
Defines functions cmrbdt.calc

Documented in cmrbdt.calc

#' The main comorbidity calculator function
#' This function is the main comorbidity calculator.
#' You should try to use this function whenever you
#' want to get a full comorbidity count. By providing
#' the individual functions you can easily switch code identifier,
#' weights, and code pre-processing.
#' The function returns a list with:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{score/ct} If you have provided a weight function you
#'   will have a score item, otherwise it is just a simple count
#'   of how many comorbidity groups that have been identified. The
#'   name of the item is either \code{"score"} or \code{"ct"} in order
#'   to avoid mistakes.
#'  \item{cmrbdt} This is a matrix with comorbidity TRUE/FALSE for
#'   each group of the comorbidity by \code{id} as returned by \code{\link[plyr]{ddply}}.
#'  \item{cmrbdt.weighted} If you have provided a comorbidity weighting
#'   function then this will also be included in the returned list. This
#'   matrix is also by \code{id} as returned by \code{\link[plyr]{ddply}}.
#' }
#' @param ds The \code{data.frame}/\code{matrix}/\code{vector} that is to be analyzed for
#'  matching icd-codes.
#' @param id_column The id of the \code{ds} parameter. If included in the
#'  ds then provide only column names, otherwise this should be in the format
#'  of a \code{data.frame}/\code{matrix}/\code{vector} matching the size
#'  of the \code{ds} input. You can have multiple columns as ID-parameters.
#' @param icd_columns If the \code{ds} contains more than just the ICD-code columns
#'  then you need to specify the ICD-columns, either by name or numbers.
#' @param icd_ver_column The ICD-version number if you don't want auto-detect. It should be a
#'  column in the \code{ds} that signals the version, alternatively a \code{vector}
#'  of the same length as the \code{ds}.
#'  As auto-detect may fail try to specify this if you can. For those that you are
#'  uncertain you can simple set the value to \code{FALSE} and the software will attempt
#'  to autodetect those specific instances.
#' @param incl_acute_codes Certain codes may indicate a non-chronic
#'  disease such as heart infarction, stroke or similar. Under some
#'  circumstances these should be ignored, e.g. when studying predictors
#'  for hip arthroplasty re-operations codes during the admission
#'  for the surgery should not include myocardial infarction as this
#'  is most likely a postoperative condition not available for scoring
#'  prior to the surgery. Set to \code{TRUE} if you want to include
#'  acute codes.
#' @param icd_code_preprocess_fn Sometimes the codes need to be
#'  pre-processed prior to feeding them into the algorithm. For instance
#'  the ICD-columns may be crammed into one single column where each
#'  code is separated by a ' '. When this is the case the pre-processing
#'  allows a split prior to calling the \code{cmrbdt.finder_fn}, e.g. splitting
#'  'M161 E110' could need a function as
#'  \code{function(code){unlist(strsplit(code, " "), use.name=FALSE)}}
#'  - \emph{note} the unlist, your function should return a vector and not a list. You
#'  can find the package pre-processing functions within the preproc.* function group,
#'  e.g. \code{\link{preproc.strip.dot}} or the more advanced
#'  \code{\link{preproc.Swedich.ICD9}}
#' @param cmrbdt.finder_fn This is one of the cmrbdt.finder functions that you want
#'  to apply. The cmrbdt.finder is at the heart of the algorithm and does the
#'  actual comorbidity identidication. See below for a list of available functions.
#' @param cmrbdt.finder_hierarchy_fn This functions applies any hierarchy needed in order
#'  to retain logic, e.g. complicated diabetes and uncomplicated diabetes should not
#'  co-exist in one and the same patient. You can provide here any of the \code{hierarchy.*()}
#'  functions. E.g. if you are using \emph{Elixhausers Quan 2005} version you provide the
#'  function \code{\link{hierarchy.elixhauser_Quan2005}}.
#' @param cmrbdt.weight_fn The comorbidity weight function that you want to apply
#'  to the current calculation. E.g. you can use the \code{\link{weight.Charlsons.org}}
#'  if you want to apply the traditional Charlson comorbidity score or you can write
#'  your own function.
#' @param country_code The two-letter \code{ISO 3166-1 alpha-2}
#'  code indicating the country of interest (the same as the top-level
#'  internet domain name of that country). As certain countries
#'  have adapted country-specific ICD-coding there may be minor
#'  differences between countries. Currently only Swedish (SE) and
#'  US codes are implemented. The function defaults to \code{'US'}.
#' @param ... Arguments that are passed on to the \code{\link[plyr]{ddply}} function.
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{\code{\link{cmrbdt.finder.numeric.ahrq}}: }{Numeric funciton for
#'   identifying AHRQ codes. Works only with ICD-9 codes.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{cmrbdt.finder.numeric.elixhauser_Elixhauser1998}}: }{Numeric function
#'   for identifying the original Elixhauser codes from 1998, \emph{note} that newer versions
#'   code versions are available. Works only with ICD-9 codes.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{cmrbdt.finder.numeric.charlson_Deyo1992}}: }{Numeric function for
#'   identifying Deyo's original translation of the Elixhauser comorbidity groups. Works only
#'   with ICD-9 codes.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{cmrbdt.finder.regex.charlson_Sundarajan2004}}: }{A function based
#'   on regular expressions for identifying Sundarajan's codeset for Charlsons index, \emph{note}
#'   that the Quan article that they wrote one year later is an update to the current code
#'   set.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{cmrbdt.finder.regex.charlson_Quan2005}}: }{A function based
#'   on regular expressions for identifying Quan's codeset for Charlsons index. This
#'   is currently (written 2014-05-07) the most up-to-date version of the Charlson code set unless
#'   the Royal College of Surgeons attempt at changing the Charlson counts.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{cmrbdt.finder.regex.charlson_Armitage2010}}: }{A function based
#'   on regular expressions for identifying an adaptation and simplification of the
#'   Charlsons index. \emph{Note} that this is no longer the Charlsons but an adaptation with
#'   only 14 comorbidity groups.}
#'  \item{\code{\link{cmrbdt.finder.regex.elixhauser_Quan2005}}: }{A function based
#'   on regular expressions for identifying Quan's codeset for Charlsons index. This
#'   is currently (written 2014-05-07) the most up-to-date version of the Elixhauser code set unless
#'   the AHRQ is included although the AHRQ has never been updated to ICD-10.}
#' }
#' @importFrom plyr ddply
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/cmrbdt.calc_xmpl.R
cmrbdt.calc <- function(ds,
                        country_code = 'US',
  # Extract only what we need from the data set
  if (!missing(icd_columns)){
    icd_codes <- ds[,icd_columns, drop=FALSE]
    if ((!missing(id_column) &&
           NROW(id_column) != NROW(ds))||
          (!missing(icd_ver_column) &&
             NROW(icd_ver_column) != NROW(ds)) ||
          (!missing(incl_acute_codes) &&
             NROW(incl_acute_codes) != NROW(ds))){
      stop("If the ds parameter consists of only icd codes",
           " then the other parameters id_column, icd_ver_column,",
           " incl_acute_codes need to be independent vectors/matrices")
    icd_codes <- ds
  icd_codes <- as.data.frame(icd_codes)
  colnames(icd_codes) <- sprintf("ICD_codes_no_%d",

  if (missing(icd_ver_column)){
    # Set auto-detect on all
    icd_ver_column <- rep(FALSE, times=NROW(ds))
  }else if (length(icd_ver_column) == 1){
    if (icd_ver_column %in% colnames(ds) ||
          icd_ver_column %in% 1:NCOL(ds)){
      icd_ver_column <- ds[,icd_ver_column, drop=FALSE]

      if(!is.numeric(icd_ver_column[!is.na(icd_ver_column)]) &&
        stop("The ICD codes for the column '", icd_columns ,"'",
             " should be numeric. This does not seem to be the case,",
             " class = '", class(icd_ver_column), "'",
             " excerpt from the column:",
             " '",
             paste(head(icd_ver_column[!is.na(icd_ver_column)], 10),
                   collapse="', '"),
             "', ...")
      stop("You have provided an ICD version column identifyer (", icd_ver_column, ")",
           " that is neither a column name in the ds provided dataset",
           " or a numerical representation of that column")
  }else if (length(icd_ver_column) != NROW(ds)){
    stop("You have provided ICD-versions for the ds dataset",
         " unfortunately the length don't match. You have provided",
         " '", length(icd_ver_column), "' icd version indicators",
         " while the ds dataset has '", NROW(ds), "' rows.")
  icd_ver_column <- as.matrix(icd_ver_column, ncol=1)

  # Check the first entries if they are valid ICD-codes
  test_codes <- as.vector(t(as.matrix(head(icd_codes, 100), byrow=TRUE)))
  if (!missing(icd_code_preprocess_fn))
    test_codes <- icd_code_preprocess_fn(icd=test_codes,
                                         icd_ver=rep(head(icd_ver_column, length(test_codes)),

  # Remove empty and missing codes
  test_codes <- 
    test_codes[nchar(str_trim(test_codes)) > 0 &
  valid_test_codes <- is.ICD(test_codes)
  if (!all(valid_test_codes)){
    stop("There seems to be some issue with your test codes, ",
         " the following test codes from your input data",
         " did not validate the is.ICD function: '",
         paste(head(test_codes[!valid_test_codes], 10),
               collapse="', '"),

  org_id_names <- NULL
  # Get the ID-column if any has been provided
  if (missing(id_column)){
    # Skips the ID, probably not entirely optimal for the function's
    # performance but it is not really intended for use without the ID
    id_column <- 1:NROW(ds)
    org_id_names <- id_column
    if (length(id_column) == 1){
      id_column <- ds[,id_column, drop=FALSE]
      if (is.numeric(id_column)) {org_id_names <- colnames(ds)[id_column]}
    }else if (NROW(id_column) !=  NROW(ds)){
      if (is.numeric(id_column) &&
             all(id_column %in% 1:NCOL(ds))){
        id_column <- ds[, id_column, drop=FALSE]
        org_id_names <- colnames(org_id_names)[id_column]
      } else if (is.character(id_column) &&
           all(id_column %in% colnames(ds))){
        id_column <- ds[, id_column, drop=FALSE]
      } else {
        stop("You have provided ID columns (",
             paste(id_column, collapse=", "),
             ,") that the software fails to identify among the provided ds columns")
      if (is.null(colnames(id_column))){
        if (NCOL(id_column) == 1){
          org_id_names <- "ID"
          org_id_names <- sprintf("ID_no_%d",
        org_id_names <- colnames(id_column)
  id_column <- as.data.frame(id_column)
  colnames(id_column) <- sprintf("ID_no_%d",

  if (missing(incl_acute_codes)){
    incl_acute_codes <- rep(TRUE, times=NROW(ds))
  }else if (length(incl_acute_codes) == 1){
    if (incl_acute_codes %in% colnames(ds) ||
          incl_acute_codes %in% 1:NCOL(ds)){
      incl_acute_codes <- ds[,incl_acute_codes, drop=FALSE]
      stop("You have provided an ICD acute column identifyer (", incl_acute_codes, ")",
           " that is neither a column name in the ds provided dataset",
           " or a numerical representation of that column")
  }else if (length(incl_acute_codes) != NROW(ds)){
    stop("You have provided ICD-acute column for the ds dataset",
         " unfortunately the length don't match. You have provided",
         " '", length(incl_acute_codes), "' icd acute indicators",
         " while the ds dataset has '", NROW(ds), "' rows.")
  incl_acute_codes <- as.matrix(incl_acute_codes, ncol=1)

  # Get the cmrbdt.finder function
  if (is.character(cmrbdt.finder_fn)){
    if (!exists(cmrbdt.finder_fn))
      stop("Could not identify the cmrbdt.finder function that you want to use,",
           " i.e. the function '", cmrbdt.finder_fn, "' is not defined")
    cmrbdt.finder_fn <- get(cmrbdt.finder_fn)

  if (!missing(cmrbdt.finder_hierarchy_fn) &&
    if (!exists(cmrbdt.finder_hierarchy_fn))
      stop("Could not identify the cmrbdt.finder_hierarchy_fn function that you want to use,",
           " i.e. the function '", cmrbdt.finder_hierarchy_fn, "' is not defined")
    cmrbdt.finder_hierarchy_fn <- get(cmrbdt.finder_hierarchy_fn)
    cmrbdt.finder_hierarchy_fn <- NULL

  if (!missing(icd_code_preprocess_fn) &&
    if (!exists(icd_code_preprocess_fn))
      stop("Could not identify the icd_code_preprocess_fn function that you want to use,",
           " i.e. the function '", icd_code_preprocess_fn, "' is not defined")
    icd_code_preprocess_fn <- get(icd_code_preprocess_fn)
    icd_code_preprocess_fn <- NULL

  if (!missing(cmrbdt.weight_fn) &&
    if (!exists(cmrbdt.weight_fn))
      stop("Could not identify the cmrbdt.weight_fn function that you want to use,",
           " i.e. the function '", cmrbdt.weight_fn, "' is not defined")
    cmrbdt.weight_fn <- get(cmrbdt.weight_fn)

  # Merge the different sections into one
  # in order to get the ddply to work
  d2a <- cbind(id_column,
  d2a$icd_ver <- icd_ver_column
  d2a$include_acute <- incl_acute_codes
  ret <-
    list(cmrbdt =
                 cmrbdt.finder_fn = cmrbdt.finder_fn,
                 cmrbdt.finder_hierarchy_fn = cmrbdt.finder_hierarchy_fn,
                 icd_code_preprocess_fn = icd_code_preprocess_fn,
                 icd_cols = NCOL(id_column) + 1:NCOL(icd_codes),
                 country_code = country_code,
                   out <- NULL
                   for (i in 1:nrow(x)){
                     codes <- x[i, icd_cols]
                     if (!is.null(icd_code_preprocess_fn)){
                       codes <- icd_code_preprocess_fn(codes, x[i, "icd_ver"])
                     out <- cmrbdt.finder_fn(icd_codes=codes,
                                             include_acute=rep(x[i, "include_acute"], times=length(codes)),
                                             icd_ver=rep(x[i, "icd_ver"], times=length(codes)))

                   if (!is.null(cmrbdt.finder_hierarchy_fn)){
                     out <- cmrbdt.finder_hierarchy_fn(out)


  # Apply the weight or just simply count the number of comorbidities
  id_col_nos <- c(1:NCOL(id_column))
  if (!missing(cmrbdt.weight_fn)){
    ret[["cmrbdt.weighted"]] <-
      cbind(ret[["cmrbdt"]][,id_col_nos, drop=FALSE],
            as.data.frame(cmrbdt.weight_fn(ret[["cmrbdt"]][,-id_col_nos, drop=FALSE])))

    ret[["score"]] <- rowSums(ret[["cmrbdt.weighted"]][,-id_col_nos])
    ret[["ct"]] <- as.integer(rowSums(ret[["cmrbdt"]][,-id_col_nos]))

  # Remove temporary ID columns if the weren't provided from start
  if (is.null(org_id_names)){
    ret[["cmrbdt"]] <- ret[["cmrbdt"]][,-id_col_nos]
    if (!is.null(ret[["cmrbdt.weighted"]])){
      ret[["cmrbdt.weighted"]] <- ret[["cmrbdt.weighted"]][,-id_col_nos]
    if (!is.null(ret[["cmrbdt"]])){
      # Revert back to original names
      colnames(ret[["cmrbdt"]])[id_col_nos] <- org_id_names
      if (!is.null(ret[["cmrbdt.weighted"]])){
        colnames(ret[["cmrbdt.weighted"]])[id_col_nos] <- org_id_names
      # TODO: I don't think this is evere evoked as plyr always returns
      # a d.f.
      names(ret[["cmrbdt"]])[id_col_nos] <- org_id_names
      if (!is.null(ret[["cmrbdt.weighted"]])){
        names(ret[["cmrbdt.weighted"]])[id_col_nos] <- org_id_names

gforge/comorbidities.icd10 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:12 a.m.