
Defines functions coord.check

Documented in coord.check

#' Internal function
#' Coordinates check
#' @param XY data.frame, of at least two columns (coordinates), third is taxa
#' @param listing logical, whether the dataset should be splitted in a list by taxa
#' @param proj_type crs
#' @param listing_by_valid logical
#' @param cell_size numeric value
#' @param check_eoo logical
#' @return a list with verified dataset and added columns
#' @examples
#' dataset <- coord.check(XY = dummy_dist())
#' dataset$list_data
#' dataset$issue_nrow ## this indicates which species has less that 3 unique pairs of coordinates
#' @export
coord.check <-
           listing = TRUE,
           proj_type = NULL,
           listing_by_valid = FALSE,
           cell_size = NULL,
           check_eoo = TRUE) {
    if(tibble::is_tibble(XY)) XY <- as.data.frame(XY)
    XY <- as.data.frame(XY)
    if (ncol(XY) < 3) stop("At least three columns are expected in the following order : latitude, longitude and species names")
    # if (length(grep("[?]", XY[, 3])) > 0)
      XY[, 3] <- gsub("[?]", "_", XY[, 3])
    # if (length(grep("[/]", XY[, 3])) > 0)
      XY[, 3] <- gsub("[/]", "_", XY[, 3])
    # if (length(grep("\\(", XY[, 3])) > 0)
      XY[, 3] <- gsub("\\(", "", XY[, 3])
    # if (length(grep("\\)", XY[, 3])) > 0)
      XY[, 3] <- gsub("\\)", "", XY[, 3])
    if (!is.numeric(XY[,1])) XY[,1] <- as.numeric(XY[,1])
    if (!is.numeric(XY[,2])) XY[,2] <- as.numeric(XY[,2])
    if (any(is.na(XY[, c(1:2)]))) {
            XY[, 1:2]
          )) > 0)) ,
          "occurrences because of missing coordinates for",
          # if(verbose)
          length(unique(XY[which(rowMeans(is.na(XY[, 1:2])) >
                                   0), 3])),
      XY <- XY[which(!is.na(XY[, 1])),]
      XY <- XY[which(!is.na(XY[, 2])),]
    if (any(XY[, 2] > 180) ||
        any(XY[, 2] < -180) ||
        any(XY[, 1] < -90) ||
        any(XY[, 1] > 90))
      stop("coordinates are outside of expected range")
    colnames(XY)[1:3] <- c("ddlat", "ddlon", "tax")
    XY$tax <- as.character(XY$tax)
    list_data <- split(XY, f = XY$tax)
    ### check distances to antimeredian
    if (!is.null(cell_size)) {
      check_dist_antimeridian <-  function(x, siz) {
        kk <- x
        if (any(x > 0))
          kk[kk > 0] <- 180 - x[x > 0]
        if (any(x <= 0))
          kk[kk <= 0] <- 180 - (-x[x <= 0])
        kk <- kk*40000/360
        return(any(kk <= siz*2))
      issue_close_to_anti <- lapply(list_data, FUN = function(x) check_dist_antimeridian(x = x[,2], siz = cell_size))
      issue_close_to_anti <- unlist(issue_close_to_anti)
      issue_close_to_anti <- which(issue_close_to_anti)
    } else {
      issue_close_to_anti <- NA
    if (check_eoo) {
      check_max_long_dist <- function(x) {
        if (nrow(x) > 1) {
          if (max(dist(x[, 2]), na.rm = T) >= 180) {
            ver <- TRUE
          } else {
            ver <- FALSE
        } else {
          ver <- FALSE
      check_dist <- lapply(list_data, FUN = function(x) check_max_long_dist(x = x))
      check_dist <- unlist(check_dist)
      issue_long_span <- which(check_dist)
      check_nrow <- lapply(list_data, FUN = function(x) {nrow(unique(x)) < 3})
      check_nrow <- unlist(check_nrow)
      issue_nrow <- which(check_nrow)
    } else {
      issue_long_span <- issue_nrow <- NA
    if (!is.null(proj_type)) {
      XY_proj <-
          from = sf::st_crs(4326),
          to =
          pts = XY[, c(2, 1)]
      XY_proj <- as.data.frame(XY_proj)
      XY_proj <-  XY_proj[, c(2, 1)]
      XY[, c(1, 2)] <-
        XY_proj[, c(1, 2)]
    if (listing) {
        if (listing_by_valid) {
          list_data <-
            vector('list', length(unique(XY$classes)) * length(unique(XY$tax)))
          for (i in sort(unique(XY$classes))) {
            tax_classes <- vector(mode = "character", length = nrow(XY))
            if (i == 1) {
              XY_subset <-
                  XY[XY$classes == i, c(1, 2)],
                  tax = XY[XY$classes == i, which(colnames(XY) == "tax")],
                  valid = XY[XY$classes == i, which(colnames(XY) == "valid")],
                  recordID = XY[XY$recordID == i, which(colnames(XY) == "recordID")],
                  classes = XY[XY$classes == i, which(colnames(XY) == "classes")],
                  tax_class = paste(XY$tax[XY$classes == i], i, sep = "___")
              id_list <-
                which(unlist(lapply(list_data, is.null)))[1:length(unique(XY_subset$tax_class))]
              splited_data <-
                split(XY_subset, f = XY_subset$tax_class)
              list_data[id_list] <-
              names(list_data)[id_list] <-
            if (i > 1) {
              XY_subset <-
                  XY[XY$classes %in% seq(1, i, 1), c(1, 2)],
                  tax = XY[XY$classes %in% seq(1, i, 1), which(colnames(XY) == "tax")],
                  valid = XY[XY$classes %in% seq(1, i, 1), which(colnames(XY) == "valid")],
                  recordID = XY[XY$classes %in% seq(1, i, 1), which(colnames(XY) == "recordID")],
                  classes = XY[XY$classes %in% seq(1, i, 1), which(colnames(XY) == "classes")],
                  tax_class = paste(XY$tax[XY$classes %in% seq(1, i, 1)], paste(seq(1, i, 1), collapse = "_"), sep = "___")
              id_list <-
                which(unlist(lapply(list_data, is.null)))[1:length(unique(XY_subset$tax_class))]
              splited_data <-
                split(XY_subset, f = XY_subset$tax_class)
              list_data[id_list] <-
              names(list_data)[id_list] <-
          list_data <- list_data[!unlist(lapply(list_data, is.null))]
        } else {
          list_data <- split(unique(XY), f = unique(XY)$tax)
      unique_occs <- unlist(lapply(list_data, nrow))
    } else{
      list_data <-
      unique_occs <- NA
    return(list(list_data = list_data, 
                issue_close_to_anti = issue_close_to_anti,
                issue_long_span = issue_long_span,
                issue_nrow = issue_nrow,
                unique_occs = unique_occs))
gdauby/ConR documentation built on Jan. 30, 2024, 11:10 p.m.