#' Obtain the derivatives of eigenfunctions/ eigenfunctions of derivatives
#' (note: these two are not the same)
#' @param fpcaObj A object of class FPCA returned by the function FPCA().   
#' @param derOptns A list of options to control the derivation parameters specified by \code{list(name=value)}. See `Details'. (default = NULL)
#' @details Available derivative options are 
#' \describe{
#' \item{method}{The method used for obtaining the derivatives -- default is  'FPC', which is the derivatives of eigenfunctions; 'DPC': eigenfunctions of derivatives, 
#' with G^(1,1) estimated by an initial kernel local smoothing step for  G^(1,0),  then applying a 1D smoother in the second direction; 
#' 'FPC': functional principal component, based on smoothing the eigenfunctions; 'FPC1': functional principal component, based on smoothing G^(1,0). 
#'  The latter may produce better estimates than 'FPC' but is slower.}
#' \item{p}{The order of the derivatives returned (default: 1, max: 2). }
#' \item{bw}{Bandwidth for the 1D and the 2D smoothers (default: p * 0.1 * S, where S is the length of the domain).}
#' \item{kernelType}{Smoothing kernel choice; same available types are FPCA(). default('epan')}
#' }
#' @references
#' \cite{Dai, X., Tao, W., Müller, H.G. (2018). Derivative principal components for representing the time dynamics of longitudinal and functional data.
#'  Statistica Sinica 28, 1583--1609. (DPC)}
#' \cite{Liu, Bitao, and Hans-Georg Müller. "Estimating derivatives for samples of sparsely observed functions, 
#' with application to online auction dynamics." Journal of the American Statistical Association 104, no. 486 (2009): 704-717. (FPC)}
#' @examples
#' bw <- 0.2
#' kern <- 'epan'
#' set.seed(1)
#' n <- 50 
#' M <- 30
#' pts <- seq(0, 1, length.out=M)
#' lambdaTrue <- c(1, 0.8, 0.1)^2
#' sigma2 <- 0.1
#' samp2 <- MakeGPFunctionalData(n, M, pts, K=length(lambdaTrue), 
#'                               lambda=lambdaTrue, sigma=sqrt(sigma2), basisType='legendre01')
#' samp2 <- c(samp2, MakeFPCAInputs(tVec=pts, yVec=samp2$Yn))
#' fpcaObj <- FPCA(samp2$Ly, samp2$Lt, list(methodMuCovEst='smooth',
#'                 userBwCov=bw, userBwMu=bw, kernel=kern, error=TRUE)) 
#' CreatePathPlot(fpcaObj, showObs=FALSE)
#' FPCoptn <- list(bw=bw, kernelType=kern, method='FPC')
#' DPCoptn <- list(bw=bw, kernelType=kern, method='DPC')
#' FPC <- FPCAder(fpcaObj, FPCoptn)
#' DPC <- FPCAder(fpcaObj, DPCoptn)
#' CreatePathPlot(FPC, ylim=c(-5, 10))
#' CreatePathPlot(DPC, ylim=c(-5, 10))
#' # Get the true derivatives
#' phi <-  CreateBasis(K=3, type='legendre01', pts=pts)
#' basisDerMat <- apply(phi, 2, function(x) 
#'                        ConvertSupport(seq(0, 1, length.out=M - 1), pts, diff(x) * (M - 1)))
#' trueDer <- matrix(1, n, M, byrow=TRUE) + tcrossprod(samp2$xi, basisDerMat)
#' matplot(t(trueDer), type='l', ylim=c(-5, 10))
#' # DPC is slightly better in terms of RMSE
#' mean((fitted(FPC) - trueDer)^2)
#' mean((fitted(DPC) - trueDer)^2)
#' @export

FPCAder <-  function (fpcaObj, derOptns = list(p=1)) {

  derOptns <- SetDerOptions(fpcaObj,derOptns = derOptns)
  p <- derOptns[['p']]
  method <- derOptns[['method']]
  bwMu <- derOptns[['bwMu']]
  bwCov <- derOptns[['bwCov']]
  kernelType <- derOptns[['kernelType']]
  # K <- derOptns[['K']]

  # TODO: truncated workGrid/obsGrid may not work
  obsGrid <- fpcaObj$obsGrid
  workGrid <- fpcaObj$workGrid
  nWorkGrid <- length(workGrid)
  gridSize <- workGrid[2] - workGrid[1]
  Lt <- fpcaObj[['inputData']][['Lt']]
  Ly <- fpcaObj[['inputData']][['Ly']]
  phi <- fpcaObj[['phi']]
  fittedCov <- fpcaObj[['fittedCov']]
  lambda <- fpcaObj[['lambda']]

  if (!class(fpcaObj) %in% 'FPCA'){
    stop("FPCAder() requires an FPCA class object as basic input")

  if( ! (p %in% c(1, 2))){
    stop("The derivative order p should be in {1, 2}!")

  if (p == 2 && (substr(method, 1, 3) == 'DPC' || method == 'FPC1')) {
    stop('Only \'FPC\' supports p = 2')

  if (p == 2) {
    warning('Second derivative is experimental only.')

  if (substr(method, 1, 3) == 'DPC') {
    # if (!derOptns$useTrue) {
    # Get mu'(t)
    xin <- unlist(Lt)
    yin <- unlist(Ly)
    ord <- order(xin)
    xin <- xin[ord]
    yin <- yin[ord]
    muDense <- Lwls1D(bwMu, kernelType, xin=xin, yin=yin, xout=obsGrid)
    mu1 <- Lwls1D(bwMu, kernelType, xin=xin, yin=yin, xout=workGrid, npoly=p + 1, nder=p)

    # Get raw covariance
    rcov <- BinRawCov(GetRawCov(Ly, Lt, obsGrid, muDense, 'Sparse', TRUE))

    # Use 1D smoothing on G(s, t) for G^(1,0)(s, t)
    # if (is.null(derOptns[['G10_1D']]) || !derOptns[['G10_1D']]) {
      # cov10 <- Lwls2DDeriv(bwCov, kernelType, xin=rcov$tPairs, yin=rcov$meanVals,
                           # win=rcov$count, xout1=workGrid, xout2=workGrid,
                           # npoly=1L, nder1=1L, nder2=0L)
    # } else {
      tmpGrid <- seq(min(workGrid), max(workGrid), length=nWorkGrid - 1)
      cov10 <- ConvertSupport(tmpGrid, workGrid, apply(fpcaObj[['smoothedCov']], 2, diff) / gridSize)
    # }

    if (method == 'DPC') {
      # 1D smooth cov10 to get cov11
      cov11 <- apply(cov10, 1, function(x) 
        Lwls1D(bwCov, kernelType, xin=workGrid, yin=x, xout=workGrid, npoly=2,
    cov11 <- (cov11 + t(cov11)) / 2
    # } else { # use true values
      # muDense <- rep(0, length(obsGrid))
      # mu1 <- rep(0, nWorkGrid)
      # cov10 <- ConvertSupport(obsGrid, workGrid, Cov=cov10True, isCrossCov=TRUE)
      # cov11 <- ConvertSupport(obsGrid, workGrid, Cov=cov11True)
      # cov10T <- ConvertSupport(obsGrid, workGrid, Cov=cov10True, isCrossCov=TRUE)
      # cov11T <- ConvertSupport(obsGrid, workGrid, Cov=cov11True)
      # rgl::persp3d(workGrid, workGrid, cov10, xlab='s', ylab='t')
      # rgl::persp3d(workGrid, workGrid, cov10T, xlab='s', ylab='t')
      # rgl::persp3d(workGrid, workGrid, cov11)
      # rgl::persp3d(workGrid, workGrid, cov11T, xlab='s', ylab='t')
    # }
    # browser()
    eig <- eigen(cov11) 
    positiveInd <- eig[['values']] >= 0
    if (sum(positiveInd) == 0) {
      stop('Derivative surface is negative definite')
    lambda1 <- eig[['values']][positiveInd] * gridSize
    FVE1 <- cumsum(lambda1) / sum(lambda1)
    # TODO: select number of derivative components
    FVEthreshold1 <- 0.9999
    K <- min(which(FVE1 >= FVEthreshold1))
    lambda1 <- lambda1[seq_len(K)]
    phi1 <- apply(eig[['vectors']][, positiveInd, drop=FALSE][, seq_len(K), drop=FALSE], 2, 
                    tmp / sqrt(trapzRcpp(as.numeric(workGrid),
    # phi1 <- eig[['vectors']][, seq_len(ncol(phi))]

    # fittedCov1 <- phi1 %*% diag(lambda1, K) %*% t(phi1)

    # rgl::persp3d(workGrid, workGrid, fittedCov1)
    # rgl::persp3d(workGrid, workGrid, cov11)
    # rgl::persp3d(workGrid, workGrid, cov10)

    # convert phi and fittedCov to obsGrid.
    zeta <- crossprod(cov10, phi1) * gridSize
    zetaObs <- ConvertSupport(workGrid, obsGrid, phi=zeta)
    CovObs <- ConvertSupport(workGrid, obsGrid, Cov=fittedCov)
    phiObs <- ConvertSupport(workGrid, obsGrid, phi=phi)

    # conditional expectation
    sigma2 <- ifelse(is.null(fpcaObj[['rho']]), fpcaObj[['sigma2']],
                     max(fpcaObj[['sigma2']], fpcaObj[['rho']]))

    # browser()

    # For estimating the xiVar1, Estimate lambdaDer from the difference
    # quotient surface constructed from smoothedCov, and xiVar1 by truncating
    # the negative eigenvalues
    # noSmooth <- !is.null(derOptns[['lambdaDerNoSmooth']]) &&     
                # derOptns[['lambdaDerNoSmooth']]
    # if (noSmooth) {
    d <- function(x) diff(x) / gridSize
    cov11diff <- apply(apply(fpcaObj[['smoothedCov']], 2, d), 1, d)
    cov11diff <- (cov11diff + t(cov11diff)) / 2
    lambdaDerNoSmooth  <- eigen(cov11diff)[['values']] * gridSize
    lambdaDerNoSmooth  <- lambdaDerNoSmooth[seq_len(K)]
    # } else {
      # lambdaDerNoSmooth <- lambda1
    # }

    xi1 <- GetCEScores(Ly, Lt, list(verbose=FALSE), 
                       muDense, obsGrid, CovObs, 
                       phi=zetaObs %*% diag(1 / lambdaDerNoSmooth ,
                                            length(lambdaDerNoSmooth )), 
    xiEst1 <- t(do.call(cbind, xi1['xiEst', ]))
    # if (is.null(derOptns[['truncxiVar1']]) || derOptns[['truncxiVar1']]) {
    # # truncate negative eigenvalues because cov10 is smoothed--the joint
    # # covariance of xi1 and Yi is not garanteed to be PD. Default to truncate
    xiVar1 <- lapply(xi1['xiVar', ], function(x) {
                       eig <- eigen(x)
                       keep <- eig[['values']] > 0
                       if (sum(keep) == 0) {
                         # warning('xiVarDer is unrealiable due to degeneracy')
                         return(matrix(0, nrow(x), ncol(x)))
                       } else {
                         return(eig[['vectors']][, keep, drop=FALSE] %*%
                                diag(eig[['values']][keep], sum(keep)) %*%
                                t(eig[['vectors']][, keep, drop=FALSE]))
    # } else {
      # xiVar1 <- xi1['xiVar', ]
    # }

    # xi <- GetCEScores(Ly, Lt, list(verbose=FALSE), 
                       # muDense, obsGrid, CovObs, 
                       # lambda=lambda, phiObs, 
                       # ifelse(is.null(fpcaObj[['rho']]),
                              # fpcaObj[['sigma2']], fpcaObj[['rho']]))
    # xiEst <- t(simplify2array(xi['xiEst', ], higher=FALSE))

    ret <- append(fpcaObj, list(muDer=mu1, phiDer=phi1, 
                                xiDer=xiEst1, xiVarDer=xiVar1, 
    # if (noSmooth) {
      # ret <- append(ret, list(lambdaDerNoSmooth = lambdaDerNoSmooth))
    # }
  } else if (method == 'FPC') {
    # smooth phi to get phi1
    muDer <- Lwls1D(bwMu, kernelType, rep(1, nWorkGrid), workGrid, fpcaObj$mu, workGrid, p+0, nder= p)
    phiDer <- apply(phi, 2, function(phij) Lwls1D(bwCov, kernelType, rep(1, nWorkGrid), workGrid, phij, workGrid, p+0, nder= p))

    # muDer2<- fpcaObj$mu
    # phiDer2 <- fpcaObj$phi
    # for (i in seq_len(p)) {
    #    # derivative
    #    muDer2 <- getDerivative(y = muDer2, t = obsGrid, ord=p)
    #    phiDer2 <- apply(phiDer2, 2, getDerivative, t= workGrid, ord=p)
    #    # smooth
    #    muDer2 <- getSmoothCurve(t=obsGrid, 
    #                            ft= muDer2,
    #                            GCV = TRUE,
    #                            kernelType = kernelType, mult=2)
    #    phiDer2 <- apply(phiDer2, 2, function(x)
    #                      getSmoothCurve(t=workGrid, ft=x, GCV =TRUE, kernelType = kernelType, mult=1))
    # }

    ret <- append(fpcaObj, list(muDer = muDer, phiDer = phiDer, derOptns = derOptns))
  } else if (method == 'FPC1') {
    # Smooth out cov10 first and then estimate phi1
    xin <- unlist(Lt)
    yin <- unlist(Ly)
    ord <- order(xin)
    xin <- xin[ord]
    yin <- yin[ord]
    muDense <- Lwls1D(bwMu, kernelType, xin=xin, yin=yin, xout=obsGrid)
    muDer <- Lwls1D(bwMu, kernelType, xin=xin, yin=yin, xout=workGrid, npoly=p + 1, nder=p)

    # Get raw covariance
    rcov <- BinRawCov(GetRawCov(Ly, Lt, obsGrid, muDense, 'Sparse', TRUE))

    if (p != 1) {
      stop("'FPC1' is available only for p=1")
    cov10 <- Lwls2DDeriv(bwCov, kernelType, xin=rcov$tPairs, yin=rcov$meanVals,
                         win=rcov$count, xout1=workGrid, xout2=workGrid,
                         npoly=1L, nder1=1L, nder2=0L)
    phiDer <- cov10 %*% phi %*% diag(1 / lambda[seq_len(ncol(phi))], ncol(phi)) * gridSize 

    ret <- append(fpcaObj, list(muDer = muDer, phiDer = phiDer, derOptns = derOptns))

  class(ret) <- c('FPCAder', class(fpcaObj))
functionaldata/tPACE documentation built on July 4, 2024, 5:09 a.m.