SE2Tidy: Tidy a SummarizedExperiment Assay

View source: R/utils_stdExpr_2_tidyAssay.R

SE2TidyR Documentation

Tidy a SummarizedExperiment Assay


Extract the assay information from a SummarizedExperiment-class-object, transpose it, and and return it as a tidy data frame that contains assay measurements, feature names, and sample IDs


SE2Tidy(summExperiment, whichAssay = 1)



A SummarizedExperiment-class object


Because SummarizedExperiment objects can store multiple related assays, which assay will be paired with a given pathway collection to create an Omics*-class data container? Defaults to 1, for the first assay in the object.


This function is designed to extract and transpose a "tall" assay data frames (where genes or proteins are the rows and patient or tumour samples are the columns) from a SummarizedExperiment object. This function also transposes the row (feature) names to column names and the column (sample) names to row names via the TransposeAssay function.

NOTE: if this function stops working (again), please add a comment here:


The transposition of the assay in summExperiment to tidy form, with the column data (from the colData slot of the object) appended as the first columns of the data frame.


   # THIS REQUIRES THE SummarizedExperiment PACKAGE.
   data(airway, package = "airway")
   airway_df <- SE2Tidy(airway)

gabrielodom/pathwayPCA documentation built on July 10, 2023, 3:32 a.m.