
Defines functions EOO.sensitivity

Documented in EOO.sensitivity

#' @title Sensitivity of Extent of Occurrences
#' @description Compute changes in the extent of occurrences (EOO) in square
#'   kilometers using occurrence data with different confidence level and
#'   quantifies indirectly the most influential occurrences related to EOO
#'   estimation.
#' @details 
#' **Input** as a [data.frame][base::data.frame()] should have the following structure:
#' **It is mandatory to respect field positions, but field names do not
#' matter**
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item The first column is contains numeric value i.e. latitude in decimal degrees
#'   \item The second column is contains numeric value i.e. longitude in decimal degrees
#'   \item The third column is contains character value i.e. the names of the species
#' }
#' The function works with a minimum of two classes, that can be, for example, levels of
#' confidence in the geographical coordinates, the taxonomic determination or a
#' period of collection year. For each confidence level, the EOO is computed for
#' a more restricted and reliable set of records. It is essential that the
#' classes of confidence level provided using the argument `levels.order`.
#' For instance, these classes can simply be `c("low", "high")` or `c(FALSE,
#' TRUE)`. But they should match the classes provided in `XY`.  
#' If argument `occ.based` is `TRUE` (default), the function calculates and
#' return a measure of influence of each occurrence on the estimation of EOO.
#' This measure is simply the distance of each occurrence to the convex hull
#' polygon (i.e. EOO) obtained using only with the occurrences in the highest level
#' of confidence declared, divided by the 95% quantile of the pair-wise
#' distances of the occurrences within the high confidence EOO. Thus, this is
#' only an indirect measure of how much the EOO should increase if a given
#' occurrence was included, because in practice the difference in EOO is not
#' calculated for subsets with and without each occurrence (i.e leave-one-out
#' cross validation).   
#' The measure is thus a proportion and the highest the value, the more distant
#' the occurrence is from the high confidence EOO. Zeros means that the
#' occurrence is within the high confidence EOO and `NA` means that the high
#' confidence EOO could not be obtained (e.g. less than 2 or 3 high confidence
#' occurrences).
#' Note that even if the EOO cannot be calculated or if coordinates were
#' missing, the function returns a zero for all occurrences with the highest
#' confidence level, which would be by definition within the high confidence
#' EOO.
#' It is up to the user to define the most appropriate threshold to include or
#' exclude occurrences. A preliminary assessment assuming a circular high
#' confidence EOO suggest that values of 0.5, 1 and 2 would lead to increases of
#' about 25, 50 and 100% in EOO.
#' As mentioned above, EOO will only be computed if there is at least three
#' unique occurrences in the high confidence level class, unless
#' `method.less.than3` is put to "arbitrary". In that specific case, EOO
#' for species with two unique occurrences will be equal to Dist*Dist*0.1 where
#' Dist is the distance in kilometers separating the two points.
#' For the very specific (and infrequent) case where all occurrences are
#' localized on a straight line (in which case EOO would be null), 
#' 'noises' are added to coordinates. There is a warning when this happens.
#' **Notes on computational time** The processing time depends on several
#' factors, including the total number of occurrences, number of confidence
#' levels provided and user's computer specifications. Using argument `parallel`
#' equals `TRUE`, greatly increase the processing time, but the processing of
#' large data sets (millions of occurrences) may take hours. On a Intel Core i5,
#' CPU 1.70GHz, 64-bit OS and 16 GB RAM it took 20 min to process about 800
#' thousand records from ~5100 species using 5 cores.
#' @return A data frame containing, for each taxon, the EOO in square kilometres
#'   for each level of confidence or a list containing this same data frame and
#'   the input data with a new column for each confidence level with a measure 
#'   of influence of the occurrences on the estimation of EOO.
#' @param XY [data.frame][base::data.frame()] see Details
#' @param file.name a character string. Name file for exported results in csv
#' file. By default is "EOO.sensitivity.results"
#' @param levels.order a character vector with at least two classes ordered from
#'   the least confident to the more confident class of records. See Details.
#' @param occ.based logical. Should the measure of influence of each record be returned? Default to TRUE.
#' @param min.dist minimum tolerated distance between polygons and points.
#'   Default to 0.1 m.
#' @param value output value: proportional distance ("dist") or inside/outside
#'   the polygon ("flag")?
#' @inheritParams EOO.computing
#' @author Renato A. Ferreira de Lima & Gilles Dauby
#' @references 
#' Nic Lughadha, Staggemeier, Vasconcelos, Walker, Canteiro & Lucas (2019).
#' Harnessing the potential of integrated systematics for conservation of
#' taxonomically complex, megadiverse plant groups. Conservation Biology, 33(3):
#' 511-522.
#' Gaston & Fuller (2009). The sizes of species' geographic ranges.
#' Journal of Applied Ecology, 46(1): 1-9.
#' @examples 
#' mydf <- data.frame(ddlat = c(-44.6,-46.2,-45.4,-42.2,-43.7,-45.0,-28.0,-44.0,
#'                              -26.0,-34.0,-22.0,-40.0,-46.0,-34.0),
#'                    ddlon = c(-42.2,-42.6,-45.3,-42.5,-42.3,-39.0,-17.2,-22.0,
#'                              -46.0,-23.0,-25.0,-43.0,-32.0,-32.0),
#'                    tax = rep(c("a", "b"), each=7),
#'                    valid = c(c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE),
#'                               c(FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE)))
#' plot(mydf[,2:1], col = as.factor(mydf$tax), 
#'            pch = as.double(as.factor(mydf$tax)))
#' points(mydf[mydf$valid,2:1], col = as.factor(mydf$tax)[mydf$valid], 
#'            pch = 15 + as.double(as.factor(mydf$tax))[mydf$valid])                                 
#' EOO.sensitivity(mydf, levels.order = c(FALSE, TRUE))
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom parallel stopCluster
#' @importFrom data.table setDT data.table
#' @export EOO.sensitivity
EOO.sensitivity <- function(XY,
                          occ.based = TRUE,
                          value = "dist",
                          exclude.area = FALSE,
                          country_map = NULL,
                          alpha = 1,
                          buff.alpha = 0.1,
                          method.range = "convex.hull",
                          method.less.than3 = "not comp",
                          file.name = "EOO.sensitivity.results",
                          parallel = FALSE,
                          NbeCores = 2,
                          show_progress = TRUE,
                          proj_type = "cea",
                          mode = "spheroid",
                          min.dist = 0.1
  mode <- match.arg(mode, c("spheroid", "planar"))
  if (missing(levels.order)) 
    stop("'levels.order' should be provided")
  if (identical(mode, "planar"))
    proj_type <- proj_crs(proj_type = proj_type)
  value <- match.arg(value, c("dist", "flag"))

  XY$recordID <- 1:dim(XY)[1]
  if(length(unique(as.data.frame(XY)[,4])) < 2)
    stop("there is only one class of confidence level")
  if (ncol(XY) > 4) {
    colnames(XY)[1:4] <- c("ddlat", "ddlon", "tax", "valid")
    XY$valid <- as.character(XY$valid)
    XY$tax <- as.character(XY$tax)
    XY <- XY[, c("ddlat", "ddlon", "tax", "valid", "recordID")]
  } else{
    colnames(XY)[1:3] <- c("ddlat", "ddlon", "valid")
    XY$valid <- as.character(XY$valid)
    XY$tax <- "Species 1"
    XY <- XY[, c("ddlat", "ddlon", "tax", "valid", "recordID")]
  # levels.order_in_data <- levels.order[levels.order %in% unique(XY$valid)]
  levels.order_in_data <- unique(XY$valid)[unique(XY$valid) %in% levels.order]
  if(length(levels.order_in_data) != length(levels.order))
    stop("The number of element of levels.order does not match the number classes of confidence level")
  levels.order <- levels.order_in_data
  XY <- XY[XY$valid %in% levels.order, ]
  n.levels <- length(levels.order)
  ## Obtaining the data for each class of confidence level
  XY$classes <- 
    # as.double(factor(XY$valid, levels = levels.order, labels = 1:n.levels))
    as.double(factor(XY$valid, levels = levels.order_in_data, labels = 1:n.levels))
  XY.orig <- XY

  XY.list <- 
    coord.check(XY = XY, 
                listing = TRUE, listing_by_valid = TRUE)$list_data
  cl <- activate_parallel(parallel = parallel)
  `%d%` <- c_par(parallel = parallel)
  pro_res <- display_progress_bar(show_progress = show_progress, max_pb = length(XY.list))
  opts <- pro_res$opts
  pb <- pro_res$pb
  output <-
      x = 1:length(XY.list),
      .combine = 'c',
      .options.snow = opts
    ) %d% {

      if (!parallel & show_progress)
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
      res <-
          XY = XY.list[[x]],
          #Name_Sp = names_[x],
          method.range = method.range,
          alpha = alpha,
          buff.alpha = buff.alpha,
          method.less.than3 = method.less.than3, 
          mode = mode, 
          proj_type = proj_type
      names(res)[1] <-
        paste0(names(res)[1], "_" , x)
      if (length(res) > 1)
        names(res)[2] <-
        paste0(names(res)[2], "_" , x)
  if(parallel) parallel::stopCluster(cl)
  if(show_progress) close(pb)
  names_ <- names(XY.list)
  res <-
    data.frame(eoo = unlist(output[grep("EOO", names(output))]),
               nbe_occ = unlist(lapply(XY.list, nrow)),
               tax = unlist(lapply(strsplit(names_, split = "___"), function(x) x[1])),
               classes = as.numeric(unlist(lapply(strsplit(names_, split = "_"), function(x) x[length(x)]))))
  row.names(res) <- 1:nrow(res)
  cat("EOO differences...", sep= "\n")

  increases <-
    res[, lapply(.SD, function(x)
      (x[2:length(x)] - x[1]) / x[1] * 100),
      by = .(tax), .SDcols = "eoo"]
  comp_names <- 
    res[, lapply(.SD, function(x) x[2:length(x)]), 
                  by = .(tax), .SDcols = "classes"]
  increases <- 
    data.table::data.table(increases, classes = comp_names$classes)
  colnames(increases)[colnames(increases) == "eoo"] <- 
  res <- 
    merge(res, increases, by = c("tax", "classes"), all.x = TRUE)
  #   colnames(increases)[2] <-
  #     paste("EOO", 2, sep = "_")
  #   res_subst <-
  #     res[res$classes == 1, c("EOO", "nbe_occ", "tax")]
  #   res_subst <-
  #     merge(res_subst, increases, by = 'tax')
  # print(increases)
  # print(comp_names)
  # if (length(output) == 1)
  #   names(output) <- Name_Sp

  if(occ.based) {
    # cat("extract spatial")
    output_spatial <- output[grep("spatial", names(output))]
    output_spatial <- output_spatial[!is.na(output_spatial)]
    id_spatial <-
        names(output_spatial), "_"
      ), function(x)
    if(length(output_spatial) > 1) {
      output_spatial <- 
        do.call("rbind", output_spatial)
    } else {
      output_spatial <- 
    ### convert into sf, may be slow for large dataset, see if necessary step
    output_spatial <- 
      st_as_sf(data.frame(output_spatial, name = names_[id_spatial]))
  if(occ.based) {
    cat("Starting the occurrence-based analysis...", sep= "\n")

    XY.list.taxa <- 
      coord.check(XY = XY, listing = TRUE)$list_data
    cl <- activate_parallel(parallel = parallel, NbeCores = NbeCores)
    `%d%` <- c_par(parallel = parallel)
    pro_res <- display_progress_bar(show_progress = show_progress, max_pb = length(XY.list.taxa))
    opts <- pro_res$opts
    pb <- pro_res$pb
    x <- NULL
    output <-
        x = 1:length(XY.list.taxa),
        .combine = 'rbind',
        .options.snow = opts
      ) %d% {

        if (!parallel & show_progress)
         setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
        res <-
            poly = output_spatial,
            points = XY.list.taxa[[x]],
            names_taxa = names(XY.list.taxa)[x],
            value = value,
            names_poly = names_[id_spatial],
            min.dist = min.dist
    if(parallel) parallel::stopCluster(cl)
    if(show_progress) close(pb)
    output <- 
    # XY.list[[1]]$prop.dist.eoo <- output
    # Results_long <- dplyr::left_join(XY,
    #                                  XY.list[[1]][, c("recordID", "classes","prop.dist.eoo")],
    #                                  by = "recordID")
    # Results_long$prop.dist.eoo[is.na(Results_long$prop.dist.eoo) &
    #                              Results_long$classes >= max(Results_long$classes, na.rm = TRUE)] <- 0
    # Results_long <- Results_long[order(Results_long$recordID), ]
    # Results_long <- 
    #   Results_long[, -which(names(Results_long) %in% c("recordID", "classes"))]
  # if (write_results)
  #   write.csv(res, paste(getwd(), "/", file.name, ".csv", sep = ""))
  if (occ.based) {
    output <- merge(XY.orig, output[ ,c("recordID", "rel_dist")], 
                    by = "recordID", all.x = TRUE)
    output <- output[order(output$recordID), ]
    output <- list(results = as.data.frame(res),
                   results_occ = output,
                   spatial = output_spatial)
  } else {
    output <- res
  cat("Returning the results.", sep= "\n")

#' Internal function
#' Get Occurrences Distance to a Polygon
#' @param poly a sf object
#' @param points XY a data.frame
#' @param names_poly a character string
#' @param names_taxa a character string
#' @param mode character string either 'spheroid' or 'planar'. By default
#'   'spheroid'
#' @param min.dist minimum tolerated distance between polygons and points.
#'   Default to 0.1 m
#' @param value output value: proportional distance ("dist") or inside/outside
#'   the polygon ("flag")
#' @inheritParams proj_crs
#' @details The spatial polygon must be a `sf` in which
#'   each polygon/feature is one taxon, an the data frame contains a column
#'   `tax` with the taxa name. The XY data frame has the same structure as other
#'   XY objects within `ConR` with the three first columns being `ddlat`,
#'   `ddlon` and `tax`, but also a column `classes` with the classes of
#'   confidence level, which is represented by numbers in increasing order of
#'   confidence. For instance, if confidence levels are "low" and "high", the
#'   corresponding values in columns `classes` should be 1 and 2.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mydf <- data.frame(ddlat = c(-44.6,-46.2,-45.4,-42.2,-43.7,-45.0,-28.0),
#'                    ddlon = c(-42.2,-42.6,-45.3,-42.5,-42.3,-39.0,-17.2),
#'                    tax = rep("a", 7),
#'                    valid = c(c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE)),
#'                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' mydf$classes = as.double(mydf$valid)
#' shp <- EOO.computing(mydf[mydf$valid,], export_shp = TRUE)[[2]]
#' shp$a <- data.frame(tax = "a", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' plot(mydf[,2:1])
#' plot(sf::st_geometry(shp), add=TRUE)
#' over.valid.poly(shp, mydf, names_poly = "a", names_taxa = "a")
#' over.valid.poly(shp, mydf, names_poly = "a", names_taxa = "a", value = "flag")  
#' over.valid.poly(shp, mydf, names_poly = "a", names_taxa = "b")
#' }
#' @import sf
#' @importFrom fields rdist
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
over.valid.poly <- function(poly,
                            names_poly = NULL,
                            names_taxa = NULL,
                            mode = "spheroid",
                            proj_type = "cea",
                            min.dist = 0.1,
                            value = "dist") {
  poly.tax <- 
    poly[grep(names_taxa, names_poly),]
  if( nrow(poly.tax) > 0) {
    # if (is.null(proj_user)) {
    #   proj_user <- 3857
    #   warning("no projected coordinate reference system provided by the user: assuming WGS 84 Pseudo-Mercator (see https://epsg.io)"
    #   )
    # }
    # poly_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(poly)
    # if (is.na(sf::st_crs(poly_sf)[[1]]))
    #   sf::st_crs(poly_sf) <- proj_user
    points_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(points, coords = c("ddlon", "ddlat"))
    # if (is.na(sf::st_crs(points_sf)[[1]]))
    sf::st_crs(points_sf) <- sf::st_crs(4326)
    # points_sf <- sf::st_transform(points_sf, crs = proj_user)
    # poly_sf <- sf::st_transform(poly_sf, crs = proj_user)
    # Solution for multiple species at once# solution for single species at a time
    # if (nrow(poly.tax) == 1) {
    #   # dist_poly <- sf::st_distance(points_sf, poly_sf)
    #   # dists <- round(as.double(dist_poly[,1]), 2)
    # # Solution for multiple species EOO at once
    # } else {
    dist_poly <- sf::st_distance(points_sf, poly.tax)
    dist_poly <- matrix(dist_poly, nrow = dim(dist_poly)[1], ncol = dim(dist_poly)[2])
    colnames(dist_poly) <- names_poly[grep(names_taxa, names_poly)]
    dists <- dist_poly[,1]
    # row.names(dist_poly) <- as.character(points$tax)
    # # j <- match(rownames(dist_poly), colnames(dist_poly))
    # dists <- round(diag(dist_poly[,j]),2)
    # dists <- round(diag(dist_poly),2)
    # }
    flag <- 
                 flag = dists < min.dist)
    # flag <- dists < min.dist
    if (identical(value, "dist")) {
      dist_ch_strict <- 
        as.vector(sf::st_distance(points_sf[points_sf$classes == 1,]))
      dist_ch_strict <- 
        dist_ch_strict[dist_ch_strict > 0]
      dist_ch_strict_quant <- 
        stats::quantile(dist_ch_strict, 0.95)
      rel_dist <- dists / dist_ch_strict_quant
      df_weights <- data.frame(points,
                               rel_dist = round(rel_dist, 3))
    if (identical(value, "flag")) {
  } else {
    return(rep(NA, nrow(points)))
gdauby/ConR documentation built on Jan. 30, 2024, 11:10 p.m.