# This file is released under the GNU General Public License, Version 3, GPL-3 #
# Copyright (C) 2020 Yohann Demont #
# #
# It is part of IFC package, please cite: #
# -IFC: An R Package for Imaging Flow Cytometry #
# -YEAR: 2020 #
# -COPYRIGHT HOLDERS: Yohann Demont, Gautier Stoll, Guido Kroemer, #
# Jean-Pierre Marolleau, Loïc Garçon, #
# INSERM, UPD, CHU Amiens #
# #
# -You are using this package on your own risk! #
# -We do not guarantee privacy nor confidentiality. #
# -This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In no event shall the copyright holders or #
# contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, #
# exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, #
# procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; #
# or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, #
# whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or #
# otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if #
# advised of the possibility of such damage. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with IFC. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
#' @title Plot and Stats Computation for IFC Graph
#' @description
#' Computes plot and stats from a IFC graph
#' @param obj an `IFC_data` object extracted with features extracted.
#' @param graph a graph from 'obj' or a list that can be coerced by \code{\link{buildGraph}}.
#' @param draw whether to draw plot or not. Default is FALSE.
#' @param stats_print whether to print stats or not. Default is given by 'draw' argument.
#' @param color_mode whether to extract colors from 'obj' in white or black mode. Default is "white".
#' @param add_key whether to draw a "global" key under title or in the first "panel" or "both". Default is "panel".\cr
#' Accepted values are either: FALSE, "panel", "global", "both" or c("panel", "global").\cr
#' Note that it only applies when display is seen as overlaying populations.
#' @param precision when graphs is a 2D scatter with population overlay, this argument controls amount of information displayed. Default is "light".\cr
#' -"light", the default, will only display points of same coordinates that are among the other layers.\cr
#' -"full" will display all the layers.
#' @param trunc_labels maximum number of characters to display for labels. Default is 38.
#' @param trans the name of a transformation function for density graphs. If missing the default, the BasePop[[1]]$densitytrans, if any, will be retrieved, otherwise "asinh" will be used.
#' @param bin number of bin used for histogram / density. Default is missing.
#' @param viewport either "ideas", "data" or "max" defining limits used for the graph. Default is "ideas".\cr
#' -"ideas" will use same limits as the one defined in ideas.\cr
#' -"data" will use data to define limits.\cr
#' -"max" will use data and regions drawn to define limits.
#' @param backend backend used for drawing. Allowed are "lattice", "base", "raster". Default is "lattice".\cr
#' -"lattice" is the original one used in \pkg{IFC} using \pkg{lattice},\cr
#' -"base" will produce the plot using \pkg{base},\cr
#' -"raster" uses "base" for plotting but 2D graphs points will be produced as \code{\link[graphics]{rasterImage}}.\cr
#' This has the main advantage of being super fast allowing for plotting a huge amount of points while generating smaller objects (in bytes).
#' However, plot quality is impacted with "raster" method and resizing can lead to unpleasant looking.
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed.
#' @return it invisibly returns a list whose members are:\cr
#' -stats, a table of statistics computed for the graph, if 'stats_print' was TRUE,\cr
#' -input, a list with input parameters.
#' @export
plotGraph = function(obj, graph, draw = FALSE, stats_print = draw,
color_mode = c("white","black")[1], add_key = "panel", precision = c("light","full")[1],
trunc_labels = 38, trans = "asinh", bin, viewport = "ideas", backend="lattice", ...) {
dots = list(...)
ret <- list()
# backup dev.list
dv <- dev.list()
# change locale
locale_back <- setloc(c("LC_ALL" = "en_US.UTF-8"))
enc_back <- options("encoding" = "UTF-8")
on.exit(suspendInterrupts({setloc(locale_back); options(enc_back)}), add = TRUE)
# check mandatory param
if(missing(obj)) stop("'obj' can't be missing")
if(!("IFC_data"%in%class(obj))) stop("'obj' is not of class `IFC_data`")
if(length(obj$pops)==0) stop("please use argument 'extract_features' = TRUE with ExtractFromDAF() or ExtractFromXIF() and ensure that features were correctly extracted")
assert(color_mode, len=1, alw=c("white","black"))
assert(precision, len=1, alw=c("light","full"))
if(!all(add_key%in%c("panel","global","both",FALSE))) stop("Accepted values for add_key are either: FALSE, 'panel', 'global', 'both' or c('panel', 'global')")
trunc_labels = na.omit(as.integer(trunc_labels)); trunc_labels=trunc_labels[trunc_labels > 0]
assert(trunc_labels, len=1, typ="integer")
draw = as.logical(draw); assert(draw, len=1, alw=c(TRUE,FALSE))
stats_print = as.logical(stats_print); assert(stats_print, len=1, alw=c(TRUE,FALSE))
assert(viewport, len = 1, alw = c("ideas","data","max"))
assert(backend, len=1, alw=c("lattice","base","raster"))
# shortcuts
normalize = FALSE
P = obj$pops
R = obj$regions
if(missing(graph) || (length(unlist(graph,recursive=TRUE,use.names=FALSE)) == 0)) stop("empty graph")
g = do.call(what=buildGraph, args=graph)
foo = c(g$f1, g$f2)
tmp = foo %in% names(obj$features)
if(!all(tmp)) stop(paste0("trying to plot feature(s) not found in obj$features: ", paste0(foo[!tmp], collapse=", ")))
if(missing(trans)) trans = g$BasePop[[1]]$densitytrans
if(length(trans) == 0 || (trans == "")) trans = "asinh"
is_fun = !inherits(x = try(parseTrans(trans), silent = TRUE), what = "try-error")
if((length(g$BasePop[[1]][["densitylevel"]]) != 0) && (g$BasePop[[1]][["densitylevel"]] != "")) trans = "return"
# defines binning (for histogram and density)
if(missing(bin)) {
if(g$type=="histogram") {
nbin = g$bincount
} else {
nbin = g$BasePop[[1]]$densitybincount
nbin = na.omit(as.integer(nbin))
if(length(nbin)==0) nbin=ifelse(g$type=="histogram", 520, 128)
if(nbin==0) nbin=ifelse(g$type=="histogram", 520, 128)
} else {
nbin = na.omit(as.integer(bin)); assert(nbin, len=1, typ="integer")
# extracts graph information
if(g$type == "histogram") {
D = obj$features[,c("Object Number",g$f1)]
colnames(D) = c("Object Number","x1")
} else {
D = obj$features[,c("Object Number",g$f1,g$f2)]
colnames(D) = c("Object Number","x1","y1")
Xlim = c(g$xmin, g$xmax)
Ylim = c(g$ymin, g$ymax)
Xtrans = g$xtrans; if(length(Xtrans) == 0) Xtrans = g$xlogrange
Ytrans = g$ytrans; if(length(Ytrans) == 0) Ytrans = g$ylogrange
trans_x <- parseTrans(Xtrans)
trans_y <- parseTrans(Ytrans)
# Xlim = Xlim + c(-0.07,0.07)*diff(Xlim) # fix, this should not be here error
base_n = unlist(lapply(g$BasePop, FUN=function(x) x$name))
reg_n = unlist(lapply(g$GraphRegion, FUN=function(x) x$name))
shown_n = unlist(lapply(g$ShownPop, FUN=function(x) x$name))
graph_n = unlist(lapply(g$GraphRegion, FUN=function(x) x$def))
operators = c("And","Or","Not","(",")")
all_names = c(base_n, graph_n, shown_n, "Selected Bin")
alt_names = gen_altnames(all_names)
displayed_n = unique(splitn(definition = g$order, all_names = all_names, alt_names = alt_names, operators = operators))
displayed_n = setdiff(displayed_n, "Selected Bin")
displayed_r = rev(displayed_n)
tmp = displayed_n %in% names(P)
if(!all(tmp)) stop(paste0("trying to display a population not found in obj$pops: ", paste0(displayed_n[!tmp], collapse=", ")))
L = length(displayed_n)
base_o = sapply(base_n, FUN=function(x) which(displayed_n%in%x))
base_n = base_n[order(base_o)]
if(length(shown_n) == 0) {
shown_o = NULL
shown_n = NULL
} else {
shown_o = unlist(sapply(shown_n, FUN=function(x) which(displayed_n%in%x)))
shown_n = names(shown_o)[order(shown_o)]
# subset data
# base = sapply(base_n, FUN=function(x) P[[x]]$obj)
data_sub = fastAny(lapply(base_n, FUN=function(x) P[[x]]$obj))
displayed_o = c(base_o, shown_o)
Dall = fastCbind(D, sapply(displayed_n, simplify = FALSE, FUN=function(x) P[[x]]$obj), TRUE)
D = Dall[data_sub, , drop = FALSE]
dens_feat = numeric()
xy_subset = rep(TRUE, nrow(D))
if(length(xy_subset) == 0) xy_subset = TRUE
D[,"x2"] = applyTrans(D[,"x1"], trans_x)
Xlim = applyTrans(Xlim, trans_x)
# computes limits / stats
if(g$type == "histogram") {
if(viewport == "data") {
Xlim = cpp_fast_range(D[, "x1", drop=TRUE])
Xlim = applyTrans(Xlim, trans_x)
Xlim = Xlim + c(-0.07,0.07)*diff(Xlim)
if(Xlim[1] == Xlim[2]) Xlim = Xlim[1] + c(-0.07,0.07)
if(viewport == "max") {
regx = sapply(reg_n, FUN=function(r) {
reg = R[[r]]
coords = reg[["x"]]
return(c(reg$cx, coords))
Xlim = cpp_fast_range(c(D[,"x1", drop=TRUE], unlist(regx)))
Xlim = applyTrans(Xlim, trans_x)
Xlim = Xlim + c(-0.07,0.07)*diff(Xlim)
if(Xlim[1] == Xlim[2]) Xlim = Xlim[1] + c(-0.07,0.07)
if(viewport == "ideas") {
if(Xlim[1] == Xlim[2]) Xlim = Xlim[1] + c(-0.07,0.07)
no_nas = !is.na(D[,"x2"])
D[no_nas & (D[,"x2"] < Xlim[1]), "x2"] <- Xlim[1] # D = D[(D[,"x2"] >= Xlim[1]) & (D[,"x2"] <= Xlim[2]), ]
D[no_nas & (D[,"x2"] > Xlim[2]), "x2"] <- Xlim[2] #
if(!all(is.finite(Xlim))) {
Xlim = c(g$xmin, g$xmax)
Xlim = applyTrans(Xlim, trans_x)
Xlim = Xlim + c(-0.07,0.07)*diff(Xlim)
if(!all(is.finite(Xlim))) Xlim = c(-1, 1)
if(Xlim[1] == Xlim[2]) Xlim = Xlim[1] + c(-0.07,0.07)
no_nas = !is.na(D[,"x2"])
D[no_nas & (D[,"x2"] < Xlim[1]), "x2"] <- Xlim[1]
D[no_nas & (D[,"x2"] > Xlim[2]), "x2"] <- Xlim[2]
smooth = (g$histogramsmoothingfactor != 0)
br = do.breaks(Xlim, nbin)
type = "count"
if(as.logical(g$freq)) type = "percent"
if(nrow(D) > 0) {
if(viewport == "ideas") {
Ylim = c(g$ymin, g$ymax)
if(Ylim[1] == Ylim[2]) Ylim = Ylim[1] + c(0,0.07)
} else {
Ylim = c(0,max(sapply(displayed_n, FUN=function(x) get_ylim(x=D[D[,x],"x2"], type=type, br=br))*1.07))
if(Ylim[1] == Ylim[2]) Ylim = Ylim[1] + c(0,0.07)
} else {
Ylim = c(g$ymin, g$ymax)
coln_stats = c("count","perc","Min.","1st Qu.","Median","Mean","3rd Qu.","Max.")
stats = structure(matrix(numeric(), ncol = length(coln_stats), nrow = 0), dimnames = list(character(), coln_stats))
colnames(stats) = c(coln_stats[1:2], paste0("x-",coln_stats[3:8]))
} else {
D[,"y2"] = applyTrans(D[,"y1"], trans_y)
Ylim = applyTrans(Ylim, trans_y)
if(viewport == "data") {
Xlim = cpp_fast_range(D[,"x1", drop=TRUE])
Xlim = applyTrans(Xlim, trans_x)
Xlim = Xlim + c(-0.07,0.07)*diff(Xlim)
Ylim = cpp_fast_range(D[,"y1", drop=TRUE])
Ylim = applyTrans(Ylim, trans_y)
Ylim = Ylim + c(-0.07,0.07)*diff(Ylim)
if(viewport == "max") {
regx = sapply(reg_n, FUN=function(r) {
reg = R[[r]]
coords = reg[["x"]]
return(c(reg$cx, coords))
Xlim = cpp_fast_range(c(D[,"x1", drop=TRUE], unlist(regx)))
Xlim = applyTrans(Xlim, trans_x)
Xlim = Xlim + c(-0.07,0.07)*diff(Xlim)
regy = sapply(reg_n, FUN=function(r) {
reg = R[[r]]
coords = reg[["y"]]
return(c(reg$cy, coords))
Ylim = cpp_fast_range(c(D[,"y1", drop=TRUE], unlist(regy)))
Ylim = applyTrans(Ylim, trans_y)
Ylim = Ylim + c(-0.07,0.07)*diff(Ylim)
if(!all(is.finite(Xlim))) {
Xlim = c(g$xmin, g$xmax)
Xlim = applyTrans(Xlim, trans_x)
Xlim = Xlim + c(-0.07,0.07)*diff(Xlim)
if(!all(is.finite(Xlim))) Xlim = c(-1, 1)
if(Xlim[1] == Xlim[2]) Xlim = Xlim[1] + c(-0.07,0.07)
if(!all(is.finite(Ylim))) {
Ylim = c(g$ymin, g$ymax)
Ylim = applyTrans(Ylim, trans_y)
Ylim = Ylim + c(-0.07,0.07)*diff(Ylim)
if(!all(is.finite(Ylim))) Ylim = c(-1, 1)
if(Ylim[1] == Ylim[2]) Ylim = Ylim[1] + c(-0.07,0.07)
if(nrow(D) > 0) {
xy_subset = rep(FALSE, nrow(D))
# back compatible with old R version, no need for accuracy since it is just graphical viz
SEED = fetch_seed(list(pseudo_seed(paste0(g$f1,g$f2)), "Mersenne-Twister", "Inversion", "Rounding"))
f = function(x) {
suppressWarnings(with_seed(x, SEED$seed, SEED$kind, SEED$normal.kind, SEED$sample.kind))
if(g$maxpoints <= 1) {
f({xy_subset[cpp_fast_sample(n = nrow(D), size = g$maxpoints * nrow(D), replace = FALSE)] <- TRUE})
} else {
f({xy_subset[cpp_fast_sample(n = nrow(D), size = min(g$maxpoints,nrow(D)), replace = FALSE)] <- TRUE})
if(!is_fun && (trans!="return")) {
if(!any(names(obj$features) %in% trans)) stop(paste0("trying to plot a feature not found in obj$features: ", trans))
dens_feat = obj$features[D[xy_subset, 1, drop = TRUE], trans, drop = TRUE]
coln_stats = c("count","perc","Min.","1st Qu.","Median","Mean","3rd Qu.","Max.","Min.","1st Qu.","Median","Mean","3rd Qu.","Max.")
stats = structure(matrix(numeric(), ncol = length(coln_stats), nrow = 0), dimnames = list(character(), coln_stats))
colnames(stats) = c(coln_stats[1:2], paste0("x-",coln_stats[3:8]), paste0("y-",coln_stats[9:14]))
# define text/points size
lt <- lattice_theme(structure(list(), graph=graph), c("black","white")[mode], lt = NULL)
if(g$type == "histogram") {
ret_order = c("Object Number","x1","x2",displayed_n)
} else {
ret_order = c("Object Number","x1","x2","y1","y2",displayed_n)
displayed = lapply(obj$pops[displayed_n], FUN = function(p) {
return(p[!(names(p) %in% "obj")])
suball = rep(FALSE, nrow(D))
suball[D[xy_subset, 1, drop = TRUE]] <- TRUE
ret = list("stats" = stats,
"input" = list("par.settings" = lt,
"data" = structure(D[ ,ret_order], features=dens_feat),
"trunc_labels" = trunc_labels,
"title" = g$title,
"f1" = g$f1, "f2" = g$f2,
"xlab" = g$xlabel, "ylab" = g$ylabel,
"xlim" = Xlim, "ylim" = Ylim,
"trans_x" = Xtrans, "trans_y" = Ytrans,
"trans" = trans,
"order" = displayed_o,
"base" = g$BasePop,
"displayed" = displayed,
"graphical" = graph_n,
"regions" = obj$regions[reg_n],
"viewport" = viewport,
"bin" = nbin,
"type" = ifelse(g$type=="histogram", type, g$type),
"histogramsmoothingfactor" = g$histogramsmoothingfactor,
"normalize" = normalize,
"precision" = precision,
"add_key" = add_key,
"subset" = xy_subset,
"suball" = suball,
"mode" = mode))
class(ret) <- "IFC_plot"
error = function(e) {
K = "error"
if(e$message == "empty graph") {
K = "empty"
graph <<- list()
ret <<- structure(list(message = e$message, color_mode = color_mode, trunc_labels = trunc_labels), class = c("IFC_plot", K))
finally = {
attr(ret, "graph") <- graph
if(stats_print) {
ret$stats = plot_stats(ret)
if(draw) try(plot_backend(ret, backend), silent = FALSE)
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