# This file is released under the GNU General Public License, Version 3, GPL-3 #
# Copyright (C) 2024 Yohann Demont #
# #
# It is part of IFC package, please cite: #
# -IFC: An R Package for Imaging Flow Cytometry #
# -YEAR: 2020 #
# -COPYRIGHT HOLDERS: Yohann Demont, Gautier Stoll, Guido Kroemer, #
# Jean-Pierre Marolleau, Loïc Garçon, #
# INSERM, UPD, CHU Amiens #
# #
# -You are using this package on your own risk! #
# -We do not guarantee privacy nor confidentiality. #
# -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In no event shall the copyright holders or #
# contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, #
# exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, #
# procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; #
# or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, #
# whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or #
# otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if #
# advised of the possibility of such damage. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with IFC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
# functions described hereunder are experimental #
# inputs and outputs may change in the future #
#' @title Image Field Directory Tag Editor
#' @description
#' Edits tag value in file IFDs (Image Field Directory).
#' @param IFD an object of class `IFC_ifd_list` extracted by \code{\link{getIFD}}.
#' @param which scalar, integer (index) or the name of 'IFD' sub-element to edit 'tag' to.
#' @param tag scalar, integer (index) or the name of the desired 'tag' in IFD[[which]].
#' @param value value used to fill the 'tag'. For the moment only string is supported.
#' @param force whether to force edition. Needed when 'tag' value already exceed 4 bytes. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @details /!\ file will be modified /!\
#' /!\ When \code{'force'} needs to be \code{TRUE}, 'value' will be appended to file \strong{but} former tag 'value' will still be present in file \strong{and not} erased.\cr
#' Will only work when 'tag' is present in TIFF file.\cr
#' Will only work for TIFF files produced by \pkg{IFC}
#' @return It invisibly returns path of edited file.
#' @keywords internal
editTag <- function(IFD, which, tag, value, force = FALSE) {
if(!("IFC_ifd_list" %in% class(IFD))) stop("'IFD' object is not of class `IFC_ifd_list`")
fileName = attr(x = IFD, which = "fileName_image")
endian = ifelse(readBin(fileName, what = "raw", n = 1) == 0x49, "little", "big")
if(!missing(value)) {
if(length(value) == 0) {
warning("empty 'value' is not supported")
stopifnot(length(value) == 1, typeof(value) == "character")
} else {
force = na.omit(force)
stopifnot(length(which) == 1, length(tag) == 1, length(force) == 1, typeof(force) == "logical")
i_ifd = 0
if(typeof(which) == "character") {
tmp = names(IFD) %in% which
if(any(tmp)) i_ifd = head(na.omit(which(tmp)))
} else {
which = na.omit(as.integer(which))
if(which >= 1 && which <= length(IFD)) i_ifd = which
if(i_ifd == 0) {
warning("can't find 'which'[", which, "] in 'IFD'")
if(!identical(substr(suppressWarnings(IFC::getFullTag(IFD, which = which, tag = "305")),0,3), "IFC")) stop("'fileName' should have been produced by `IFC` package")
ifd = IFD[[which]]
i_tag = 0
if(typeof(tag) == "character") {
tmp = names(ifd$tags) == tag
if(any(tmp)) i_tag = head(na.omit(which(tmp)))
} else {
tag = na.omit(as.integer(tag))
if((tag >= 1) && (tag <= length(ifd$tags))) i_tag = tag
if(i_tag == 0) {
warning("can't find 'tag'[", tag, "] in IFD[[", which, "]] tags")
if(ifd$tags[[i_tag]]$typ != 2) {
warning("'tag'[", tag, "] in IFD[[", which, "]] of type=",ifd[[i_tag]]$typ," is not supported (should be 2)")
if(ifd$tags[[i_tag]]$byt > 4 && !force) {
warning("'tag'[", tag, "] in IFD[[", which, "]] can't be modified unless 'force'=TRUE")
tag_offset = ifd$curr_IFD_offset + 2 + (i_tag - 1) * 12
raw = unlist(c(iconv(value, from = "UTF8", to = "UTF8", toRaw = TRUE), raw(1)), use.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)
l = length(raw)
fs = file.size(fileName)
if(l + fs > (2^32-1)) stop("'value' is too big to be stored")
if(l > 2^31-1) l = l - 2^32
towrite = file(description = enc2native(fileName), open = "r+b")
# modify tag count
seek(towrite, tag_offset + 4, origin = "start", rw = "write")
writeBin(object = as.integer(l), size = 4, con = towrite, endian = endian)
if(l > 4) {
# set tag value to point to end of file
seek(towrite, tag_offset + 8, origin = "start", rw = "write")
if(fs > 2^31-1) fs = fs - 2^32
writeBin(object = as.integer(fs), size = 4, con = towrite, endian = endian)
# append value to end of file
seek(towrite, 0, origin = "end", rw = "write")
writeBin(object = raw, con = towrite)
} else {
# set tag value to new value
seek(towrite, tag_offset + 8, origin = "start", rw = "write")
writeBin(object = raw, con = towrite)
while(l < 4) raw = c(raw, raw(1))
#' @title Metadata Editor
#' @description
#' Edits metadata in TIFF file
#' @param fileName path to file.
#' @param metadata string used to fill tag "270" of first IFD of 'fileName'. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @details /!\ file will be modified /!\
#' It will only work for 1st time edition of TIFF files produced by \pkg{IFC}.
#' @return It invisibly returns path of edited file.
#' @keywords internal
editMetadata <- function(fileName, metadata = NULL) {
IFD = IFC::getIFD(fileName)
if(!identical(suppressWarnings(IFC::getFullTag(IFD, which = 1, tag = "270")), "N/A")) stop("'metadata' edition is not allowed")
editTag(IFD = IFD, which = 1, tag = "270", value = metadata, force = FALSE)
#' @title OME XML Writer
#' @name createOME
#' @description
#' Creates OME xml
#' @param dims image dimensions [h,w,c,f]\cr
#' with h=height, w=width, c=channel, f=frame.
#' @param param object of class `IFC_param`, containing extraction parameters defined by \code{\link{objectParam}}.
#' @param name name of the image. When missing, the default it will not be incorporated.
#' @param date date of the image. Should be formatted as \verb{"\%Y:\%m:\%d \%H:\%M:\%S"}, see \code{\link[base]{format.Date}}. When missing, the default it will not be incorporated.
#' @param what bits mode used to store image. Default is \code{"int16"}. Allowed are \code{"uint8"}, \code{"int8"}, \code{"uint16"}, \code{"int16"}, \code{"uint32"}, \code{"int32"}, \code{"float"} and \code{"double"}.
#' @param endianness The endian-ness ("big" or "little") of the return object. Default is .Platform$endian.
#' @return An OME xml.
#' @keywords internal
createOME <- function(dims, param, name, date, what = "int16", endianness = .Platform$endian) {
# FIXME ... 1
# Should uuid be used ?
# this would involve dependency to uuid library
# in addition AFAIU uuid are only needed when ref to other file(s) is required which is not the case here
# FIXME ... 2
# there may be some bad interplay between <Pixels Size[XYCZT], Interleaved /> and <Channel SamplePerPixel />
# writemulti stores [height,width,channels,frame] as frame IFD(s) with SamplePerPixel = c
# FIXME ... 3
# Is color value OK ?
# FIXME ... 4
# What should be the correct <Channel AcquisitionMode /> for ImageStream / FlowSight?
# FIXME ... 5
# pass illumination parameters ? but it is not part of 'param'
# <Channel ExcitationWavelength /> applies to channel but with Imagestream all channels are excited by all lasers (for same camera)
# <Channel EmissionWavelength /> but with ImageStream light beam is splitted from by filter stack to camera
# <LightSourceSettings ID="LightSourceID:n", PercentFraction="power ?", Wavelength="375/405/488/561/592/642/730/785" /> but there is nothing like power value in OME specification, besides same problem applies with channels and excitation as described above
while(length(dims) < 4) dims = c(dims, 1)
stopifnot(dims[3] == length(param$chan_to_keep))
stopifnot(inherits(param, "IFC_param"))
fun <- getFromNamespace("xml_new_node", "IFC")
what = match.arg(arg = what, choices = c("uint8","int8","uint16","int16","uint32","int32","float","double"), several.ok = FALSE)
SignificantBits = z = switch(what, "int8" = 8, "uint8" = 8, "int16" = 16, "uint16" = 16, "int32" = 32, "uint32" = 32, "float" = 32, "double" = 64)
img_attr = list(ID="Image:0")
if(!missing(name)) {
stopifnot(length(name) == 1, typeof(name) == "character")
img_attr = c(img_attr, list(Name=name))
date_xml = NULL
if(!missing(date)) {
stopifnot(length(date) == 1, typeof(date) == "character")
date_xml = list(fun("AcquisitionDate", text = formatdate(date, iso = TRUE)))
# instrument is not returned by objectParam but is extracted by getInfo
# so before running createOME one can run
# info <- getInfo(file, ...)
# param <- objectParam(info, ...)
# param$instrument <- info$instrument
inst = try({
v = strsplit(param$instrument, "-", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
attrs = list(ID="Instrument:0"),
.children = fun("Microscope", attrs = list("Model"=v[1], "SerialNumber"=v[2]))))
}, silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(inst, "try-error")) inst = NULL
PhysicalSizeY=ifelse(PhysicalSizeX == 1 && param$coremode == 0, 1, PhysicalSizeX*(param$coremode + 1))
ome = fun(
root = TRUE,
attrs = list(
# UUID = "uuid value", # FIXME 1
Creator = paste0("IFC ", asNamespace("IFC")$.pkgenv$version)
.children = c(
attrs = img_attr,
.children = c(
attrs = list(
DimensionOrder="XYZTC", # FIXME 2
SizeX=dims[2], # FIXME 2
SizeY=dims[1], # FIXME 2
SizeC=dims[3], # FIXME 2
SizeT=dims[4], # FIXME 2
SizeZ="1", # FIXME 2
PhysicalSizeX=PhysicalSizeX, # FIXME 2
PhysicalSizeY=PhysicalSizeY, # FIXME 2
Interleaved = "false", # FIXME 2
BigEndian=ifelse(endianness == "big", "true", "false"),
.children = c(
lapply(seq_along(param$chan_to_keep), FUN = function(i) {
chn = as.integer(param$chan_to_keep[i])
col = sum(as.integer(c(param$colors[[i]], 1) * 255) * c(1,256,65536,16777216)) # FIXME 3
if(col > 2147483647) col = col - 4294967296 # FIXME 3
attrs = list(
Name=param$channels[chn, "name"],
SamplesPerPixel=length(param$chan_to_keep), # FIXME 2
AcquisitionMode="SpectralImaging", # FIXME 4
ContrastMethod=ifelse(param$brightfield$channel[chn], "Brightfield", ifelse(any(chn %in% c(6, 12)), "Darkfield", "Fluorescence")),
) #, # FIXME 5
# .children = fun("LightSourceSettings", attrs = list())
fun("TiffData" #, lines below are optional (and not desirable since they require uuid)
# attrs = list(FirstC="0", FirstT="0", FirstZ="0", IFD="0", PlaneCount="1"),
# .children = fun("UUID", attrs = list(Filename = basename(f)), text = "uuid value") # FIXME 1
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.