
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils head tail 
#' @importFrom graphics par axis title plot rect legend
#' @importFrom mhsmm simulate.hmmspec hmmspec dnorm.hsmm rnorm.hsmm
#' @importFrom PhysicalActivity dataCollapser

accSummary <- function (data, tri = "FALSE", axis = "NULL", spuriousDef = 20, 
                         nonwearDef = 60, minWear = 600, patype = c("MVPA"), pacut = c(1952), 
                         epoch = "1 min", boutsize = 10, tolerance = "TRUE", returnbout = "TRUE") 
  #data=testData; tri='TRUE'; axis='vm';spuriousDef=20; nonwearDef=60; minWear=600;patype='MVPA';pacut=c(1952,Inf);epoch='10 sec';boutsize=10; tolerance='TRUE';returnbout='FALSE'
  isSec <- grepl("sec", epoch) | grepl("sec.", epoch) | grepl("seconds", 
                                                              epoch) | grepl("Seconds", epoch) | grepl("Sec", epoch) | 
    grepl("Sec.", epoch)
  isMin <- grepl("min", epoch) | grepl("Min", epoch) | grepl("minutes", 
                                                             epoch) | grepl("Min", epoch) | grepl("Min.", epoch) | 
    grepl("Minutes", epoch)
  epLength <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(epoch, "[^[:digit:]]")))[1]
  if (isSec == "TRUE" & epLength > 60) {
    stop("Please specify epoch size less than or equal to 60 seconds.")
  if (isSec == "TRUE" & epLength == 0) {
    stop("Please specify epoch size greater than 0.")
  if (isMin == "TRUE" & epLength != 1) {
    stop("Epoch size cannot be greater than 1 minute.")
  if (tri == "TRUE" & is.null(axis)) {
    stop("Please choose an option for 'axis'. Choose from options 'vm', 'sum', 'x', 'y', or 'z'.")
  if (tri == "TRUE" & !is.null(axis)) {
    if (axis == "vm") {
      data$counts <- sqrt(data[, 2]^2 + data[, 3]^2 + data[, 
    if (axis == "sum") {
      data$counts <- sqrt(data[, 2] + data[, 3] + data[, 
    if (axis == "x") {
      data$counts <- data[, 2]
    if (axis == "y") {
      data$counts <- data[, 3]
    if (axis == "z") {
      data$counts <- data[, 4]
  if (length(patype) > 1) {
    stop("Please specify one patype. Please use function acc to obtain summary for multiple physical activities")
  if (boutsize == 0) {
    stop("Please specify bout size of at least 1")
  is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x - 
                                                                     round(x)) < tol
  if (is.wholenumber(boutsize) == "FALSE") {
    stop("Please specify bout size as an integer value")
  epochData <- mean(c(as.numeric(difftime(strptime(data$TimeStamp[2], 
                                                   format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), strptime(data$TimeStamp[1], 
                                                                                           format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), units = c("secs"))), as.numeric(difftime(strptime(data$TimeStamp[3], 
                                                                                                                                                                            format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), strptime(data$TimeStamp[2], 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), units = c("secs"))), as.numeric(difftime(strptime(data$TimeStamp[4], 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), strptime(data$TimeStamp[3], 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), units = c("secs")))), 
                    na.rm = TRUE)
  uncollapsed <- data
  if (isSec == "TRUE" & epLength < epochData) {
    stop(paste("You have specified ", epoch, " to summarize the data, but the sampling frequency of your data is ", 
               epochData, " seconds.", sep = ""))
  if (isMin == "TRUE" & (epLength * 60) < epochData) {
    stop(paste("You have specified ", epoch, " to summarize the data, but the sampling frequency of your data is ", 
               epochData, " seconds.", sep = ""))
  if (epochData < 60) {
    data <- dataCollapse(data, TS = "TimeStamp", col = "counts", by = 60)
  } # View(data)
  if (epochData > 60) {
    stop("Epoch is larger than 60 seconds. Please provide a dataset with epoch of 1 minutes or less")
  value <- rep(rle(as.numeric(data$counts))$values, rle(as.numeric(data$counts))$lengths)
  length <- rep(rle(as.numeric(data$counts))$lengths, rle(as.numeric(data$counts))$lengths)
  d1.lag <- cbind(data, value, length, head = head(c(0, length), 
                                                   -1), tail = tail(c(length, 0), -1), dif1 = head(c(0, 
                                                                                                     length), -1) - length, dif2 = tail(c(length, 0), -1) - 
                    length, actb = head(c(0, data$counts), -1), acta = tail(c(data$counts, 
                                                                              0), -1))
  spDef <- spuriousDef - 1
  d1s <- cbind(d1.lag, spurious = ifelse(d1.lag$dif1 >= spDef & 
                                           d1.lag$dif2 >= spDef & d1.lag$actb == 0 & d1.lag$acta == 
                                           0, 1, 0))
  d1s$counts2 <- ifelse(d1s$spurious == 1, 0, d1s$counts)
  d2 <- data.frame(TimeStamp = d1s$TimeStamp, counts = d1s$counts2)
  value2 <- rep(rle(as.numeric(d2$counts))$values, rle(as.numeric(d2$counts))$lengths)
  length2 <- rep(rle(as.numeric(d2$counts))$lengths, rle(as.numeric(d2$counts))$lengths)
  d2w <- cbind(d2, value2, length2)
  nonwear <- ifelse(d2w$value2 == 0 & d2w$length > nonwearDef, 
                    1, 0)
  d2nw <- cbind(d2w, nonwear)
  d3 <- data.frame(TimeStamp = d2nw$TimeStamp, counts = d2nw$counts, 
                   nonwear = d2nw$nonwear)
  d3$countsWear <- ifelse(d3$nonwear == 1, NA, d3$counts)
  d3$mydates <- as.factor(as.numeric(strptime(d3$TimeStamp, 
                                              format = "%Y-%m-%d")))
  uniqueDates <- unique(strptime(d3$TimeStamp, format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
  d3$wear <- ifelse(d3$nonwear == 1, 0, 1)
  dts <- strptime(d3$TimeStamp, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
  wearSum <- tapply(d3$wear, format(dts, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), 
  wearTime <- data.frame(Date = names(wearSum), wearTime = wearSum)
  if (tolerance == "TRUE" & boutsize > 2) {
    tolerance <- 2
  if (tolerance == "FALSE") {
    tolerance <- 0
  if (tolerance == "TRUE" & boutsize <= 2) {
    tolerance <- 0
  myRollSum<- function(x, k) { 
    rs <- roll_sum(x, k)
    rsp <- c(rs,rep(NA,k-1))
  myLag <- function(x, k) {
    c(rep(NA, k), x)[1:length(x)]
  myLagUp <- function(x, k) {
    c(x[(k + 1):(length(x))], rep(NA, k))
  if (isSec == TRUE & epLength < 60) {
    if (epLength != 60) {
      data <- dataCollapse(uncollapsed, TS = "TimeStamp", 
                           col = "counts", by = epLength)
    data$Time <- substring(data$TimeStamp, 1, 16)
    d3$Time <- substring(d3$TimeStamp, 1, 16)
    myvars <- names(d3) %in% c("TimeStamp", "counts", "countsWear")
    d3 <- d3[!myvars]
    d3 <- merge(data, d3, by = "Time")
    d3$countsWear <- ifelse(d3$nonwear == 1, NA, d3$counts)
    d3$inPA <- ifelse(d3$countsWear >= as.numeric(pacut[1]) & 
                        d3$countsWear <= as.numeric(pacut[2]), 1, 0)
    d3$inPA2 <- ifelse(is.na(d3$inPA), 0, d3$inPA)
    d3$mydates <- as.factor(as.numeric(strptime(d3$TimeStamp, 
                                                format = "%Y-%m-%d")))
    boutsize <- boutsize * (60/epLength)
    mybPA <- boutsize - tolerance * (60/epLength)
    mylistPA <- list()
    dSplitPA <- split(d3, d3$mydates)
    for (k in 1:length(dSplitPA)) {
      dsiPA <- data.frame(dSplitPA[k])
      dsidPA <- data.frame(TimeStamp = dsiPA[, 2], counts = dsiPA[, 
                                                                  3], nonwear = dsiPA[, 4], inPA2 = dsiPA[, 9])
      dsidPA$mvpaB <- myRollSum(dsidPA$inPA2, boutsize)
      dsidPA$mvB <- ifelse(dsidPA$mvpaB >= mybPA, 1, 0)
      bm <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(dsidPA), ncol = (boutsize + 
      bm[, 1] <- dsidPA$mvB
      for (i in 1:(boutsize - 1)) {
        bm[, (i + 1)] <- myLag(dsidPA$mvB, i)
      if (boutsize > 1) {
        bm[, ncol(bm)] <- rowSums(bm[, 1:(ncol(bm) - 
                                            1)], na.rm = TRUE)
        dsidPA$inbout <- ifelse(bm[, ncol(bm)] >= 1, 
                                1, 0)
        dsidPA$inboutLagb1 <- myLag(dsidPA$inbout, 1)
        dsidPA$inboutLagb2 <- myLag(dsidPA$inbout, 2)
        dsidPA$PALagb1 <- myLag(dsidPA$inPA2, 1)
        dsidPA$inboutUpLagb1 <- myLagUp(dsidPA$inbout, 
        dsidPA$inboutUpLagb2 <- myLagUp(dsidPA$inbout, 
        dsidPA$PALagUpb1 <- myLagUp(dsidPA$inPA2, 1)
        dsidPA$inbout[dsidPA$inbout == 1 & dsidPA$inboutLagb1 == 
                        0 & dsidPA$inPA2 == 0] <- 0
        dsidPA$inbout[dsidPA$inbout == 1 & dsidPA$inboutLagb2 == 
                        0 & dsidPA$PALagb1 == 0 & dsidPA$inPA2 == 0] <- 0
        dsidPA$inbout[dsidPA$inbout == 1 & dsidPA$inboutUpLagb1 == 
                        0 & dsidPA$inPA2 == 0] <- 0
        dsidPA$inbout[dsidPA$inbout == 1 & dsidPA$inboutUpLagb2 == 
                        0 & dsidPA$PALagUpb1 == 0 & dsidPA$inPA2 == 
                        0] <- 0
        dsidPA$value <- rep(rle(as.numeric(dsidPA$inbout))$values, 
        dsidPA$length <- rep(rle(as.numeric(dsidPA$inbout))$lengths, 
        dsidPA$valueLag <- myLag(dsidPA$value)
        dsidPA$lengthLag <- myLag(dsidPA$length)
        dsidPA$first <- ifelse(dsidPA$value == dsidPA$valueLag & 
                                 dsidPA$length == dsidPA$lengthLag, 0, 1)
        dsidPA$first[1] <- ifelse(dsidPA$inbout[1] == 
                                    1, 1, 0)
        dsidPA$wear <- ifelse(dsidPA$nonwear == 0, 1, 
        dsidPA$firstBout <- ifelse(dsidPA$first == 1 & 
                                     dsidPA$inbout == 1 & dsidPA$wear == 1 & dsidPA$length >= 
                                     boutsize, 1, 0)
      if (boutsize == 1) {
        dsidPA$inbout <- ifelse(bm[, 1] >= 1, 1, 0)
        dsidPA$inboutLagb1 <- NA
        dsidPA$inboutLagb2 <- NA
        dsidPA$PALagb1 <- NA
        dsidPA$inboutUpLagb1 <- NA
        dsidPA$inboutUpLagb2 <- NA
        dsidPA$PALagUpb1 <- NA
        dsidPA$value <- rep(rle(as.numeric(dsidPA$inbout))$values, 
        dsidPA$length <- rep(rle(as.numeric(dsidPA$inbout))$lengths, 
        dsidPA$valueLag <- myLag(dsidPA$value)
        dsidPA$lengthLag <- myLag(dsidPA$length)
        dsidPA$first <- ifelse(dsidPA$value == dsidPA$valueLag & 
                                 dsidPA$length == dsidPA$lengthLag, 0, 1)
        dsidPA$first[1] <- ifelse(dsidPA$inbout[1] == 
                                    1, 1, 0)
        dsidPA$wear <- ifelse(dsidPA$nonwear == 0, 1, 
        dsidPA$firstBout <- ifelse(dsidPA$first == 1 & 
                                     dsidPA$inbout == 1 & dsidPA$wear == 1 & dsidPA$length >= 
                                     boutsize, 1, 0)
      mylistPA[[k]] <- dsidPA
    dfPA <- do.call("rbind", mylistPA)
    boutsPA <- data.frame(TimeStamp = dfPA$TimeStamp, counts = dfPA$counts, 
                          inPA = dfPA$inPA2, nonwear = dfPA$nonwear, inboutPA = dfPA$inbout)
    dfPA$inPABout <- ifelse(dfPA$inbout == 1 & dfPA$wear == 
                              1, 1, 0)
    d4.tempPA <- dfPA[which(dfPA$firstBout == 1 & dfPA$wear == 
                              1), ]
    boutSumPA <- tapply(d4.tempPA$firstBout, format(strptime(d4.tempPA$TimeStamp, 
                                                             format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), format = "%Y-%m-%d"), 
    numBoutsPA <- data.frame(Date = names(boutSumPA), numberOfBoutsPA = boutSumPA)
    d4PA <- data.frame(TimeStamp = d4.tempPA$TimeStamp, paMinutes = d4.tempPA$length)
    dts2PA <- strptime(d4PA$TimeStamp, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    d4PA$Date <- format(dts2PA, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
    d4PA$TimeStamp <- NULL
    daySumPA <- round(tapply(d4PA$paMinutes, format(dts2PA, 
                                                    format = "%Y-%m-%d"), sum)/(60/epLength), 0)
    if (boutsize > 1) {
      pasummary <- data.frame(Date = rownames(daySumPA), 
                              paMinutes = daySumPA, numberOfBoutsPA = boutSumPA)
    if (boutsize == 1) {
      pasummary <- data.frame(Date = rownames(daySumPA), 
                              paMinutes = daySumPA, numberOfBoutsPA = daySumPA)
    rownames(pasummary) <- NULL
    if (nrow(pasummary) == 0) {
      pasummary <- data.frame(format(dfPA$TimeStamp[1], 
                                     format = "%Y-%m-%d"), matrix(rep(NA, 2), ncol = 2))
    mycolname1 <- paste(patype, ".minutes", sep = "")
    mycolname2 <- paste(patype, ".num.bouts", sep = "")
    colnames(pasummary) <- c("Date", mycolname1, mycolname2)
    summarized <- list()
    summarized$validDates <- pasummary
    summarized$wearTime <- wearTime
    summary <- Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all = TRUE), 
    summary[is.na(summary)] <- 0
    summary <- summary[which(summary$wearTime >= minWear), 
    summary <- summary[order(as.Date(summary$Date)), ]
    if (returnbout == "FALSE") {
    if (returnbout == "TRUE") {
      summarized <- list()
      summarized$totalDates <- uniqueDates
      summarized$validDates <- summary
      summarized$PA <- boutsPA
      summarized$boutsize <- boutsize
      summarized$pacut <- pacut
  if ((isMin == TRUE & epLength == 1) | (isSec == TRUE & epLength == 
                                         60)) {
    mybPA <- boutsize - tolerance
    d3$countsWear <- ifelse(d3$nonwear == 1, NA, d3$counts)
    d3$inPA <- ifelse(d3$countsWear >= as.numeric(pacut[1]) & 
                        d3$countsWear <= as.numeric(pacut[2]), 1, 0)
    d3$inPA2 <- ifelse(is.na(d3$inPA), 0, d3$inPA)
    d3$mydates <- as.factor(as.numeric(strptime(d3$TimeStamp, 
                                                format = "%Y-%m-%d")))
    mylistPA <- list()
    dSplitPA <- split(d3, d3$mydates)
    for (k in 1:length(dSplitPA)) {
      dsiPA <- data.frame(dSplitPA[k])
      dsidPA <- data.frame(TimeStamp = dsiPA[, 1], counts = dsiPA[, 
                                                                  2], nonwear = dsiPA[, 3], inPA2 = dsiPA[, 8])
      dsidPA$mvpaB <- myRollSum(dsidPA$inPA2, boutsize)
      dsidPA$mvB <- ifelse(dsidPA$mvpaB >= mybPA, 1, 0)
      bm <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(dsidPA), ncol = (boutsize + 
      bm[, 1] <- dsidPA$mvB
      for (i in 1:(boutsize - 1)) {
        bm[, (i + 1)] <- myLag(dsidPA$mvB, i)
      if (boutsize > 1) {
        bm[, ncol(bm)] <- rowSums(bm[, 1:(ncol(bm) - 
                                            1)], na.rm = TRUE)
        dsidPA$inbout <- ifelse(bm[, ncol(bm)] >= 1, 
                                1, 0)
        dsidPA$inboutLagb1 <- myLag(dsidPA$inbout, 1)
        dsidPA$inboutLagb2 <- myLag(dsidPA$inbout, 2)
        dsidPA$PALagb1 <- myLag(dsidPA$inPA2, 1)
        dsidPA$inboutUpLagb1 <- myLagUp(dsidPA$inbout, 
        dsidPA$inboutUpLagb2 <- myLagUp(dsidPA$inbout, 
        dsidPA$PALagUpb1 <- myLagUp(dsidPA$inPA2, 1)
        dsidPA$inbout[dsidPA$inbout == 1 & dsidPA$inboutLagb1 == 
                        0 & dsidPA$inPA2 == 0] <- 0
        dsidPA$inbout[dsidPA$inbout == 1 & dsidPA$inboutLagb2 == 
                        0 & dsidPA$PALagb1 == 0 & dsidPA$inPA2 == 0] <- 0
        dsidPA$inbout[dsidPA$inbout == 1 & dsidPA$inboutUpLagb1 == 
                        0 & dsidPA$inPA2 == 0] <- 0
        dsidPA$inbout[dsidPA$inbout == 1 & dsidPA$inboutUpLagb2 == 
                        0 & dsidPA$PALagUpb1 == 0 & dsidPA$inPA2 == 
                        0] <- 0
        dsidPA$value <- rep(rle(as.numeric(dsidPA$inbout))$values, 
        dsidPA$length <- rep(rle(as.numeric(dsidPA$inbout))$lengths, 
        dsidPA$valueLag <- myLag(dsidPA$value)
        dsidPA$lengthLag <- myLag(dsidPA$length)
        dsidPA$first <- ifelse(dsidPA$value == dsidPA$valueLag & 
                                 dsidPA$length == dsidPA$lengthLag, 0, 1)
        dsidPA$first[1] <- ifelse(dsidPA$inbout[1] == 
                                    1, 1, 0)
        dsidPA$wear <- ifelse(dsidPA$nonwear == 0, 1, 
        dsidPA$firstBout <- ifelse(dsidPA$first == 1 & 
                                     dsidPA$inbout == 1 & dsidPA$wear == 1 & dsidPA$length >= 
                                     boutsize, 1, 0)
      if (boutsize == 1) {
        dsidPA$inbout <- ifelse(bm[, 1] >= 1, 1, 0)
        dsidPA$inboutLagb1 <- NA
        dsidPA$inboutLagb2 <- NA
        dsidPA$PALagb1 <- NA
        dsidPA$inboutUpLagb1 <- NA
        dsidPA$inboutUpLagb2 <- NA
        dsidPA$PALagUpb1 <- NA
        dsidPA$value <- rep(rle(as.numeric(dsidPA$inbout))$values, 
        dsidPA$length <- rep(rle(as.numeric(dsidPA$inbout))$lengths, 
        dsidPA$valueLag <- myLag(dsidPA$value)
        dsidPA$lengthLag <- myLag(dsidPA$length)
        dsidPA$first <- ifelse(dsidPA$value == dsidPA$valueLag & 
                                 dsidPA$length == dsidPA$lengthLag, 0, 1)
        dsidPA$first[1] <- ifelse(dsidPA$inbout[1] == 
                                    1, 1, 0)
        dsidPA$wear <- ifelse(dsidPA$nonwear == 0, 1, 
        dsidPA$firstBout <- ifelse(dsidPA$first == 1 & 
                                     dsidPA$inbout == 1 & dsidPA$wear == 1 & dsidPA$length >= 
                                     boutsize, 1, 0)
      mylistPA[[k]] <- dsidPA
    dfPA <- do.call("rbind", mylistPA)
    boutsPA <- data.frame(TimeStamp = dfPA$TimeStamp, counts = dfPA$counts, 
                          inPA = dfPA$inPA2, nonwear = dfPA$nonwear, inboutPA = dfPA$inbout)
    dfPA$inPABout <- ifelse(dfPA$inbout == 1 & dfPA$wear == 
                              1, 1, 0)
    d4.tempPA <- dfPA[which(dfPA$firstBout == 1 & dfPA$wear == 
                              1), ]
    boutSumPA <- tapply(d4.tempPA$firstBout, format(strptime(d4.tempPA$TimeStamp, 
                                                             format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), format = "%Y-%m-%d"), 
    numBoutsPA <- data.frame(Date = names(boutSumPA), numberOfBoutsPA = boutSumPA)
    d4PA <- data.frame(TimeStamp = d4.tempPA$TimeStamp, paMinutes = d4.tempPA$length)
    dts2PA <- strptime(d4PA$TimeStamp, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    d4PA$Date <- format(dts2PA, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
    d4PA$TimeStamp <- NULL
    daySumPA <- tapply(d4PA$paMinutes, format(dts2PA, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), 
    if (boutsize > 1) {
      pasummary <- data.frame(Date = rownames(daySumPA), 
                              paMinutes = daySumPA, numberOfBoutsPA = boutSumPA)
    if (boutsize == 1) {
      pasummary <- data.frame(Date = rownames(daySumPA), 
                              paMinutes = daySumPA, numberOfBoutsPA = daySumPA)
    rownames(pasummary) <- NULL
    if (nrow(pasummary) == 0) {
      pasummary <- data.frame(format(dfPA$TimeStamp[1], 
                                     format = "%Y-%m-%d"), matrix(rep(NA, 2), ncol = 2))
    mycolname1 <- paste(patype, ".minutes", sep = "")
    mycolname2 <- paste(patype, ".num.bouts", sep = "")
    colnames(pasummary) <- c("Date", mycolname1, mycolname2)
    summarized <- list()
    summarized$validDates <- pasummary
    summarized$wearTime <- wearTime
    summary <- Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all = TRUE), 
    summary[is.na(summary)] <- 0
    summary <- summary[which(summary$wearTime >= minWear), 
    summary <- summary[order(as.Date(summary$Date)), ]
    if (returnbout == "FALSE") {
    if (returnbout == "TRUE") {
      summarized <- list()
      summarized$totalDates <- uniqueDates
      summarized$validDates <- summary
      summarized$PA <- boutsPA
      summarized$boutsize <- boutsize
      summarized$pacut <- pacut
github-js/acc documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 5:40 p.m.