
Defines functions autoFilter

Documented in autoFilter

autoFilter <-
function(data, dn=c('ri.av', 'gi.av', 'bi.av'), raw.dn=FALSE, brt='bri.av', na.fill=TRUE, 
    filter=c('night','spline', 'max'), filter.options=NULL, 
    plot=TRUE, ...) {
    ## define internal functions
    .night.filter <- function(data, act.opts, name='gcc',...) {
        pos.dark <- which(data$gcc<act.opts$threshold)
        filtered <- data[,name]
        if (length(pos.dark)!=0) {
            filtered[pos.dark] <- NA

## a filter for clouds based on a threshold on blue channel. A very aggressive filter for very bad images, 
## never useful on phenocam images

    .blue.filter <-function(data, act.opts, name='gcc', ...) {
        threshold <- act.opts$threshold
    ## compute daily standard deviation
        tmp.daily.sd <- aggregate(data$bcc, by=list(data$daily.time), FUN=sd, na.rm=T)
    ## compute daily mean
        tmp.daily.mean <- aggregate(data$bcc, by=list(data$daily.time), FUN=mean, na.rm=T)
    ##set a threshold on 5% of daily standard deviation
        sd_med_BI_all_season <- quantile(tmp.daily.sd[,2],probs=threshold,na.rm=TRUE,type=3)
    ##if images are daily, daily sd is NA, so filter is set at 0.5
        if (is.na(sd_med_BI_all_season)) {sd_med_BI_all_season<-0.5}
    ##be larger when sd_med_BI_all_season is too small
        if (sd_med_BI_all_season==0) {sd_med_BI_all_season<-quantile(tmp.daily.sd[,2],probs=threshold*2,na.rm=TRUE,type=3)}
    ## set the envelope between actual daily mean and 5% standard deviation
        lower.env <- tmp.daily.mean[,2]-sd_med_BI_all_season
        upper.env <- tmp.daily.mean[,2]+sd_med_BI_all_season
    ##assign flag according to the condition
        data$flag <- NA
        for (i in tmp.daily.sd[,1]) {
            act.doy <- i
            act.lower <- lower.env[tmp.daily.sd[,1]==act.doy]
            act.upper <- upper.env[tmp.daily.sd[,1]==act.doy]
            act.subset <- data[data$daily.time==act.doy, ]
            act.subset$flag <- ifelse(act.subset$bcc>act.lower & act.subset$bcc<act.upper, 'keep', 'discard')
            data$flag[data$daily.time==act.doy] <- act.subset$flag
    ## clean filtered data
        filtered <- data[,name]
        filtered[data$flag=='discard'] <- NA
    ## return data.frame
    ## final.data.frame <- data.frame(time=data$time, doy=data$doy, raw=data[,name], blue.filter=filtered)

## a filter based on gcc as implemented in Papale et al., 2006 (Biogeosciences)
    .mad.filter <- function(data, act.opts, name='gcc', ...) {
        z <- act.opts$z
        data$mad <- NA
    ## array of the differences
        data$flag <- ifelse(d>lower & d<upper, 'keep', 'discard')
        filtered <- data[,name]
        filtered[data$flag=='discard'] <- NA
    ## return data.frame

## 90th quantile filter on a 3 days moving window
    .max.filter <- function(data, name='gcc', act.opts, ...) {
        w <- act.opts$w
        qt <- act.opts$qt
        .max.fun <- function(x) {
            quantile(x, qt, na.rm=TRUE)
        computed.frequency <- median(diff(as.numeric(data$time)), na.rm=TRUE)
        data.per.day <- median(aggregate(data[,1], by=list(data$daily.time), FUN=length)[,2], na.rm=T)
        true.window <- data.per.day*w
        new.max <- rollapply(data[,name], FUN=.max.fun, width=true.window, fill='extend')

## spline filter as used in Migliavacca et al. 2011 (Agricultural and Forest Meteorology)
    .spline.filter <- function(data, act.opts, name='gcc', ...) {
        stdup <- act.opts$stdup
        stddown <- act.opts$stddown
        loop_spline <- act.opts$loop_spline
        if(length(data$doy) >= 100) {df_set<-10}
        if(length(data$doy) < 100) {df_set<-5}
        data.in.the.loop <- data[!is.na(data[,name]),]
        for(iii in 1:loop_spline){
            if (length(unique(data.in.the.loop$time))>=10) {
                splineVI<-predict(smooth.spline(data.in.the.loop$time, data.in.the.loop[,name], 
                d1spline <- predict(smooth.spline(data.in.the.loop$time, data.in.the.loop[,name], 
                    df=length(unique(data.in.the.loop$doy))/df_set), d=1)
                abs.d1 <- abs(d1spline$y/max(d1spline$y))*1.5
            ## check data removed from spline
                time.tmp <- as.POSIXct(splineVI$x, origin='1970-01-01')
                pos.match <- which(data.in.the.loop$time %in% time.tmp ==TRUE)
                filled.splineVI <- rep(NA, length(data.in.the.loop[,1]))
                weight.vect <- rep(NA, length(data.in.the.loop[,1]))
                filled.splineVI[pos.match] <- splineVI$y
                weight.vect[pos.match] <- abs.d1
            ## splineVI<-splineVI$y
                outliersVI = which(res_splineVI<(mean(res_splineVI)-(stddown+weight.vect)*sd(res_splineVI)) |
            ## outliersVI = c(outliersVI, which(res_splineVI>(mean(res_splineVI)+stdup*sd(res_splineVI))))
                badones = outliersVI
                if (length(badones)==0) {data.in.the.loop<-data.in.the.loop} else {data.in.the.loop<-data.in.the.loop[-badones,]}
                                        #print(paste('spline filtering: ',iii,' there are',length(badones),'outliers'))
    ## return a complete data.frame
        data_merged<-merge(data,data.in.the.loop[,c('time', name)],by='time',all.x=TRUE)
        name.merged <- paste(name, '.y', sep='')
        filtered <- data_merged[,name.merged]
    ## final.data.frame <- data.frame(time=data$time, doy=data$doy, raw=data[,name], spline.filter=data_merged[,name.merged])

    if (is.null(filter.options)) {filter.options <- list(night.filter=list(threshold=0.2),
      max.filter=list(w=3, qt=0.9),
      spline.filter=list(stdup=4, stddown=4, loop_spline=20))
classes <- NULL
for (a in 1:length(data)) {
    tmp <- class(data[,a])[1]
    classes <- c(classes, tmp)
pos.POSIX <- which(classes=='POSIXct')
if (length(pos.POSIX)==0) stop("Missing POSIX vector in your data")
    if (length(pos.POSIX)>1) warning("Multiple POSIX vectors: only the first one is used")
        time <- data[,pos.POSIX[1]]
    daily.time <- format(time, '%Y-%m-%d')
    ## check and erase duplicated timestamp
    if (length(which(duplicated(time)))!=0) {
        pos.dupl <- which(duplicated(time))
        time <- time[-pos.dupl]
        data <- data[-pos.dupl,]
    time.range <- length(unique(format(time, '%Y')))
    # if (time.range>1) warning('Filtering is optimized for a single year of data: use results with caution')
    doy <- format(time, "%j")
    ## retrieve data vectors if raw.dn = TRUE
    if (raw.dn=='NDVI') {# if NDVI data we expect a single column except date column
    rgb.indices <- data.frame(data[,-pos.POSIX], data[,-pos.POSIX], data[,-pos.POSIX])
    brt <- data[,-pos.POSIX]
}         else {
    if (raw.dn==TRUE) {
        rgb.colors <- data[,dn]
        brt <- apply(rgb.colors, MARGIN=1, FUN='sum', na.rm=T)
    ## build color indices
        rgb.indices <- rgb.colors/brt
    } else {
        if (is.null(brt)) warning('Provide column name for brightness')
            brt <- data[,brt]
        rgb.indices <- data[,dn]
names(rgb.indices) <- c('rcc', 'gcc', 'bcc')
new.data <- data.frame(time, daily.time, doy, rgb.indices, brt)
    ##recursive filtering
filter.names <- paste(filter, '.filtered', sep='')
name.to.filter <- c('gcc', paste(filter,'.filtered', sep=''))
filtered.data <- new.data
for (a in 1:length(filter)) {
    act.filter <- filter[a]
    act.name <- filter.names[a]
    act.name.to.filter <- name.to.filter[a]
    if (act.filter=='night') {
        act.fun <- .night.filter
        act.opts <- filter.options$night.filter
    if (act.filter=='max') {
        act.fun <- .max.filter
        act.opts <- filter.options$max.filter
    if (act.filter=='spline') {
        act.fun <- .spline.filter
        act.opts <- filter.options$spline.filter
    if (act.filter=='blue') {
        act.fun <- .blue.filter
        act.opts <- filter.options$blue.filter
    if (act.filter=='mad') {
        act.fun <- .mad.filter
        act.opts <- filter.options$mad.filter
    filtered <- act.fun(filtered.data, act.opts, name=act.name.to.filter)
    filtered <- data.frame(filtered)
    names(filtered) <- act.name
    filtered.data <- data.frame(filtered.data, filtered)
        ## colname <- paste(act.filter, '.filtered', sep='')
    ## daily aggregation by doy, return median
pos.time <- which(names(filtered.data)=='time' | names(filtered.data)=='doy' | names(filtered.data)=='daily.time')
daily.agg <- aggregate(filtered.data[,-pos.time], by=list(filtered.data$daily.time), FUN='median', na.rm=T)
names(daily.agg)[1] <- 'time'    
    ## end of the filtering loop
if (plot==TRUE) {
        ##define palette
    act.palette <- palette()[1:(length(filter)+1)]
    legend.names <- c('raw', filter)
    names.match <- which(names(filtered.data)%in%paste(filter, '.filtered', sep=''))
    ylims <- range(c(filtered.data$gcc, filtered.data[,names.match]), na.rm=T)
    with(filtered.data, plot(time, gcc, col=act.palette[1], ylim=ylims, pch=16))
    if (length(filter)==1) points(filtered.data$time, filtered.data[,names.match], col=act.palette[2], pch=16) else {
        for (i in 1:length(filter)) {
            points(filtered.data$time, filtered.data[,names.match][,i], col=act.palette[i+1], pch=16)
    legend('bottomright', col=act.palette, legend=legend.names, pch=16, bty='n')
time.def <- as.POSIXct(as.character(daily.agg$time))
pos.time <- which(names(daily.agg)=='time')
reduced <- daily.agg[,-pos.time]
    ##aggregate daily
if (na.fill) to.return <- na.approx(zoo(reduced, order.by=time.def), maxgap=10) else {
    to.return <- zoo(reduced, order.by=time.def)

gianlucafilippa/phenopix documentation built on Nov. 4, 2019, 1:06 p.m.