#### Homogeneity test main function
#' U-statistic based homogeneity test
#' Homogeneity test based on the statistic \code{bn}. The test assesses whether there exists a data partition
#' for which group separation is statistically significant according to the U-test. The null hypothesis
#' is overall sample homogeneity, and a sample is considered homogeneous if it cannot be divided into
#' two statistically significant subgroups.
#' This is the homogeneity test of Cybis et al. (2017) extended to account for groups of size 1.
#' The test is performed through two steps: an optimization procedure that finds the data partition that
#' maximizes the standardized Bn and a test for the resulting maximal partition. Should be used in high dimension small sample size settings.
#' Either \code{data} or \code{md} should be provided.
#' If data are entered directly, Bn will be computed considering the squared Euclidean distance.
#' It is important that if a distance matrix is entered, it consists of squared Euclidean distances, otherwise test results are
#' invalid.
#' Variance of \code{bn} is estimated through resampling, and thus, p-values may vary a bit in different runs.
#' For more detail see Cybis, Gabriela B., Marcio Valk, and Sílvia RC Lopes. "Clustering and classification problems in genetics through U-statistics."
#' Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 88.10 (2018)
#' and Valk, Marcio, and Gabriela Bettella Cybis. "U-statistical inference for hierarchical clustering." arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.12179 (2018).
#' @param md Matrix of squared Euclidean distances between all data points.
#' @param data Data matrix. Each row represents an observation.
#' @param rep Number of times to repeat optimization procedure. Important for problems with
#' multiple optima.
#' @return Returns a list with the following elements:\describe{
#' \item{minFobj}{Test statistic. Minimum of the objective function for optimization (-stdBn).}
#' \item{group1}{Elements in group 1 in the maximal partition. (obs: this is not the best
#' partition for the data, see \code{uclust})}
#' \item{group2}{Elements in group 2 in the maximal partition.}
#' \item{p.MaxTest}{P-value for the homogeneity test.}
#' \item{Rep.Fobj}{Values for the minimum objective function on all \code{rep} optimization runs.}
#' \item{bootB}{Resampling variance estimate for partitions with groups of size n/2 (or (n-1)/2 and (n+1)/2 if n is odd).}
#' \item{bootB1}{Resampling variance estimate for partitions with one group of size 1.}
#' }
#' @examples
#'x = matrix(rnorm(500000),nrow=50) #creating homogeneous Gaussian dataset
#'res = is_homo(data=x)
#'x[1:30,] = x[1:30,]+0.15 #Heterogeneous dataset (first 30 samples have different mean)
#'res = is_homo(data=x)
#'md = as.matrix(dist(x)^2) #squared Euclidean distances for the same data
#'res = is_homo(md)
#'# Multidimensional sacling plot of distance matrix
#'fit <- cmdscale(md, eig = TRUE, k = 2)
#'x <- fit$points[, 1]
#'y <- fit$points[, 2]
#'plot(x,y, main=paste("Homogeneity test: p-value =",res$p.MaxTest))
is_homo <- function(md = NULL, data = NULL, rep = 10) {
if (is.null(md)) {
# Computing data matrix if one is not provided
if (is.null(data)) {
stop("No data provided")
md <- as.matrix(dist(data) ^ 2)
if (class(md) != "matrix") {
stop("md is not of class matrix")
n <- dim(md)[1]
if (n<=3){
stop("samples size n is too small for homogeneity test")
Fobj <- vector()
grupo1 <- list()
ans <- optimstdBn(md)
Fobj[1] <- ans$Fobj[length(ans$Fobj)]
grupo1[[1]] <- ans$grupo1
bootB <- ans$bootB
bootB1 <- ans$bootB1
for (i in 2:rep) {
ans <- optimstdBn(md, bootB = bootB, bootB1 = bootB1)
Fobj[i] <- ans$Fobj[length(ans$Fobj)]
grupo1[[i]] <- ans$grupo1
minFobj <- min(Fobj)
g1 <- grupo1[[which(Fobj == min(Fobj))[1]]]
g2 <- (1:n)[-g1]
p.homo <- test_max_stdBn(minFobj, n)
# if (length(g1) == 1) {
# varBn <- bootB1
# } else{
# varBn <- bootB * smile(n)[length(g1)] / smile(n)[floor(n / 2)] ############### Vamos remover o Var Bn - pois nao é usado e tem erro - CONFIRMAR
# }
ans <- list(minFobj, g1, g2, p.homo, Fobj, bootB, bootB1)#, varBn)
names(ans) <- list("minFobj", "group1", "group2", "p.MaxTest", "Rep.Fobj", "bootB", "bootB1")#, "varBn")
"\t Homogeneity test - Max distribution \n\nmax(stdBn) =",
round(-ans$minFobj, digits = 4),
"\t p-value = ",
round(ans$p.MaxTest, digits = 4),
"\nAlternative Hypothesis: The data can be divided into two significant subgroups."
####function in old smile.R
## Computes smile function - used for relation between Bn variance for different group sizes
smile <- function(n) {
Cn <- vector()
for (n11 in 2:(n - 2)) {
n22 <- n - n11
Cn[n11] <- (((n11 * n22) / (n * (n - 1)) ^ 2) * (2 * n ^ 2 - 6 * n + 4) / ((n11 - 1) * (n22 - 1)))
##### Max test functions
# Gumbel Correction
gumbel_correction <- function(nt, Fobj) {
bn <- sqrt(2 * log(nt)) - (log(log(nt)) + log(4 * pi * log(2) ^ 2)) / (2 * sqrt(2 * log(nt)))
an <- (log((4 * log(2) ^ 2) / log(4 / 3) ^ 2)) / (2 * sqrt(2 * log(nt)))
bgumbel <- (1 / an) * (Fobj - bn)
return(1 - exp(-exp(-bgumbel))) # Gumbel cdf
#Returns the p-value for the maximum standardized Bn
test_max_stdBn <- function(Fobj, n, nt = 0) {
if (nt == 0) {
#computes number of tests if not provided
nt <- 2 ^ (n - 1) - 1
if (nt < 2 ^ (28)) {
# For small n (n<30) uses regular max test
p <- 1 - exp((nt) * pnorm(-Fobj, log.p = TRUE)) #p-value
else {
p <- gumbel_correction(nt, -Fobj)
} # For larger n uses Gumbel correction
##### Computes the standardized Bn objective function
# for use in standardized Bn optimization only
# returns stdBn for particular assignment
objstdBn <- function(assign, varBn, mdm) {
n <- length(assign)
n1 <- sum(assign == 0)
n2 <- n - n1
if (n1 == 0 | n2 == 0) {
else {
vaux1 <- which(assign == 0)
vaux2 <- c(1:n)[-vaux1]
m <- mdm[c(vaux1, vaux2), c(vaux1, vaux2)]
Bns <- Bn(c(n1, n2), m)
return(-Bns / sqrt(varBn[n1]))
##### Standardized Bn Optimization
##### Returns the grouping for which objective function (-stdBn)
##### converges to minumim
optimstdBn <- function(mdm, itmax = 200, centers = -1, bootB = -1, bootB1 = -1) {
md <- mdm # distance matrix
n <- dim(md)[1] # sample size
#initiates data structures for keeping tabs on assignments
it <- 1
ass <- vector()
ass_old <- rep(2, n)
ASS <- matrix(ncol = n, nrow = itmax) # Matriz keeps optimization history
Fobj <- vector()
#smile function
Cn <- vector()
varBn <- vector()
numB <- 2000
if (bootB1 == -1) {
bootB1 <- boot_sigma1(c(1, (n - 1)), md)
if (bootB == -1) {
bootB <- boot_sigma(c(floor(n / 2), (n - floor(n / 2))), numB, md) # returns variance of Bn with group size c(floor(n/2),(n-floor(n/2))
for (n1 in 2:(n - 2)) {
n2 <- n - n1
Cn[n1] <- (((n1 * n2) / (n * (n - 1)) ^ 2) * (2 * n ^ 2 - 6 * n + 4) / ((n1 - 1) * (n2 - 1)))
for (n1 in 2:(n - 2)) {
n2 <- n - n1
varBn[n1] <- Cn[n1] * bootB / Cn[floor(n / 2)]
varBn[1] <- bootB1
varBn[n - 1] <- bootB1
### Initializing Parameters for optimization
# random cluster centers
if (centers == -1) {
centers <- sample(n, 2)
# print(centers)
# initializa assignments - closest centers
for (i in 1:n) {
ass[i] <- (md[i, centers[1]]) > (md[i, centers[2]])
ASS[1, ] <- ass
# TRUE bellongs to group 2
#### Start iterations
while (it < itmax && !prod(ass == ass_old)) {
ass_old <- ass
ord <- sample(1:n)
for (i in ord) {
ass[i] <- 0
f0 <- objstdBn(ass, varBn, md)
ass[i] <- 1
f1 <- objstdBn(ass, varBn, md)
if (f0 < f1) {
ass[i] <- 0
Fobj[it] <- objstdBn(ass, varBn, md)
it <- it + 1
ASS[it, ] <- ass
# Assmble answer
ans <- list(which(ass == ass[1]), Fobj, it - 1, ASS[1:(it + 1), ], varBn, bootB, bootB1)
names(ans) <- c("grupo1", "Fobj", "numIt", "history", "varBn", "bootB", "bootB1")
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