
Defines functions render_anim render_proj render_gif render

Documented in render render_anim render_gif render_proj

#' Render frames of animation to disk
#' @param data matrix, or data frame containing numeric columns
#' @param tour_path tour path generator
#' @param display the method used to render the projected data,
#'   e.g. \code{\link{display_xy}}, \code{\link{display_pcp}}
#' @param dev name of output device to use (e.g. \code{\link{png}},
#'   \code{\link{pdf}})
#' @param ... other options passed to output device
#' @param apf angle (in radians) per frame
#' @param frames number of frames in output
#' @param rescale default FALSE. If TRUE, rescale all variables to range [0,1]
#' @param sphere if true, sphere all variables
#' @param start starting projection.  If \code{NULL}, uses path default.
#' @keywords hplot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' tmp_path <- tempdir()
#' render(flea[, 1:6], grand_tour(), display_xy(), "pdf",
#'   frames = 3,
#'   file.path(tmp_path, "test.pdf")
#' )
#' render(flea[, 1:6], grand_tour(), display_xy(), "png",
#'   frames = 3,
#'   file.path(tmp_path, "test-%03d.png")
#' )
#' }
render <- function(data, tour_path, display, dev, ..., apf = 1 / 10, frames = 50, rescale = FALSE, sphere = FALSE, start = NULL) {
  if (!is.matrix(data)) {
    message("Converting input data to the required matrix format.")
    data <- as.matrix(data)
  if (rescale) data <- rescale(data)
  if (sphere) data <- sphere_data(data)

  dev <- match.fun(dev)

  record <-
      basis = list(),
      index_val = numeric(),
      info = character(),
      method = character(),
      alpha = numeric(),
      tries = numeric(),
      loop = numeric()

  tour <- new_tour(data, tour_path, start, ...)
  step <- tour(0, ...)


  i <- 0
  stop_next <- FALSE
  while (i < frames) {
    display$render_data(data, step$proj, step$target)

    if (stop_next) {
    i <- i + 1
    step <- tour(apf)
    if (step$step < 0) stop_next <- TRUE

#' Render frames of animation to a gif file
#' @param data matrix, or data frame containing numeric columns
#' @param tour_path tour path generator
#' @param display the method used to render the projected data,
#'   e.g. \code{\link{display_xy}}, \code{\link{display_pcp}}
#' @param gif_file Name of gif file (default = "animation.gif")
#' @param ... other options passed to \code{\link{png}}
#' @param apf angle (in radians) per frame
#' @param frames number of frames in output
#' @param rescale default FALSE. If TRUE, rescale all variables to range [0,1]
#' @param sphere if true, sphere all variables
#' @param start starting projection.  If \code{NULL}, uses path default.
#' @param loop Logical for gifski to loop or not, default=TRUE
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # gifski needs to be installed to render a gif
#' if (requireNamespace("gifski", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   gif_file <- file.path(tempdir(), "test.gif")
#'   render_gif(flea[, 1:6], grand_tour(), display_xy(), gif_file)
#'   utils::browseURL(gif_file)
#'   unlink(gif_file)
#' }
#' }
#' @export
render_gif <- function(data, tour_path, display, gif_file = "animation.gif", ..., apf = 1 / 10, frames = 50, rescale = FALSE, sphere = FALSE, start = NULL, loop = TRUE) {
  if (!requireNamespace("gifski", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("To use this function please install the 'gifski' package",
      call. = FALSE

  # temp png files
  dir <- tempdir()
  png_path <- file.path(dir, "frame%03d.png")

    data = data,
    tour_path = tour_path,
    display = display,
    dev = "png",
    apf = apf,
    frames = frames,
    rescale = rescale,
    sphere = sphere,
    start = start

  png_files <- sprintf(png_path, 1:frames)

  # Handle smaller number of frames than requested
  # as happens with the guided tour
  png_exist <- sapply(png_files, file.exists)
  if (!all(png_exist)){
    n_png <- sum(png_exist)
    warning(paste0("Note: only ", n_png, " frames generated, argument frames = ", frames, " is ignored."))
  png_files <- png_files[png_exist]

  gifski::gifski(png_files, gif_file, delay = apf, progress = TRUE, loop = loop, ...)

#' Render plotly animation frame
#' This function takes a projection matrix as produced by
#' save_history(), and draws it on the projected data
#' like a biplot. This will product the data objects needed
#' in order for the user to plot with base or ggplot2.
#' Note that for now this only works for 2D projections.
#' @param data matrix, or data frame containing numeric columns,
#'   should be standardised to have mean 0, sd 1
#' @param prj projection matrix
#' @param axis_labels of the axes to be displayed
#' @param obs_labels labels of the observations to be available for interactive mouseover
#' @param limits value setting the lower and upper limits of
#'   projected data, default 1
#' @param position position of the axes: center (default),
#'   bottomleft or off
#' @return list containing projected data, circle and segments for axes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(flea)
#' flea_std <- apply(flea[,1:6], 2, function(x) (x-mean(x))/sd(x))
#' prj <- basis_random(ncol(flea[,1:6]), 2)
#' p <- render_proj(flea_std, prj)
#' if (require("ggplot2")) {
#'   ggplot() +
#'     geom_path(data=p$circle, aes(x=c1, y=c2)) +
#'     geom_segment(data=p$axes, aes(x=x1, y=y1, xend=x2, yend=y2)) +
#'     geom_text(data=p$axes, aes(x=x2, y=y2, label=rownames(p$axes))) +
#'     geom_point(data=p$data_prj, aes(x=P1, y=P2)) +
#'     xlim(-1,1) + ylim(-1, 1) +
#'     theme_bw() +
#'     theme(aspect.ratio=1,
#'        axis.text=element_blank(),
#'        axis.title=element_blank(),
#'        axis.ticks=element_blank(),
#'        panel.grid=element_blank())
#' }
render_proj <- function(data, prj, axis_labels=NULL, obs_labels=NULL, limits=1, position="center"){
  # Check dimensions ok
  try(if (ncol(data) != nrow(prj))
           stop("Number of columns of data don't match number of rows of prj"))
  try(if(ncol(prj) != 2)
           stop("Number of columns of prj needs to be 2"))

  # Project data and scale into unit box
  data_prj <- as.matrix(data) %*% as.matrix(prj)
  rng <- range(data_prj)
  data_prj <- data_prj/max(abs(rng))
  colnames(data_prj) <- c("P1", "P2")
  data_prj <- data.frame(data_prj)

  # Add observation labels
  if (is.null(obs_labels))
    obs_labels <- as.character(1:nrow(data))
  data_prj$obs_labels <- obs_labels

  # Axis scale
  if (position == "center") {
    axis_scale <- 2 * limits / 3
    axis_pos <- 0
  } else if (position == "bottomleft") {
    axis_scale <- limits / 6
    axis_pos <- -2 / 3 * limits
  adj <- function(x) axis_pos + x * axis_scale

  # Compute segments
  axes <- data.frame(x1=adj(0), y1=adj(0),
                     x2=adj(prj[, 1]), y2=adj(prj[, 2]))
  # Make labels if missing
  if (is.null(axis_labels))
    axis_labels <- colnames(data)
  rownames(axes) <- axis_labels

  # Compute circle
  theta <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 50)
  circle <- data.frame(c1 = adj(cos(theta)), c2=adj(sin(theta)))

  return(list(data_prj=data_prj, axes=axes, circle=circle))

#' Render a set of animation frames
#' This function takes a set of frames as produced by
#' save_history(), and creates the projected data and axes
#' in for format needed to create the animation using plotly.
#' It will be useful for showing a tour where mouseover can
#' be used to identify points.
#' Note that for now this only works for 2D projections.
#' @param data matrix, or data frame containing numeric columns,
#'   should be standardised to have mean 0, sd 1
#' @param vars numeric columns of data to be projected, as a vector, eg 1:4
#' @param frames array of projection matrices, should be interpolated already
#' @param edges to and from of row id's to connect with an line
#' @param axis_labels labels of the axes to be displayed
#' @param obs_labels labels of the observations to be available for interactive mouseover
#' @param limits value setting the lower and upper limits of
#'   projected data, default 1
#' @param position position of the axes: center (default),
#'   left of data or off
#' @return list containing indexed projected data, edges, circle and segments for axes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(flea)
#' flea_std <- apply(flea[,1:6], 2, function(x) (x-mean(x))/sd(x))
#' t1 <- save_history(flea_std, max=2)
#' t1i <- tourr::interpolate(t1, 0.1)
#' p <- render_anim(data=flea_std, frames=t1i)
#' if (require(ggplot2)) {
#'   pg <- ggplot() +
#'     geom_path(data=p$circle, aes(x=c1, y=c2, frame=frame)) +
#'     geom_segment(data=p$axes, aes(x=x1, y=y1, xend=x2, yend=y2, frame=frame)) +
#'     geom_text(data=p$axes, aes(x=x2, y=y2, frame=frame, label=axis_labels)) +
#'     geom_point(data=p$frames, aes(x=P1, y=P2, frame=frame, label=obs_labels)) +
#'     coord_equal() +
#'     theme_bw() +
#'     theme(axis.text=element_blank(),
#'         axis.title=element_blank(),
#'         axis.ticks=element_blank(),
#'         panel.grid=element_blank())
#'   if (interactive()) {
#'     require(plotly)
#'     ggplotly(pg, width=500, height=500) |>
#'       animation_button(label="Go") |>
#'       animation_slider(len=0.8, x=0.5, xanchor="center") |>
#'       animation_opts(easing="linear", transition=0, redraw=FALSE)
#'   }
render_anim <- function(data, vars=NULL, frames, edges=NULL, axis_labels=NULL, obs_labels=NULL, limits=1, position="center") {
  # Check dimensions ok
  try(if (length(dim(frames)) != 3)
    stop("The frames object needs to be an array with three dimensions"))
  try(if(ncol(frames[,,1]) != 2)
    stop("Number of columns of a frame needs to be 2"))

  # Axis scale
  if (position == "center") {
    axis_scale <- 2 * limits / 3
    axis_pos <- 0
  } else if (position == "bottomleft") {
    axis_scale <- limits / 6
    axis_pos <- -2 / 3 * limits
  adj <- function(x) axis_pos + x * axis_scale

  # Get numeric columns
  if (is.null(vars)) {
    num_vars <- 1:ncol(data)
    extra_vars <- NULL
  } else {
    num_vars <- c(1:ncol(data))[vars]
    extra_vars <- c(1:ncol(data))[-vars]
  try(if (length(num_vars) != nrow(frames[,,1]))
    stop("Number of columns of data don't match number of rows of prj"))

  # Project data into all frames
  # Loop is better than purrr because only working with a small
  # number because object will get too large.
  nf <- dim(frames)[3]
  frames_m <- NULL
  axes_m <- NULL
  for (i in 1:nf) {
    # Data projection
    ftmp <- as.matrix(data[,num_vars]) %*% matrix(frames[,,i], ncol=2)
    ftmp <- cbind(ftmp, data[,extra_vars], rep(i+100, nrow(data)))
    frames_m <- rbind(frames_m, ftmp)
    # Axis display
    axes <- data.frame(x1=adj(0), y1=adj(0),
    rownames(axes) <- colnames(data[,num_vars])
    axes_m <- rbind(axes_m, axes)

  # Scale into unit box
  rng <- range(frames_m[,1:2])
  frames_m[,1:2] <- frames_m[,1:2]/max(abs(rng))
  colnames(frames_m) <- c("P1", "P2", colnames(data[,extra_vars]), "frame")
  frames_m <- data.frame(frames_m)

  # Add observation labels
  if (is.null(obs_labels))
    obs_labels <- as.character(1:nrow(data))
  frames_m$obs_labels <- rep(obs_labels, nf)

  # Add edge set
  edges_m <- NULL
  if (!is.null(edges)) {
    for (i in 1:nf) {
      x <- frames_m[frames_m$frame == i,]
      e <- data.frame(x=x[edges[,1],1],
      edges_m <- rbind(edges_m, e)

  # Make labels if missing and add to axes object
  if (is.null(axis_labels))
    axis_labels <- colnames(data[,num_vars])
  axes_m$axis_labels <- rep(axis_labels, nf)

  # Compute circle
  theta <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 50)
  circle <- data.frame(c1 = adj(cos(theta)),
                       c2 = adj(sin(theta)))
  circle_m <- matrix(rep(t(as.matrix(circle)), nf), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
  circle_m <- data.frame(c1 = circle_m[,1],
                         c2 = circle_m[,2],
                         frame=rep(1:nf+100, rep(length(theta), nf)))

  return(list(frames=frames_m, edges=edges_m, axes=axes_m, circle=circle_m))
ggobi/tourr documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 1:25 a.m.