
Defines functions Objective.Function

Documented in Objective.Function

#' Objective Function
#' The Objective Function by ESPINDOLA et al. (2006) finds optimal
#' scale parameters by the comparision of the sum of the normalized
#' local variance and the normalized Moran's I of different
#' segmented images.
#' @param Tool open-source software to compute segmentation analysis. GRASS or SAGA
#' @param Segments.Poly ...
#' @param Seed.Method ""
#' @param env ...
#' @param Grass.Segmentation.Minsize = NA,
#' @param Grass.Segmentation.Threshold = NA
#' @param HiPassFilter.scale.factor scale factor of high-pass filter
#' @param HiPassFilter.scale.threshold threshold of high-pass filter
#' @param HiPassFilter.input.filter path to load
#' @param HiPassFilter.input.segmentation path to load
#' @param Scale.Input.Grid input grid for computing segmentation scale parameters
#' @param Scale.Input.Grid.Cell.Size cell size of input grid. Default: prod(raster::res(raster::raster(slp.tif.path)))
#' @param Scale.Statistic.Min.Size min size of area/polygon which is included in statistics (usefull for SAGA GIS segmentations). Default: "0"
#' @param Objective.Function.save save estimations of function. Default: FALSE
#' @param Objective.Function.save.path path where estimations are stored. Default: input path of \emph{segment.poly}
#' @param Objective.Function.save.name name for file. Default: ""
#' @param Objective.Function.MoransI output text file with Morans'I. Default: temp
#' @param Scales containing scale parameters for loop-segmentation
#' @param Count amount of cells (Grid Statistics). Default:"1"
#' @param Min minimum value (Grid Statistics). Default:"0"
#' @param Max maximum value (Grid Statistics). Default:"0"
#' @param Range range of values (Grid Statistics). Default:"0"
#' @param Sum sum of values (Grid Statistics). Default:"0"
#' @param Mean mean of values (Grid Statistics). Default:"1"
#' @param Var variance of values (Grid Statistics). Default:"1"
#' @param Stddev standard deviation (Grid Statistics). Default:"0"
#' @param Quantile qunatile (Grid Statistics). Default:"0"
#' @param Objective.Function.Mean.Segmentation.Grid - output grid with mean values for segments. Default: temp
#' @param Objective.Function.Count.Grid output grid with amount of cells in segments. Default: temp
#' @param Grass.Objective.Function.Method determining on what parameter the objective function (~loop) is performed. Default: "Threshold"
#' @param other... see \code{\link{segmentation}}
#' @note
#' \itemize{
#'   \item ESPINDOLA, G.M., CAMARA, G., REIS, I.A., BINS, L.S. & A.M. MONTEIRO (2006):
#'         Parameter selection for region-growing image segmentation algorithms using spatial autocorrelation.
#'          - International Journal of Remote Sensing 27, 14, 3035-3040.
#' }
#' @keywords objective function, USPO
#' @export
Objective.Function <- function(Tool, Scale.Input.Grid, Scale.Input.Grid.Cell.Size = NULL, Scale.Statistic.Min.Size = "0", Objective.Function.save = FALSE, Objective.Function.save.path = NULL, Count = "1", Min = "0", Max = "0", Range = "0", Sum = "0", Mean = "1", Var = "1", Stddev = "0", Objective.Function.save.name = "",
                               Objective.Function.Mean.Segmentation.Grid = paste0(tmp.path, "Objective.Function.Mean.Segmentation.Grid.sgrd"), Objective.Function.Count.Grid = paste0(tmp.path, "Objective.Function.Count.Grid.sgrd"), Objective.Function.MoransI = paste0(tmp.path, "Objective.Function.MoransI.txt"),
                               Quantile = 0, Scales, Grass.Objective.Function.Method = "Threshold", Segments.Poly, Segments.Grid, Grass.Segmentation.Minsize = NA, Grass.Segmentation.Threshold = NA, Seed.Method = "", env = RSAGA::rsaga.env(), show.output.on.console = FALSE, quiet = TRUE,
                               HiPassFilter.input.segmentation = NULL, HiPassFilter.input.filter = Scale.Input.Grid, HiPassFilter.scale.factor = NULL, HiPassFilter.threshold = NULL, do.storeGrids = FALSE, ...)

  # browser()

  # get start time of process
  process.time.start.scale <- proc.time()

    if(class(Scale.Input.Grid) !=  "RasterLayer" && tools::file_ext(Scale.Input.Grid) == "sgrd")
      Scale.Input.Grid.Cell.Size <- prod(raster::res(raster::raster(paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(Scale.Input.Grid), ".sdat"))))
    } else if(class(Scale.Input.Grid) ==  "RasterLayer"){
      Scale.Input.Grid.Cell.Size <- prod(raster::res(Scale.Input.Grid))
    } else {
      Scale.Input.Grid.Cell.Size <- prod(raster::res(raster::raster(Scale.Input.Grid)))

  # Data preparation -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  # create data table for Objective.Function
  if(Tool == "SAGA")
    df.Objective.Function  <- data.frame("Scale Parameter" = double(), "Intrasegment Variance" = double(), "Normalized Intrasegment Variance" = double(),
                                         "Morans I" = double(), "Normalized Morans I" = double(), "Objective Function" = double())

  if(Tool == "GRASS")
    df.Objective.Function  <- data.frame("Threshold" = double(), "Minsize" = double(), "Intrasegment Variance" = double(), "Normalized Intrasegment Variance" = double(),
                                         "Morans I" = double(), "Normalized Morans I" = double(), "Objective Function" = double())

  if(Tool == "GRASS Superpixels SLIC")
    df.Objective.Function  <- data.frame("Superpixels" = double(), "Compactness" = double(), "Intrasegment Variance" = double(), "Normalized Intrasegment Variance" = double(),
                                         "Morans I" = double(), "Normalized Morans I" = double(), "Objective Function" = double())

  if(Grass.Objective.Function.Method == "High Pass Segmentation")
    df.Objective.Function  <- data.frame("Threshold" = double(), "Minsize" = double(), "Intrasegment Variance" = double(), "Normalized Intrasegment Variance" = double(),
                                         "Morans I" = double(), "Normalized Morans I" = double(), "Objective Function" = double())

    # ... check input
    # .... input for segmentation
    if(class(HiPassFilter.input.segmentation) == "RasterLayer")
      r.HiPassFilter.input.segmentation <- HiPassFilter.input.segmentation
    } else {
        if(tools::file_ext(HiPassFilter.input.segmentation) == "sgrd")
          r.HiPassFilter.input.segmentation <- raster::raster(paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(HiPassFilter.input.segmentation), ".sdat"))
        } else {
          r.HiPassFilter.input.segmentation <- raster::raster(HiPassFilter.input.segmentation)

    # ... input for filtering
    if(class(HiPassFilter.input.filter) == "RasterLayer")
      r.HiPassFilter.input.filter <- HiPassFilter.input.filter
    } else {

        if(tools::file_ext(HiPassFilter.input.filter) == "sgrd")
          r.HiPassFilter.input.filter <- raster::raster(paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(HiPassFilter.input.filter), ".sdat"))
        } else {
          r.HiPassFilter.input.filter <- raster::raster(HiPassFilter.input.filter)

    result.filter <- Lslide::hiPassThresh(x = r.HiPassFilter.input.filter, scale.factor = HiPassFilter.scale.factor, threshold = HiPassFilter.threshold, env.rsaga = env,
                                          show.output.on.console = show.output.on.console, quiet = quiet, ...)

  Objective.Function.save.path.default <- dirname(Segments.Poly)
  print("Calculate Objective Function")
  # Start loop through scales -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  for(i in Scales)

    # multiplier <- 1
    i.txt <- as.character(i)

    if(Seed.Method == "Fast Representativeness")
      # multiplier <- 100
      i.txt <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = i.txt)

    if(Grass.Objective.Function.Method == "Compactness" || Grass.Objective.Function.Method == "High Pass Segmentation"
       || Grass.Objective.Function.Method == "Threshold")
      # multiplier <- 100
      i.txt <- gsub(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_", x = i.txt)

    print(paste0("Level of Generalisation|Threshold|Minsize|... : ", i))
    # segments.poly <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(Segments.Poly) , (i*multiplier),".", tools::file_ext(Segments.Poly))
    segments.poly <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(Segments.Poly) , "_", i.txt, ".", tools::file_ext(Segments.Poly))
    # segments.scale.statistic <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(segments.poly) , "_scaleStat.", tools::file_ext(segments.poly))
    segments.scale.statistic <- segments.poly # update after changed dbf header

    if(exists("Segments.Grid") && do.storeGrids)
      segments.grid <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(Segments.Grid) , "_", i.txt, ".", tools::file_ext(Segments.Grid))
    } else if(exists("Segments.Grid") && !do.storeGrids) {
      segments.grid <- Segments.Grid
    } else {
      Segments.Grid <- file.path(tempdir(), "outSegGrid.sgrd")

    # Segmentation -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # perform segmentation
    if(Tool == "SAGA")
      Lslide::segmentation(Tool = Tool, Segments.Poly = segments.poly, Segments.Grid = segments.grid, Seed.Method = Seed.Method, env = env,
                   Fast.Representativeness.LevelOfGeneralisation = i, Seed.Generation.Scale = as.character(i),
                   show.output.on.console = show.output.on.console, estimateScaleParameter = TRUE, quiet = quiet, ...)
    } else if(Tool == "GRASS") {

      if(Grass.Objective.Function.Method == "Threshold")
        # browser()
        Lslide::segmentation(Tool = Tool, Segments.Poly = segments.poly, Segments.Grid = segments.grid, Seed.Method = Seed.Method, env = env,
                     Grass.Segmentation.Threshold = as.character(i), Grass.Segmentation.Minsize = Grass.Segmentation.Minsize,
                     show.output.on.console = show.output.on.console, estimateScaleParameter = TRUE, quiet = quiet, ...)

      if(Grass.Objective.Function.Method == "Minsize")
        Lslide::segmentation(Tool = Tool, Segments.Poly = segments.poly, Segments.Grid = segments.grid, Seed.Method = Seed.Method, env = env,
                     Grass.Segmentation.Minsize = i, show.output.on.console = show.output.on.console, quiet = quiet,
                     Grass.Segmentation.Threshold = Grass.Segmentation.Threshold, estimateScaleParameter = TRUE, ...)

      if(Grass.Objective.Function.Method == "Seeds")
        Lslide::segmentation(Tool = Tool, Segments.Poly = segments.poly, Segments.Grid = segments.grid, Seed.Method = Seed.Method, env = env,
                     Fast.Representativeness.LevelOfGeneralisation = i, Seed.Generation.Scale = as.character(i),
                     show.output.on.console = show.output.on.console, estimateScaleParameter = TRUE, quiet = quiet,
                     Grass.Segmentation.Minsize = Grass.Segmentation.Minsize, Grass.Segmentation.Threshold = Grass.Segmentation.Threshold, ...)


      if(Grass.Objective.Function.Method == "High Pass Segmentation")
        Lslide::hiPassSegmentation(Segments.Poly = segments.poly, Segments.Grid = segments.grid, env.rsaga = env,
                                   input.segmentation = r.HiPassFilter.input.segmentation, result.filter = result.filter, load.output = FALSE,
                                   show.output.on.console = show.output.on.console, estimateScaleParameter = TRUE, quiet = quiet,
                                   Grass.Segmentation.Minsize = Grass.Segmentation.Minsize, Grass.Segmentation.Threshold = i, ...)


    } else if(Tool == "GRASS Superpixels SLIC") {
      if(Grass.Objective.Function.Method == "Compactness")
        Lslide::segmentation(Tool = Tool, Segments.Poly = segments.poly, Segments.Grid = segments.grid, Seed.Method = Seed.Method, env = env, quiet = quiet,
                     Grass.SLIC.Compactness = i, show.output.on.console = show.output.on.console, estimateScaleParameter = TRUE, ...)

      if(Grass.Objective.Function.Method == "Superpixels")
        Lslide::segmentation(Tool = Tool, Segments.Poly = segments.poly, Segments.Grid = segments.grid, Seed.Method = Seed.Method, env = env, quiet = quiet,
                     Grass.SLIC.Superpixels = i, show.output.on.console = show.output.on.console, estimateScaleParameter = TRUE, ...)


    # Grid Statistics -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # calculate grid statistics
    # rsaga.get.modules("shapes_grid", env = env)
    # rsaga.get.usage("shapes_grid", 2, env = env)
    # method: [0] standard | [1] shape wise, supports overlapping polygons

    # if(tools::file_ext(Scale.Input.Grid) == "sgrd")
    # {
    #   Scale.Input.Grid.tmp <- Scale.Input.Grid
    # } else {
    #   Scale.Input.Grid.tmp  <- paste0(tempdir(), "/", "tmpScaleGrid.sgrd")
    #   raster::writeRaster(x = raster::raster(Scale.Input.Grid), filename = Scale.Input.Grid.tmp, overwrite = TRUE)
    #   # RSAGA::rsaga.geoprocessor(lib = "io_gdal", module = 1, env = env, show.output.on.console = show.output.on.console, param = list(
    #   #   GRIDS = Segments.Grid.tmp.path, FILE =  paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(Segments.Grid.tmp.path), ".sdat"), FORMAT =  "42")
    # }

    # browser()

     print("Calculate Grid Statistics for Polygons")

    # RSAGA::rsaga.geoprocessor(lib="shapes_grid", module = 2, env = env, show.output.on.console = show.output.on.console, param = list(
    #   GRIDS = Scale.Input.Grid, POLYGONS = segments.poly, METHOD = "0", NAMING = 1, RESULT = segments.scale.statistic,
    #   COUNT = Count, MIN = Min, MAX = Max, RANGE = Range, SUM = Sum, MEAN = Mean, VAR = Var, STDDEV = Stddev, QUANTILE = Quantile))

    if(i == Scales[1])
      if(class(Scale.Input.Grid) == "RasterLayer")
        Scale.Input.Grid.r  <- Scale.Input.Grid
      } else {
        if(tools::file_ext(Scale.Input.Grid) == "sgrd")
          Scale.Input.Grid.r <- raster::raster(paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(Scale.Input.Grid), ".sdat"))
        } else {
          Scale.Input.Grid.r <- raster::raster(Scale.Input.Grid)

      rgrass7::writeRAST(x =  as(Scale.Input.Grid.r, "SpatialGridDataFrame"),
                         vname =  "ScaleGrid", zcol = names(Scale.Input.Grid.r), overwrite = TRUE)

    # browser()
    # can take a long while
    # print(parseGRASS("v.rast.stats"))
    if(quiet == FALSE)
      flags.VRS <- c("verbose", "c")
    } else {
      flags.VRS <- c("quiet", "c")

    rgrass7::execGRASS("v.rast.stats", flags = flags.VRS, parameters = list(
      map = "Segments_Poly", raster = "ScaleGrid", column_prefix = "s", method = "number,average,variance"))

    # print(parseGRASS("v.out.ogr"))
    rgrass7::execGRASS("v.out.ogr", flags = c("overwrite", "quiet"), Sys_show.output.on.console = show.output.on.console, parameters = list(
      input = "Segments_Poly", output = segments.scale.statistic, type = "area", format = "ESRI_Shapefile"))

    # read statistic dbf
    print("Extraction for Objective Function Parameter")
    # get start time of process
    process.time.start.extraction <- proc.time()

    segments.scale.statistic.sf <-  sf::st_read(dsn = segments.scale.statistic, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = TRUE) # simple feature object, sf package

    # segments.scale.statistic.sf <-  sf::st_read(dsn = file.path(getwd(), dirname(segments.scale.statistic)),
    #                                             layer = tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(segments.scale.statistic)),
    #                                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = TRUE) # simple feature object, sf package

    # stat <- suppressMessages(read.dbf(paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(segments.scale.statistic), ".dbf")))    # last: variance | last - 1: mean | last - 2: cell count
    # colnames(stat$dbf) <- c("cat", "value", "Cell_Count", "Mean", "Variance")
    # write.dbf(stat, paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(segments.scale.statistic), ".dbf")) # write dbf with better header

    # Calculation of intrasegment Variance and Morans I -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ### calculation of intrasegment variance
    print("... Calculation of Intrasegment Variance")
    # stat$dbf <- stat$dbf[stat$dbf$Cell_Count > (as.numeric(Scale.Statistic.Min.Size) * as.numeric(Scale.Input.Grid.Cell.Size)),]
    # stat.intrasegment.variance <- weighted.mean(stat$dbf[[ncol(stat$dbf)]], stat$dbf[[ncol(stat$dbf)-2]] * as.numeric(Scale.Input.Grid.Cell.Size), na.rm = TRUE) # weighted mean of variance by area
    var.sub.sf <- segments.scale.statistic.sf[segments.scale.statistic.sf$s_number > as.numeric(Scale.Statistic.Min.Size), ]
    stat.intrasegment.variance <- stats::weighted.mean(var.sub.sf$s_variance, var.sub.sf$s_number * as.numeric(Scale.Input.Grid.Cell.Size), na.rm = TRUE) # weighted mean of variance by area

   # browser()

    ### calculation of Moran's I - speed up by sf-package
    # checked agains ArcGIS Spatial Autocorrelation Morans I (Contiguity_edges_corners) - similar results
    # calculate Morans'I for shapefiles
    print("... Calculation of Morans'I")
    # moransI.shape <- readOGR(dsn = dirname(segments.scale.statistic), layer = tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(segments.scale.statistic)), verbose = FALSE)
    # moransI.queen.nb <-poly2nb(moransI.shape) # create contiguity queen neughbours by Waller & Gotway
    # moransI.shape_sf <- sf::st_read(dsn = paste0(getwd(), "/", dirname(segments.scale.statistic)),
    #                                 layer = tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(segments.scale.statistic)),
    #                                 stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = TRUE) # simple feature object, sf package

    moransI.shape <- as(segments.scale.statistic.sf, "Spatial") # convert simple feature to spatialobjectdataframe
    poly2_nb_speed_up <- rgeos::gUnarySTRtreeQuery(moransI.shape) # speed up function for poly2nb
    moransI.queen.nb <- spdep::poly2nb(moransI.shape, foundInBox = poly2_nb_speed_up) # create contiguity queen neughbours by Waller & Gotway

    # get out NA's, set them to 0
      moransI.shape$s_average[is.na(moransI.shape$s_average)] <- 0

    # browser()
    ## relating to Espindola et al. 2006 all neighbours get weights of 1 - binary weights
    moransI.weights.binary <- spdep::nb2listw(moransI.queen.nb, style = "B", zero.policy = TRUE) # those with many neighbours are up-weighted compared to those with few
    moransI <- spdep::moran.test(x = moransI.shape$s_average, listw = moransI.weights.binary, zero.policy = TRUE, randomisation = TRUE, na.action = na.pass) # global Moran's I, if NA is there -> 0 weight

    process.time.run.extraction <- proc.time() - process.time.start.extraction
    print(paste0("------ Run of Extraction for Objective Function Parametern: " , process.time.run.extraction["elapsed"][[1]]/60, " Minutes ------"))

    # write to data frame
    if(Tool == "SAGA")
      df.Objective.Function[nrow(df.Objective.Function)+1,] <- c(i, stat.intrasegment.variance, NA, moransI$estimate[[1]], NA, NA)

    if(Tool == "GRASS")
      if(Grass.Objective.Function.Method == "Threshold")
        df.Objective.Function[nrow(df.Objective.Function)+1,] <- c(i, Grass.Segmentation.Minsize, stat.intrasegment.variance, NA, moransI$estimate[[1]], NA, NA)

      if(Grass.Objective.Function.Method == "Minsize")
        df.Objective.Function[nrow(df.Objective.Function)+1,] <- c(Grass.Segmentation.Threshold, i, stat.intrasegment.variance, NA, moransI$estimate[[1]], NA, NA)

      if(Grass.Objective.Function.Method == "High Pass Segmentation")
        df.Objective.Function[nrow(df.Objective.Function)+1,] <- c(i, Grass.Segmentation.Minsize, stat.intrasegment.variance, NA, moransI$estimate[[1]], NA, NA)

    } # end GRASS

    if(Tool == "GRASS Superpixels SLIC")
      if(Grass.Objective.Function.Method == "Compactness")
        df.Objective.Function[nrow(df.Objective.Function)+1,] <- c(Grass.SLIC.Superpixels, i, stat.intrasegment.variance, NA, moransI$estimate[[1]], NA, NA)

      if(Grass.Objective.Function.Method == "Superpixels")
        df.Objective.Function[nrow(df.Objective.Function)+1,] <- c(i, Grass.SLIC.Compactness, stat.intrasegment.variance, NA, moransI$estimate[[1]], NA, NA)

    } # end GRASS Superpixels SLIC

  } # end for

  # Final normalization for output -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Normalizing and Calculation of Objective Function by Camara et al. 2006 - Parameter Selection for
  # Region-Growing Image Segmentation Algorithms using Spatial Autocorrelation
  df.Objective.Function$Normalized.Intrasegment.Variance <- (max(df.Objective.Function$Intrasegment.Variance, na.rm = TRUE) - df.Objective.Function$Intrasegment.Variance) / diff(range(df.Objective.Function$Intrasegment.Variance, na.rm = TRUE))
  df.Objective.Function$Normalized.Morans.I <- (max(df.Objective.Function$Morans.I, na.rm = TRUE) - df.Objective.Function$Morans.I) / diff(range(df.Objective.Function$Morans.I, na.rm = TRUE))

  df.Objective.Function$Objective.Function <-  df.Objective.Function$Normalized.Intrasegment.Variance + df.Objective.Function$Normalized.Morans.I

  df.Objective.Function$Plateau <- max(df.Objective.Function$Objective.Function, na.rm = TRUE) - sd(df.Objective.Function$Objective.Function, na.rm = TRUE)

  # write Objective.Function as csv if desired
  if(Objective.Function.save == TRUE)

      if(Objective.Function.save.name == "")
        Objective.Function.save.name <- "Objective.Function.csv"

      save.path <- paste0(getwd(), "/", Objective.Function.save.path.default, "/" , Objective.Function.save.name)
    } else
      save.path <- Objective.Function.save.path

    write.csv(df.Objective.Function, save.path)


  # get time of process
  process.time.run.scale <- proc.time() - process.time.start.scale
  print(paste0("------ Run of Scale Estimation: " , process.time.run.scale["elapsed"][[1]]/60, " Minutes ------"))

  # remove things out of memory


# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
ggRaver/Lslide documentation built on April 8, 2022, 7:14 a.m.