
setClass(Class = "CAGEset",

		genomeName = "character",
		inputFiles = "character",
		inputFilesType = "character",
		sampleLabels = "character",
		librarySizes = "integer",
		CTSScoordinates = "data.frame",
		tagCountMatrix = "data.frame",
		normalizedTpmMatrix = "data.frame",
		CTSSexpressionClusteringMethod = "character",
		CTSSexpressionClasses = "character",
		clusteringMethod = "character",
		filteredCTSSidx = "logical",
		tagClusters = "list",
		CTSScumulativesTagClusters = "list",
		tagClustersQuantileLow = "list",
		tagClustersQuantileUp = "list",
		tagClustersInConsensusClusters = "data.frame",
		consensusClusters = "data.frame",
		consensusClustersTpmMatrix = "matrix",
		consensusClustersExpressionClusteringMethod = "character",
		consensusClustersExpressionClasses = "character",
		CTSScumulativesConsensusClusters = "list",
		consensusClustersQuantileLow = "list",
		consensusClustersQuantileUp = "list",
		shiftingGroupX = "character",
		shiftingGroupY = "character",
		consensusClustersShiftingScores = "data.frame"		

		genomeName = character(),
		inputFiles = character(),
		inputFilesType = character(),
		sampleLabels = character(),
		librarySizes = integer(),
		CTSScoordinates = data.frame(),
		tagCountMatrix = data.frame(),
		normalizedTpmMatrix = data.frame(),
		CTSSexpressionClusteringMethod = character(),
		CTSSexpressionClasses = character(),
		clusteringMethod = character(),
		filteredCTSSidx = logical(),
		tagClusters = list(),
		CTSScumulativesTagClusters = list(),
		tagClustersQuantileLow = list(),
		tagClustersQuantileUp = list(),
		tagClustersInConsensusClusters = data.frame(),
		consensusClusters = data.frame(),
		consensusClustersTpmMatrix = matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
		consensusClustersExpressionClusteringMethod = character(),
		consensusClustersExpressionClasses = character(),
		CTSScumulativesConsensusClusters = list(),
		consensusClustersQuantileLow = list(),
		consensusClustersQuantileUp = list(),
		shiftingGroupX = character(),
		shiftingGroupY = character(),
		consensusClustersShiftingScores = data.frame()

	validity = function(object) {
#		if(!(object@genomeName %in% suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(BSgenome::available.genomes()))))
#		return("'genomeName' must be a name of one of the genome packages available in BSgenome! See 'available.genomes()'")
#		if(object@genomeName %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE)
#		return("Requested genome is not installed! Please install required BSgenome package before running CAGEr.")
		if(!(object@inputFilesType %in% c("bam", "bamPairedEnd", "bed", "ctss", "CTSStable", "FANTOM5", "ENCODE", "FANTOM3and4", "ZebrafishDevelopment")))
		return("'inputFilesType' must be one of supported input file types (\"bam\", \"bamPairedEnd\", \"bed\", \"ctss\", \"CTSStable\")!")
		if(!(object@inputFilesType == "CTSStable") & (length(object@sampleLabels) != length(object@inputFiles))) {
			return("Number of provided sample labels must match the number of input files unless inputFilesType = \"CTSStable\"!")
		if(!(all(nzchar(object@sampleLabels))) | !(all(substr(object@sampleLabels, start = 1, stop = 1) %in% c(letters, LETTERS)))){
			stop("All sample labels must be a non-empty strings beginning with a letter!")
		if(length(unique(object@sampleLabels)) != length(object@sampleLabels)) {
			stop("Duplicated sample labels are not allowed!")


# Coercion

setAs("data.frame", "CAGEset",
        if(!(ncol(from) >= 3) | !(all(colnames(from)[1:3] == c("chr", "pos", "strand")))){
            stop("First three columns of the input data.frame must contain chromosome name, genomic position and strand of individual TSSs, and must be named 'chr', 'pos' and 'strand', respectively!")
            stop("Input data.frame needs to contain at least one column with CAGE tag counts, in addition to first three columns specifying chromosome name, genomic position and strand of individual TSSs!")
        if(!(all(nzchar(colnames(from)))) | !(all(substr(colnames(from),
        start = 1, stop = 1) %in% c(letters, LETTERS)))){
            stop("Names of the columns specifying CAGE tag counts in the input data.frame must be non-empty strings beginning with a letter, as they will be used as sample labels in the resulting CAGEset!")
            stop("The 'pos' column in the input data.frame can contain only non-zero integers as these are interpreted as 1-based genomic coordinates of TSSs! Make sure the 'pos' column is of class 'integer'!")
        }else if(any(from[,"pos"] <= 0)){
            stop("The 'pos' column in the input data.frame can contain only non-zero integers as these are interpreted as 1-based genomic coordinates of TSSs!")
        if(!(all(from[,"strand"] %in% c("+", "-")))){
            stop("The 'strand' column in the input data.frame can contain only '+' or '-'!")
        if(!(all(apply(from[,4:ncol(from),drop=FALSE], 2, is.integer)))){
            stop("The columns specifying CAGE tag counts must be non-negative integers! Make sure these columns are of class 'integer'!")
        }else if(any(apply(from[,4:ncol(from),drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) {any(x < 0)}))){
            stop("The columns specifying CAGE tag counts must be non-negative integers!")
        ctss.coordinates <- from[, c("chr", "pos", "strand")]
        ctss.coordinates$chr <- as.character(ctss.coordinates$chr)
        ctss.coordinates$pos <- as.integer(ctss.coordinates$pos)
        ctss.coordinates$strand <- as.character(ctss.coordinates$strand)
        sample.labels <- colnames(from)[4:ncol(from)]
        myCAGEset <- new("CAGEset", genomeName = "", inputFiles = "data.frame", inputFilesType = "CTSStable", sampleLabels = sample.labels)
        myCAGEset@librarySizes <- as.integer(colSums(from[,4:ncol(from),drop=FALSE]))
        myCAGEset@CTSScoordinates <- ctss.coordinates
        myCAGEset@tagCountMatrix <- from[,4:ncol(from),drop=FALSE]



# Merge two CAGEsets

def=function(cs1, cs2){

signature(cs1 = "CAGEset", cs2 = "CAGEset"),
function (cs1, cs2){

    if(cs1@genomeName != cs2@genomeName){
        stop("Cannot merge two CAGEsets with data from different genomes!")
    if(any(cs1@sampleLabels %in% cs2@sampleLabels)){
        stop("Cannot merge two CAGEsets that share same sample labels!")
    ctss1 <- CTSStagCount(cs1)
    ctss2 <- CTSStagCount(cs2)
    ctss <- merge(ctss1, ctss2, by.x = c("chr", "pos", "strand"), by.y = c("chr", "pos", "strand"), all.x = T, all.y = T)
    ctss[is.na(ctss)] <- 0
    ctss <- ctss[order(ctss$chr, ctss$pos),]
    for(i in 4:ncol(ctss)){
        ctss[,i] <- as.integer(ctss[,i])
    sample.labels <- c(cs1@sampleLabels, cs2@sampleLabels)
    names(sample.labels) <- rainbow(n = length(sample.labels))
    library.sizes <- as.integer(colSums(ctss[,4:ncol(ctss),drop=FALSE]))
    names(library.sizes) <- sample.labels
    myCAGEset <- new("CAGEset", genomeName = cs1@genomeName, inputFiles = "merged CAGEset", inputFilesType = "CTSStable", sampleLabels = sample.labels)
    myCAGEset@librarySizes <- library.sizes
    myCAGEset@CTSScoordinates <- ctss[,c("chr", "pos", "strand")]
    myCAGEset@tagCountMatrix <- ctss[,4:ncol(ctss),drop=FALSE]

ge11232002/CAGEr documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:13 a.m.