Man pages for gjuggler/ape
Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution

aceAncestral Character Estimation
add.scale.barAdd a Scale Bar to a Phylogeny Plot
all.equal.phyloGlobal Comparison of two Phylogenies
ape-defunctDefunct Ape Functions
ape-internalInternal Ape Functions
ape-packageAnalyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution
as.alignmentConversion Among DNA Sequence Internal Formats
as.matchingConversion Between Phylo and Matching Objects
as.phyloConversion Among Tree Objects
as.phylo.formulaConversion from Taxonomy Variables to Phylogenetic Trees
axisPhyloAxis on Side of Phylogeny
balanceBalance of a Dichotomous Phylogenetic Tree
base.freqBase frequencies from DNA Sequences
bd.extExtended Version of the Birth-Death Models to Estimate...
bd.timeTime-Dependent Birth-Death Models
bind.treeBinds Trees
bionjTree Estimation Based on an Improved Version of the NJ...
bird.familiesPhylogeny of the Families of Birds From Sibley and Ahlquist
bird.ordersPhylogeny of the Orders of Birds From Sibley and Ahlquist
birthdeathEstimation of Speciation and Extinction Rates With...
boot.phyloTree Bipartition and Bootstrapping Phylogenies
branching.timesBranching Times of a Phylogenetic Tree
CADM.globalCongruence among distance matrices
carnivoraCarnivora body sizes and life history traits
cherryNumber of Cherries and Null Models of Trees
chiropteraBat Phylogeny
chronoMPLMolecular Dating With Mean Path Lengths
chronoplMolecular Dating With Penalized Likelihood
coalescent.intervalsCoalescent Intervals
collapsed.intervalsCollapsed Coalescent Intervals
collapse.singlesCollapse Single Nodes
compar.cheverudCheverud's Comparative Method
compar.geeComparative Analysis with GEEs
compar.lynchLynch's Comparative Method
compar.ouOrnstein-Uhlenbeck Model for Continuous Characters
compute.brlenBranch Lengths Computation
consensusConcensus Trees
cophenetic.phyloPairwise Distances from a Phylogenetic Tree
cophyloplotPlots two phylogenetic trees face to face with links between...
corBlombergBlomberg et al.'s Correlation Structure
corBrownianBrownian Correlation Structure
corClassesPhylogenetic Correlation Structures
corGrafenGrafen's (1989) Correlation Structure
corMartinsMartins's (1997) Correlation Structure
corPagelPagel's "lambda" Correlation Structure
correlogram.formulaPhylogenetic Correlogram
c.phyloBuilding Lists of Trees
cynipidsNEXUS Data Example
del.gapsDelete Alignment Gaps in DNA Sequences
delta.plotDelta Plots
dist.dnaPairwise Distances from DNA Sequences
dist.genePairwise Distances from Genetic Data
dist.topoTopological Distances Between Two Trees
diversi.gofTests of Constant Diversification Rates
diversi.timeAnalysis of Diversification with Survival Models
DNAbinManipulate DNA Sequences in Bit-Level Format
drop.tipRemove Tips in a Phylogenetic Tree
edgesDraw Additional Edges on a Plotted Tree
fastmeTree Estimation Based on the Minimum Evolution Algorithm
gammaStatGamma-Statistic of Pybus and Harvey
GC.contentContent in GC from DNA Sequences
hivtreePhylogenetic Tree of 193 HIV-1 Sequences
howmanytreesCalculate Numbers of Phylogenetic Trees
identify.phyloGraphical Identification of Nodes and Tips
Initialize.corPhylInitialize a 'corPhyl' Structure Object
is.binary.treeTest for Binary Tree
is.monophyleticIs Group Monophyletic
is.ultrametricTest if a Tree is Ultrametric
ladderizeLadderize a Tree
landplantsGene Tree of 36 Landplant rbcL Sequences
lmoriginMultiple regression through the origin
ltt.plotLineages Through Time Plot
makeLabelLabel Management
makeNodeLabelMakes Node Labels
mantel.testMantel Test for Similarity of Two Matrices
mat3Three Matrices
mat5M3IDFive Trees
mat5MrandFive Independent Trees
matexpoMatrix Exponential
mcmc.popsizeReversible Jump MCMC to Infer Demographic History
mixedFontLabelMixed Font Labels for Plotting
MoranIMoran's I Autocorrelation Index
MPRMost Parsimonious Reconstruction
mrcaFind Most Recent Common Ancestors Between Pairs
mstMinimum Spanning Tree
multi2diCollapse and Resolve Multichotomies
multiphyloManipulating Lists of Trees
njNeighbor-Joining Tree Estimation
node.depthDepth of Nodes and Tips
nodelabelsLabelling the Nodes, Tips, and Edges of a Tree
opsinGene Tree of 32 opsin Sequences
parafitTest of host-parasite coevolution
pcoaPrincipal Coordinate Analysis
phymltestFits a Bunch of Models with PhyML
picPhylogenetically Independent Contrasts
pic.orthoPhylogenetically Independent Orthonormal Contrasts
plot.correlogramPlot a Correlogram
plot.phyloPlot Phylogenies
plot.varcompPlot Variance Components
print.phyloCompact Display of a Phylogeny
read.caicRead Tree File in CAIC Format
read.dnaRead DNA Sequences in a File
read.GenBankRead DNA Sequences from GenBank via Internet
read.nexusRead Tree File in Nexus Format Character Data In NEXUS Format
read.treeRead Tree File in Parenthetic Format
reorder.phyloInternal Reordering of Trees
rlineageTree Simulation Under the Time-Dependent Birth-Death Models
rootRoots Phylogenetic Trees
rotateSwapping sister clades
rTraitContContinuous Character Simulation
rTraitDiscDiscrete Character Simulation
rtreeGenerates Random Trees
seg.sitesFind Segregating Sites in DNA Sequences
skylineSkyline Plot Estimate of Effective Population Size
skylineplotDrawing Skyline Plot Graphs
speciesTreeSpecies Tree Estimation
streeGenerates Systematic Regular Trees
subtreeplotZoom on a Portion of a Phylogeny by Successive Clicks
subtreesAll subtrees of a Phylogenetic Tree
summary.phyloPrint Summary of a Phylogeny
unique.multiPhyloRevomes Duplicate Trees
varcompCompute Variance Component Estimates
varCompPhylipVariance Components with Orthonormal Contrasts
vcv.phyloPhylogenetic Variance-covariance or Correlation Matrix
weight.taxoDefine Similarity Matrix
which.edgeIdentifies Edges of a Tree
woodmouseCytochrome b Gene Sequences of Woodmice
write.dnaWrite DNA Sequences in a File
write.nexusWrite Tree File in Nexus Format Character Data In NEXUS Format
write.treeWrite Tree File in Parenthetic Format
yuleFits Yule Model to a Phylogenetic Tree
yule.covFits the Yule Model With Covariates
yule.timeFits the Time-Dependent Yule Model
zoomZoom on a Portion of a Phylogeny
gjuggler/ape documentation built on May 17, 2019, 6:03 a.m.