#' Archive data in compressed files
#' @param language A character vector of language two letter codes. Defaults to NULL. If NULL, processes available languages.
#' @return Nothing, used for its side effects.
#' @examples
#' @export
nwd_archive <- function(date = NULL,
folder = "tweets",
timeframe = "daily",
language = NULL,
filetype = "rds") {
date_provided <- date
if (is.null(language)) {
language <- fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path(folder),
recurse = FALSE,
type = "directory") %>%
for (i in language) {
if (is.null(date_provided)) {
date <- fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path(folder, i), recurse = FALSE, type = "directory") %>%
if (timeframe=="daily") {
for (j in date) {
year <- lubridate::year(j)
fs::dir_create(path = fs::path("archive", language, folder, year), recurse = TRUE)
archived_file_location <- fs::path("archive",
if (fs::file_exists(path = archived_file_location)==FALSE) {
tar(tarfile = archived_file_location,
files = fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path(folder, i, j),
recurse = TRUE,
type = "file",
glob = paste0("*.", filetype)),
tar = Sys.which("tar"),
compression = "gzip")
if (timeframe=="monthly") {
fs::dir_create(path = fs::path("archive", language, folder, year), recurse = TRUE)
archived_file_location <- fs::path("archive",
stringr::str_pad(string = month, width = 2, pad = "0"),
tar(tarfile = archived_file_location,
files = fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path(folder, language, year, stringr::str_pad(string = month, width = 2, pad = "0")),
recurse = TRUE,
type = "file",
glob = paste0("*", language, ".", filetype)),
tar = Sys.which("tar"),
compression = "gzip")
#' Restore data from compressed files
#' @param language A character vector of language two letter codes. Defaults to NULL. If NULL, processes available languages.
#' @return Nothing, used for its side effects.
#' @examples
#' @export
nwd_restore <- function(date = NULL,
folder = "tweets",
timeframe = "daily",
language = NULL,
filetype = "rds",
filenames_only = FALSE) {
if (is.null(language)) {
language <- fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path("archive"),
recurse = FALSE,
type = "directory") %>%
for (i in language) {
if (is.null(date)) {
date <- fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path("archive", i, folder), recurse = FALSE, type = "directory") %>%
if (sum(nchar(date)>4)>0) {
year <- lubridate::year(date)
} else {
year <- date
archived_files_location_l <- fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path("archive", i, folder, year),
recurse = FALSE,
type = "file",
glob = paste0("*_",
timeframe, ".tar.gz"))
if (filenames_only==FALSE) {
purrr::walk(.x = archived_files_location_l,
.f = function (x) {
untar(tarfile = x)
} else {
return(purrr::map(.x = archived_files_location_l,
.f = function (x) {
untar(tarfile = x, list = TRUE)
}) %>% unlist())
#' Backup archived files to googledrive
#' @param language A character vector of language two letter codes. Defaults to NULL. If NULL, processes available languages.
#' @return Nothing, used for its side effects.
#' @examples
#' @export
nwd_upload_to_googledrive <- function(date = NULL,
folder = "tweets",
timeframe = "daily",
language = NULL,
filetype = "rds",
show_filenames_only = FALSE) {
if (is.null(language)) {
language <- fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path("archive"),
recurse = FALSE,
type = "directory") %>%
for (i in language) {
if (is.null(date)) {
date <- fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path("archive", i, folder), recurse = TRUE, type = "file", glob = paste0("*_", filetype, "_", timeframe, ".tar.gz")) %>%
fs::path_file() %>%
stringr::str_extract(pattern = "[[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]-[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]-[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]") %>%
file_locations_to_upload <- fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path("archive", i, folder), recurse = TRUE, type = "file", glob = paste0("*_", filetype, "_", timeframe, ".tar.gz"))
filenames_to_upload <- fs::path_file(path = file_locations_to_upload)
## base networkedwebsitesdetector folder
home_d <- googledrive::drive_ls() %>% dplyr::filter(name=="networkedwebsitesdetector")
if (nrow(home_d)==0) {
networkedwebsitesdetector_folder_d <- googledrive::drive_mkdir(name = "networkedwebsitesdetector")
} else if (nrow(home_d)==1) {
networkedwebsitesdetector_folder_d <- home_d
} else {
stop("networkedwebsitesdetector should find just one networkedwebsitesdetector folder. Please delete if you have more than one.")
# language folders
language_folder_d <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = networkedwebsitesdetector_folder_d) %>%
if (nrow(language_folder_d)==0) {
language_folder_d <- googledrive::drive_mkdir(name = language, parent = networkedwebsitesdetector_folder_d)
} else if (nrow(language_folder_d)==1) {
#do nothing
} else {
stop("networkedwebsitesdetector should find just one folder with the same language name. Please delete if you have more than one.")
all_types_folder_d <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = language_folder_d)
## type folder
type_folder_d <- all_types_folder_d %>%
if (nrow(type_folder_d)==0) {
type_folder_d <- googledrive::drive_mkdir(name = folder,
parent = language_folder_d)
} else if (nrow(type_folder_d)==1) {
# do nothing
} else {
stop("networkedwebsitesdetector should find just one folder type with the same name. Please delete if you have more than one.")
## year folder
all_years_folder_d <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = type_folder_d, recursive = FALSE)
years <- unique(lubridate::year(date))
for (j in years) {
## year folder
year_folder_d <- all_years_folder_d %>%
if (nrow(year_folder_d)==0) {
year_folder_d <- googledrive::drive_mkdir(name = as.character(j),
parent = type_folder_d)
} else if (nrow(year_folder_d)==1) {
# do nothing
} else {
stop("networkedwebsitesdetector should find just one folder type with the same year Please delete if you have more than one.")
year_folder_contents_d <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = year_folder_d)
current_year_logical <- stringr::str_starts(string = fs::path_file(file_locations_to_upload), pattern = as.character(j))
if(nrow(year_folder_contents_d)==0) {
purrr::walk(.x = file_locations_to_upload[current_year_logical],
.f = function(x) googledrive::drive_upload(media = x, path = year_folder_d))
} else {
file_locations_to_upload_current_year <- file_locations_to_upload[current_year_logical]
purrr::walk(.x = file_locations_to_upload_current_year[is.element(el = fs::path_file(file_locations_to_upload_current_year), set = year_folder_contents_d$name)==FALSE],
.f = function(x) googledrive::drive_upload(media = x, path = year_folder_d))
#' Download files archived in Google Drive
#' @param language A character vector of language two letter codes. Defaults to NULL. If NULL, processes available languages.
#' @return Nothing, used for its side effects.
#' @examples
#' @export
nwd_download_from_googledrive <- function(date = NULL,
folder = "tweets",
timeframe = "daily",
language = NULL,
filetype = "rds",
overwrite = FALSE) {
home_d <- googledrive::drive_ls() %>% dplyr::filter(name=="networkedwebsitesdetector")
all_languages_folder <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = home_d)
if (is.null(language)==TRUE) {
language <- all_languages_folder$name
for (i in language) {
language_folder_d <- all_languages_folder%>%
all_types_folder_d <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = language_folder_d)
type_folder_d <- all_types_folder_d %>%
## year folder
all_years_folder_d <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = type_folder_d)
years <- all_years_folder_d$name
for (j in years) {
year_folder_d <- all_years_folder_d %>%
year_folder_contents_d <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = year_folder_d)
base_year_path <- fs::path("archive", i, folder, j)
fs::dir_create(path = base_year_path, recurse = TRUE)
local_files <- fs::dir_ls(base_year_path) %>% fs::path_file()
year_folder_contents_filtered_d <- year_folder_contents_d %>%
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(string = name,
pattern = paste0(filetype, "_", timeframe, ".tar.gz")))
if (overwrite==FALSE) {
year_folder_contents_filtered_d <- year_folder_contents_filtered_d %>%
dplyr::filter(is.element(name, local_files)==FALSE)
for (k in 1:nrow(year_folder_contents_filtered_d)) {
temp_file_d <- year_folder_contents_filtered_d %>% dplyr::slice(k)
googledrive::drive_download(file = temp_file_d,
path = fs::path(base_year_path, temp_file_d$name),
overwrite = overwrite)
#' Adjusts file names of folders with single digits
#' @param language A character vector of language two letter codes. Defaults to NULL. If NULL, processes available languages.
#' @return Nothing, used for its side effects.
#' @examples
#' @export
nwd_adjust_folder_names <- function(folder = "tweets", language = NULL, date = NULL) {
if (is.null(date)) {
year <- lubridate::year(Sys.Date())
} else {
year <- lubridate::year(date)
short_paths <- fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path(folder, year),
recurse = TRUE,
type = "directory")
short_paths_split <- short_paths %>%
for (i in seq_along(short_paths_split)) {
short_paths_split[[i]][3] <- stringr::str_pad(string = short_paths_split[[i]][3],
width = 2,
pad = "0")
if (length(short_paths_split[[i]])>3) {
short_paths_split[[i]][4] <- stringr::str_pad(string = short_paths_split[[i]][4],
width = 2,
pad = "0")
if (length(short_paths_split[[i]])>4) {
short_paths_split[[i]][5] <- stringr::str_pad(string = short_paths_split[[i]][45],
width = 2,
pad = "0")
short_paths_joined <- fs::path_join(parts = short_paths_split)
short_paths_l <- as.character(short_paths)!=short_paths_joined
fs::file_move(path = short_paths[short_paths_l], new_path = short_paths_joined[short_paths_l])
#' Adjusts names of nested date folders
#' @param language A character vector of language two letter codes. Defaults to NULL. If NULL, processes available languages.
#' @return Nothing, used for its side effects.
#' @examples
#' @export
nwd_adjust_folder_names_nested <- function(folder = "tweets", language = NULL, date = NULL) {
if (is.null(date)) {
year <- lubridate::year(Sys.Date())
} else {
year <- lubridate::year(date)
original_month_paths <- fs::dir_ls(path = fs::path(folder, language, year),
recurse = FALSE,
type = "directory")
for (i in original_month_paths) {
original_daily_path <- fs::dir_ls(path = i,
recurse = FALSE,
type = "directory")
original_daily_path_split <- original_daily_path %>%
adjusted_daily_path_split <- list()
for (j in seq_along(original_daily_path_split)) {
adjusted_daily_path_split[[j]] <- c(original_daily_path_split[[j]][1],
paste(original_daily_path_split[[j]][3], original_daily_path_split[[j]][4], original_daily_path_split[[j]][5], sep = "-"))
adjusted_daily_joined <- fs::path_join(parts = adjusted_daily_path_split)
fs::file_move(path = original_daily_path, new_path = adjusted_daily_joined)
#' List available backups on Google Drive
#' @param language A character vector of language two letter codes. Defaults to NULL. If NULL, processes available languages.
#' @return A dribble, a data frame (tibble) of the 'googledrive' package including details on the file on Google Drive.
#' @examples
#' @export
nwd_list_available_backups_on_google_drive <- function(date = NULL,
folder = "tweets",
timeframe = "daily",
language = NULL,
filetype = "rds") {
home_d <- googledrive::drive_ls() %>% dplyr::filter(name=="networkedwebsitesdetector")
all_languages_folder <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = home_d)
if (is.null(language)==TRUE) {
language <- all_languages_folder$name
purrr::map_dfr(.x = language,
.f = function (i) {
language_folder_d <- all_languages_folder%>%
all_types_folder_d <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = language_folder_d)
type_folder_d <- all_types_folder_d %>%
## year folder
all_years_folder_d <- googledrive::drive_ls(path = type_folder_d)
years <- all_years_folder_d$name
purrr::map_dfr(.x = years,
.f = function(x) {
year_folder_d <- all_years_folder_d %>%
googledrive::drive_ls(path = year_folder_d) %>%
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(string = name,
pattern = paste0(filetype, "_", timeframe, ".tar.gz")))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.