ace | Ancestral Character Estimation | | Add a Scale Bar to a Phylogeny Plot |
all.equal.phylo | Global Comparison of two Phylogenies |
ape-defunct | Defunct Ape Functions |
ape-internal | Internal Ape Functions |
ape-package | Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution |
as.alignment | Conversion Among DNA Sequence Internal Formats |
as.matching | Conversion Between Phylo and Matching Objects |
as.phylo | Conversion Among Tree Objects |
as.phylo.formula | Conversion from Taxonomy Variables to Phylogenetic Trees |
axisPhylo | Axis on Side of Phylogeny |
balance | Balance of a Dichotomous Phylogenetic Tree |
base.freq | Base frequencies from DNA Sequences |
bd.ext | Extended Version of the Birth-Death Models to Estimate... |
bd.time | Time-Dependent Birth-Death Models |
bind.tree | Binds Trees |
bionj | Tree Estimation Based on an Improved Version of the NJ... |
bird.families | Phylogeny of the Families of Birds From Sibley and Ahlquist |
bird.orders | Phylogeny of the Orders of Birds From Sibley and Ahlquist |
birthdeath | Estimation of Speciation and Extinction Rates With... |
boot.phylo | Tree Bipartition and Bootstrapping Phylogenies |
branching.times | Branching Times of a Phylogenetic Tree | | Congruence among distance matrices |
carnivora | Carnivora body sizes and life history traits |
cherry | Number of Cherries and Null Models of Trees |
chiroptera | Bat Phylogeny |
chronoMPL | Molecular Dating With Mean Path Lengths |
chronopl | Molecular Dating With Penalized Likelihood |
coalescent.intervals | Coalescent Intervals |
collapsed.intervals | Collapsed Coalescent Intervals | | Collapse Single Nodes |
compar.cheverud | Cheverud's Comparative Method |
compar.gee | Comparative Analysis with GEEs |
compar.lynch | Lynch's Comparative Method |
compar.ou | Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Model for Continuous Characters |
compute.brlen | Branch Lengths Computation |
consensus | Concensus Trees |
cophenetic.phylo | Pairwise Distances from a Phylogenetic Tree |
cophyloplot | Plots two phylogenetic trees face to face with links between... |
corBlomberg | Blomberg et al.'s Correlation Structure |
corBrownian | Brownian Correlation Structure |
corClasses | Phylogenetic Correlation Structures |
corGrafen | Grafen's (1989) Correlation Structure |
corMartins | Martins's (1997) Correlation Structure |
corPagel | Pagel's "lambda" Correlation Structure |
correlogram.formula | Phylogenetic Correlogram |
c.phylo | Building Lists of Trees |
cynipids | NEXUS Data Example |
del.gaps | Delete Alignment Gaps in DNA Sequences |
delta.plot | Delta Plots |
dist.dna | Pairwise Distances from DNA Sequences |
dist.gene | Pairwise Distances from Genetic Data |
dist.topo | Topological Distances Between Two Trees |
diversi.gof | Tests of Constant Diversification Rates |
diversi.time | Analysis of Diversification with Survival Models |
DNAbin | Manipulate DNA Sequences in Bit-Level Format |
drop.tip | Remove Tips in a Phylogenetic Tree |
edges | Draw Additional Edges on a Plotted Tree |
fastme | Tree Estimation Based on the Minimum Evolution Algorithm |
gammaStat | Gamma-Statistic of Pybus and Harvey |
GC.content | Content in GC from DNA Sequences |
hivtree | Phylogenetic Tree of 193 HIV-1 Sequences |
howmanytrees | Calculate Numbers of Phylogenetic Trees |
identify.phylo | Graphical Identification of Nodes and Tips |
Initialize.corPhyl | Initialize a 'corPhyl' Structure Object |
is.binary.tree | Test for Binary Tree |
is.monophyletic | Is Group Monophyletic |
is.ultrametric | Test if a Tree is Ultrametric |
ladderize | Ladderize a Tree |
landplants | Gene Tree of 36 Landplant rbcL Sequences |
lmorigin | Multiple regression through the origin |
ltt.plot | Lineages Through Time Plot |
makeLabel | Label Management |
makeNodeLabel | Makes Node Labels |
mantel.test | Mantel Test for Similarity of Two Matrices |
mat3 | Three Matrices |
mat5M3ID | Five Trees |
mat5Mrand | Five Independent Trees |
matexpo | Matrix Exponential |
mcmc.popsize | Reversible Jump MCMC to Infer Demographic History |
mixedFontLabel | Mixed Font Labels for Plotting |
MoranI | Moran's I Autocorrelation Index |
MPR | Most Parsimonious Reconstruction |
mrca | Find Most Recent Common Ancestors Between Pairs |
mst | Minimum Spanning Tree |
multi2di | Collapse and Resolve Multichotomies |
multiphylo | Manipulating Lists of Trees |
nj | Neighbor-Joining Tree Estimation |
node.depth | Depth of Nodes and Tips |
nodelabels | Labelling the Nodes, Tips, and Edges of a Tree |
opsin | Gene Tree of 32 opsin Sequences |
parafit | Test of host-parasite coevolution |
pcoa | Principal Coordinate Analysis |
phymltest | Fits a Bunch of Models with PhyML |
pic | Phylogenetically Independent Contrasts |
pic.ortho | Phylogenetically Independent Orthonormal Contrasts |
plot.correlogram | Plot a Correlogram |
plot.phylo | Plot Phylogenies |
plot.varcomp | Plot Variance Components |
print.phylo | Compact Display of a Phylogeny |
read.caic | Read Tree File in CAIC Format |
read.dna | Read DNA Sequences in a File |
read.GenBank | Read DNA Sequences from GenBank via Internet | | Read Tree File in Nexus Format | | Read Character Data In NEXUS Format |
read.tree | Read Tree File in Parenthetic Format |
reorder.phylo | Internal Reordering of Trees |
rlineage | Tree Simulation Under the Time-Dependent Birth-Death Models |
root | Roots Phylogenetic Trees |
rotate | Swapping sister clades |
rTraitCont | Continuous Character Simulation |
rTraitDisc | Discrete Character Simulation |
rtree | Generates Random Trees |
seg.sites | Find Segregating Sites in DNA Sequences |
skyline | Skyline Plot Estimate of Effective Population Size |
skylineplot | Drawing Skyline Plot Graphs |
speciesTree | Species Tree Estimation |
stree | Generates Systematic Regular Trees |
subtreeplot | Zoom on a Portion of a Phylogeny by Successive Clicks |
subtrees | All subtrees of a Phylogenetic Tree |
summary.phylo | Print Summary of a Phylogeny |
unique.multiPhylo | Revomes Duplicate Trees |
varcomp | Compute Variance Component Estimates |
varCompPhylip | Variance Components with Orthonormal Contrasts |
vcv.phylo | Phylogenetic Variance-covariance or Correlation Matrix |
weight.taxo | Define Similarity Matrix |
which.edge | Identifies Edges of a Tree |
woodmouse | Cytochrome b Gene Sequences of Woodmice |
write.dna | Write DNA Sequences in a File | | Write Tree File in Nexus Format | | Write Character Data In NEXUS Format |
write.tree | Write Tree File in Parenthetic Format |
yule | Fits Yule Model to a Phylogenetic Tree |
yule.cov | Fits the Yule Model With Covariates |
yule.time | Fits the Time-Dependent Yule Model |
zoom | Zoom on a Portion of a Phylogeny |
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