Man pages for genialis/shRNAde
Functions needed to support the shRNA pipeline in rewolwe-bio

classifyDEClassify DE result
countClassifiedCount classified results
differentialExpressionPerform differential expression based on specified design
doDEMake differential expression analysis
fetchGeneOrHairpinProcess string to extract shRNA or gene
fetchTHvalueReturn specified threshold value.
importClassificationParamsImport parameters used for classification
importContrastListImport contrast list
importExpressionsDataImport expression data based on sample key.
importOverallContrastsImport overall contrasts
importSampleKeyImport sample key
makeLibraryCreate library of shRNA
scrapeDEresultsScrape DESeq2 results and format in reusable format
summaryTableSummary and count table of shRNA by sample
trimResultsTrim results of NAs.
genialis/shRNAde documentation built on May 3, 2019, 7:39 p.m.