
Defines functions loginVerify nListOrCharItems

# dashboard.R ----------------------------------------------------------------

# Header
# Filename:      dashboard.R
# Description:   This project, aims to create a ref class containing multiple objects
#                that can issue a shiny dashboard
# Author:        Nima Ramezani
# Email :        nima.ramezani@gmail.com
# Start Date:    22 January 2016
# Last Revision: 16 January 2023
# Version:       2.6.0

# Version History:

# Version   Date                Action
# ---------------------------------------
# 0.6.0     04 July 2016        A number of changes made. Refer to dashboard.R (version 0.6)

# Changes from version 0.5:
# 1- method io.str() transferred from dash.tools.R
# 2- Starting letters of input and cloth types changed to lowercase to match shiny namespace: Example: radioButtons changed to radioButtons
# 3- Valid Container types separated from valid input types
# 4- class properties 'inputs' and 'outputs' consolidated to one single list called 'items' which must be a named list
# 5- layouts must be specified by item names not numbers
# 6- field ID removed and replaced by item name

# 0.6.2     08 September 2016   Argument inline added to checkboxGroupInput.
# 0.6.3     12 October 2016     Wordcloud2 plots added.
# 0.7.0     15 May 2017         tabPanel and many other containers can also get a list as layout
# 0.7.1     15 May 2017         textInput added
# 0.7.2     15 May 2017         TFD3Output added
# 0.7.3     15 May 2017         container tabsetPanel added
# 0.7.4     15 May 2017         tabPanel container can accept list as layout
# 0.7.4     15 May 2017         tabPanel added as cloth
# 0.7.5     15 May 2017         highcharterOutput added
# 0.7.6     15 May 2017         d3plusOutput added
# 0.7.7     15 May 2017         observers added as list (todo: named list items should become observeEvents)
# 0.7.8     15 May 2017         property 'prescript' added to the class
# 0.8.0     17 May 2017         Start adding syncing feature: property 'object' renamed to sync for synced items.
# 0.9.0     23 May 2017         syncing added for TFD3: reactive list properties 'sync' and 'report' added.
# 0.9.1     31 May 2017         morrisjsOutput added.
# 0.9.2     31 May 2017         coffeewheelOutput added.
# 0.9.3     01 June 2017        cloth column service modified: bug removed for column width and offset!
# 0.9.4     20 July 2017        support('coffeewheel') removed as the widget is embedded
# 0.9.5     25 July 2017        Added re-plotting trigger for TFD3 in sync reactives
# 0.9.6     31 July 2017        Added re-plotting trigger for TFD3 in sync reactives
# 0.9.7     03 August 2017      Default widths and heights of plot outputs made equal for all plots
# 0.9.8     30 August 2017      actionButton, accept both character and icon types for argument icon
# 1.1.0    11 October 2017     property sessions added to the object. This property is a list and keeps all the sessions
# 1.1.2    11 October 2017     Methods updateItem4Session() and updateItem() addded: Currently works only for type selectInput
# 1.1.3    13 October 2017     pivotTable added to supported plotters using package rpivotTable
# 1.1.4    16 October 2017     Method io.str.clothed() modified: cloth is no longer passed as argument. reads directly from items[[i]]$cloth
# 1.1.5    17 October 2017     rpivotTable renamed to pivot
# 2.0.0     10 November 2017    Fundamental Change to the package: Added shinyjs features: Methods enableItems(), disableItems(), showItems() and hideItems() added!
# 2.0.0     22 November 2017    CSS customized skin style for shinydashboard header added.
# 2.1.1     24 November 2017    actionLink and passwordInput item types added
# 2.1.2     27 November 2017    Simple container 'bag' added to containers.
# 2.1.3     27 November 2017    Type 'loginInput' added.
# 2.1.4     27 November 2017    Function loginVerify() added
# 2.1.5     27 November 2017    Property 'messages' added to class DASHBOARD. It is a named character vector
# 2.2.0     27 November 2017    Fundamental Change: Creating client specific dataset(objects and recative values) for each session
# 2.2.1     27 November 2017    Property 'objects' renamed to 'global', but argument 'objects' still works for method initialize(): replacing value of 'global' by given argument 'objects'
# 2.2.2     27 November 2017    Property 'values' added to class DASHBOARD. Generates and keeps initial values of reactives in 'sync'.
# 2.2.3     27 November 2017    A copy of list 'objects' is generated as initial values for non-reactive list 'local' associated with each session
# 2.2.4     27 November 2017    A copy of list 'values' is generated as initial values for reactive list 'sync' associated with each session
# 2.2.5     29 November 2017    Output item types: downloadButton and downloadLink added.
# 2.2.6     29 November 2017    Argument 'style' added to item types downloadButton and downloadLink
# 2.2.7     06 December 2017    Property 'settings' added to class DASHBOARD. settings item 'saveSession' added and specifies whether the session data needs to be saved after logout and loaded after login by each user.
#                               If settings$saveSession is TRUE, a .rds file for each user is created in the working directory after the user logs out to keep the session data (local and sync). Session data is loaded again when the user logs in.
# 2.2.8     08 December 2017    Property 'global' renamed to 'objects' again
# 2.2.9     08 December 2017    A copy of objects is created in session$userData in each session
# 2.3.0     15 December 2017    Uses encrypted password check from package: bcrypt
# 2.3.1     15 December 2017    Added property 'passEncryption' to the dashboard settings. Specifies how the password should be encrypted. Value 'none' means no encryption is required!
# 2.3.2     19 December 2017    Function loginVerify() modified: Small bug rectified by converting the encrypted password from factor to character
# 2.3.3     16 January 2018     A typo is corrected: Login versification failed converted to login verification failed.
# 2.3.4     29 January 2018     settings property 'keepSessions' added: sessions are kept in memory only if this property is TRUE
# 2.3.5     12 February 2018    settings property 'savePath' added: specify where in the server sessions should be saved
# 2.3.6     02 June 2018        Container 'bsModal' added
# 2.3.7     02 June 2018        arguments 'options' added for dataTableOutput, default for height changed to 'auto' from '400px' for all outputs
# 2.3.9     04 June 2018        Containers 'bsCollapse' and 'bsCollapsePanel' added.
# 2.4.0     04 June 2018        Output widths and heights returned to package defaults.
# 2.4.2     04 June 2018        'tooltip' and 'popover' are now properties which can be attached to each item. Thanks to package 'shinyBS'
# 2.4.3     06 June 2018        'grviz' added to outputs
# 2.4.4     08 June 2018        Arguments 'title', 'choices', 'selected' for all input items, are defined in one place
# 2.4.7     08 June 2018        Input items 'actionbttn', 'actionGroupButtons', 'airDatepickerInput' added
# 2.4.8     08 June 2018        shinyWidget spinners added to plotOutput. Can we add it to other plots as well??
# 2.4.9     15 June 2018        tutorBox added to containers
# 2.5.0     16 June 2018        Arguments 'tutor.lesson', 'tutor.hint' and 'tutor.step' can be used for to all items
# 2.5.1     22 June 2018        Method getItemObject() modified: arguments 'selected' and 'choices' are converted to integer if they are numeric.
# 2.5.2     18 September 2018   Method self.verify() modified: varname passed to function verify() changed
# 2.5.3     26 October 2018     Input item type dateRangeInput modified: All arguments added.
# 2.5.4     29 October 2018     Input item type actionButton modified: argument weight re-added
# 2.5.5     05 November 2018    grviz is now independent
# 2.5.6     06 November 2018    Argument 'width' added for selectInput
# 2.5.7     21 June 2019        Argument 'style' added for box cloth
# 2.5.8     05 January 2023     cloth icon can be of class icon
# 2.5.9     05 January 2023     Argument 'width' added to slider Input
# 2.6.0     16 January 2023     upsetjsOuptput added

support('shiny', 'shinydashboard', 'htmlwidgets')

valid.box.statuses = c('primary', # Blue (sometimes dark blue),
                       'success', # Green
                       'info',    # Blue
                       'warning', # Orange
                       'danger'  # Red
valid.colors = c('red', 'yellow', 'aqua', 'blue', 'light-blue', 'green', 'navy', 'teal', 'olive', 'lime', 'orange',
                 'fuchsia', 'purple', 'maroon', 'black', 'navy')

valid.input.types = c("textInput", "radioButtons", "sliderInput", "actionButton", "actionBttn", "actionLink", "checkboxInput", "checkboxGroupInput", "selectInput", "dateInput", "airDatepickerInput",
                      "dateRangeInput", "fileInput", "numericInput", "passwordInput")

valid.output.types = c("uiOutput", "dynamicInput", "loginInput", "plotOutput", "verbatimTextOutput", "textOutput", "imageOutput", "tableOutput", "dataTableOutput", "htmlOutput",
                       "gglVisChartOutput", "rChartsdPlotOutput", 'dygraphOutput', 'plotlyOutput', 'amChartsOutput',
                       "leafletOutput", "infoBoxOutput", "valueBoxOutput", "pivotOutput", "wordcloud2Output", 'bubblesOutput', 'd3plusOutput', 'plotlyOutput',
                       "highcharterOutput", "TFD3Output", "d3tfOutput", "grvizOutput", "c3Output", "sunburstOutput", "sankeyNetworkOutput", "morrisjsOutput", "upsetjsOutput",
                       "coffeewheelOutput", "billboarderOutput", 'sankeytreeOutput', "rHandsonTableOutput", "downloadButton", "downloadLink", "static")

valid.container.types = c("column", "box", "bag", "fluidPage", "dashboardPage", "tabsetPanel",
                          "sidebarLayout", "navbarPage", "navbarMenu", "tabPanel", "wellPanel",
                          "bsModal", 'bsCollapse', 'bsCollapsePanel', 'actionGroupButtons', 'tutorBox')

valid.cloth.types = c("box", "infoBox", "valueBox", "column", "wellPanel", "tabPanel")

valid.navbar.positions = c("static-top", "fixed-top", "fixed-bottom")

valid.dashboard.skins  = c("blue", "black", "purple", "green", "red", "yellow")

# Returns the number of elements of the given list which are either 'list' or 'character'
nListOrCharItems = function(lst){
  sum = 0
  for (i in lst){
    if (inherits(i, 'list') | inherits(i, 'character')){sum = sum + 1}

# 1: Username and Password don't match
# 2: Username does not exist
loginVerify = function(logtable, username, password, encryption = 'none'){
  username %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, null_allowed = F)
  password %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, null_allowed = F)
  if(username %in% rownames(logtable)){
           'none'   = {if(identical(password, logtable[username,'password'])){res = username} else {res = 1}},
           'bcrypt' = {support('bcrypt'); if(bcrypt::checkpw(password, logtable[username,'password'] %>% as.character)){res = username} else {res = 1}}
  } else {return(2)}

#' @exportClass DASHBOARD
                         fields = list(
                           name        = "character",
                           items       = "list",
                           objects     = 'list',
                           values      = "list",
                           sessions    = 'list',
                           settings    = 'list',
                           king.layout = "list",
                           loginTable  = "data.frame",
                           prescript   = 'character',
                           observers   = "character",
                           messages    = "character"

                         methods = list(
                           # Class constructor
                           initialize = function(name = "rvis Dashboard", objects = list(), ...){
                             # Field assignment:
                             name    <<- name
                             objects <<- objects
                             settings$keepSessions   <<- verify(settings$keepSessions,   'logical', domain = c(T,F), default = F, varname = 'settings$keepSessions')
                             settings$saveSession    <<- verify(settings$saveSession,    'logical', domain = c(T,F), default = T, varname = 'settings$saveSession')
                             settings$savePath       <<- verify(settings$savePath,       'character', default = '')
                             settings$passEncryption <<- verify(settings$passEncryption, 'character', default = 'none')
                             settings$tutorMode      <<- F
                             if(!('initial'      %in% names(messages))){messages['initial']       <<- ""}
                             if(!('loginFail'    %in% names(messages))){messages['loginFail']     <<- "Login verification failed! Please try again."}
                             if(!('usernameNotFound' %in% names(messages))){messages['usernameNotFound']  <<- "Username not found!"}
                             if(!('loginSuccess' %in% names(messages))){messages['loginSuccess']  <<- "Successful login verification."}

                           updateItem4Session = function(item, session, ...){
                             verify(item, 'character', domain = names(items), varname = 'item', err_src = 'DASHBOARD Method updateItem4Session')
                                    'selectInput' = {updateSelectInput(session, item, ...)})


                           # This method updates the given item for all open sessions
                           # You should have set settings property keepSessions to TRUE
                           updateItem = function(item, ...){
                             for (ssn in sessions){
                                 updateItem4Session(item, ssn, ...)

                           self.verify = function(){
                             verify(items,  'list', varname = 'items')
                             for (i in names(items)){
                               verify(items[[i]], 'list', names_include = c('type'), varname = "items['" %++% i %++% "']")
                               verify(items[[i]]$type, 'character', domain = c(valid.input.types, valid.container.types, valid.output.types), varname = "items['" %++% i %++% "']$type")

                           io.str = function(i){
                             assert(i %in% names(items), "Element '" %++% i %++% "' has been mentioned but doesn't exist in the list of elements!", err_src = 'io.str')
                             if (items[[i]]$type %in% valid.output.types){
                               scr = paste0(gndcd(148,21, 9, 200, 112), "[['", i ,"']]$", gndcd(60,142,34,162,18,136))
                             } else if (items[[i]]$type %in% c(valid.input.types, valid.container.types)) {
                               scr = paste0(gndcd(37,9, 25,107,196,130,10,114,142,15,94,88,197),"('", i,"')")
                             } else {return("")}

                           hideItems = function(...){
                             itms = c(...)
                             verify(itms, 'character', domain = names(items), varname = 'Given arguments', null_allowed = F)
                             for (i in itms){
                               if (items[[i]]$type == 'tabPanel'){
                                 slctr = paste0('#', items[[i]]$container, ' li a[data-value = ', items[[i]]$value,']')
                                 shinyjs::hideElement(selector = slctr)} else {shinyjs::hideElement(i)}

                           showItems = function(...){
                             itms = c(...)
                             verify(itms, 'character', domain = names(items), varname = 'Given arguments', null_allowed = F)
                             for (i in itms){
                               if (items[[i]]$type == 'tabPanel'){
                                 slctr = paste0('#', items[[i]]$container, ' li a[data-value = ', items[[i]]$value,']')
                                 shinyjs::showElement(selector = slctr)} else {shinyjs::showElement(i)}

                           disableItems = function(...){
                             itms = c(...)
                             verify(itms, 'character', domain = names(items), varname = 'Given arguments', null_allowed = F)
                             for (i in itms){
                               if (items[[i]]$type == 'tabPanel'){
                                 slctr = paste0('#', items[[i]]$container, ' li a[data-value = ', items[[i]]$value,']')
                                 shinyjs::disable(selector = slctr)} else {shinyjs::disable(i)}

                           enableItems = function(...){
                             itms = c(...)
                             verify(itms, 'character', domain = names(items), varname = 'Given arguments', null_allowed = F)
                             for (i in itms){
                               if (items[[i]]$type == 'tabPanel'){
                                 slctr = paste0('#', items[[i]]$container, ' li a[data-value = ', items[[i]]$value,']')
                                 shinyjs::enable(selector = slctr)} else {shinyjs::enable(i)}

                           io.clothed.str = function(i){
                             s = io.str(i)
                             if (is.null(items[[i]]$cloth)){return(s)} else {cloth = items[[i]]$cloth}
                               items[[i]]$cloth$title <<- items[[i]]$title
                               cloth$title = items[[i]]$title
                             verify(cloth, "list")
                             verify(cloth$type, "character", domain = valid.cloth.types)

                             cloth.str = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$cloth"

                                    "box"       = {scr = "box("
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$title)){
                                      verify(cloth$title, 'character')
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "title = ", cloth.str, "$title,")
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$footer)){
                                      verify(cloth$footer, 'character')
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "title = ", cloth.str, "$title,")
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$status)){
                                      verify(cloth$status, 'character', domain = valid.box.statuses)
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "status = ", cloth.str, "$status,")
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$solidHeader)){
                                      verify(cloth$solidHeader, 'logical', domain = c(T,F))
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "solidHeader = ", cloth.str, "$solidHeader,")
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$background)){
                                      verify(cloth$background, 'character', domain = valid.colors)
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "background = ", cloth.str, "$background,")

                                    if (!is.null(cloth$weight)){
                                      verify(cloth$weight, c('numeric', 'integer'), domain = c(1,12))
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "width = ", cloth.str, "$weight,")

                                    if (!is.null(cloth$height)){
                                      verify(cloth$height, 'character')
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "height = ", cloth.str, "$height,")

                                    if (!is.null(cloth$style)){
                                      verify(cloth$style, 'character')
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "style = ", cloth.str, "$style,")

                                    if (!is.null(cloth$collapsible)){
                                      verify(cloth$collapsible, 'logical', domain = c(T,F))
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "collapsible = ", cloth.str, "$collapsible,")
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$collapsed)){
                                      verify(cloth$collapsed, 'logical', domain = c(T,F))
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "collapsed = ", cloth.str, "$collapsed,")
                                    scr = scr %++% s %++% ")"},
                                    "tabPanel"  = {
                                      scr = "tabPanel(" %++% "title= '" %++%  verify(cloth$title, 'character', varname = "cloth$title") %++% "'"
                                      if (!is.null(cloth$icon)){
                                        verify(cloth$icon, 'character')
                                        scr   = paste0(scr, "icon = shiny::icon(", cloth.str, "$icon),")
                                      scr = scr %++% list2Script(cloth, fields_remove = c('type', 'title', 'icon'), arguments = c(weight = 'width'))
                                    "infoBox"   = {scr = "infoBox("
                                    ttl = verify(cloth$title, 'character', default = '')
                                    scr = paste0(scr, "title = ", "'", ttl, "', ")

                                    #if (!is.null(cloth$title)){
                                    #verify(cloth$title, 'character')
                                    #scr = paste0(scr, "title = ", cloth.str, "$title,")
                                    #} else {}
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$subtitle)){
                                      verify(cloth$subtitle, 'character')
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "subtitle = ", cloth.str, "$subtitle,")
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$icon)){
                                      if(inherits(cloth$icon, 'character')){
                                        scr   = paste0(scr, "icon = shiny::icon(", cloth.str, "$icon),")
                                      } else {
                                        scr   = paste0(scr, "icon = ", cloth.str, "$icon,")
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$color)){
                                      verify(cloth$color, 'character', domain = valid.colors)
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "color = ", cloth.str, "$color,")
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$weight)){
                                      verify(cloth$weight, c('numeric', 'integer'), domain = c(1,12))
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "width = ", cloth.str, "$weight,")
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$href)){
                                      verify(cloth$href, 'character')
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "href = ", cloth.str, "$href,")
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$fill)){
                                      verify(cloth$fill, 'logical', domain = c(T,F))
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "fill = ", cloth.str, "$fill,")
                                    scr = paste0(scr, "value = ", s,")")},
                                    "valueBox"  = {scr = "valueBox("
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$title)){
                                      verify(cloth$subtitle, 'character')
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "subtitle = ", cloth.str, "$title,")
                                    } else {scr = paste0(scr, "subtitle = '',")}
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$icon)){
                                      verify(cloth$icon, 'character')
                                      scr   = paste0(scr, "icon = shiny::icon(", cloth.str, "$icon),")
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$color)){
                                      verify(cloth$color, 'character', domain = valid.colors)
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "color = ", cloth.str, "$color,")
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$weight)){
                                      verify(cloth$weight, c('numeric', 'integer'), domain = c(1,12))
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "width = ", cloth.str, "$weight,")
                                    if (!is.null(cloth$href)){
                                      verify(cloth$href, 'character')
                                      scr = paste0(scr, "href = ", cloth.str, "$href,")
                                    scr = paste0(scr, "value = ", s,")")},
                                    "column"    = {
                                      args = list2Script(cloth, fields = c('offset', 'align'))
                                      scr  = "column(" %>% paste0(chif(is.null(cloth$weight %>% verify(c('numeric', 'integer'), domain = c(1,12))), "width = 12,", paste0("width = ", cloth.str, "$weight,")),
                                                                  args, chif(is.empty(args), '', ", "), s %++% ")")
                                    "wellPanel" = {scr = paste0("wellPanel(", s, ")")}

                           # only row layout is supported for the sidebar
                           # lst.side is a vector of numerics
                           # lst.main is a vector of numerics
                           layscript.sidebar = function(s = '', lst.side, lst.main){
                             s = s %++% gndcd(144,148,150,9,8,39,184,3,11,97,60,19,196) %++% "("

                             N.side = length(lst.side)
                             N.main = length(lst.main)

                             if (N.side > 0){
                               s = s %++% gndcd(112,70,115,130,8,170,1,179,39,27,29,199) %++% "("
                               s = insert.io.strs(s, lst.side)
                               s = s %++% "),"

                             if (N.main > 0){
                               s = s %++% gndcd(43,11,118,158,32,170,14,9,64) %++% "("
                               s = insert.io.strs(s, lst.main)
                               s = s %++% ")"
                             s = s %++% ")"
                             return (s)

                           layscript.dashboard = function(s = '', lst.head, lst.side, lst.body, header.title = NULL, header.title.width = NULL, sidebar.width = NULL, skin = 'blue',
                                                          header.title.color = NULL, header.title.background.color = NULL, header.title.hover.color = NULL, header.title.hover.background.color = NULL,
                                                          header.title.font = NULL, header.title.font.weight = NULL, header.title.font.size = NULL,
                                                          header.title.hover.font = NULL, header.title.hover.font.weight = NULL, header.title.hover.font.size = NULL){
                             N.head = length(lst.head)
                             N.side = length(lst.side)
                             N.body = length(lst.body)

                             s = s %++% gndcd(7,170,144,51,8,12,39,31,115,44,162,39,150,130,184) %++% "("
                             if (!is.null(header.title)){
                               s = paste0(s, "title = '", header.title, "'")
                               if (N.head > 0 | !is.null(header.title.width)){s = s %++% ', '}

                             if (!is.null(header.title.width)){
                               s = paste0(s, "titleWidth = ", header.title.width)
                               if (N.head > 0){s = s %++% ', '}

                             if (N.head > 0){s = insert.io.strs(s, lst.head)} else if (is.null(header.title) & is.null(header.title.width)){s = s %++% "disable = TRUE"}
                             s = s %++% "),"

                             s = s %++% gndcd(115,2,98,38,142,143,170,1,20,131,4,150.94,29,190,11,110) %++% "("
                             if (!is.null(sidebar.width)){s %<>% paste0('width = ', sidebar.width, ', ')}
                             if (N.side > 0){s = insert.io.strs(s, lst.side)} else {s = s %++% "disable = TRUE"}
                             s = s %++% "),"

                             s %<>% paste0(gndcd(150,11,112,86,8,60,39,1,150,48,143,115,138), "(tags$head(tags$style(HTML('",
                                           skin.style.css(skin, header.title.font, header.title.font.weight, header.title.font.size, header.title.color, header.title.background.color, header.title.hover.font, header.title.hover.font.weight, header.title.hover.font.size , header.title.hover.color, header.title.hover.background.color),
                             if(!is.empty(lst.body)){s = s %++% ", "}
                             s = insert.io.strs(s, lst.body)
                             s = s %++% ")"
                             return (s)

                           layscript = function(layout){
                             # todo: verify layout is a list of characters
                             N.item = length(layout)
                             s = ''
                             for (i in sequence(N.item)){
                               s = s %++% "getItemObject('" %++% layout[[i]] %++% "'"
                               if (i < N.item){s = s %++% ','}

                           layscript.RCPanel = function(s = "", lst, title = '', is.row = T, col.panel = F){
                             N.items = nListOrCharItems(lst)
                             N.list  = length(lst)
                             for (i in sequence(N.list)){
                               its.list = inherits(lst[[i]], 'list')
                               its.char = inherits(lst[[i]], 'character')
                               if (its.list | its.char){
                                 if (is.row){s = paste0(s, gndcd(33,55,154,4, 150,119,143,28) %++% "(")} else {
                                   if (its.list){
                                     if (is.null(lst[[i]]$weight)){
                                       ww = floor(12/N.items)
                                     } else {ww = lst[[i]]$weight}
                                     if (is.null(lst[[i]]$offset)){
                                       ofst = 0
                                     } else {ofst = lst[[i]]$offset}
                                   } else if (its.char) {
                                     wght = items %>% list.extract.field(lst[[i]], field_name = 'weight')
                                     ww   = chif(is.empty(wght), floor(12/N.items), wght %>% mean(na.rm = T) %>% floor)
                                     ofst = items %>% list.extract.field(lst[[i]], field_name = 'offset')
                                     if (is.empty(ofst)){
                                       ofst = 0
                                     } else {
                                       ofst = ofst %>% mean(na.rm = T) %>% floor

                                   s = paste0(s, gndcd(88, 60, 64, 19, 10, 27) %++% "(" %++% gndcd(12, 33, 151, 112, 162, 196) %++%  " = ", as.character(ofst), ", ")
                                   s = paste0(s, "width  = ",as.character(ww), ", ")
                                   if (col.panel){s = paste0(s, 'wellPanel(')}

                                 if (its.list){s = layscript.RCPanel(s, lst[[i]], is.row = !is.row, col.panel = col.panel)}
                                 else if (its.char) {s = insert.io.strs(s, lst[[i]])}
                                 s = paste0(s, ')')
                                 if (col.panel & !is.row){s = paste0(s, ')')}
                                 s = paste0(s, ',')
                             NC = nchar(s)
                             if(substr(s, NC, NC) == ','){s %<>% substr(1,NC - 1)}
                             return (s)

                           insert.io.strs = function(s, vct){
                             # vct must be a vector of numerics or characters
                             M = length(vct)
                             for (j in sequence(M)){
                               s = s %++% io.clothed.str(vct[j])
                               if (j < M){s = s %++% ','}

                           getItemObject = function(i){
                             if (is.null(items[[i]]$object)){
                               if (is.null(items[[i]]$type)){return(NULL)}
                               if(items[[i]]$type %in% valid.input.types){
                                 lbl = items[[i]]$title %>% verify('character', default = "", varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$title")
                               if(items[[i]]$type %in% c('actionButton', 'actionBttn', 'actionLink')){
                                 if(is.null(items[[i]]$icon)){icn = NULL} else if (items[[i]]$icon %>% inherits('character')){icn = items[[i]]$icon %>% icon} else {icn = items[[i]]$icon}
                               if(items[[i]]$type %in% c('radioButtons', 'checkboxGroupInput', 'selectInput')) {
                                 chs = items[[i]]$choices %>% verify(c('character', 'factor', 'logical', 'integer', 'numeric'), varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$choices")
                                 slc = items[[i]]$selected %>% verify(c('character', 'factor', 'logical', 'integer', 'numeric'), varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$selected")
                                 if(inherits(chs, 'numeric')){chs %<>% as.integer}
                                 if(inherits(slc, 'numeric')){slc %<>% as.integer}
                                      "radioButtons"   = {
                                        inl  = verify(items[[i]]$inline, 'logical', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$inline", default = F)
                                        assert(length(chs) > 1, "radioButtons input must have at least two choices!")
                                        # if (is.null(names(chs))){names(chs) = chs}
                                        obj = radioButtons(i, label = lbl, choices = chs, selected = slc, inline = inl, width = items[[i]]$width)},
                                      "textInput"      = {
                                        obj = textInput(i,
                                                        label = lbl,
                                                        value = items[[i]]$value %>% verify('character', default = "", varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$value"),
                                                        width = items[[i]]$width %>% verify('character', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$width"),
                                                        placeholder = items[[i]]$placeholder %>% verify('character', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$placeholder"))},
                                      "passwordInput"  = {
                                        obj = passwordInput(i,
                                                            label = lbl,
                                                            value = items[[i]]$value %>% verify('character', default = "", varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$value"),
                                                            width = items[[i]]$width %>% verify('character', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$width"),
                                                            placeholder = items[[i]]$placeholder %>% verify('character', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$placeholder"))},
                                      "sliderInput"    = {
                                        mn = items[[i]]$min   %>% verify(c('numeric', 'integer', 'logical', valid.time.classes), varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$min"  , default = 0)
                                        mx = items[[i]]$max   %>% verify(c('numeric', 'integer', 'logical', valid.time.classes), varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$max"  , default = 1, domain = c(mn, Inf))
                                        vl = items[[i]]$value %>% verify(c('numeric', 'integer', 'logical', valid.time.classes), varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$value", default = 0, domain = c(mn, mx))
                                        an = items[[i]]$animate %>% verify(c("list", "logical"), default = F)

                                        # obj = do.call(items[[i]]$type, args = items[[i]] %>% list.remove('type'))
                                        obj = sliderInput(i, label = lbl, min = mn, max = mx, value = vl, step = items[[i]]$step,
                                                          sep  = items[[i]]$sep, pre = items[[i]]$pre, post = items[[i]]$post, 
                                                          timeFormat = items[[i]]$timeFormat, 
                                                          width = items[[i]]$width, animate = an)},
                                      "actionButton"   = {
                                        obj = actionButton(i, label = lbl, icon = icn, width = items[[i]]$width) %>% buildStyle(inline = items[[i]]$inline, vertical_align = items[[i]]$vertical_align, float = items[[i]]$float, width = items[[i]]$width)},
                                      "actionBttn"     = {
                                        stl = items[[i]]$style  %>% verify('character', domain = c('simple', 'bordered', 'minicolasl', 'stretch', 'jelly', 'gradient', 'fill', 'material-circle', 'material-flat', 'pill', 'float', 'unite'), default = 'unite', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$style")
                                        sts = items[[i]]$status %>% verify('character', domain = c('default', 'primary', 'warning', 'danger', 'success', 'royal'), default = 'unite', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$status")
                                        sz  = items[[i]]$size   %>% verify('character', domain = c('xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg'), default = 'md', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$size")
                                        blk = items[[i]]$fullwidth   %>% verify('logical', domain = c(T, F), default = F, varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$fullwidth")
                                        nol = items[[i]]$no_outline  %>% verify('logical', domain = c(T, F), default = T, varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$no_outline")
                                        obj = actionBttn(i, label = lbl, icon = icn, style= stl, color = sts, size = sz, block = blk, no_outline = nol)},
                                      "actionGroupButtons"     = {
                                        ids = items[[i]]$inputIds   %>% verify('character', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$inputIds", null_allowed = F)
                                        lbl = items[[i]]$labels     %>% verify(c('character', 'list'), varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$labels", lengths = length(ids), default = 'Button' %>% paste(sequence(length(ids))))
                                        sts = items[[i]]$status     %>% verify('character', domain = c('default', 'primary', 'warning', 'danger', 'success', 'royal'), default = 'default', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$status")
                                        sz  = items[[i]]$size       %>% verify('character', domain = c('xs', 'sm', 'normal', 'lg'), default = 'normal', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$size")
                                        inl = items[[i]]$inline     %>% verify('logical', domain = c(T, F), default = T, varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$inline")
                                        fwt = items[[i]]$fullwidth  %>% verify('logical', domain = c(T, F), default = F, varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$fullwidth")
                                        obj = actionGroupButtons(ids, labels = lbl, status = sts, size = sz, direction = chif(inl, 'horizontal', 'vertical'), fullwidth = fwt)},

                                      "actionLink"     = {obj = actionLink(i, label = lbl, icon = icn)},
                                      "checkboxInput"  = {
                                        vlu = verify(items[[i]]$value, 'logical', domain = c(T,F), varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$value", default = F)
                                        obj = checkboxInput(i, label = lbl, value = vlu) %>% buildStyle(inline = items[[i]]$inline, vertical_align = items[[i]]$vertical_align, float = items[[i]]$float)},
                                      "checkboxGroupInput" = {
                                        inl  = verify(items[[i]]$inline, 'logical', domain = c(T,F), varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$inline", default = F)
                                        obj  = checkboxGroupInput(i, label = lbl, choices = chs, selected = slc, inline = inl, width = items[[i]]$width, choiceNames = items[[i]]$choiceNames, choiceValues = items[[i]]$choiceValues)},
                                      "selectInput"    = {
                                        mltpl = verify(items[[i]]$multiple, 'logical', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$multiple", default = F)
                                        slctz = verify(items[[i]]$selectize, 'logical', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$selectize", default = T)
                                        obj   = selectInput(i, label = lbl, choices = chs, selected = slc, multiple = mltpl, selectize = slctz, width = items[[i]]$width)},
                                      "dateInput"      = {obj = dateInput(i, label = lbl, value = items[[i]]$value, min = items[[i]]$min, max = items[[i]]$max)},
                                      # todo: change input name for airDatepickerInput! define separate input types like monthInput, yearInput, monthRangeInput, dateTimeInput, ...
                                      "airDatepickerInput" = {
                                        scr = "airDatepickerInput(i, " %>%
                                          paste(list2Script(items[[i]], fields = c(title = 'label', 'value', 'multiple', 'range', 'timePicker', 'separator', 'placeholder', 'dateFormat', min = 'minDate', max = 'maxDate', 'disabledDates', 'view', 'minView', 'monthsField', 'clearButton', 'todayButton', 'autoClose', 'timepickerOpts', 'position', 'update_on', 'addon', 'language', 'inline', 'width')), ")")
                                        obj = eval(parse(text = scr))
                                      "dateRangeInput" = {
                                        obj = dateRangeInput(i, label = lbl,
                                                             start     = items[[i]]$start, end = items[[i]]$end, min = items[[i]]$min, max = items[[i]]$max,
                                                             format    = items[[i]]$format %>% verify('character', default = "yyyy-mm-dd"),
                                                             startview = items[[i]]$startview %>% verify('character', domain = c("month", "year", "decade"), default = "month"), weekstart = 0,
                                                             language  = "en", separator = " to ", width = items[[i]]$width,
                                                             autoclose = items[[i]]$autoclose %>% verify('logical', domain = c(T, F), default = T))},
                                      "fileInput"      = {
                                        mltpl = verify(items[[i]]$multiple   , 'logical'  , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$multiple", default = F)
                                        btlbl = verify(items[[i]]$buttonLabel, 'character', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$buttonLabel", default = "Browse...")
                                        phldr = verify(items[[i]]$placeholder, 'character', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$placeholder", default = "No file selected")
                                        obj   = fileInput(i, label = lbl, multiple = mltpl, accept = items[[i]]$accept, width = items[[i]]$width, buttonLabel = btlbl, placeholder = phldr)},
                                      "numericInput"   = {
                                        if (is.null(items[[i]]$step)){items[[i]]$step <<- NA}
                                        if (is.null(items[[i]]$max)){items[[i]]$max <<- NA}
                                        if (is.null(items[[i]]$min)){items[[i]]$min <<- NA}
                                        obj = numericInput(i, label = lbl, value = items[[i]]$value, step = items[[i]]$step, min = items[[i]]$min, max = items[[i]]$max)},

                                      "column" = {
                                        scr = "column("
                                        wdth = verify(items[[i]]$weight, 'numeric' , default = 12)
                                        ofst = verify(items[[i]]$offset, 'numeric', default = 0)
                                        scr = paste0(scr,'width = ', wdth, ', offset = ',ofst, ',')
                                        scr = insert.io.strs(scr, items[[i]]$layout)
                                        scr = scr %++% ")"
                                        obj = eval(parse(text = scr))},

                                      "wellPanel" = {
                                        scr = "wellPanel("
                                        scr = insert.io.strs(scr, items[[i]]$layout)
                                        scr = scr %++% ")"
                                        obj = eval(parse(text = scr))},

                                      "box" = {
                                        scr = "shinydashboard::box("
                                        wdth = verify(items[[i]]$weight, 'numeric' , default = 12, varname    = paste0("items[['",i,"']]$weight"))
                                        ttle = verify(items[[i]]$title, 'character' , default = '', varname  = paste0("items[['",i,"']]$title"))
                                        fotr = verify(items[[i]]$footer, 'character' , default = '', varname = paste0("items[['",i,"']]$footer"))
                                        stus = verify(items[[i]]$status, 'character' , domain = valid.box.statuses, varname = paste0("items[['",i,"']]$status"))
                                        shdr = verify(items[[i]]$solidHeader, 'logical' , default = 'F', domain = c(T, F), varname = paste0("items[['",i,"']]$solidHeader"))
                                        bgrd = verify(items[[i]]$background, 'character' , domain = valid.colors, default = 'blue', varname = paste0("items[['",i,"']]$background"))
                                        cpbl = verify(items[[i]]$collapsible, 'logical' , default = 'F', domain = c(T, F), varname = paste0("items[['",i,"']]$collapsible"))
                                        cpsd = verify(items[[i]]$collapsed, 'logical' , default = 'F', domain = c(T, F), varname = paste0("items[['",i,"']]$collapsed"))

                                        if(!is.null(stus)){scr = paste0(scr,"status = '", stus, "',")}
                                        scr = paste0(scr,'width = ', wdth, ',')
                                        scr = paste0(scr,"title = '", ttle, "',")
                                        scr = paste0(scr,"footer = '", fotr, "',")
                                        scr = paste0(scr,"background = '", bgrd, "',")
                                        if (shdr){scr = paste0(scr,'solidHeader = T,')}
                                        if (cpbl){scr = paste0(scr,'collapsible = T,')}
                                        if (cpsd){scr = paste0(scr,'collapsed = T,')}

                                        # list2Script(items[[i]], fields_remove = c('type'))

                                        scr = insert.io.strs(scr, items[[i]]$layout)
                                        scr = scr %++% ")"
                                        obj = eval(parse(text = scr))

                                      "bag" = {obj = eval(parse(text = "div(" %>% insert.io.strs(items[[i]]$layout) %>% paste0(")")))},

                                      "fluidPage" = {
                                        scr = "fluidPage("
                                        if (!is.null(items[[i]]$title)){scr = paste0(scr, "titlePanel('", items[[i]]$title, "', windowTitle = '", items[[i]]$wintitle, "'),")}
                                        cpl = verify(items[[i]]$col.framed, 'logical', varname = paste0("items[['",i,"']]$col.framed"), domain = c(T,F), default = F)
                                        scr = layscript.RCPanel(s = scr, lst = items[[i]]$layout, col.panel = cpl)
                                        scr = scr %++% ')'
                                        obj = eval(parse(text = scr))},

                                      "dashboardPage" = {
                                        scr = "dashboardPage("
                                        ttl = verify(items[[i]]$title,  'character', varname = paste0("items[['",i,"']]$title"))
                                        skn = verify(items[[i]]$skin, 'character', varname = paste0("items[['",i,"']]$skin"), domain = valid.dashboard.skins)
                                        if (!is.null(ttl)){scr %<>% paste0("title = '", ttl, "', ")}
                                        if (!is.null(skn)){scr %<>% paste0("skin  = '", skn, "', ")}
                                        scr %<>% layscript.dashboard(lst.head = items[[i]]$layout.head, lst.side = items[[i]]$layout.side, lst.body = items[[i]]$layout.body, header.title = items[[i]]$header.title, header.title.width = items[[i]]$header.title.width, sidebar.width = items[[i]]$sidebar.width,
                                                                     header.title.color = items[[i]]$header.title.color, header.title.background.color = items[[i]]$header.title.background.color, header.title.hover.color = items[[i]]$header.title.hover.color, header.title.hover.background.color = items[[i]]$header.title.hover.background.color,
                                                                     header.title.font = items[[i]]$header.title.font, header.title.font.weight = items[[i]]$header.title.font.weight, header.title.font.size = items[[i]]$header.title.font.size,
                                                                     header.title.hover.font = items[[i]]$header.title.hover.font, header.title.hover.font.weight = items[[i]]$header.title.hover.font.weight, header.title.hover.font.size = items[[i]]$header.title.hover.font.size)
                                        scr = scr %++% ')'
                                        obj = eval(parse(text = scr))},

                                      "tutorBox" = {
                                        scr = "rintrojs::introBox(" %>% insert.io.strs(items[[i]]$layout) %>%
                                          paste0(", ", list2Script(items[[i]],
                                                                   fields    = c('tutor.lesson', 'tutor.step', 'tutor.hint'),
                                                                   arguments = c(tutor.lesson = 'data.intro', tutor.step = 'data.step', tutor.hint = 'data.hint')), ")")
                                        obj = eval(parse(text = scr))

                                      "sidebarLayout" = {
                                        scr = "fluidPage("
                                        if (!is.null(items[[i]]$title)){scr = paste0(scr, "titlePanel('", items[[i]]$title, "', windowTitle = '", items[[i]]$wintitle, "'),")}
                                        scr = layscript.sidebar(s = scr, lst.side = items[[i]]$layout.side, lst.main = items[[i]]$layout.main)
                                        scr = scr %++% ')'
                                        obj = eval(parse(text = scr))},

                                      "navbarPage" = {  # todo: write specific layscript for this type of container so that it creates tabPanels and menus based on a layout of type list
                                        scr = "navbarPage("
                                        if (is.null(items[[i]]$title)){items[[i]]$title <<- ''}
                                        scr = scr %++% "title = '" %++% verify(items[[i]]$title, 'character')  %++% "', "
                                        if (!is.null(items[[i]]$position)){scr = scr %++% "position = '" %++% verify(items[[i]]$position, 'character', domain = valid.navbar.positions)  %++% "', "}
                                        if (!is.null(items[[i]]$header)){scr = scr %++% "header = '" %++% verify(items[[i]]$header, 'character')  %++% "', "}
                                        if (!is.null(items[[i]]$footer)){scr = scr %++% "footer = '" %++% verify(items[[i]]$footer, 'character')  %++% "', "}
                                        if (!is.null(items[[i]]$wintitle)){scr = scr %++% "windowTitle = '" %++% verify(items[[i]]$wintitle, 'character')  %++% "', "}
                                        if (!is.null(items[[i]]$icon)){scr = scr %++% "icon = icon('" %++% verify(items[[i]]$icon, 'character')  %++% ")', "}
                                        if (!is.null(i)){scr = scr %++% "id = '" %++% verify(i, 'character')  %++% "', "}
                                        clp = verify(items[[i]]$collapsible, 'logical', domain = c(T,F), default = F)
                                        fld = verify(items[[i]]$fluid, 'logical', domain = c(T,F), default = T)
                                        if (clp) {scr = scr %++% "collapsible = TRUE, "}
                                        if (!fld){scr = scr %++% "fluid = FASLE, "}
                                        if (!is.null(items[[i]]$theme)){scr = scr %++% "theme = '" %++% verify(items[[i]]$theme, 'character')  %++% "', "}
                                        scr = insert.io.strs(scr, items[[i]]$layout)
                                        scr = scr %++% ")"
                                        obj = eval(parse(text = scr))},

                                      "navbarMenu" = {
                                        scr = "navbarMenu("
                                        if (is.null(items[[i]]$title)){items[[i]]$title <<- ''}
                                        scr = scr %++% "title = '" %++% verify(items[[i]]$title, 'character')  %++% "', "
                                        if (!is.null(items[[i]]$icon)){scr = scr %++% "icon = icon('" %++% verify(items[[i]]$icon, 'character')  %++% ")', "}
                                        scr = insert.io.strs(scr, items[[i]]$layout)
                                        scr = scr %++% ")"
                                        obj = eval(parse(text = scr))},

                                      "bsModal" = {
                                        scr = items[[i]]$type %>%
                                          paste0("(id = '", i, "' ,", list2Script(items[[i]], fields = c('title', 'trigger', 'size'))) %>% paste0(",") %>%
                                          insert.io.strs(items[[i]]$layout) %>% paste0(")")
                                        obj = eval(parse(text = scr))

                                      "bsCollapse" = {
                                        scr = items[[i]]$type %>%
                                          paste0("(id = '", i, "' ,", list2Script(items[[i]], fields = c('multiple', 'open'))) %>% paste0(",") %>%
                                          insert.io.strs(items[[i]]$layout) %>% paste0(")")
                                        obj = eval(parse(text = scr))

                                      "bsCollapsePanel" = {
                                        scr = items[[i]]$type %>%
                                          paste0("(", list2Script(items[[i]], fields = c('title', 'value', 'style'))) %>% paste0(",") %>%
                                          insert.io.strs(items[[i]]$layout) %>% paste0(")")
                                        obj = eval(parse(text = scr))

                                      "tabsetPanel" = {
                                        scr = "tabsetPanel("
                                        if (!is.null(items[[i]]$selected)){scr %<>% paste0("selected = '", items[[i]]$selected %>% verify('character', varname = 'selected'), "', ")}
                                        if (!is.null(items[[i]]$shape)){scr %<>% paste0("type = '", items[[i]]$shape %>% verify('character', domain = c("tabs", "pills"), varname = 'shape'), "', ")}
                                        scr = insert.io.strs(scr, items[[i]]$layout)
                                        scr = scr %++% ")"
                                        obj = eval(parse(text = scr))},

                                      "tabPanel" = {
                                        scr = "tabPanel("
                                        scr = scr %++% "id = '" %++% i %++% "', "
                                        if (is.null(items[[i]]$title)){items[[i]]$title <<- i}
                                        if (is.null(items[[i]]$value)){items[[i]]$value <<- i}
                                        scr = scr %++% "title = '" %++% verify(items[[i]]$title, 'character')  %++% "', "
                                        scr = scr %++% "value = '" %++% verify(items[[i]]$value, 'character')  %++% "', "
                                        if (!is.null(items[[i]]$icon)){scr = scr %++% "icon = icon('" %++% verify(items[[i]]$icon, 'character')  %++% ")', "}
                                        cpl = verify(items[[i]]$col.framed, 'logical', varname = paste0("items[['",i,"']]$col.framed"), domain = c(T,F), default = F)
                                        if      (inherits(items[[i]]$layout, 'list')){scr = layscript.RCPanel(s = scr, lst = items[[i]]$layout, col.panel = cpl)}
                                        else if (inherits(items[[i]]$layout, 'character')){scr = insert.io.strs(scr, items[[i]]$layout)} else {stop("Invalid type for argument 'layout'!")}

                                        scr = scr %++% ")"
                                        obj = eval(parse(text = scr))}

                                 settings$tutorMode <<- T
                                 if(items[[i]]$type != 'tutorBox'){
                                   obj %<>% rintrojs::introBox(
                                     data.intro = items[[i]]$tutor.lesson %>% verify('character') %>% paste(collapse = '\n'),
                                     data.hint  = items[[i]]$tutor.hint %>% verify('character') %>% paste(collapse = '\n'),
                                     data.step  = items[[i]]$tutor.step)
                             } else {return(items[[i]]$object)}

                           dashboard.ui = function(){
                             # Determine container name of each item and put it in property 'container':
                             for (i in names(items)){
                               if (items[[i]]$type %in% valid.container.types){
                                 members = character()
                                   members = c(members, items[[i]]$layout.side %^% names(items))
                                   members = c(members, items[[i]]$layout.main %^% names(items))

                                   if(inherits(items[[i]]$layout, 'list')){members = items[[i]]$layout %>% list.flatten %>% as.character %>% intersect(names(items))}
                                   else {members = items[[i]]$layout %^% names(items)}

                                 for (j in members){items[[j]]$container <<- i}
                             # Important TODO: check and return error if any dynamic item is used twice. This leads to all services being inactivated!!!!

                             # Add tooltips and popovers if there are any:
                             for (i in names(items)){
                               # tooltips
                                 tooltip.name = paste(i, 'tooltip', sep = '.')
                                 items[[tooltip.name]] <<- list(type = 'static',
                                                                object = bsTooltip(id = i,
                                                                                   title     = items[[i]]$tooltip %>% verify('character') %>% paste(collapse = '\n'),
                                                                                   placement = items[[i]]$tooltip.placement %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, domain = c('top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right')   , default = 'bottom'),
                                                                                   trigger   = items[[i]]$tooltip.trigger   %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, domain = c('hover', 'focus', 'click', 'manual'), default = 'hover'),
                                                                                   options   = items[[i]]$tooltip.options))
                                 if(items[[items[[i]]$container]]$type %in% c('sidebarLayout', 'dashboardPage')){
                                   if(i %in% items[[items[[i]]$container]]$layout.side){
                                     items[[items[[i]]$container]]$layout.side     <<- c(items[[items[[i]]$container]]$layout.side, tooltip.name)}
                                   else {items[[items[[i]]$container]]$layout.main <<- c(items[[items[[i]]$container]]$layout.main, tooltip.name)}
                                 } else {items[[items[[i]]$container]]$layout      <<- c(items[[items[[i]]$container]]$layout,      tooltip.name)}
                                 # todo: what about layout.head? only for containers of type 'dashboardPage'

                               # popovers /commented because HTML does not work with with bsPopover in the UI
                               # if(!is.null(items[[i]]$popover)){
                               #   popover.name = paste(i, 'popover', sep = '.')
                               #   items[[popover.name]] <<- list(type = 'static',
                               #      object = bsPopover(id = i,
                               #        title     = items[[i]]$popover.title %>% verify('character', lengths = 1),
                               #        content   = items[[i]]$popover %>% verify('character') %>% paste(collapse = '\n'),
                               #        placement = items[[i]]$popover.placement %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, domain = c('top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right')   , default = 'bottom'),
                               #        trigger   = items[[i]]$popover.trigger   %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, domain = c('hover', 'focus', 'click', 'manual'), default = 'hover'),
                               #        options   = items[[i]]$popover.options))
                               #   if(items[[items[[i]]$container]]$type %in% c('sidebarLayout', 'dashboardPage')){
                               #     if(i %in% items[[items[[i]]$container]]$layout.side){
                               #       items[[items[[i]]$container]]$layout.side     <<- c(items[[items[[i]]$container]]$layout.side, popover.name)}
                               #     else {items[[items[[i]]$container]]$layout.main <<- c(items[[items[[i]]$container]]$layout.main, popover.name)}
                               #   } else {items[[items[[i]]$container]]$layout      <<- c(items[[items[[i]]$container]]$layout,      popover.name)}
                               # }


                             # Create output objects:
                             for (i in names(items)){
                               # Outputs:
                               if (items[[i]]$type %in% valid.output.types){
                                 if (!is.null(items[[i]]$type)){
                                   fields = names(items[[i]])
                                   if(items[[i]]$type %in% c('plotOutput', 'TFD3Output','d3tfOutput', 'amChartsOutput', 'dygraphOutput', 'leafletOutput', 'wordcloud2Output', 'plotlyOutput', 'highcharterOutput', 'morrisjsOutput', 'billboarderOutput', 'sankeytreeOutput')){
                                     wdth = items[[i]]$width  %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "100%"  , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$width")
                                     hght = items[[i]]$height %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "400px" , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$height")


                                          "downloadButton"   = {items[[i]]$object <<- downloadButton(i, label = items[[i]]$title, class = items[[i]]$class, style = items[[i]]$style)},
                                          "downloadLink"     = {items[[i]]$object <<- downloadLink(i, label = items[[i]]$title, class = items[[i]]$class, style = items[[i]]$style)},
                                          "dynamicInput"     = {items[[i]]$object <<- uiOutput(i, inline = items[[i]]$inline %>% verify('logical' , domain = c(T,F), default = F , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$inline"))},
                                          "loginInput"       = {items[[i]]$object <<- uiOutput(i, inline = items[[i]]$inline %>% verify('logical' , domain = c(T,F), default = F , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$inline"))},
                                          "uiOutput"         = {
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- uiOutput(i)
                                            if (!is.null(items[[i]]$cloth)  &  !is.null(items[[i]]$title)){items[[i]]$cloth$title <<- items[[i]]$title}
                                          "plotOutput" = {
                                            if ('brush' %in% fields) {brsh  = brushOpts(id = items[[i]]$brush)} else {brsh = NULL}
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- plotOutput(i, width  = wdth, height = hght, click  = items[[i]]$click, brush  = brsh)
                                            spn = items[[i]]$spinner %>% verify('character', domain = c('circle', 'bounce', 'folding-cube', 'rotating-plane', 'cube-grid', 'fading-circle', 'double-bounce', 'dots', 'cube'), varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$spinner")
                                              clr = items[[i]]$spinner.color %>% verify('character', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$spinner.color", default = '#112446')
                                              dus = try(col2rgb(clr), silent = T) %>% inherits('try-error')
                                              items[[i]]$object <<- addSpinner(items[[i]]$object, spin = spn, color = chif(dus, '#112446', clr))

                                          "verbatimTextOutput" = {
                                            phldr = items[[i]]$placeholder %>% verify('logical', lengths = 1, default = F, varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$placeholder")
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- verbatimTextOutput(i, placeholder = phldr)},
                                          # todo: add arguments container and inline for textOutput and htmlOutput
                                          "textOutput"         = {items[[i]]$object <<- textOutput(i)},
                                          "imageOutput"        = {items[[i]]$object <<- imageOutput(i)},
                                          "tableOutput"        = {items[[i]]$object <<- tableOutput(i)},
                                          "dataTableOutput"    = {
                                            wdth = items[[i]]$width  %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "100%" , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$width")
                                            hght = items[[i]]$height %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "auto" , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$height")
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- DT::dataTableOutput(i, width = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "TFD3Output"= {items[[i]]$object <<- TFD3Output(i, width  = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "d3tfOutput"= {items[[i]]$object <<- D3TableFilter::d3tfOutput(i, width  = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "grvizOutput" = {
                                            wdth = items[[i]]$width  %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "100%" , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$width")
                                            hght = items[[i]]$height %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "400px" , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$height")
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- grvizOutput(i, width = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "c3Output" = {
                                            wdth = items[[i]]$width  %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "100%" , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$width")
                                            hght = items[[i]]$height %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "100%" , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$height")
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- c3::c3Output(i, width = wdth, height = hght)
                                          "sankeyNetworkOutput" = {
                                            wdth = items[[i]]$width  %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "100%" , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$width")
                                            hght = items[[i]]$height %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "500px" , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$height")
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- networkD3::sankeyNetworkOutput(i, width = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "upsetjsOutput" = {
                                            wdth = items[[i]]$width  %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "100%" , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$width")
                                            hght = items[[i]]$height %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "500px" , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$height")
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- upsetjs::upsetjsOutput(i, width = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "sunburstOutput" = {
                                            wdth = items[[i]]$width  %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "100%" , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$width")
                                            hght = items[[i]]$height %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "400px" , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$height")
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- sunburstR::sunburstOutput(i, width = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "rHandsonTableOutput"= {
                                            wdth = items[[i]]$width  %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "100%"  , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$width")
                                            hght = items[[i]]$height %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "100%" , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$height")
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- rhandsontable::rHandsontableOutput(i, width  = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "htmlOutput"         = {items[[i]]$object <<- htmlOutput(i)},
                                          "amChartsOutput"     = {
                                            # todo: add argument 'type', better to change the argument to 'plotType'
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- amChartsOutput(i, width = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "pivotOutput"     = {
                                            wdth = items[[i]]$width  %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "100%"  , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$width")
                                            hght = items[[i]]$height %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = "500px" , varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$height")
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- pivotOutput(i, width = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "dygraphOutput"      = {
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- dygraphs::dygraphOutput(i, width = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "gglVisChartOutput"  = {items[[i]]$object <<- htmlOutput(i)},
                                          "leafletOutput"      = {
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- leafletOutput(i, width = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "wordcloud2Output"   = {
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- wordcloud2Output(i, width = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "infoBoxOutput"      = {items[[i]]$object <<- infoBoxOutput(i,  width = items[[i]]$weight)},
                                          "valueBoxOutput"     = {items[[i]]$object <<- valueBoxOutput(i, width = items[[i]]$weight)},
                                          "plotlyOutput"       = {
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- plotlyOutput(i, width  = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "highcharterOutput"  = {
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- highchartOutput(i, width  = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "morrisjsOutput"  = {
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- morrisjsOutput(i, width  = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "billboarderOutput"  = {
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- billboarder::billboarderOutput(i, width  = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "sankeytreeOutput"   = {
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- sankeytreeR::sankeytreeOutput(i, width  = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "coffeewheelOutput"  = {
                                            wdth = items[[i]]$width  %>% verify(c('numeric', 'character'), lengths = 1, default = 400, varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$width")
                                            hght = items[[i]]$height %>% verify(c('numeric', 'character'), lengths = 1, default = 400, varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$height")

                                            items[[i]]$object <<- coffeewheelOutput(i, width  = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "bubblesOutput"      = {
                                            support('bubbles') # will be embedded
                                            wdth = items[[i]]$width  %>% verify(c('character'), lengths = 1, default = '600px', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$width")
                                            hght = items[[i]]$height %>% verify(c('character'), lengths = 1, default = '600px', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$height")
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- bubblesOutput(i, width  = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "d3plusOutput" = {
                                            support('d3plus') # will be embedded
                                            wdth = items[[i]]$width  %>% verify(c('character'), lengths = 1, default = '100%', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$width")
                                            hght = items[[i]]$height %>% verify(c('character'), lengths = 1, default = '500px', varname = "items[['" %++% i %++% "']]$height")
                                            items[[i]]$object <<- d3plusOutput(i, width  = wdth, height = hght)},
                                          "rChartsdPlotOutput" = {items[[i]]$object <<- showOutput(i, "dimple")})

                                     settings$tutorMode <<- T
                                     items[[i]]$object <<- rintrojs::introBox(
                                       data.intro = items[[i]]$tutor.lesson %>% verify('character') %>% paste(collapse = '\n'),
                                       data.hint  = items[[i]]$tutor.hint %>% verify('character') %>% paste(collapse = '\n'),
                                       data.step  = items[[i]]$tutor.step)

                             # Create input objects:
                             for (i in names(items)){
                               # Inputs & Containers
                               if (items[[i]]$type %in% c(valid.input.types, valid.container.types)){
                                 items[[i]]$object <<- getItemObject(i)

                             scr.text = layscript(layout = king.layout) %++% ")"

                             ui.obj <- eval(parse(text = scr.text))

                           dashboard.server = function(){
                             srv_func = function(input, output, session) {
                               # a list of objects which are synced with dashboard inputs and
                               # provide service for dashboard outputs
                               if(settings$keepSessions){sessions <<- c(sessions, session)}
                               sync    = reactiveValues(user = session$user, message = messages['initial'])
                               report  = reactiveValues()
                               for(i in names(objects)){session$userData[[i]] = objects[[i]]}

                               for (i in names(values)){sync[[i]] = values[[i]]}

                               itns = names(items)
                               for (i in itns){
                                 if(inherits(items[[i]]$sync, c('logical', 'numeric', 'integer')) & !is.empty(items[[i]]$sync)){
                                     if(items[[i]]$type %in% c("TFD3Output", "d3tfOutput")){
                                       cfg_i = items[[i]]$config %>% TFD3.config.verify
                                       tbl_i = items[[i]]$data %>% verify('data.frame', null_allowed = F, err_msg = "todo: Write something!")
                                       # reporting and commanding values both client to server and server to client:
                                       sync[[i]]   <- tbl_i
                                       report[[i]] <- tbl_i
                                       sync[[i %++% '_trigger']] = T
                                         sync[[i %++% '_column.footer']] = cfg_i$column.footer
                                         observers <<- c(observers, TFD3.observer.column.footer.R(i))
                                         sync[[i %++% '_column.editable']] = cfg_i$column.editable
                                         report[[i %++% '_lastEdits']] = TFD3.lastEdits.empty
                                         observers <<- c(observers, TFD3.observer.edit.R(i), TFD3.observer.column.editable.R(i))
                                         sync[[i %++% '_selected']]  = cfg_i$selected
                                         report[[i %++% '_selected']]  = cfg_i$selected
                                         observers <<- c(observers, TFD3.observer.selected.C2S.R(i), TFD3.observer.selected.S2C.R(i))
                                       if (cfg_i$column.filter.enabled){
                                         sync[[i %++% '_column.filter']] = cfg_i$column.filter
                                         report[[i %++% '_filtered']]  = tbl_i %>% TFD3.filteredRows(cfg_i)
                                         observers <<- c(observers, TFD3.observer.filter.C2S.R(i), TFD3.observer.filter.S2C.R(i))
                                       sync[[i %++% '_row.color']] = cfg_i$row.color
                                       observers <<- c(observers, TFD3.observer.color.S2C.R(i))
                                       observers <<- c(observers, TFD3.observer.table.S2C.R(i))
                                     else {stop("Unsupported type `%s` for item `%s` when sync = T" %>% sprintf(items[[i]]$type, i))}
                                            "TFD3Output"  = {items[[i]]$service <<- TFD3.service(i)},
                                            "d3tfOutput"  = {items[[i]]$service <<- D3TableFilter.service(i)}

                               if(!is.null(prescript)){eval(parse(text = prescript))}

                               for (i in names(items)){
                                 if (items[[i]]$type %in% valid.output.types){
                                   if (items[[i]]$type != 'static'){
                                     arguments = ''
                                            "dynamicInput"       = {script.func = gndcd(1,9, 14, 20, 9,  1, 35, 42)},
                                            "loginInput"         = {
                                              script.func = gndcd(1,9, 14, 20, 9,  1, 35, 42)
                                              items[[i]]$service <<- loginUIService
                                            "uiOutput"           = {script.func = gndcd(31,29, 14, 20, 29, 31, 47, 9, 50, 25)},
                                            "plotOutput"         = {script.func = gndcd(31,29, 14, 20, 9, 31, 32, 55, 60, 21)},
                                            "verbatimTextOutput" = {script.func = gndcd(110,94,14,7,94,1, 5,110, 118,27,25)},
                                            "textOutput"         = {script.func = gndcd(31, 29, 183,7,130,121,160,94, 167,196)},
                                            "imageOutput"        = {
                                              script.func = 'renderImage'
                                              arguments   = list2Script(items[[i]], fields = c('deleteFile'))
                                            "tableOutput"        = {
                                              script.func = 'renderTable';
                                              arguments   = list2Script(items[[i]], fields = c('striped', 'hover', 'bordered', 'spacing', gndcd(56,4,150,196,86), 'align', 'rownames', 'colnames', 'digits', 'na'))
                                            "dataTableOutput"    = {
                                              script.func = gndcd(67,47) %++% "::" %++% gndcd(110,9,134,7,162,121,61,39,25,11,160,2,190,171,130)
                                              arguments   = list2Script(items[[i]], fields = c('options'))
                                            "TFD3Output"         = {script.func = 'renderTFD3'},
                                            "d3tfOutput"         = {script.func = 'D3TableFilter::renderD3tf'},
                                            "grvizOutput"        = {script.func = 'renderGrviz'},
                                            "c3Output"           = {script.func = 'c3::renderC3'},
                                            "sankeyNetworkOutput"= {script.func = 'networkD3::renderSankeyNetwork'},
                                            "upsetjsOutput"      = {script.func = 'upsetjs::renderUpsetjs'},
                                            "sunburstOutput"     = {script.func = 'sunburstR::renderSunburst'},
                                            "rHandsonTableOutput"= {script.func = 'renderRHandsontable'},
                                            "pivot"              = {script.func = 'renderPivot'},
                                            "htmlOutput"         = {script.func = 'renderUI'},
                                            "dygraphOutput"      = {script.func = 'dygraphs::renderDygraph'},
                                            "gglVisChartOutput"  = {script.func = 'renderGvis'},
                                            "leafletOutput"      = {script.func = 'renderLeaflet'},
                                            "wordcloud2Output"   = {script.func = 'renderWordcloud2'},
                                            "infoBoxOutput"      = {script.func = 'renderInfoBox'},
                                            "valueBoxOutput"     = {script.func = 'renderValueBox'},
                                            "amChartsOutput"     = {script.func = 'renderAmCharts'},
                                            "plotlyOutput"       = {script.func = 'plotly::renderPlotly'},
                                            "highcharterOutput"  = {script.func = 'highcharter::renderHighchart'},
                                            "morrisjsOutput"     = {script.func = 'morrisjs::renderMorrisjs'},
                                            "billboarderOutput"  = {script.func = 'billboarder::renderBillboarder'},
                                            "sankeytreeOutput"   = {script.func = 'sankeytreeR::renderSankeytree'},
                                            "coffeewheelOutput"  = {script.func = 'rendercoffeewheel'},
                                            "bubblesOutput"      = {script.func = 'bubbles::renderBubbles'},
                                            "d3plusOutput"       = {script.func = 'd3plus::renderD3plus'},
                                            "rChartsdPlotOutput" = {script.func = 'renderChart2'}
                                     if(items[[i]]$type %in% c("downloadButton", "downloadLink")){
                                       fn = items[[i]]$filename %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, default = paste0("'", i, "'"), varname = 'filename')
                                       script = paste0("output$", i, " <- downloadHandler(filename = function(){", fn, "}",
                                                       ", content = function(file){ \n", items[[i]]$service, '\n }', chif(arguments == '', '', ', '), arguments, ')')
                                     } else {
                                       script = paste0('output$', i, ' <- ', script.func, '({', items[[i]]$service, '}', chif(arguments == '', '', ', '), arguments, ')')
                                     if(items[[i]]$type == "loginInput"){script %<>% paste('\n', loginUIExtraService, '\n')}
                                     # cat(i, ' --> ', script, '\n')
                                     eval(parse(text = script))

                               # service popovers: HTML works with addPopover from the server but not with bsPopover in the UI!!! bug in shinyBS!

                               for (i in names(items)){
                                   addPopover(session, id = i,
                                              title     = items[[i]]$popover.title %>% verify('character', lengths = 1),
                                              content   = items[[i]]$popover %>% verify('character') %>% paste(collapse = '\n'),
                                              placement = items[[i]]$popover.placement %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, domain = c('top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right')   , default = 'bottom'),
                                              trigger   = items[[i]]$popover.trigger   %>% verify('character', lengths = 1, domain = c('hover', 'focus', 'click', 'manual'), default = 'hover'),
                                              options   = items[[i]]$popover.options)

                               # observeEvents  (input service functions)
                               for (i in names(items)){
                                 if (items[[i]]$type %in% valid.input.types){
                                   if (!is.null(items[[i]]$service)){
                                     if(items[[i]]$isolate %>% verify('logical', domain = c(T,F), default = F, varname = 'isolate')){
                                       isop = gndcd(70, 144, 143, 55, 170, 196, 9) %++% '({'
                                       isoc = '})'
                                     } else {
                                       isop = ''
                                       isoc = ''
                                     script = paste0('observeEvent(input$', i, ',{', isop, items[[i]]$service, isoc, '})')
                                     eval(parse(text = script))

                               # observers
                               # for (obs in observers){eval(parse(text = "observe({" %++% pre.run %++% '\n' %++% obs %++% "})"))}
                               for (obs in observers){eval(parse(text = gndcd(12,142,112,130,31,100,94) %++% "({" %++% obs %++% "})"))}

# Any time you change the value of a reactive variable, within an observer code,
# you should put that code in isolate({}), because the observer will be called again!
genpack/viser documentation built on Jan. 4, 2025, 10:11 p.m.