# This file is released under the GNU General Public License, Version 3, GPL-3 #
# Copyright (C) 2021 Yohann Demont #
# #
# It is part of IFC package, please cite: #
# -IFC: An R Package for Imaging Flow Cytometry #
# -YEAR: 2021 #
# -COPYRIGHT HOLDERS: Yohann Demont, Jean-Pierre Marolleau, Loïc Garçon, #
# CHU Amiens #
# #
# -You are using this package on your own risk! #
# -We do not guarantee privacy nor confidentiality. #
# -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In no event shall the copyright holders or #
# contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, #
# exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, #
# procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; #
# or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, #
# whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or #
# otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if #
# advised of the possibility of such damage. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with IFC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
#' @title RIF/CIF File Conversion to TIFF
#' @description
#' Converts and subsets RIF or CIF files to TIFF.
#' This function is experimental.
#' @param fileName path of file to subset.
#' It has to be a '.rif' or '.cif' file.
#' @param write_to pattern used to export file.
#' Placeholders, like "\%d/\%s_fromR.\%e", will be substituted:\cr
#' -\%d: with full path directory of 'fileName'\cr
#' -\%p: with first parent directory of 'fileName'\cr
#' -\%e: with extension of 'fileName' (without leading .)\cr
#' -\%s: with shortname from 'fileName' (i.e. basename without extension).\cr
#' Exported file extension has to be .tif or .tiff.
#' @param objects integer vector, IDEAS objects ids numbers to use. If missing, the default, all objects will be used.
#' @param offsets object of class `IFC_offset`. If missing, the default, offsets will be extracted from 'fileName'.\cr
#' This param is not mandatory but it may allow to save time for repeated XIF export on same file.
#' @param fast whether to fast extract 'objects' or not. Default is TRUE.
#' Meaning that 'objects' will be extracted expecting that 'objects' are stored in ascending order.\cr
#' Note that a warning will be sent if an 'object' is found at an unexpected order.
#' In such a case you may need to rerun function with 'fast' = FALSE.
#' If set to FALSE, all raw object_ids will be scanned from 'fileName' to ensure extraction of desired 'objects'.\cr
#' IMPORTANT: whatever this argument is, features are extracted assuming an ascending order of storage in file.
#' @param endianness The endian-ness ("big" or "little") of the target system for the file. Default is .Platform$endian.\cr
#' Endianness describes the bytes order of data stored within the files. This parameter may not be modified.
#' @param verbose whether to display information (use for debugging purpose). Default is FALSE.
#' @param verbosity quantity of information displayed when verbose is TRUE; 1: normal, 2: rich. Default is 1.
#' @param overwrite whether to overwrite file or not. Default is FALSE.\cr
#' Note that if TRUE, it will overwrite exported file if path of 'fileName' and deduced from 'write_to' arguments are different.
#' Otherwise, you will get an error saying that overwriting source file is not allowed.\cr
#' Note also that an original file, i.e. generated by IDEAS(R) or INSPIRE(R), will never be overwritten.
#' Otherwise, you will get an error saying that overwriting original file is not allowed.\cr
#' @param display_progress whether to display a progress bar. Default is TRUE.
#' @param add_tracking whether to register files' paths and objects' ids in the exported file. Default is TRUE.
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed.
#' @details This function is experimental and under development inputs and outputs may change in the future
#' @return It invisibly returns full path of exported file.
#' @keywords internal
XIFtoTIFF <- function (fileName, write_to, objects, offsets,
fast = TRUE,
endianness = .Platform$endian,
verbose = FALSE, verbosity = 1,
overwrite = FALSE, display_progress = TRUE,
add_tracking = TRUE, ...) {
dots = list(...)
# change locale
locale_back <- setloc(c("LC_ALL" = "en_US.UTF-8"))
enc_back <- options("encoding" = "UTF-8")
on.exit(suspendInterrupts({setloc(locale_back); options(enc_back)}), add = TRUE)
# check madatory param
if(missing(fileName)) stop("'fileName' can't be missing")
tmp = duplicated(fileName)
if(any(tmp)) {
warning(paste0("duplicated files have been removed from 'fileName': ","\n-", paste0(fileName[tmp],collapse="\n-")))
fileName = fileName[!tmp]
if(length(fileName) != 1) stop("'fileName' should be of length 1")
if(!file.exists(fileName)) stop(paste("can't find", fileName, sep = " "))
if(missing(write_to)) stop("'write_to' can't be missing")
# extract_features = as.logical(extract_features); assert(extract_features, len = 1, alw = c(TRUE, FALSE))
extract_features = FALSE
display_progress = as.logical(display_progress); assert(display_progress, len = 1, alw = c(TRUE, FALSE))
verbose = as.logical(verbose); assert(verbose, len = 1, alw = c(TRUE, FALSE))
add_tracking = as.logical(add_tracking); assert(add_tracking, len = 1, alw = c(TRUE, FALSE))
if(verbose) {
verbosity = as.integer(verbosity); assert(verbosity, len = 1, alw = c(1,2))
VER = ifelse(verbose & (verbosity==2), TRUE, FALSE)
} else {
fileName = enc2native(normalizePath(fileName, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE))
r_endian = cpp_checkTIFF(fileName)
swap = r_endian != endianness
f_Ext = getFileExt(fileName)
title_progress = basename(fileName)
assert(write_to, len = 1, typ = "character")
splitf_obj = splitf(fileName)
splitp_obj = splitp(write_to)
write_to = formatn(splitp_obj, splitf_obj)
e_Ext = getFileExt(write_to); assert(e_Ext, len = 1, alw = c("tif", "tiff"))
if(any(splitp_obj$channel > 0)) message("'write_to' has %c argument but channel information can't be retrieved with XIFtoTIFF()")
if(any(splitp_obj$object > 0)) message("'write_to' has %o argument but channel information can't be retrieved with XIFtoTIFF()")
dir_name = dirname(write_to)
if(!dir.exists(dir_name)) if(!dir.create(dir_name, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)) stop(paste0("can't create\n", dir_name))
overwritten = FALSE
if(file.exists(write_to)) {
write_to = normalizePath(write_to, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
if(!overwrite) stop(paste0("file ", write_to, " already exists"))
if(tolower(fileName) == tolower(write_to)) stop("you are trying to overwrite source file which is not allowed")
IFD_export = getIFD(fileName = write_to, offsets = "first", force_trunc = FALSE, trunc_bytes = 8, verbose = FALSE, bypass = FALSE)[[1]]
}, error = function(e) {
stop(paste0(write_to, "\ndoes not seem to be well formatted:\n", e$message), call. = FALSE)
if(length(IFD_export$tags[["33090"]])==0) stop("you are trying to overwrite an original file which is not allowed")
tmp_file = tempfile()
overwritten = TRUE
file_w = ifelse(overwritten, tmp_file, write_to)
# Extract important values
IFDs = getIFD(fileName = fileName, offsets = "first", force_trunc = FALSE, trunc_bytes = 8, verbose = FALSE, bypass = FALSE)
compute_offsets = TRUE
if(!missing(offsets)) {
if(!("IFC_offset" %in% class(offsets))) {
warning("provided offsets do not match with expected ones, offsets will be recomputed", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
} else {
if(attr(offsets, "checksum") != checksumXIF(fileName)) {
warning("provided offsets do not match with expected ones, offsets will be recomputed", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
} else {
compute_offsets = FALSE
if(compute_offsets) {
offsets = suppressMessages(getOffsets(fileName = fileName, fast = fast, display_progress = display_progress))
} else {
fast = TRUE
XIF_test = ifelse(length(attr(offsets, "test")) == 0, testXIF(fileName), attr(offsets, "test"))
XIF_step = as.integer(XIF_test == 1) + 1L
nobj = as.integer(attr(x = offsets, which = "obj_count"))
if(missing(objects)) {
message("All objects will be extracted\n")
objects = as.integer(0:(nobj - 1))
} else {
objects = as.integer(objects)
tokeep = (objects >= 0) & (objects < nobj)
if((length(tokeep) == 0) && (XIF_test >= 0)) {
warning(paste0("XIFtoTIFF: No objects to export, check the objects you provided.\n",
"Can't create 'write_to' file.\n", write_to),
immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
if(!all(tokeep)) {
objects = unique(objects[tokeep]) # unique is very important
warning("Some objects that are not in ", fileName, " have been automatically removed from extraction process")
objects = objects[order(objects)] # since it appears that objects are stored with increasing number
# Initialize values
obj_id = -1
L = length(objects)
objects_1 = objects + 1
offsets = subsetOffsets(offsets = offsets, objects = objects, image_type = c("img", "msk"))
offsets = c(IFDs[[1]]$curr_IFD_offset, offsets)
off_number = length(offsets)
fname2 = charToRaw(fileName)
# unwanted tags
# TODO should we remove features and db (Inspire, Assay, ASSISTdb, dates, ..., tags 33027,33064,33078) ?
# 258 corresponds to compression, will be overwritten with 8 or 16 depending on bit depth of uncompressed data
# 259 corresponds to compression, will be overwritten with 1 for uncompressed data
# 273 corresponds to strip offset, will be overwritten with uncompressed data
# 277 corresponds to SamplesPerPixel, will be overwritten with 1
# 279 corresponds to strip bytes count, will be overwritten with uncompressed data size
# 33004 corresponds to file date
# 33005 corresponds to user
# 33018 corresponds to total object number
# 33030 stores file path in case of merged
# 33080 corresponds to offset of Features values, will be overwritten if features are found
# 33081 appears in merged file, it has same val = 33080, but is of typ = 2 and map NULL
# 33082 corresponds to binary Features version, will be overwritten if features are found
# 33083 corresponds to Features values in merged or subset
# 33090, 33091, 33092, 33093, 33094 corresponds to tags we add to track objects origin
unwanted = c(33004, 33005, 33018,
33027, 33064, 33078, # db
33080, 33081, 33082, 33083, # features
33090, 33091, 33092, 33093, 33094)
if(XIF_test >= 0) unwanted = c(258,259,273,277,279, unwanted)
if(!add_tracking) unwanted = c(33030, unwanted)
# open connections for reading and writing
toread = file(description = fileName, open = "rb")
on.exit(close(toread), add = TRUE)
towrite = file(description = file_w, open = "wb")
}), error = function(e) {
stop(paste0(ifelse(overwritten,"temp ","'write_to' "), "file: ", file_w, "\ncan't be created: check name ?"))
write_to = normalizePath(write_to, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
tryCatch(expr = {
# go to beginning of file
seek(toread, 0)
# read and writes magick number
writeBin(object = readBin(toread, what = "raw", n = 4, endian = r_endian), con = towrite, endian = r_endian)
# define writing position
pos = 8
tmp = cpp_uint32_to_raw(pos %% 4294967296)
if(endianness != .Platform$endian) tmp = rev(tmp)
writeBin(object = tmp, con = towrite, endian = endianness)
if(display_progress) {
pb1 = newPB(title = title_progress, label = "objects subsetting", min = 0, max = L, initial = 0, style = 3)
on.exit(endPB(pb1), add = TRUE)
for(i_off in 1:off_number) {
extra = list()
# extract IFD
IFD = cpp_fastTAGS(fname = fileName, offset = offsets[i_off], swap = swap)
ifd = IFD$tags[!(names(IFD$tags) %in% unwanted)]
ifd = ifd[!sapply(ifd, simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = FALSE, FUN = function(i) i$byt == 0)] # removes NULL tags
TYPE = IFD$tags[["33002"]]$val
if(any(TYPE == 2)) OBJECT_ID = IFD$tags[["33003"]]$val
# if((length(TYPE) != 0) && (TYPE == 2)) OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID
if(length(OBJECT_ID) == 1) {
if(fast) {
expected_obj = as.integer(gsub("msk_", "", gsub("img_", "", names(offsets[i_off]), fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE))
if(TYPE == 2) if(OBJECT_ID != expected_obj) {
warning("Extracted object_id [",OBJECT_ID,"] differs from expected one [",expected_obj,"]", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
if(display_progress) setPB(pb1, value = (obj_id+1)/XIF_step, title = title_progress, label = "objects subsetting")
# extract features values in 1st IFD
if(i_off == 1) {
# we need to reintroduce 258 bit depth, 259: compression, 273: strip offset, 277: SamplesPerPixel, 279: strip byte count tags
features = list()
if(XIF_test >= 0) {
extra = c(extra,
buildIFD(val = 8, typ = 3, tag = 258, endianness = r_endian),
buildIFD(val = 1, typ = 3, tag = 259, endianness = r_endian),
buildIFD(val = 8, typ = 4, tag = 273, endianness = r_endian),
buildIFD(val = 1, typ = 3, tag = 277, endianness = r_endian),
buildIFD(val = 1, typ = 4, tag = 279, endianness = r_endian)
extra = c(extra,
# change now time
buildIFD(val = format(Sys.time(), "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S %p"), typ = 2, tag = 33004, endianness = r_endian),
# change user
buildIFD(val = "IFC package", typ = 2, tag = 33005, endianness = r_endian),
# modify total objects count
buildIFD(val = L, typ = 4, tag = 33018, endianness = r_endian),
# add pkg version tag /!\ mandatory to prevent overwriting original file
buildIFD(val = paste0(unlist(packageVersion("IFC")), collapse = "."), typ = 2, tag = 33090, endianness = r_endian))
if(add_tracking) {
extra = c(extra,
# add fileName tag /!\ allow to track where exported objects are coming from
buildIFD(val = collapse_raw(c(list(suppressWarnings(getFullTag(IFD = structure(list(IFD), class = "IFC_ifd_list", "fileName_image" = fileName), which = 1, tag = "33091", raw = TRUE))),
typ = 2, tag = 33091, endianness = r_endian),
# add checksum tag /!\ allow to track where exported objects are coming from
buildIFD(val = collapse_raw(c(list(suppressWarnings(getFullTag(IFD = structure(list(IFD), class = "IFC_ifd_list", "fileName_image" = fileName), which = 1, tag = "33092", raw = TRUE))),
typ = 2, tag = 33092, endianness = r_endian))
} else {
if(XIF_test >= 0) {
# we need to reintroduce 258 bit depth, 259: no compression, 273: strip offset, 277: SamplesPerPixel, 279: strip byte count tags
extra = c(extra,
buildIFD(val = 16, typ = 3, tag = 258, endianness = r_endian),
buildIFD(val = 1, typ = 3, tag = 259, endianness = r_endian),
buildIFD(val = 1, typ = 4, tag = 273, endianness = r_endian),
buildIFD(val = 1, typ = 3, tag = 277, endianness = r_endian)
# we decompress images to raw
extra[["273"]]$val = cpp_rawdecomp(fname=fileName,
swap = endianness!=r_endian,
extra = c(extra, buildIFD(val = length(extra[["273"]]$val), typ = 4, tag = 279, endianness = r_endian))
extra[["273"]]$byt = length(extra[["273"]]$val)
# correct FillOrder
tmp = cpp_uint32_to_raw(1)
if(endianness!=r_endian) tmp = rev(tmp)
if(length(ifd[["266"]])!=0) ifd[["266"]]$raw[9:12] <- tmp
if(add_tracking) {
extra = c(extra,
# register current object id in new tag to be able to track it
buildIFD(val = collapse_raw(c(list(suppressWarnings(getFullTag(IFD = structure(list(IFD), class = "IFC_ifd_list", "fileName_image" = fileName), which = 1, tag = "33093", raw = TRUE))),
typ = 2, tag = 33093, endianness = r_endian),
# register current fil_ori in new tag to be able to track it
buildIFD(val = collapse_raw(c(list(suppressWarnings(getFullTag(IFD = structure(list(IFD), class = "IFC_ifd_list", "fileName_image" = fileName), which = 1, tag = "33094", raw = TRUE))),
typ = 2, tag = 33094, endianness = r_endian)
# TODO if we remove mask tags it may be better to use offsets names as tracking object id
# modify object id
tmp = cpp_uint32_to_raw(floor(obj_id/(XIF_step)))
if(endianness!=r_endian) tmp = rev(tmp)
if(length(ifd[["33003"]])!=0) ifd[["33003"]]$raw[9:12] <- tmp
# TODO ask amnis what to do with 33024
pos = writeIFD(ifd, r_con = toread, w_con = towrite, pos = pos, extra = extra, endianness = r_endian, last = (i_off == off_number))
obj_id = obj_id + 1
}, error = function(e) {
stop(paste0("Can't create 'write_to' file.\n", write_to,
ifelse(overwritten,"\nFile was not modified.\n","\n"),
"See pre-file @\n", normalizePath(file_w, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE), "\n",
e$message), call. = FALSE)
}, finally = close(towrite))
if(overwritten) {
mess = paste0("\n######################\n", write_to, "\nhas been successfully overwritten\n")
if(!suppressWarnings(file.rename(to = write_to, from = file_w))) { # try file renaming which is faster
if(!file.copy(to = write_to, from = file_w, overwrite = TRUE)) { # try file.copy if renaming is not possible
stop(paste0("Can't copy temp file@\n", normalizePath(file_w, winslash = "/"), "\n",
"Can't create 'write_to' file.\n", write_to,
"\nFile was not modified.\n"), call. = FALSE)
} else {
file.remove(file_w, showWarnings = FALSE)
} else {
mess = paste0("\n######################\n", write_to, "\nhas been successfully exported\n")
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