#' @title Sequential neural networks
#' @description Setup a sequential (uni-directional) deep
#' feed forward neural network. The Sequential is used as a
#' wrapper for the modules.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## classification problem
#' nn = Sequential$new(list(
#' Linear$new(2,10), ReLU$new(),
#' Linear$new(10,10), Tanh$new(),
#' Linear$new(10,2), SoftMax$new()),
#' NLL$new())
#' data(xor_example)
#' X = xor_example$X
#' Y = xor_example$Y
#' nn$mini_gd(X, Y, 2500, 0.05, K = 2)
#' }
#' @family architecture
#' @export
Sequential <- R6Class("Sequential", inherit = ClassModule, list(
#' @field loss The loss module
#' @field modules the list of current modules
loss = NA,
modules = NULL,
#' @description setup the neural network
#' @param modules list of modules
#' @param loss the loss module
initialize = function(modules, loss) { # modules and loss module
self$modules = modules
self$loss = loss
#' @description train neural network using stochastic gradient descent
#' @param X the X input (m x b)
#' @param Y the Y (target) input
#' @param iters amount of iterations.
#' @param lrate the learning rate.
#' @param verbose print results every epoch.
#' @param seed random seed.
#' @return cumulative loss for every iteration.
sgd = function(X, Y, iters=100, lrate=0.005, verbose = F, seed = 1){
D = dim(X)[2]; N = dim(Y)[2]
sum_loss = 0
track_loss = c()
for (it in 1:iters){
# Randomly pick a data point Xt, Yt by using sample
# to choose a random index into the data.
i = sample(1:D, 1)
Xt = X[,i]
Yt = Y[,i]
Ypred = self$forward(Xt)
cur_loss = self$loss$forward(Ypred, Yt)
sum_loss = sum_loss + cur_loss
err = self$loss$backward()
track_loss = c(track_loss, sum_loss)
if (verbose) self$print_accuarcy(it, X, Y, cur_loss)
#' @description train neural network using minibatch gradient descent.
#' @param X the X input (m x b)
#' @param Y the Y (target) input
#' @param iters amount of iterations.
#' @param lrate the learning rate.
#' @param K the size of the minibatch.
#' @param verbose print results every epoch.
#' @param seed random seed.
#' @return cumulative loss for every iteration.
mini_gd = function(X, Y, iters=100, lrate=0.005, K=5, verbose = F, seed = 1){
D = dim(X)[2]; N = dim(Y)[2]
sum_loss = 0
track_loss = c()
for (it in 1:iters){
indicies = sample(1:N)
X = X[,indicies]
Y = Y[,indicies]
for (j in 0:(floor(N/K) - 1) ) {
Xt = X[, (j*K+1):((j+1)*K)]
Yt = Y[, (j*K+1):((j+1)*K)]
Ypred = self$forward(Xt)
cur_loss = self$loss$forward(Ypred, Yt)
sum_loss = sum_loss + cur_loss
err = self$loss$backward()
track_loss = c(track_loss, sum_loss)
if (verbose) self$print_accuarcy(it, X, Y, cur_loss)
#' @description Compute Ypred
#' @param Xt the input at time t
forward = function(Xt){
for (m in self$modules) Xt = m$forward(Xt)
#' @description Update dLdW and dLdW0
#' @param delta the backpropagated error
#' @note Note that delta can refer to dLdA or dLdZ over the
#' course of the for loop, depending on the module m
backward = function(delta){
for (m in rev(self$modules)) delta = m$backward(delta)
#' @description gradient descent step
#' @param lrate the learning rate
sgd_step = function(lrate){
for (m in self$modules) m$sgd_step(lrate)
#' @description classify the labels of the input
#' @param X input X
classify = function(X){
cf = self$modules[[length(self$modules)]]$class_fun
#' @description print accuracy during training
#' @param it iteration number
#' @param X data X
#' @param Y target Y
#' @param cur_loss the current loss
#' @param every how often should the function return feeddback?
print_accuarcy = function(it, X, Y, cur_loss, every=250){
if (it %% every == 0){
cf = self$modules[[length(self$modules)]]$class_fun
acc = mean(cf(self$forward(X)) == as.numeric(cf(Y)))
write(paste('Iteration =', it, '\tAcc =', acc, '\tLoss =', cur_loss),stdout())
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