object[[i]][["priors"]][["psi"]][["rate"]] <- matrix(coef[["rate"]], n_covar)
# SSVS priors
if (use_ssvs_error) {
object[[i]][["priors"]][["psi"]][["ssvs"]][["inprior"]] <- matrix(ssvs[["inprior"]], n_covar)
object[[i]][["priors"]][["psi"]][["ssvs"]][["include"]] <- matrix(1:n_covar)
object[[i]][["priors"]][["psi"]][["ssvs"]][["tau0"]] <- matrix(ssvs[["tau"]][1], n_covar)
object[[i]][["priors"]][["psi"]][["ssvs"]][["tau1"]] <- matrix(ssvs[["tau"]][2], n_covar)
# BVS priors
if (use_bvs_error) {
object[[i]][["priors"]][["psi"]][["bvs"]][["inprior"]] <- matrix(bvs[["inprior"]], n_covar)
object[[i]][["priors"]][["psi"]][["bvs"]][["include"]] <- matrix(1:n_covar)
## Error term ----
if (object[[i]][["model"]][["sv"]]) {
object[[i]][["priors"]][["sigma"]][["mu"]] <- matrix(sigma[["mu"]], k)
object[[i]][["priors"]][["sigma"]][["v_i"]] <- diag(sigma[["v_i"]], k)
object[[i]][["priors"]][["sigma"]][["shape"]] <- matrix(sigma[["shape"]], k)
object[[i]][["priors"]][["sigma"]][["rate"]] <- matrix(sigma[["rate"]], k)
} else {
if (error_prior == "wishart" | (error_prior == "both" & !structural)) {
object[[i]][["priors"]][["sigma"]][["type"]] <- "wishart"
help_df <- sigma[["df"]]
object[[i]][["priors"]][["sigma"]][["df"]] <- NA_real_
object[[i]][["priors"]][["sigma"]][["scale"]] = diag(sigma[["scale"]], k)
if (error_prior == "gamma" | (error_prior == "both" & structural)) {
object[[i]][["priors"]][["sigma"]][["type"]] <- "gamma"
help_df <- sigma[["shape"]]
object[[i]][["priors"]][["sigma"]][["shape"]] <- NA_real_
object[[i]][["priors"]][["sigma"]][["rate"]] = matrix(sigma[["rate"]], k)
if (minnesota) {
# Store LS estimate of variance coviariance matrix for analytical solution
object[[i]][["priors"]][["sigma"]][["sigma_i"]] = solve(ols_sigma)
if ("character" %in% class(help_df)) {
if (grepl("k", help_df)) {
# Transform character specification to expression and evaluate
help_df <- eval(parse(text = help_df))
} else {
stop("Use no other letter than 'k' in 'sigma$df' to indicate the number of endogenous variables.")
if (help_df < 0) {
stop("Current specification implies a negative prior degree of\nfreedom or shape parameter of the error term.")
if (error_prior == "wishart" | (error_prior == "both" & !structural)) {
object[[i]][["priors"]][["sigma"]][["df"]] <- help_df
if (error_prior == "gamma" | (error_prior == "both" & structural)) {
object[[i]][["priors"]][["sigma"]][["shape"]] <- matrix(help_df, k)
# Initial values ----
if (object[[i]][["model"]][["tvp"]]) {
object[[i]][["initial"]][["coefficients"]][["sigma_i"]] <- diag(c(1 / object[[i]][["priors"]][["coefficients"]][["rate"]]), tot_par)
if (covar) {
y_covar <- kronecker(-t(u), diag(1, k))
pos <- NULL
for (j in 1:k) {pos <- c(pos, (j - 1) * k + 1:j)}
y_covar <- y_covar[, -pos]
psi <- solve(crossprod(y_covar)) %*% crossprod(y_covar, matrix(u))
object[[i]][["initial"]][["psi"]][["draw"]] <- psi
Psi <- diag(1, k)
for (j in 2:k) {
Psi[j, 1:(j - 1)] <- t(psi[((j - 2) * (j - 1) / 2) + 1:(j - 1), 1])
u <- Psi %*% u
u <- apply(u, 1, stats::var)
if (object[[i]][["model"]][["sv"]]) {
object[[i]][["initial"]][["sigma"]][["h"]] <- log(matrix(u, nrow = NCOL(y), ncol = NROW(y), byrow = TRUE))
object[[i]][["initial"]][["sigma"]][["sigma_h"]] <- matrix(sigma[["sigma_h"]], NROW(y))
object[[i]][["initial"]][["sigma"]][["constant"]] <- matrix(sigma[["constant"]], NROW(y))
} else {
object[[i]][["initial"]][["sigma"]][["sigma_i"]] <- diag(1 / u, NROW(y))
dimnames(object[[i]][["initial"]][["sigma"]][["sigma_i"]]) <- list(dimnames(y)[[1]], dimnames(y)[[1]])
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