
Defines functions getClusterType writeParamsTable writeRScript typeCastParams toMatrix plotContours peaks_IPO expand.grid.subset getMaxSettings getMaximumLevels getCcdParameter getBbdParameter encode decodeAll decode createModel combineParams checkParams attachList

Documented in attachList combineParams createModel decode decodeAll encode getBbdParameter getCcdParameter toMatrix typeCastParams writeParamsTable writeRScript

attachList <- function(params_1, params_2) {
  params <- params_1
  for(factor in params_2)
	params[[length(params)+1]] <- factor
  names(params) <- c(names(params_1), names(params_2))

checkParams <- function(params, 
                        unsupported_parameters) { 
  if(length(typeCastParams(params)$to_optimize)==0) {
    stop("No parameters for optimization specified; stopping!")  

  for(i in 1:length(params)) {
	  param <- params[[i]]
	  name <- names(params)[i]
	  if(name %in% unsupported_parameters) {
	    stop(paste("The parameter", name, "is not supported! Please remove
	               from parameters; stopping!"))
	  if(name %in% qualitative_parameters) {
	    if(length(param) == 0) {
	      stop(paste("The parameter", name, "has no value set!
	                 Please specify; stopping!"))
	    if(length(param) > 1) {
	      stop(paste("Optimization of parameter", name, "not supported!
	                 Please specify only one value; stopping!"))
    if(name %in% quantitative_parameters) {
      if(length(param) == 0) {
        stop(paste("The parameter", name, "has no value set!
                   Please specify between one and two; stopping!"))
      if(length(param) > 2) {
        stop(paste("Too many values for parameter", name, "!
                   Please specify only one or two; stopping!"))
      if(!all(diff(param) > 0)) {
        stop(paste("Parameter", name, "has wrong order!",
                   "Please specify in increasing order; stopping!"))
  missing_params <- 
    which(!(c(quantitative_parameters, qualitative_parameters) %in% 
  if(length(missing_params > 0)) {
    stop(paste("The parameter(s)", 
                     collapse=", "), 
               "is/are missing! Please specify; stopping!"))

combineParams <- function(params_1, params_2) {
  len <- max(unlist(sapply(params_1, length)))
  #num_params <- length(params_1)
  p_names <- c(names(params_1), names(params_2))
  matchedFilter <- "fwhm" %in% p_names
  for(i in 1:length(params_2)) {
    new_index <- length(params_1) + 1
	  fact <- params_2[[i]]
	  params_1[[new_index]] <- fact
	  if(matchedFilter) {
	    if(p_names[new_index] == "sigma" && fact == 0) {
	      # update values for sigma if zero
	      if("fwhm" %in% names(params_1)) {
	        params_1[[new_index]][1:len] <- params_1$fwhm/2.3548
	      } else {
	        params_1[[new_index]][1:len] <- params_2$fwhm/2.3548
	    } else if(p_names[new_index] == "mzdiff" && fact == 0) {
	      # update values for mzdiff if zero
	      if("step" %in% names(params_1)) {
          if("steps"  %in% names(params_1)) {
            params_1[[new_index]][1:len] <- 0.8-params_1$step*params_1$steps
          } else {
            params_1[[new_index]][1:len] <- 0.8-params_1$step*params_2$steps
        } else {
          if("steps"  %in% names(params_1)) {
            params_1[[new_index]][1:len] <- 0.8-params_2$step*params_1$steps
          } else {
            params_1[[new_index]][1:len] <- 0.8-params_2$step*params_2$steps
	    } else {  
	      # standard: replicate value
        params_1[[new_index]][1:len] <- fact
	  } else {
	    # standard: replicate value
      params_1[[new_index]][1:len] <- fact
  names(params_1) <- p_names   


createModel <- function(design, params, resp) {
  # add response to the design, which gives the data for the model
  design$resp <- resp
  if(length(params) > 1) {
    # create full second order (SO) model
    # use xi in model, instead of parameter names
    formula <- 
      as.formula(paste("resp ~ SO(", 
                       paste("x", 1:length(params), 
                             sep="", collapse=","),
                       ")", sep=""))
    model <- rsm(formula, data=design) 
  } else {
    # create full second order model with one parameter
    # here: use parameter name in model
    param_name <- names(params)[1]
    formula <- as.formula(paste("resp ~ ", param_name, " + ", 
                                param_name, " ^ 2", sep="")) 
    model <- lm(formula, data=design) 
    model$coding <- list(x1=as.formula(paste(param_name, "~ x1"))) 
    names(model$coding) <- param_name
    #attr(model, "class") <- c("rsm", "lm")

decode <- function(value, bounds) {
    value <- 1
  x <- (value+1)/2 # from [-1,1] to [0, 1]
  x <- (x*(max(bounds)-min(bounds))) + min(bounds)

decodeAll <- function(values, params) {

  ret <- rep(0, length(params))
  for(i in 1:length(params))
    ret[i] <- decode(values[i], params[[i]])
  names(ret) <- names(params)

encode <- function(value, bounds) {
  x <- (value - min(bounds)) / (max(bounds) - min(bounds))

getBbdParameter <- function(params) {
  lower_bounds <- unlist(lapply(X=params, FUN=function(x) x[1]))
  higher_bounds <- unlist(lapply(X=params, FUN=function(x) x[2]))
  steps <- (higher_bounds - lower_bounds)/2

  x <- paste("x", 1:length(params), " ~ (", c(names(params)), " - ", 
             (lower_bounds + steps), ")/", steps, sep="")
  formulae <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(x))
    formulae[[i]] <- as.formula(x[i])  
  design <- bbd(length(params), n0 = 1, randomize = FALSE, coding = formulae)


getCcdParameter <- function(params) {
  lower_bounds <- unlist(lapply(X=params, FUN=function(x) x[1]))
  higher_bounds <- unlist(lapply(X=params, FUN=function(x) x[2]))
  steps <- (higher_bounds - lower_bounds)/2
  # formula for each parameter, that transformes values from the range
  # to [0, 1]
  x <- paste("x", 1:length(params), " ~ (", c(names(params)), " - ", 
             (lower_bounds + steps), ")/", steps, sep="")
  # list with single formulas as entries
  formulae <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(x))
    formulae[[i]] <- as.formula(x[i])  
  design <- rsm::ccd(length(params), # number of variables
                n0 = 1, # number of center points
                alpha = "face", # position of the ‘star’ points
                randomize = FALSE, 
                inscribed = TRUE, # TRUE: axis points are at +/- 1 and the
                                  # cube points are at interior positions
                coding = formulae) # List of coding formulas for the design
                                   # variables

getMaximumLevels <- function(model) {  
  # dimension of the modeled space
  dimensions <- length(model$coding)
  #slices <- getSlices(dimensions-2)
  #mat <- getResponses(slices, model)
  #testdata <- getTestData(dimensions)
  #  names(testdata) <- names(model$coding)
  #return(getMaxSettings(testdata, model))
  # define grid, to test for maximum
  if(dimensions > 6) {
    testSpace <- seq(-1,1,0.2) # 11 points
  } else { 
    testSpace <- seq(-1,1,0.1) # 21 points
  testSize <- 10^6 # maximum number of grid points for one test
  # amount for testing each point in testSpace
  testAmount <- length(testSpace)^dimensions 
  i <- 1
  max <- rep(-1, dimensions+1) # start maximum response + setting
  # if there are more test points (=testAmount), than testSize,
  # then the tests are split and each subset is tested seperately
  while(i < testAmount) {
    testdata <- expand.grid.subset(i:(i+testSize), testSpace, dimensions)
      names(testdata) <- names(model$coding)
    max_tmp <- getMaxSettings(testdata, model)
    if(max_tmp[1]>max[1]) # if better solution (i.e. test response)
      max <- max_tmp
    i <- i + testSize + 1

getMaxSettings <- function(testdata, model) {
  response <- predict(model, testdata)
  max_response <- max(response)
  # select row(s) corresponding to max
  max_settings <- testdata[response==max_response,,drop=FALSE]
  ret <- max_response
  for(i in 1:ncol(testdata)) {
    levels <- max_settings[,i] # all settings of variable i
    if(all(c(-1,1) %in% levels)) # if both borders are in maximum settings
       ret <- cbind(ret, NA)
      ret <- cbind(ret,levels[1]) # take first setting
  colnames(ret) <- c("response", paste("x", 1:ncol(testdata), sep=""))

expand.grid.subset  <- function(subset, sequence, dimensions) { 
  # generate a list, with sequence for each dimension
  vars <- list()
  for(i in 1:dimensions) {
    vars[[i]] <- sequence
  names(vars) <- paste("x", 1:dimensions, sep="")
  # number of points in sequence grid
  maximumSubset <- length(sequence)^dimensions 
  # from min(subset)) to min(maximumSubset, max(subset)) OR
  # from maximumSubset to maximumSubset
  subset <- min(maximumSubset,min(subset)):min(maximumSubset, max(subset))
  #nv <-  #length(vars) 
  # number of values per variable = length(sequence)
  lims <- sapply(vars,length) 
  stopifnot(length(lims) > 0, # i.e. dimensions > 0
            subset <= prod(lims), # i.e. subset <= maximumSubset
            length(names(vars)) == dimensions) # i.e. dimensions = dimensions
  # empty list of length names(vars)
  res <- structure(vector("list",dimensions), .Names = names(vars))
  if (dimensions > 1) {
    for(i in dimensions:2) { # count down to 2: set up grid top down
      # %% = mod, %/% = integer division
      f <- prod(lims[1:(i-1)]) # number of grid points up to variable nr. (i-1)
      # repeat each element on grid 1:f
      res[[i]] <- vars[[i]][(subset - 1)%/%f + 1] 
      subset <- (subset - 1)%%f + 1 
  res[[1]] <- vars[[1]][subset] 

#getTestData <- function(parameters) {
#  step=0.1
#  if(parameters < 2)
#    step <- 0.05
#  if(parameters > 5)
#    step <- 0.2

#  m <- matrix(rep(seq(-1,1,step),parameters), byrow=FALSE, ncol=parameters,   
#  dimnames=list(NULL, paste("x", 1:parameters,  sep=""))) 
  #colnames(m) <-  paste("x", 1:parameters,  sep="")
#  return(expand.grid(data.frame(m)))

peaks_IPO <- function(xset) {
  # peaks function, to work with older xcms-version (<2.99.7)
  # sample column is missing, if first the first sample processed has no peaks
  # see https://github.com/sneumann/xcms/issues/220
  peaks_act <- xcms::peaks(xset)
  if (!("sample" %in% colnames(peaks_act))) {
    colnames(peaks_act)[colnames(peaks_act) == ""] <- "sample"

plotContours <- function(model, maximum_slice, plot_name = NULL) {
  # generate for all variable combinations formulas
  # (which will give the plots)
  plots <- c()
  for(i in 1:(length(maximum_slice)-1)) {
    for(j in (i+1):length(maximum_slice)) {
      plots <- c(plots, as.formula(paste("~ x", i, "* x", j, sep="")))
  # determine number of plot rows and column on single device
  plot_rows <- round(sqrt(length(plots)))
  plot_cols <- 
    } else {

  # save as jpeg, if plot_name is given
  if(!is.null(plot_name)) {
    plot_name = paste(plot_name, ".jpg", sep="")
    jpeg(plot_name, width=4*plot_cols, height=2*plot_rows+2, 
         units="in", res=c(200,200))
  } # otherwise plot on device
  op <- par(mfrow = c(plot_rows, plot_cols), oma = c(0,0,0,0))  
  # contour.lm is called
  ret_tr <- try({#may produce errors, if figure margins are too small
    contour(model, plots, image = TRUE, at = maximum_slice)
  if (class(ret_tr) == "try-error") {
    message("Error in plotting (see above), but IPO continues to work normally!")
  if (!is.null(plot_name)) {

toMatrix <- function(data) {

  if(!is.matrix(data)) {
    tmp <- names(data)
    data <- matrix(data, nrow=1)
    colnames(data) <- tmp  

typeCastParams <- function(params) {
  ret_1 <- list()
  ret_2 <- list()  
  ret <- list()
  for(i in  1:length(params)) {
    factor <- params[[i]]
    if(length(factor) == 2) {
	    ret_1[[(length(ret_1)+1)]] <- factor
	    names(ret_1)[length(ret_1)] <- names(params)[i]
	  } else {	
	    ret_2[[(length(ret_2)+1)]] <- factor
	    names(ret_2)[length(ret_2)] <- names(params)[i]
  ret$to_optimize <- ret_1
  ret$no_optimization <- ret_2

writeRScript <- function(peakPickingSettings, retCorGroupSettings, nSlaves = 0) {
  if (nSlaves != 0) {
    warning("Use of xcmsSet-argument 'nSlaves'  is deprecated!")

  if(is.null(peakPickingSettings$step)) {     #centWave     		
    message(paste("xset <- xcmsSet(",
                  " \n  method = \"centWave\"", 
                  ",\n  peakwidth       = c(", 
                    peakPickingSettings$min_peakwidth, ", ", 
                    peakPickingSettings$max_peakwidth, ")", 
                  ",\n  ppm             = ", peakPickingSettings$ppm, 
                  ",\n  noise           = ", peakPickingSettings$noise, 
                  ",\n  snthresh        = ", peakPickingSettings$snthresh, 
                  ",\n  mzdiff          = ", peakPickingSettings$mzdiff,
                  ",\n  prefilter       = c(", 
                    peakPickingSettings$prefilter, ", ", 
                    peakPickingSettings$value_of_prefilter,	")", 
                  ",\n  mzCenterFun     = \"", 
                    peakPickingSettings$mzCenterFun, "\"", 
                  ",\n  integrate       = ", peakPickingSettings$integrate,
                  ",\n  fitgauss        = ", peakPickingSettings$fitgauss,
                  ",\n  verbose.columns = ", 
                  #", nSlaves = ", nSlaves, ")", 
                  sep = ""))
  } else { #matchedFilter  
    message(paste("xset <- xcmsSet(",
                  " \n  method   = \"matchedFilter\"", 
                  ",\n  fwhm     = ", peakPickingSettings$fwhm, 
                  ",\n  snthresh = ",peakPickingSettings$snthresh,
                  ",\n  step     = ", peakPickingSettings$step, 
                  ",\n  steps    = ", round(peakPickingSettings$steps),
                  ",\n  sigma    = ", peakPickingSettings$sigma, 
                  ",\n  max      = ", round(peakPickingSettings$max), 
                  ",\n  mzdiff   = ", peakPickingSettings$mzdiff,
                  ",\n  index    = ", peakPickingSettings$index,
                  #", nSlaves = ", nSlaves, ")", 
                  sep = ""))   
  if(retCorGroupSettings$retcorMethod == "loess")	{
    message(paste("xset <- group(",
                  " \n  xset",
                  ",\n  method  = \"density\"", 
                  ",\n  bw      = ", retCorGroupSettings$bw, 
                  ",\n  mzwid   = ", retCorGroupSettings$mzwid, 
                  ",\n  minfrac = ", retCorGroupSettings$minfrac,
                  ",\n  minsamp = ", round(retCorGroupSettings$minsamp), 
                  ",\n  max     = ", round(retCorGroupSettings$max), 
                  sep = ""))	 
    message(paste("xset <- retcor(",
                  " \n  xset", 
                  ",\n  missing  = ", round(retCorGroupSettings$missing), 
                  ",\n  extra    = ", round(retCorGroupSettings$extra),
                  ",\n  span     = ", retCorGroupSettings$span, 
                  ",\n  smooth   = \"", retCorGroupSettings$smooth, "\"", 
                  ",\n  family   = \"", retCorGroupSettings$family, "\"", 
                  ",\n  plottype = \"", retCorGroupSettings$plottype, "\")", 
                  sep = ""))	 
  if(retCorGroupSettings$retcorMethod == "obiwarp") {
    message(paste("xset <- retcor(",
                  " \n  xset",
                  ",\n  method         = \"obiwarp\"",
                  ",\n  plottype       = \"", 
                    retCorGroupSettings$plottype, "\"", 
                  ",\n  distFunc       = \"", 
                    retCorGroupSettings$distFunc, "\"", 
                  ",\n  profStep       = ", retCorGroupSettings$profStep, 
                  ",\n  center         = ", retCorGroupSettings$center, 
                  ",\n  response       = ", retCorGroupSettings$response,
                  ",\n  gapInit        = ", retCorGroupSettings$gapInit,
                  ",\n  gapExtend      = ", retCorGroupSettings$gapExtend,
                  ",\n  factorDiag     = ", retCorGroupSettings$factorDiag, 
                  ",\n  factorGap      = ", retCorGroupSettings$factorGap, 
                  ",\n  localAlignment = ", retCorGroupSettings$localAlignment, 
                  sep = ""))
  message(paste("xset <- group(",
                " \n  xset",
                ",\n  method  = \"density\"", 
                ",\n  bw      = ", retCorGroupSettings$bw, 
                ",\n  mzwid   = ", retCorGroupSettings$mzwid,
                ",\n  minfrac = ", retCorGroupSettings$minfrac, 
                ",\n  minsamp = ", retCorGroupSettings$minsamp,
                ",\n  max     = ", retCorGroupSettings$max, ")\n", 
                sep = ""))	 
  message(paste("xset <- fillPeaks(xset)", sep = ""))	

writeParamsTable <-  
           ...) {
              file, ...)

getClusterType <- function() {
  if( .Platform$OS.type=="unix" ) {
glibiseller/IPO documentation built on Dec. 4, 2022, 7:09 a.m.