
#' Create heat wave dataframe for an ensemble
#' This function takes inputs, from \code{\link{processProjections}}, on the
#' projection data for an ensemble member, the thresholds for cities for
#' the ensemble, and \code{global} and \code{custom} objects with user
#' specifications. Using these inputs, the function creates a dataframe with
#' heat waves identified and characterized for the ensemble member.
#' @param ensembleSeries A list object giving the projection time series as
#'    well as a variety of other information for a single ensemble member.
#'    This is the output of \code{\link{processEnsemble}}.
#' @inheritParams processProjections
#' @inheritParams processModel
#' @return The combined dataframe of identified and characterized heat waves for
#'    selected projection date range for all cities specified by the user.
#'    This dataframe includes the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item hw.number: A sequential number identifying each heat wave in a city;
#'    \item mean.temp: Average daily temperature across all days in the
#'       heat wave, in degrees Fahrenheit;
#'    \item max.temp: Highest daily temperature across days in the
#'       heat wave, in degrees Fahrenheit;
#'    \item min.temp: Lowest daily temperature across days in the
#'       heat wave, in degrees Fahrenheit
#'    \item length: Number of days in the heat wave;
#'    \item start.date: Date of the first day of the heat wave;
#'    \item end.date: Date of the last day of the heat wave;
#'    \item start.doy: Day of the year of the first day of the heat wave
#'       (1 = Jan. 1, etc.);
#'    \item start.month: Month in which the heat wave started (1 = January,
#'       etc.);
#'    \item days.above.80: Number of days in the heat wave above 80 degrees
#'        Fahrenheit;
#'    \item days.above.85: Number of days in the heat wave above 85 degrees
#'        Fahrenheit;
#'    \item days.above.90: Number of days in the heat wave above 90 degrees
#'        Fahrenheit;
#'    \item days.above.95: Number of days in the heat wave above 90 degrees
#'        Fahrenheit;
#'    \item days.above.99th: Number of days in the heat wave above the 99th
#'        percentile temperature for the city, using the period specified
#'        by the user with the \code{referenceBoundaries} argument in
#'        \code{\link{gen_hw_set}} as a reference for determining these
#'        percentiles;
#'    \item days.above.99.5th: Number of days in the heat wave above the 99.5th
#'        percentile temperature for the city, using the period specified
#'        by the user with the \code{referenceBoundaries} argument in
#'        \code{\link{gen_hw_set}} as a reference for determining these
#'        percentiles;
#'    \item first.in.season: Whether the heat wave was the first to occur in its
#'        calendar year (Note: this characteristic is likely not useful in
#'        southern hemisphere studies.);
#'    \item threshold.temp: The temperature used as the threshold for the
#'        heat wave definition in the city;
#'    \item mean.temp.quantile: The percentile of the average daily mean
#'        temperature during the heat wave compared to the city's year-round
#'        temperature distribution, based on the temperatures for the city
#'        during the period specified by the \code{referenceBoundaries}
#'        argument in \code{\link{gen_hw_set}};
#'    \item max.temp.quantile: The percentile of the highest daily mean
#'        temperature during the heat wave compared to the city's year-round
#'        temperature distribution;
#'    \item min.temp.quantile: The percentile of the lowest daily mean
#'        temperature during the heat wave compared to the city's year-round
#'        temperature distribution;
#'    \item mean.temp.1: The city's average year-round temperature, based
#'        on the temperatures for the city during the period specified by
#'        the \code{referenceBoundaries} argument in
#'        \code{\link{gen_hw_set}};
#'    \item mean.summer.temp: The city's average May--September
#'        temperature, based on the temperatures for the city during the
#'        period specified by the \code{referenceBoundaries} argument
#'        in \code{\link{gen_hw_set}}; and
#'    \item city: The identifier for the city, as given in the file
#'        specified in the \code{citycsv} argument of
#'        \code{\link{gen_hw_set}}.
#' }
#' An example of the output of this function is available as the
#' \code{\link{hw_datafr}} dataset and can be accessed using
#' \code{data(hw_datafr)}.
formHwFrame <- function(ensembleSeries, thresholds, global, custom){

        # Acquire list of heat wave dataframes for each city
        hwDataframeList <- apply(data.frame(thresholds), 1,
                                 createCityProcessor(global = global),
                                 ensembleSeries = ensembleSeries,
                                 custom = custom)

        # Combine the heat wave dataframes contained in hwDataframeList into
        # a single dataframe
        hwFrame <- consolidate(hwDataframeList)


#' Create closure to identify and aggregate heat waves
#' This function creates a closure that returns a
#'    dataframe with the identified heat waves and heat wave characteristics for
#'    a given city for the specified projection period, as generated by the
#'    \code{\link{createHwDataframe}} function.
#' @inheritParams processModel
#' @return This function creates a closure that takes inputs of \code{threshold},
#'    \code{ensembleSeries}, and \code{custom} and will
#'    find and characterize all heat waves in all cities for a given
#'    ensemble. See the help file for \code{\link{formHwFrame}} for more
#'    information on the format of the dataframe created by this closure.

#' @note The closure encapsulates an incrementer varaible and advances it
#'    with every call. This variable is used to index into the \code{cities}
#'    vector from the \code{global} object passed into this function.
createCityProcessor <- function(global){
        # incrementer
        i <- 1

        function(threshold, ensembleSeries, custom){
                city <- as.character(global$cities[i,1])
                if(global$above_threshold == FALSE){
                        print_threshold <- -1 * threshold
                } else {
                        print_threshold <- threshold
                cat("Creating dataframe ~~ City: ", city,
                    " ~~ City Number: ", i, " ~~ Cutoff: ", print_threshold, "\n")

                datafr <- data.frame(ensembleSeries$dates,

                # Identify all heat waves for the given city
                heatwaves <- IDheatwaves(threshold = threshold,
                                         datafr = datafr,
                                         global = global,
                                         custom = custom)

                # Aggregate heat waves for the given city
                hwDataframeList <- createHwDataframe(city = city,
                                                     threshold = threshold,
                                                     heatwaves = heatwaves,
                                                     ensembleSeries = ensembleSeries,
                                                     i = i,
                                                     global = global,
                                                     custom = custom)

                i <<- i + 1

#' Consolidate heat wave dataframes
#' This function combines all identified city-specific heat wave dataframes
#' together into a single dataframe. This function is used to create a single
#' dataframe with all heat waves from all study cities for an ensemble
#' member.
#' @param hwDataframeList A list object where each element is the dataframe
#'    of heat waves, created by the closure created by
#'    \code{\link{createCityProcessor}}, for a single city.
#' @return A combined dataframe version of the list object that was passed as an
#'    argument.
consolidate <- function(hwDataframeList){
        all <- hwDataframeList[[1]]
        if(length(hwDataframeList) >= 2){
                for(i in 2:length(hwDataframeList)){
                        all <- rbind(all, hwDataframeList[[i]])

#' Characterize heat waves
#' This function takes a dataframe with identified heat waves and returns
#' a dataframe that lists and characterizes all of the heat waves. If no
#' heat waves were identified in a city, it returns a data frame with the
#' same columns but no observations, to allow the empty dataframe to be
#' joined without error to the dataframes for cities that do have heat
#' waves under the definition.
#' @param city A character vector with the identification of the city
#'    being processed.
#' @param heatwaves A dataframe with the following columns:
#'    \itemize{
#'    \item \code{date}: Date of each observation, in class "Date";
#'    \item \code{tmpd}: Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit;
#'    \item \code{hw}: A binary variable designating whether a day is in a
#'    heat wave (0: not in a heat wave; 1: in a heat wave); and
#'    \item \code{hw.number}: A numeric value, 0 if the day was not part of a
#'    heat wave, otherwise the number of the heat wave to which the day belonged.
#'    }
#'    This is the format of the output of \code{\link{IDheatwaves}}.
#' @param i An index specifying which city is being processed. This corresponds
#'    to the order of the cities in the \code{citycsv} file specified in
#'    \code{\link{gen_hw_set}}.
#' @inheritParams processModel
#' @inheritParams formHwFrame
#' @inheritParams IDheatwaves
#' @return A dataframe of identified and characterized heat waves for a single
#'    city and single ensemble member. Each row of this dataframe represents a
#'    heat wave, with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#'    \item hw.number: A sequential number identifying each heat wave in a city;
#'    \item mean.temp: Average daily temperature across all days in the
#'       heat wave, in degrees Fahrenheit;
#'    \item max.temp: Highest daily temperature across days in the
#'       heat wave, in degrees Fahrenheit;
#'    \item min.temp: Lowest daily temperature across days in the
#'       heat wave, in degrees Fahrenheit
#'    \item length: Number of days in the heat wave;
#'    \item start.date: Date of the first day of the heat wave;
#'    \item end.date: Date of the last day of the heat wave;
#'    \item start.doy: Day of the year of the first day of the heat wave
#'       (1 = Jan. 1, etc.);
#'    \item start.month: Month in which the heat wave started (1 = January,
#'       etc.);
#'    \item days.above.80: Number of days in the heat wave above 80 degrees
#'        Fahrenheit;
#'    \item days.above.85: Number of days in the heat wave above 85 degrees
#'        Fahrenheit;
#'    \item days.above.90: Number of days in the heat wave above 90 degrees
#'        Fahrenheit;
#'    \item days.above.95: Number of days in the heat wave above 90 degrees
#'        Fahrenheit;
#'    \item days.above.99th: Number of days in the heat wave above the 99th
#'        percentile temperature for the city, using the period specified
#'        by the user with the \code{referenceBoundaries} argument in
#'        \code{\link{gen_hw_set}} as a reference for determining these
#'        percentiles;
#'    \item days.above.99.5th: Number of days in the heat wave above the 99.5th
#'        percentile temperature for the city, using the period specified
#'        by the user with the \code{referenceBoundaries} argument in
#'        \code{\link{gen_hw_set}} as a reference for determining these
#'        percentiles;
#'    \item first.in.season: Whether the heat wave was the first to occur in its
#'        calendar year (Note: this characteristic is likely not useful in
#'        southern hemisphere studies.);
#'    \item threshold.temp: The temperature used as the threshold for the
#'        heat wave definition in the city;
#'    \item mean.temp.quantile: The percentile of the average daily mean
#'        temperature during the heat wave compared to the city's year-round
#'        temperature distribution, based on the temperatures for the city
#'        during the period specified by the \code{referenceBoundaries}
#'        argument in \code{\link{gen_hw_set}};
#'    \item max.temp.quantile: The percentile of the highest daily mean
#'        temperature during the heat wave compared to the city's year-round
#'        temperature distribution;
#'    \item min.temp.quantile: The percentile of the lowest daily mean
#'        temperature during the heat wave compared to the city's year-round
#'        temperature distribution;
#'    \item mean.temp.1: The city's average year-round temperature, based
#'        on the temperatures for the city during the period specified by
#'        the \code{referenceBoundaries} argument in
#'        \code{\link{gen_hw_set}};
#'    \item mean.summer.temp: The city's average May--September
#'        temperature, based on the temperatures for the city during the
#'        period specified by the \code{referenceBoundaries} argument
#'        in \code{\link{gen_hw_set}}; and
#'    \item city: The identifier for the city, as given in the file
#'        specified in the \code{citycsv} argument of
#'        \code{\link{gen_hw_set}}.
#' }
#' @note When calculating relative characteristics of heat waves, like the
#' relative value of the heat wave's mean temperature, this function uses a
#' time series from the date ranges specified by the user using the
#' \code{referenceBoundaries} option in \code{\link{gen_hw_set}}. By
#' default, these references are based on projection data from 2070 to
#' 2079.
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
createHwDataframe <- function(city, threshold, heatwaves,
                              ensembleSeries, i, global, custom){

        heatwaves2 <- dplyr::filter_(heatwaves, ~ hw == 1)

                ref_temps <- ensembleSeries$reference[ , i]
                ref_dates <- ensembleSeries$reference_dates
        } else {
                ref_temps <- ensembleSeries$series[ , i]
                ref_dates <- ensembleSeries$dates

        hw.frame <- dplyr::group_by_(heatwaves2, ~ hw.number) %>%
                dplyr::summarize_(mean.var = ~ mean(tmpd),
                                 max.var = ~ max(tmpd),
                                 min.var = ~ min(tmpd),
                                 length = ~ n(),
                                 end.date = ~ last(date),
                                 start.date.year = ~ ifelse(is.na(first(date)), # Feb. 30 problem in some climate data
                                                            as.POSIXlt(last(date))$year + 1900,
                                 start.date.2 = ~ as.Date(paste(start.date.year,
                                                                "03", "01", sep = "-"),
                                                          format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
                                 start.date = ~ as.Date(ifelse(is.na(first(date)),
                                                        origin = c("1970-01-01")),

                                 days.above.abs.thresh.1 = ~ sum(tmpd > custom$absolute_thresholds[1]),
                                 days.above.abs.thresh.2 = ~ sum(tmpd > custom$absolute_thresholds[2]),
                                 days.above.abs.thresh.3 = ~ sum(tmpd > custom$absolute_thresholds[3]),
                                 days.above.abs.thresh.4 = ~ sum(tmpd > custom$absolute_thresholds[4]),
                                 days.above.99th = ~ sum(tmpd > stats::quantile(ref_temps, .99, na.rm = TRUE)),
                                 days.above.99.5th = ~ sum(tmpd > stats::quantile(ref_temps, .995, na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
                dplyr::mutate_(start.doy = ~ lubridate::yday(start.date),
                               start.month = ~ lubridate::month(start.date))  %>%
                dplyr::select_(c("-start.date.year")) %>%

        if(nrow(hw.frame) == 0){
                hw.frame$first.in.year <- numeric()
                hw.frame$threshold <- numeric()
                hw.frame$mean.var.quantile <- numeric()
                hw.frame$max.var.quantile <- numeric()
                hw.frame$min.var.quantile <- numeric()
                hw.frame$mean.yearround.var <- numeric()
                hw.frame$mean.seasonal.var <- numeric()
                hw.frame$city <- character()
        } else {
                hw.frame$first.in.year <- c(1, rep(NA, nrow(hw.frame) - 1))
                if(nrow(hw.frame) >= 2){
                        for(i in 2:nrow(hw.frame)){
                                if(as.POSIXlt(hw.frame$start.date)$year[i] !=
                                   as.POSIXlt(hw.frame$start.date)$year[i - 1]){
                                        hw.frame$first.in.year[i] <- 1
                                } else {
                                        hw.frame$first.in.year[i] <- 0

                hw.frame$threshold <- threshold

                dist.tmpd <- stats::ecdf(ref_temps)
                hw.frame$mean.var.quantile <- dist.tmpd(hw.frame$mean.var)
                hw.frame$max.var.quantile <- dist.tmpd(hw.frame$max.var)
                hw.frame$min.var.quantile <- dist.tmpd(hw.frame$min.var)

                hw.frame$mean.yearround.var <- mean(ref_temps)
                # Determine season time based on custom input
                seasontime <- as.POSIXlt(ref_dates)$mon %in%
                        (custom$seasonal_months - 1) # as.POSIX uses months 1 lower than
                                                     # typical human conventions (i.e., Jan = 0, not 1)
                hw.frame$mean.seasonal.var <- mean(ref_temps[seasontime])

                hw.frame$city <- city

                if(global$above_threshold == FALSE){
                        hw.frame <- hw.frame %>%
                                dplyr::mutate_(mean.var = ~ -1 * mean.var,
                                               max.var = ~ -1 * min.var, # min and max need to be switched for below threshold
                                               min.var = ~ -1 * max.var,
                                               threshold = ~ -1 * threshold,
                                               mean.var.quantile = ~ 1 - mean.var.quantile,
                                               max.var.quantile = ~ 1 - min.var.quantile,
                                               min.var.quantile = ~ 1 - max.var.quantile,
                                               mean.yearround.var = ~ -1 * mean.yearround.var,
                                               mean.seasonal.var = ~ -1 * mean.seasonal.var) %>%
                                dplyr::rename_(.dots = stats::setNames(list("days.above.abs.thresh.1",

geanders/futureheatwaves documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:14 a.m.