
Defines functions get_rasters

Documented in get_rasters

#' Retrieve and organize spatial environmental information.
#' \code{get_rasters} returns an organized list of environmental rasters.
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @param raster_source character or list of RasterStack. You can either input a path to a folder with the required rasters or a list of RasterStack organized by year/scenario.
#' @param ext numeric vector or dataframe with coordinates. Extension to crop rasters. Input can be either a vector with limiting latitudes and longitudes or a table of coordinates. In case the input is a numeric vector, the order of values should be: western most longitude, easter most longitude, southern most latitude then northern most latitude. Longitude values west of GMT and latitude values south of equator are distinguished by a negative sign. In case the input is a table of coordinates, the points further in each direction will determine the extent for cropping.
#' @param margin numeric. Additional distance to be added to margin of extent, in degrees.
#' @param resolution numeric. Spatial resolution of rasters, in degrees. This is used for downloading only.
#' @param non_fixed_var character vector. Names of the time varying variables to be outputed. This variables will be subject to variation according to argument `years`.
#' @param fixed_var character vector. Names of the time fixed variables to be outputed. This variables will not be subject to variation according to argument `years`.
#' @param years character vector. Names of years for time varying variables.
#' @param scenarios character vector. Names of future scenarios to for time varying variables.
#' @param baseline character vector. Names of years not subject to scenarios.
#' @param separator character. Character that separates variable names, years and scenarios.
#' @param projection_model character. Projection model for future variables. Must be any model accepted in \code{raster::getData}
#' @param reorder logical. If TRUE, will use last two characters of layer names in RasterStacks with 12 layers to order them in ascending order.
#' @param download_source character. Where to download rasters from. Default is 'pkg-raster' which will get rasters from WorldClim, using package 'raster' functions.
#' @param alert integer. Plays a sound alert when function is done running. See documentation of package beepr for description of sound options.
#' @return Returns a list of raster stacks for the variables required, organized by year/scenario combination.
#' @examples
#'# Fulanus_Ecorasters_download <-
#'#   get_rasters(
#'#     ext = FulanusDistribution,
#'#     margin = 5,
#'#     non_fixed_var = c('prec', 'tmin', 'tmax'),
#'#     years = c("present", '2050', '2070'),
#'#     scenarios = c('rcp26', 'rcp45', 'rcp85'),
#'#     alert = 6)
#' Fulanus_Ecorasters_dir <-
#'   get_rasters(
#'     raster_source = "/Users/gabriel/Documents/Mapinguari/global_grids_10_minutes",
#'     ext = FulanusDistribution,
#'     margin = 5,
#'     non_fixed_var = c('prec', 'tmin', 'tmax'),
#'     fixed_var = "alt",
#'     years = c("present", '2050', '2070'),
#'     scenarios = c('rcp26', 'rcp45', 'rcp85'),
#'     reorder = TRUE,
#'     alert = 4)
#' @export

get_rasters <- function(raster_source = NULL,
  ext = c(-180, 180, -60, 90),
  margin = 0,
  resolution = 10,
  non_fixed_var = NULL,
  fixed_var = NULL,
  years = 'present',
  scenarios = NULL,
  baseline = "present",
  separator = '_',
  projection_model = 'MP',
  reorder = FALSE,
  download_source = 'pkg-raster',
  alert = NULL
) {

  # Select extent by species distribution

  if (class(ext) == "numeric") {

    ext <- raster::extent(ext)


  if (class(ext) == "data.frame" ) {

    ext <- raster::extent(min(ext$Lon), max(ext$Lon), min(ext$Lat), max(ext$Lat))


  ext[1] <- ext[1] - margin
  ext[2] <- ext[2] + margin
  ext[3] <- ext[3] - margin
  ext[4] <- ext[4] + margin

  # Creates combinations of variables, years and scenarios, accounting for if they vary in time or if they are subject to scenarios.

  vys_table <- VYScomb(years,
    non_fixed_var, fixed_var, baseline, separator)

  # Download required rasters

  if (is.null(raster_source)) {

  stack_list <-
      vys_table = vys_table,
      baseline = baseline,
      resolution = resolution,
      projection_model = projection_model,
      download_source = download_source)

  } else {

  stack_list <- FetchRasters(raster_source, vari = vys_table$vys_names, separator = separator)


  # crop rasters

  cropped_raster_list <- lapply(stack_list[!is.na(stack_list)], function(x){

    raster::stack(raster::crop(x, ext))

  } # close function
  ) # close lapply

  # if reorder is 'TRUE', reorder layers by the last two digits

  if (reorder == TRUE) {

    cropped_raster_list <-
      lapply(cropped_raster_list, function(x){

        string <-
        x %>%
          names() %>%
          stringr::str_sub(., -2) %>%
          gsub(paste(letters, collapse = "|"), 0, .) %>%
          order() %>%
          `[[`(x, .)

      } # close function
      ) # close lapply


  # rename monthly layers, so they are in standard format

  month_names <-
    plyr::alply(names(cropped_raster_list), 1, function(x, sep_in = separator){

      strsplit(x, sep_in) %>%
        `[[`(1) %>%
        `[`(1) %>%
        paste(1:12, sep = sep_in)

    } # close function
    ) # close alply

  renamed_raster_list <-
    plyr::alply(1:length(cropped_raster_list), 1, function(i){

      is_month <-
        cropped_raster_list[[i]] %>%
        names() %>%
        length() %>%

      if (is_month) {

        names(cropped_raster_list[[i]]) <- month_names[[i]]


      } else {



    } # close function
    ) # close alply

  names(renamed_raster_list) <- names(cropped_raster_list)

  # stack rasters by combination of year/scenario

  years_scenarios_list <-
      sep = separator) %>%
    gsub("_NA", "", .) %>%
    split(vys_table, .)

  grouped_rasters <-
    lapply(years_scenarios_list, function(x){

      renamed_raster_list %>%
        names() %>%
        match(x$vys_names, .) %>%
        `[`(renamed_raster_list, .) %>%
        unlist() %>%

    } # close function
    ) # close lapply

  # appends a copy of 'fixed' variables to every stack

  names(years_scenarios_list)[names(years_scenarios_list) == 'NA'] <- "fixed"

  names(grouped_rasters) <- names(years_scenarios_list)

  if (length(grouped_rasters) == 1 & names(grouped_rasters) == 'fixed') {

    final_list <- grouped_rasters

    } else {

      final_list <-
      grouped_rasters %>%
    names() %>%
    `!=`('fixed') %>%
    `[`(grouped_rasters, .) %>%
    lapply(., function(x){

      raster::stack(x, grouped_rasters[["fixed"]])

    } # close function
    ) # close lapply
} # close else

  names(final_list) <- names(years_scenarios_list)[names(years_scenarios_list) != 'fixed']

  if (!is.null(alert)) {beepr::beep(alert)}



# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal functions -------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# VYScomb --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Internal function. Creates combinations of variables, years and scenarios, preserving instances when year or scenario doesn't apply. Outputs a reference table of combinations. VYS stands for variable, year, scenario.

VYScomb <- function(years = NA,
  scenarios = NA,
  non_fixed_var = NA,
  fixed_var = NA,
  baseline = "present",
  separator = '_') {

  if (is.null(non_fixed_var[1])) return(data.frame(vys_names = fixed_var, vars = NA, years = NA, scenarios = NA, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

  vys_names <-
    setdiff(years, baseline) %>%
    outer(scenarios, paste, sep = separator) %>%
    c(intersect(years, baseline)) %>%
    outer(non_fixed_var, ., paste, sep = separator) %>%
    {if (is.null(fixed_var[1])) { c(.) } else {c(., fixed_var) }} %>%
    gsub("_NA", "", .)

  len_seq <-
    strsplit(vys_names, separator) %>%
    sapply(length) %>%
    max() %>%

  vys_table <-
    strsplit(vys_names, separator) %>%
    sapply('[', len_seq) %>%
    t() %>%

  if (ncol(vys_table) == 1) vys_table[, c(2, 3)] <- NA
  if (ncol(vys_table) == 2) vys_table[, 3] <- NA

  column_names <-
    c("vars" ,

  names(vys_table) <- column_names

  vys_table$vys_names <- vys_names



# Fetch functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Fetch functions are internal functions that try to find the variables supplied by the user in the raster source

FetchRasters <- function(raster_source, vari, separator){

  FetchPath <- function(raster_path, vari){

    # Test if path is one global folder with subfolders for each variable. If it is, return a vector with subfolders as reference, if not just return vector with paths

    if (length(raster_path) == 1) {
      raster_lookup <- list.dirs(raster_path, full.names = TRUE)[-1] # [-1] is because the first element is the parent directory
    } else {
      raster_lookup <- raster_path

    success_message <- paste("Variable", vari, "successfully loaded from input!")
    not_found_message <- paste("Variable", vari, "not found on input!")
    # Try to find variable in raster source, if not possible, return NA


      input_raster <-
        raster_lookup %>%
        stringr::str_which(vari) %>%
        raster_lookup[[.]] %>%
        list.files(pattern = '*.bil$|*.tif$|*.gri$', full.names = T, ignore.case = TRUE) %>%



    }, error = function(not_found_message){


  FetchList <- function(raster_list, vari, separator) {

    success_message <- paste("Variable", vari, "successfully loaded from input!")
    not_found_message <- paste("Variable", vari, "not found on input!")

    split_vari <-
      strsplit(vari, separator)[[1]]

    year_scenario <- ifelse(length(split_vari) == 3, paste(split_vari[2], split_vari[3], sep = separator), split_vari[2])


    input_raster <-
    raster_list[[year_scenario]] %>%
      names() %>%
      stringr::str_which(split_vari[1]) %>%
      raster_list[[year_scenario]][[.]] %>%



    }, error = function(not_found_message){

    }) # close tryCatch


  stack_list <- switch(class(raster_source),

    character = lapply(vari, FetchPath, raster_path = raster_source),

    list = lapply(vari, FetchList, raster_list = raster_source, separator = separator)


  names(stack_list) <- vari



### download

download_rasters <- function(
  resolution = 10,
  projection_model = 'MP',
  download_source = 'pkg-raster') {

  if (download_source == 'pkg-raster') {

    vys_table$dataset <- vys_table$years

    vys_table$dataset[vys_table$dataset == '2050' | vys_table$dataset == '2070'] <- 'CMIP5'
    vys_table$dataset[vys_table$dataset == baseline] <- 'worldclim'
    vys_table$years[vys_table$years == '2050'] <- 50
    vys_table$years[vys_table$years == '2070'] <- 70
    vys_table$scenarios[vys_table$scenarios == 'rcp26'] <- 26
    vys_table$scenarios[vys_table$scenarios == 'rcp45'] <- 45
    vys_table$scenarios[vys_table$scenarios == 'rcp60'] <- 60
    vys_table$scenarios[vys_table$scenarios == 'rcp85'] <- 85

    vys_table_download <- vys_table[vys_table$vars == 'tmin' |
        vys_table$vars == 'tmax' |
        vys_table$vars == 'prec' |
        vys_table$vars == 'bio', ]

    stack_list <-
      plyr::alply(vys_table_download, 1, function(x) {

        if (x$years == baseline) {

          raster::getData(name = x$dataset, var = x$vars, res = resolution)

        } else {

          raster::getData(name = x$dataset, var = x$vars, year = x$years, rcp = x$scenarios, res = resolution, model = projection_model)


      } # close function
      ) # close alply

    names(stack_list) <- vys_table_download$vys_names




gabrielhoc/MapinguariLegacy documentation built on May 8, 2019, 9:54 p.m.