
Defines functions createProgramGraph graphProject

Documented in createProgramGraph graphProject

#' Make plot of project R scripts only
#' Summarize all programs. Sync status is assessed or not as indicated.
#' @param project.id Project id of program
#' @param testSync Logical to test synchronization status
#' @return List of data.frame of programs vertices, data.frame of edges, ggplot ,rgrapher=igraph
#' @details Uses ggplot2
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' createProgramGraph("adaprHome")
createProgramGraph <- function(project.id,testSync=TRUE){
# computes transitively connected subpgraph of project DAG
# given a project id (project.id)
# Uses nicer plot parameters
  si <- pullSourceInfo(project.id)
  projinfo <- getProjectInfoSI(si)
  outputs <- subset(projinfo$tree, projinfo$tree$dependency == 
                      "out", select = c("source.file", "target.path", "target.file"))
  outputs$fullname <- file.path(outputs$target.path, outputs$target.file)
  outputs <- merge(outputs, projinfo$all.files, by = "fullname")
    unsync.vertex <- c("", as.character(syncTestSI(si)$sources.to.sync$fullname.abbr))
    unsync.vertex <- c("")
  projgraph <- projinfo$graph
  sources <- unique(projinfo$tree$source.file)
  vertexnames <- subset(projinfo$all.files, file %in% sources)$fullname.abbr
  inedges <- igraph::adjacent_vertices(projgraph, vertexnames, 
  inedges <- lapply(inedges, function(x) {
    return(attr(x, "name"))
  inedges <- plyr::ldply(inedges, as.data.frame)
  names(inedges) <- c("to", "from")
  dfgraph <- igraph::as_data_frame(projgraph, what = "edges")
  dfgraph$to <- plyr::mapvalues(dfgraph$to, as.character(inedges$from), 
                                as.character(inedges$to), warn_missing = FALSE)
  dfgraph$from <- plyr::mapvalues(dfgraph$from, as.character(inedges$from), 
                                  as.character(inedges$to), warn_missing = FALSE)
  dfoo <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(dfgraph)
  graph2 <- igraph::simplify(igraph::delete_vertices(dfoo, 
                                                     setdiff(igraph::V(dfoo)$name, vertexnames)))
  synccolors <- c("aquamarine3", "darkorange2")
  names(synccolors) <- c("Synchronized", "Not Synchronized")
  lo <- igraph::layout.sugiyama(projgraph)
  tp <- function(x) {
    x <- x[, 2:1]
    x[, 1] <- max(x[, 1]) - x[, 1]
  longgraph <- NULL
  isg <- graph2
  isgdf <- igraph::as_data_frame(isg)
  noedges <- 0
  if (nrow(isgdf) == 0) {
    noedges <- 1
    isgdf <- igraph::as_data_frame(igraph::graph.data.frame(data.frame(from = vertexnames[1], 
                                                                       to = vertexnames[1])))
  if (length(vertexnames) == 1) {
    dfo <- data.frame(v = vertexnames[1], x = 0, y = 0)
    text.nudge0 <- 0.15
    dotsize0 <- 10
    text.size0 <- 10
    dfo$synccolor <- as.character(ifelse(dfo$v %in% unsync.vertex, 
                                         "Not Synchronized", "Synchronized"))
    dfo$synccolor <- factor(dfo$synccolor, levels = c("Synchronized", 
                                                      "Not Synchronized"))
    dfo <- merge(dfo, subset(projinfo$all.files, select = c("fullname.abbr", 
                                                            "fullname", "description")), by.x = "v", by.y = "fullname.abbr")
    froms <- NA
    horizontal.range <- c(-1.25, 1.25)
    rangery <- c(-1, 1) * 0.5
    graph.height <- 1 * 0.5
    graph.width <- 1 * 0.5
    span <- 1
  }else {
    dfo <- tp(igraph::layout.sugiyama(isg)$layout)
    colnames(dfo) <- c("x", "y")
    dfo <- data.frame(dfo, v = igraph::V(isg)$name)
    todfo <- dfo
    names(todfo)[1:2] <- c("x2", "y2")
    tos <- merge(isgdf, todfo, by.x = "to", by.y = "v")
    froms <- merge(tos, dfo, by.x = "from", by.y = "v")
    ranger <- range(c(froms$x, froms$x2))
    span <- 0.25 * abs(diff(ranger))
    horizontal.range <- c(ranger[1] - span, ranger[2] + span)
    rangery <- range(c(froms$y, froms$y2))
    graph.height <- length(unique(c(froms$y, froms$y2)))
    graph.width <- length(unique(c(froms$y, froms$y2)))
    dfo <- merge(dfo, subset(projinfo$all.files, select = c("fullname.abbr", 
                                                            "fullname", "description")), by.x = "v", by.y = "fullname.abbr")
  dotsize0 <- 10
  if (graph.height > 5) {
    dot.size <- 1 + 10/graph.height
  }else {
    dot.size0 <- 10
  text.nudge0 <- 0.05 * abs(diff(rangery))
  text.nudge0 <- dotsize0/20
  text.size0 <- 4
  if (sum(!(c("x", "y", "v") %in% names(dfo)))) {
    x <- NULL
    y <- NULL
    v <- NULL
    stop("create_program_graph (adapr) error: cannot find vertex")
  if (graph.width > 5) {
    text.size0 <- 2 + 2 * text.size0/graph.width
  dfo$synccolor <- as.character(ifelse(dfo$v %in% unsync.vertex, 
                                       "Not Synchronized", "Synchronized"))
  dfo$synccolor <- factor(dfo$synccolor, levels = c("Synchronized", 
                                                    "Not Synchronized"))
  proj.gg <- ggplot2::ggplot(dfo, ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, 
                                               label = basename(as.character(v)))) + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(colour = dfo$synccolor), 
                                                                                                         size = dotsize0, alpha = 0.7) + ggplot2::geom_point(shape = 1, 
                                                                                                                                                             size = dotsize0, colour = "grey70", stroke = 2) + ggplot2::geom_text(vjust = -0.5, 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  size = text.size0, color = "black")
  proj.gg <- proj.gg + ggplot2::annotate(geom = "label", x = dfo$x, 
                                         y = dfo$y - ifelse(length(vertexnames) > 1, 0.125, 0.1), 
                                         label = dfo$description, size = text.size0)
  if (length(vertexnames) == 1) {
    proj.gg <- proj.gg + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(limits = rangery)
  if (noedges == 0) {
    proj.gg <- proj.gg + ggplot2::annotate(geom = "segment", 
                                           x = froms$x, y = froms$y, xend = froms$x2, yend = froms$y2, 
                                           arrow = ggplot2::arrow(length = ggplot2::unit(0.2, 
                                                                                         "cm"), type = "closed"), alpha = 0.5/ifelse(graph.width > 
                                                                                                                                       5, 5, 1))
  proj.gg <- proj.gg + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits = horizontal.range) + 
    ggplot2::theme(axis.line = ggplot2::element_blank(), 
                   axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank(), axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank(), 
                   axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(), axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank(), 
                   axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank(), legend.position = "bottom", 
                   panel.background = ggplot2::element_blank(), panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(), 
                   panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(), 
                   plot.background = ggplot2::element_blank()) + ggplot2::ggtitle(paste(project.id, 
                                                                                        "- R Script Graph")) + ggplot2::theme(text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 20))
  proj.gg <- proj.gg + ggplot2::scale_color_manual(name = ggplot2::element_blank(), 
                                                   values = synccolors)
  if(!testSync){proj.gg <- proj.gg + ggplot2::theme(legend.position="none")}
  runorder <- data.frame(v = igraph::topological.sort(isg)$name, 
                         run.order = 1:length(vertexnames))
  dfo <- merge(dfo, runorder, by = "v")
  return(list(vertex = dfo, edges = froms, ggplot = proj.gg, 
              rgrapher = isg))
} #
#' Make plot of project programs only
#' Summarize all programs. Sync status is assessed and indicated.
#' @param project Project id of program
#' @param testSync logical to test synchronization status
#' @return List of data.frame of programs vertices, data.frame of edges, ggplot ,rgrapher=igraph
#' @details Uses ggplot2. Is a wrapper for create_program_graph.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' graphProject("adaprHome")
graphProject <- function(project=getProject(),testSync=TRUE){
  out <- createProgramGraph(project,testSync)
gelfondjal/adapr documentation built on Feb. 2, 2020, 1:32 a.m.